# Mayor Library imports from numpy import linspace, exp # Enthought library imports from enthought.chaco.shell import semilogy, hold, title, show # Create some data x = linspace(1, 10, 200) # Create some line plots semilogy(x, exp(x), "b-", name="y=exp(x)", bgcolor="white") hold(True) semilogy(x, x**x, "r--", name="y=x**x") semilogy(x, x, "g-", name="y=x") # Add some titles title("simple semilog plots") #This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# Mayor Library imports from numpy import linspace, random, pi # Enthought library imports from enthought.chaco.shell import plot, hold, title, show # Create some data x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, 100) y1 = random.random(100) y2 = random.random(100) # Create some scatter plots plot(x, y1, "b.") hold() plot(x, y2, "g+", marker_size=2) # Add some titles title("simple scatter plots") # This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# Mayor Library imports from numpy import linspace, meshgrid, sin from scipy.special import jn # Enthought library imports from enthought.chaco.shell import show, title, contour # Crate some scalar data xs = linspace(-10, 10, 200) ys = linspace(-10, 10, 400) x, y = meshgrid(xs, ys) z = sin(x) * x * jn(0, y) # Create a contour line plot contour(x, y, z, bgcolor="black") # Add some titles title("contour line plot") # This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# Mayor Library imports from numpy import linspace, meshgrid, sin # Enthought library imports from enthought.chaco.shell import show, title, pcolor, colormap from enthought.chaco.default_colormaps import jet # Crate some scalar data xs = linspace(0,10,200) ys = linspace(0,20,400) x,y = meshgrid(xs,ys) z = sin(x) * y # Create a pseudo-color-map pcolor(x,y,z) #change the color mapping colormap(jet) # Add some titles title("pseudo colormap image plot") #This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# Mayor Library Imports from numpy import linspace, meshgrid, tanh # Enthought Library Imports from enthought.chaco.shell import contourf, colormap, title, show from enthought.chaco.default_colormaps import jet # Crate some scalar data xs = linspace(-10,10,200) ys = linspace(-10,10,400) x, y = meshgrid(xs,ys) z = x * tanh(y) # Create a filled contour plot contourf(x,y,z) colormap(jet) # Add some titles title("filled contour plot") #This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# Mayor Library imports from numpy import linspace, pi, sin # Enthought library imports from enthought.chaco.shell import show, plot, title, curplot from enthought.chaco.scales.api import CalendarScaleSystem # Create some data numpoints = 100 x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, numpoints) y1 = sin(x) # Create the dates import time now = time.time() dt = 24 * 3600 # data points are spaced by 1 day dates = linspace(now, now + numpoints*dt, numpoints) # Create some line plots plot(dates, y1, "b-", bgcolor="white") # Add some titles title("Plotting Dates") # Set the plot's horizontal axis to be a time scale curplot().x_axis.tick_generator.scale = CalendarScaleSystem() #This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
import sys # Enthought library imports from enthought.util.resource import find_resource from enthought.chaco.shell import imread, imshow, title, show # Get the image file using the find_resource module image_path = os.path.join("examples", "basic", "capitol.jpg") alt_path = os.path.join("..", "basic", "capitol.jpg") image_file = find_resource("Chaco", image_path, alt_path=alt_path) # Check to see if the image was found if image_file is None: print 'The image "capitol.jpg" could not be found.' sys.exit() # Create the image image = imread(image_file) # Create the plot imshow(image, origin="top left") # Alternatively, you can call imshow using the path to the image file # imshow(alt_path) # Add a title title("Simple Image Plot") # This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# Mayor Library imports from numpy import linspace, exp # Enthought library imports from enthought.chaco.shell import show, title, loglog, hold # Create some data x = linspace(1, 15, 200) # Create some line plots loglog(x, x ** 2, "b-.", name="y=x**2", bgcolor="white") hold(True) loglog(x, x ** 4 + 3 * x + 2, "r-", name="y=x**4+3x+2", bgcolor="white") loglog(x, exp(x), "g-", name="y=exp(x)", bgcolor="white") loglog(x, x, "m--", name="y=x", bgcolor="white") # Add some titles title("simple loglog plots") # This command is only necessary if running from command line show()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import enthought.chaco.shell as cs x = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 100) y = np.sin(x) cs.plot(x, y, "r-") cs.title("First plot") cs.ytitle("sin(x)") cs.show()
""" This example displays some line plots in different colors and styles using the chaco.shell subpackage. The functions in the chaco.shell package allow us to quickly generate plots with some basic interactivity without using the object-oriented core of Chaco. """ from numpy import linspace, pi, sin, cos from enthought.chaco.shell import plot, hold, title, show # Create some data x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, 100) y1 = sin(x) y2 = cos(x) # Create some line plots using the plot() command and using # Matlab-style format specifiers plot(x, y1, "b-", bgcolor="white") hold() plot(x, y2, "g-.", marker_size=2) # Set the plot title title("simple line plots") # If running this from the command line and outside of a wxPython # application or process, the show() command is necessary to keep # the plot from disappearing instantly. If a wxPython mainloop # is already running, then this command is not necessary. show()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import enthought.chaco.shell as cs x = np.linspace(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 100) y = np.sin(x) cs.plot(x, y, "r-") cs.title("First plot") cs.ytitle("sin(x)") cs.show()