Exemple #1
 def authenticate(self, username, password):
     This function will check the password passed in for the given
     userid against the database, and raise an exception if the authentication
     :raise :class:`ensconce.exc.InvalidCredentials`: If username and/or password are invalid.
         user = operators.get_by_username(username)
         if not pwhash.compare(user.password, password):
             raise exc.InvalidCredentials()
     except exc.NoSuchEntity:
         log.exception("No matching user.")
         raise exc.InvalidCredentials()
Exemple #2
def set_entity_attributes(entity, update_attributes, encrypted_attributes=None, hashed_attributes=None):
    A convenience method to set attributes (column values) on an entity and 
    return the attributes which were actually modified.
    :param obj: The entity object being updated.
    :param update_attributes: A dict of attributes that should be set on this object.
    :param encrypted_attributes: A list of any attributes that are encrypted (and need
                            to be set using the *_decrypted method variant).
    :return: A list of modified attributes (column names).
    :rtype: list
    if encrypted_attributes is None:
        encrypted_attributes = []
    if hashed_attributes is None:
        hashed_attributes = []
    for (attrib, value) in update_attributes.items():
        if attrib not in encrypted_attributes and attrib not in hashed_attributes: 
            setattr(entity, attrib, value)
    for attrib in encrypted_attributes:
        if attrib in update_attributes:
            value = update_attributes[attrib]
            decrypted_attrib = attrib + '_decrypted'
            if value != getattr(entity, decrypted_attrib):
                setattr(entity, decrypted_attrib, value)

    for attrib in hashed_attributes:
        if attrib in update_attributes:
            value = update_attributes[attrib]
            if value is None:
                setattr(entity, attrib, value)
            elif not pwhash.compare(getattr(entity, attrib), value):
                setattr(entity, attrib, pwhash.obscure(value)) # Using default hashtype
    # Use SQLAlchemy's cool get_history method:
    # http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/session.html?highlight=get_history#sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.History
    modified = []
    for attrib in update_attributes.keys():
        hist = attributes.get_history(entity, attrib)
        if hist.has_changes():
    return modified