Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, eventManager, commandManager):
        Initialize the quasimode.

        self.__cmdManager = commandManager

        # Boolean variable that records whether the quasimode key is
        # currently down, i.e., whether the user is "in the quasimode".
        self._inQuasimode = False

        # The QuasimodeWindow object that is responsible for
        # drawing the quasimode; set to None initially.
        # A QuasimodeWindow object is created at the beginning of
        # the quasimode, and destroyed at the completion of the
        # quasimode.
        self.__quasimodeWindow = None

        # The suggestion list object, which is responsible for
        # maintaining all the information about the auto-completed
        # command and suggested command names, and the text typed
        # by the user.
        self.__suggestionList = TheSuggestionList(self.__cmdManager)

        # Boolean variable that should be set to True whenever an event
        # occurs that requires the quasimode to be redrawn, and which
        # should be set to False when the quasimode is drawn.
        self.__needsRedraw = False

        # Whether the next redraw should redraw the entire quasimodal
        # display, or only the description and user text.
        self.__nextRedrawIsFull = False

        self.__eventMgr = eventManager

        # Register a key event responder, so that the quasimode can
        # actually respond to quasimode events.
        self.__eventMgr.registerResponder(self.onKeyEvent, "key")

        # Creates new event types that code can subscribe to, to find out
        # when the quasimode (or mode) is started and completed.

        # Read settings from config file: are we modal?
        # What key activates the quasimode?
        # What keys exit and cancel the quasimode?


        self.__isModal = config.IS_QUASIMODE_MODAL

Exemple #2
    def __init__( self, eventManager, commandManager ):
        Initialize the quasimode.

        self.__cmdManager = commandManager

        # Boolean variable that records whether the quasimode key is
        # currently down, i.e., whether the user is "in the quasimode".
        self._inQuasimode = False

        # The QuasimodeWindow object that is responsible for
        # drawing the quasimode; set to None initially.
        # A QuasimodeWindow object is created at the beginning of
        # the quasimode, and destroyed at the completion of the
        # quasimode.
        self.__quasimodeWindow = None

        # The suggestion list object, which is responsible for
        # maintaining all the information about the auto-completed
        # command and suggested command names, and the text typed
        # by the user.
        self.__suggestionList = TheSuggestionList( self.__cmdManager )

        # Boolean variable that should be set to True whenever an event
        # occurs that requires the quasimode to be redrawn, and which
        # should be set to False when the quasimode is drawn.
        self.__needsRedraw = False

        # Whether the next redraw should redraw the entire quasimodal
        # display, or only the description and user text.
        self.__nextRedrawIsFull = False

        self.__eventMgr = eventManager

        # Register a key event responder, so that the quasimode can
        # actually respond to quasimode events.
        self.__eventMgr.registerResponder( self.onKeyEvent, "key" )

        # Creates new event types that code can subscribe to, to find out
        # when the quasimode (or mode) is started and completed.
        self.__eventMgr.createEventType( "startQuasimode" )
        self.__eventMgr.createEventType( "endQuasimode" )

        # Read settings from config file: are we modal?
        # What key activates the quasimode?
        # What keys exit and cancel the quasimode?

        self.setQuasimodeKeyByName( input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_START,
                                    config.QUASIMODE_START_KEY )
        self.setQuasimodeKeyByName( input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_END,
                                    config.QUASIMODE_END_KEY )
        self.setQuasimodeKeyByName( input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_CANCEL,
                                    config.QUASIMODE_CANCEL_KEY )

        self.__isModal = config.IS_QUASIMODE_MODAL

        self.__eventMgr.setModality( self.__isModal )
Exemple #3
class Quasimode:
    Encapsulates the command quasimode state and event-handling.

    Future note: In code review, we realized that implementing the
    quasimode is an ideal case for the State pattern; the Quasimode
    singleton would have a private member for quasimode state, which
    would be an instance of one of two classes, InQuasimode or
    OutOfQuasimode, both descended from a QuasimodeState interface
    class.  Consequances of this include much cleaner transition code
    and separation of event handling into the two states.

    __instance = None

    def get(cls):
        return cls.__instance

    def install(cls, eventManager):
        from enso.commands import CommandManager

        cls.__instance = cls(eventManager, CommandManager.get())

    def __init__(self, eventManager, commandManager):
        Initialize the quasimode.

        self.__cmdManager = commandManager

        # Boolean variable that records whether the quasimode key is
        # currently down, i.e., whether the user is "in the quasimode".
        self._inQuasimode = False

        # The QuasimodeWindow object that is responsible for
        # drawing the quasimode; set to None initially.
        # A QuasimodeWindow object is created at the beginning of
        # the quasimode, and destroyed at the completion of the
        # quasimode.
        self.__quasimodeWindow = None

        # The suggestion list object, which is responsible for
        # maintaining all the information about the auto-completed
        # command and suggested command names, and the text typed
        # by the user.
        self.__suggestionList = TheSuggestionList(self.__cmdManager)

        # Boolean variable that should be set to True whenever an event
        # occurs that requires the quasimode to be redrawn, and which
        # should be set to False when the quasimode is drawn.
        self.__needsRedraw = False

        # Whether the next redraw should redraw the entire quasimodal
        # display, or only the description and user text.
        self.__nextRedrawIsFull = False

        self.__eventMgr = eventManager

        # Register a key event responder, so that the quasimode can
        # actually respond to quasimode events.
        self.__eventMgr.registerResponder(self.onKeyEvent, "key")

        # Creates new event types that code can subscribe to, to find out
        # when the quasimode (or mode) is started and completed.

        # Read settings from config file: are we modal?
        # What key activates the quasimode?
        # What keys exit and cancel the quasimode?


        self.__isModal = config.IS_QUASIMODE_MODAL


    def setQuasimodeKeyByName(self, function_name, key_name):
        # Sets the quasimode to use the given key (key_name must be a
        # string corresponding to a constant defined in the os-specific
        # input module) for the given function ( which should be one of
        # the KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_START/END/CANCEL constants also defined
        # in input.)
        key_code = getattr(input, key_name)
        assert (key_code, "Undefined quasimode key in config file.")
        self.__eventMgr.setQuasimodeKeycode(function_name, key_code)

    def getQuasimodeKey(self):

    def isModal(self):
        return self.__isModal

    def setModal(self, isModal):
        assert type(isModal) == bool
        config.IS_QUASIMODE_MODAL = isModal

        self.__isModal = isModal

    def getSuggestionList(self):
        return self.__suggestionList

    def onKeyEvent(self, eventType, keyCode):
        Handles a key event of particular type.

        if eventType == input.EVENT_KEY_QUASIMODE:

            if keyCode == input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_START:
                assert not self._inQuasimode
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_END:
                assert self._inQuasimode
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_CANCEL:

        elif eventType == input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN and self._inQuasimode:
            # The user has typed a character, and we need to redraw the
            # quasimode.
            self.__needsRedraw = True

            if keyCode == input.KEYCODE_TAB:
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_RETURN:
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_ESCAPE:
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_BACK:
                # Backspace has been pressed.
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_DOWN:
                # The user has pressed the down arrow; change which of the
                # suggestions is "active" (i.e., will be executed upon
                # termination of the quasimode)
                self.__nextRedrawIsFull = True
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_UP:
                # Up arrow; change which suggestion is active.
                self.__nextRedrawIsFull = True
            elif ALLOWED_KEYCODES.has_key(keyCode):
                # The user has typed a valid key to add to the userText.
                # The user has pressed a key that is not valid.

    def __addUserChar(self, keyCode):
        Adds the character corresponding to keyCode to the user text.

        newCharacter = ALLOWED_KEYCODES[keyCode]
        oldUserText = self.__suggestionList.getUserText()
        self.__suggestionList.setUserText(oldUserText + newCharacter)

        # If the user had indicated one of the suggestions, then
        # typing a character snaps the active suggestion back to the
        # user text and auto-completion.

    def __onBackspace(self):
        Deletes one character, if possible, from the user text.

        oldUserText = self.__suggestionList.getUserText()
        if len(oldUserText) == 0:
            # There is no user text; backspace does nothing.


        # If the user had indicated anything on the suggestion list,
        # then hitting backspace snaps the active suggestion back to
        # the user text.

    def __quasimodeBegin(self):
        Executed when user presses the quasimode key.

        assert self._inQuasimode == False

        if self.__quasimodeWindow == None:
            logging.info("Created a new quasimode window!")
            self.__quasimodeWindow = TheQuasimodeWindow()


        self.__eventMgr.registerResponder(self.__onTick, "timer")

        self._inQuasimode = True
        self.__needsRedraw = True

        # Postcondition
        assert self._inQuasimode == True

    def __onTick(self, timePassed):
        Timer event responder.  Re-draws the quasimode, if it needs it.
        Only registered while in the quasimode.

        NOTE: Drawing the quasimode takes place in __onTick() for
        performance reasons.  If a user mashed down 10 keys in
        the space of a few milliseconds, and the quasimode was re-drawn
        on every single keystroke, then the quasimode could suddenly
        be lagging behind the user a half a second or more. 

        # So pychecker doesn't complain...
        dummy = timePassed

        assert self._inQuasimode == True

        if self.__needsRedraw:
            self.__needsRedraw = False
            self.__quasimodeWindow.update(self, self.__nextRedrawIsFull)
            self.__nextRedrawIsFull = False
            # If the quasimode hasn't changed, then continue drawing
            # any parts of it (such as the suggestion list) that
            # haven't been drawn/updated yet.

    def __quasimodeEnd(self):
        Executed when user releases the quasimode key.

        # The quasimode has terminated; remove the timer responder
        # function as an event responder.

        # LONGTERM TODO: Determine whether deleting or hiding is better.
        logging.info("Deleting the quasimode window.")

        # Delete the Quasimode window.
        del self.__quasimodeWindow
        self.__quasimodeWindow = None

        activeCommand = self.__suggestionList.getActiveCommand()
        userText = self.__suggestionList.getUserText()
        if activeCommand != None:
            cmdName = self.__suggestionList.getActiveCommandName()
            self.__executeCommand(activeCommand, cmdName)
        elif len(userText) > config.BAD_COMMAND_MSG_MIN_CHARS:
            # The user typed some text, but there was no command match

        self._inQuasimode = False

    def __executeCommand(self, cmd, cmdName):
        Attempts to execute the command.  Catches any errors raised by
        the command code and deals with them appropriately, e.g., by
        launching a bug report, informing the user, etc.

        Commands should deal with user-errors, like lack of selection,
        by displaying messages, etc.  Exceptions should only be raised
        when the command is actually broken, or code that the command
        calls is broken.

        # The following message may be used by system tests.
        logging.info("COMMAND EXECUTED: %s" % cmdName)
        except Exception:
            # An exception occured during the execution of the command.
            logging.error("Command \"%s\" failed." % cmdName)

    def __showBadCommandMsg(self, userText):
        Displays an error message telling the user that userText does
        not match any command.  Also, if there are any reasonable
        commands that were similar but not matching, offers those to
        the user as suggestions.

        # Generate a caption for the message with a couple suggestions
        # for command names similar to the user's text
        caption = self.__commandSuggestionCaption(escape_xml(userText))
        badCmd = userText.lower()
        badCmd = escape_xml(badCmd)
        # Create and display a primary message.
        text = config.BAD_COMMAND_MSG
        text = text % (badCmd, caption)


    def __commandSuggestionCaption(self, userText):
        Creates and returns a caption suggesting one or two commands
        that are similar to userText.

        # Retrieve one or two command name suggestions.
        suggestions = self.__cmdManager.retrieveSuggestions(userText)
        cmds = [s.toText() for s in suggestions]
        if len(cmds) > 0:
            ratioBestMatch = stringRatioBestMatch(userText.lower(), cmds)
            caption = config.ONE_SUGG_CAPTION
            caption = caption % ratioBestMatch
            # There were no suggestions; so we don't want a caption.
            caption = ""

        return caption
Exemple #4
class Quasimode:
    Encapsulates the command quasimode state and event-handling.

    Future note: In code review, we realized that implementing the
    quasimode is an ideal case for the State pattern; the Quasimode
    singleton would have a private member for quasimode state, which
    would be an instance of one of two classes, InQuasimode or
    OutOfQuasimode, both descended from a QuasimodeState interface
    class.  Consequances of this include much cleaner transition code
    and separation of event handling into the two states.

    __instance = None

    def get( cls ):
        return cls.__instance

    def install( cls, eventManager ):
        from enso.commands import CommandManager

        cls.__instance = cls( eventManager, CommandManager.get() )

    def __init__( self, eventManager, commandManager ):
        Initialize the quasimode.

        self.__cmdManager = commandManager

        # Boolean variable that records whether the quasimode key is
        # currently down, i.e., whether the user is "in the quasimode".
        self._inQuasimode = False

        # The QuasimodeWindow object that is responsible for
        # drawing the quasimode; set to None initially.
        # A QuasimodeWindow object is created at the beginning of
        # the quasimode, and destroyed at the completion of the
        # quasimode.
        self.__quasimodeWindow = None

        # The suggestion list object, which is responsible for
        # maintaining all the information about the auto-completed
        # command and suggested command names, and the text typed
        # by the user.
        self.__suggestionList = TheSuggestionList( self.__cmdManager )

        # Boolean variable that should be set to True whenever an event
        # occurs that requires the quasimode to be redrawn, and which
        # should be set to False when the quasimode is drawn.
        self.__needsRedraw = False

        # Whether the next redraw should redraw the entire quasimodal
        # display, or only the description and user text.
        self.__nextRedrawIsFull = False

        self.__eventMgr = eventManager

        # Register a key event responder, so that the quasimode can
        # actually respond to quasimode events.
        self.__eventMgr.registerResponder( self.onKeyEvent, "key" )

        # Creates new event types that code can subscribe to, to find out
        # when the quasimode (or mode) is started and completed.
        self.__eventMgr.createEventType( "startQuasimode" )
        self.__eventMgr.createEventType( "endQuasimode" )

        # Read settings from config file: are we modal?
        # What key activates the quasimode?
        # What keys exit and cancel the quasimode?

        self.setQuasimodeKeyByName( input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_START,
                                    config.QUASIMODE_START_KEY )
        self.setQuasimodeKeyByName( input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_END,
                                    config.QUASIMODE_END_KEY )
        self.setQuasimodeKeyByName( input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_CANCEL,
                                    config.QUASIMODE_CANCEL_KEY )

        self.__isModal = config.IS_QUASIMODE_MODAL

        self.__eventMgr.setModality( self.__isModal )

    def setQuasimodeKeyByName( self, function_name, key_name ):
        # Sets the quasimode to use the given key (key_name must be a
        # string corresponding to a constant defined in the os-specific
        # input module) for the given function ( which should be one of
        # the KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_START/END/CANCEL constants also defined
        # in input.)
        key_code = getattr( input, key_name )
        assert( key_code, "Undefined quasimode key in config file." )
        self.__eventMgr.setQuasimodeKeycode( function_name, key_code )

    def getQuasimodeKey( self ):

    def isModal( self ):
        return self.__isModal

    def setModal( self, isModal ):
        assert type( isModal ) == bool
        config.IS_QUASIMODE_MODAL = isModal
        self.__isModal = isModal
        self.__eventMgr.setModality( isModal )

    def getSuggestionList( self ):
        return self.__suggestionList

    def onKeyEvent( self, eventType, keyCode ):
        Handles a key event of particular type.

        if eventType == input.EVENT_KEY_QUASIMODE:

            if keyCode == input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_START:
                assert not self._inQuasimode
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_END:
                assert self._inQuasimode
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_QUASIMODE_CANCEL:

        elif eventType == input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN and self._inQuasimode:
            # The user has typed a character, and we need to redraw the
            # quasimode.
            self.__needsRedraw = True

            if keyCode == input.KEYCODE_TAB:
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_RETURN:
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_ESCAPE:
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_BACK:
                # Backspace has been pressed.
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_DOWN:
                # The user has pressed the down arrow; change which of the
                # suggestions is "active" (i.e., will be executed upon
                # termination of the quasimode)
                self.__suggestionList.cycleActiveSuggestion( 1 )
                self.__nextRedrawIsFull = True
            elif keyCode == input.KEYCODE_UP:
                # Up arrow; change which suggestion is active.
                self.__suggestionList.cycleActiveSuggestion( -1 )
                self.__nextRedrawIsFull = True
            elif ALLOWED_KEYCODES.has_key( keyCode ):
                # The user has typed a valid key to add to the userText.
                self.__addUserChar( keyCode )
                # The user has pressed a key that is not valid.

    def __addUserChar( self, keyCode ):
        Adds the character corresponding to keyCode to the user text.

        newCharacter = ALLOWED_KEYCODES[keyCode]
        oldUserText = self.__suggestionList.getUserText()
        self.__suggestionList.setUserText( oldUserText + newCharacter )

        # If the user had indicated one of the suggestions, then
        # typing a character snaps the active suggestion back to the
        # user text and auto-completion.

    def __onBackspace( self ):
        Deletes one character, if possible, from the user text.
        oldUserText = self.__suggestionList.getUserText()
        if len( oldUserText ) == 0:
            # There is no user text; backspace does nothing.

        self.__suggestionList.setUserText( oldUserText[:-1] )

        # If the user had indicated anything on the suggestion list,
        # then hitting backspace snaps the active suggestion back to
        # the user text.

    def __quasimodeBegin( self ):
        Executed when user presses the quasimode key.

        assert self._inQuasimode == False

        if self.__quasimodeWindow == None:
            logging.info( "Created a new quasimode window!" )
            self.__quasimodeWindow = TheQuasimodeWindow()

        self.__eventMgr.triggerEvent( "startQuasimode" )
        self.__eventMgr.registerResponder( self.__onTick, "timer" )

        self._inQuasimode = True
        self.__needsRedraw = True

        # Postcondition
        assert self._inQuasimode == True

    def __onTick( self, timePassed ):
        Timer event responder.  Re-draws the quasimode, if it needs it.
        Only registered while in the quasimode.

        NOTE: Drawing the quasimode takes place in __onTick() for
        performance reasons.  If a user mashed down 10 keys in
        the space of a few milliseconds, and the quasimode was re-drawn
        on every single keystroke, then the quasimode could suddenly
        be lagging behind the user a half a second or more. 

        # So pychecker doesn't complain...
        dummy = timePassed

        assert self._inQuasimode == True

        if self.__needsRedraw:
            self.__needsRedraw = False
            self.__quasimodeWindow.update( self, self.__nextRedrawIsFull )
            self.__nextRedrawIsFull = False
            # If the quasimode hasn't changed, then continue drawing
            # any parts of it (such as the suggestion list) that
            # haven't been drawn/updated yet.

    def __quasimodeEnd( self ):
        Executed when user releases the quasimode key.

        # The quasimode has terminated; remove the timer responder
        # function as an event responder.
        self.__eventMgr.triggerEvent( "endQuasimode" )
        self.__eventMgr.removeResponder( self.__onTick )

        # LONGTERM TODO: Determine whether deleting or hiding is better.
        logging.info( "Deleting the quasimode window." )

        # Delete the Quasimode window.
        del self.__quasimodeWindow
        self.__quasimodeWindow = None

        activeCommand = self.__suggestionList.getActiveCommand()
        userText = self.__suggestionList.getUserText()
        if activeCommand != None:
            cmdName = self.__suggestionList.getActiveCommandName()
            self.__executeCommand( activeCommand, cmdName )
        elif len( userText ) > config.BAD_COMMAND_MSG_MIN_CHARS:
            # The user typed some text, but there was no command match
            self.__showBadCommandMsg( userText )

        self._inQuasimode = False

    def __executeCommand( self, cmd, cmdName ):
        Attempts to execute the command.  Catches any errors raised by
        the command code and deals with them appropriately, e.g., by
        launching a bug report, informing the user, etc.

        Commands should deal with user-errors, like lack of selection,
        by displaying messages, etc.  Exceptions should only be raised
        when the command is actually broken, or code that the command
        calls is broken.

        # The following message may be used by system tests.
        logging.info( "COMMAND EXECUTED: %s" % cmdName )
        except Exception:
            # An exception occured during the execution of the command.
            logging.error( "Command \"%s\" failed." % cmdName )
            logging.error( traceback.format_exc() )

    def __showBadCommandMsg( self, userText ):
        Displays an error message telling the user that userText does
        not match any command.  Also, if there are any reasonable
        commands that were similar but not matching, offers those to
        the user as suggestions.

        # Generate a caption for the message with a couple suggestions
        # for command names similar to the user's text
        caption = self.__commandSuggestionCaption( escape_xml( userText ) )
        badCmd = userText.lower()
        badCmd = escape_xml( badCmd )
        # Create and display a primary message.
        text = config.BAD_COMMAND_MSG
        text = text % ( badCmd, caption )

        messages.displayMessage( text )

    def __commandSuggestionCaption( self, userText ):
        Creates and returns a caption suggesting one or two commands
        that are similar to userText.
        # Retrieve one or two command name suggestions.
        suggestions = self.__cmdManager.retrieveSuggestions( userText )
        cmds = [ s.toText() for s in suggestions ]
        if len(cmds) > 0:
            ratioBestMatch = stringRatioBestMatch( userText.lower(), cmds )
            caption = config.ONE_SUGG_CAPTION
            caption = caption % ratioBestMatch
            # There were no suggestions; so we don't want a caption.
            caption = ""

        return caption