def plot_sln_mayavi(x, y, mesh, sln_values, colorbar=False): """ Plot a solution using mayavi. Example: >>> from numpy import array >>> from femhub.plot import plot_sln_mayavi >>> f = plot_sln_mayavi([0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 2, 3]) >>> f.savefig("a.png") """ from enthought.mayavi import mlab #mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.clf() #mlab.options.show_scalar_bar = False z = [0] * len(x) mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, mesh, scalars=sln_values) engine = mlab.get_engine() image = engine.current_scene image.scene.background = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) image.scene.foreground = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if colorbar: mlab.colorbar(orientation="vertical") mlab.view(0, 0) return mlab
def plotsln(mesh, z=None, sln=None, colorbar=False, view=(0,0), filename="a.png"): """ Plot a solution for the mesh editor in the online lab. """ x = [n[0] for n in mesh.nodes] y = [n[1] for n in mesh.nodes] if z == None: try: z = [n[2] for n in mesh.nodes] except IndexError: z = [0]*len(y) from enthought.mayavi import mlab mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.clf() #mlab.options.show_scalar_bar = False mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, mesh.elems, scalars=sln) engine = mlab.get_engine() image = engine.current_scene image.scene.background = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) image.scene.foreground = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if colorbar: mlab.colorbar(orientation="vertical") if view: mlab.view(view[0], view[1]) mlab.savefig(filename)
def plot_surface(s): x, y, z, t = gts.get_coords_and_face_indices(s, True) mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, t, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, t, color=(0, 0, 1), representation='fancymesh', tube_radius=.001, scale_factor=0.001)
def plotbdy(self, fig, id, opac = 0.9): idset = set(map(tuple, self.boundaries[id])) bdyts = [] for t in self.triangles: if idset.issuperset(set(t)): bdyts.append(t) for q in self.quads: if idset.issuperset(set(q)): bdyts.append(q[[0,1,3]]) bdyts.append(q[[2,1,3]]) x,y,z = zip(*self.getPoints(np.array(bdyts).flatten())) emm.triangular_mesh(x,y,z, np.arange(len(bdyts)*3).reshape(-1,3), representation = 'surface', figure = fig, color=(0.5,0.2,0.5), opacity = opac, line_width=0.5)
def plot_retino_image(mesh_path, name, tf=None, tex=None, curv=None, mask=None, vmin=0, vmax=0): """Custom function to plot mesh in the case of retinotopic mapping Parameters ---------- mesh_path: string, path of the mesh to plot name: string, object identifier tf: (4, 4) array affine transformation that has to be applied to the mesh tex: array of shape (mes.n_vertices), texture to plot on the surface curv: array of shape (mes.n_vertices), curvature texture to plot on the surface mask: array of shape (mes.n_vertices), A mask for functional regions of interest vmin, vmax: bounds for color clipping """ vertices, triangles = mesh_arrays(mesh_path) af_coord = np.hstack((vertices, np.ones((vertices.shape[0], 1)))) if tf is not None: af_coord =, tf.T) vertices = af_coord[:, :3] x, y, z = vertices.T # it is expected that the curvature takes values between 0 and 1 if curv is not None: cmin = 2 * curv.min() - curv.max() cmax = 2 * curv.max() - curv.min() mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, transparent=False, opacity=1., name=name, scalars=curv, colormap="bone", vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax) else: mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, transparent=False, opacity=1., name=name) if tex is not None: if mask is not None: tex[mask == 0] = vmin - 1 func_mesh = mlab.pipeline.triangular_mesh_source(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=tex) thresh = mlab.pipeline.threshold(func_mesh, low=vmin) mlab.pipeline.surface(thresh, colormap="jet", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, transparent=True, opacity=.8) mlab.scalarbar(thresh)
def CreateReducedModel(self,bandwidth=0.04,bandthresh=0.01,neighthresh=0.01,showdata=False,savefile=None): self.measurements,indices = self.Prune(self.rawmeasurements,100,neighthresh**2,1) uniformpoints,dists,pointscale = self.UniformlySampleSpace(bandwidth,bandthresh) if showdata: from enthought.mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(1,fgcolor=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(1,1,1)) src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(dists) mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src,contours=[0.01],opacity=0.1) mlab.pipeline.volume(mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(dists*500)) v = pointscale[0]*self.trimesh.vertices+pointscale[1] mlab.triangular_mesh(v[:,0],v[:,1],v[:,2],self.trimesh.indices,color=(0,0,0.5)) if savefile is None: savefile = self.getfilename() print 'saving measurements to %s'%savefile mkdir_recursive(os.path.split(savefile)[0]) savetxt(savefile,uniformpoints,'%f')
def plot_sln_mayavi(sln, notebook=False): """ Plots the Solution() instance sln using Linearizer() and matplotlib. Currently only a very simple version is implemented, that takes the vertices from linearizer and interpolates them. More sophisticated version should take the triangles. """ lin = Linearizer() lin.process_solution(sln) vert = lin.get_vertices() triangles = lin.get_triangles() from numpy import zeros from enthought.mayavi import mlab x = vert[:, 0] y = vert[:, 1] z = zeros(len(y)) t = vert[:, 2] if notebook: # the off screen rendering properly works only with VTK-5.2 or above: mlab.options.offscreen = True s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) mlab.view(0, 0) # Below is a code that does exactly what the "View along the +Z axis" # button does: #scene = mlab.get_engine().current_scene.scene = [0, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 1] = [0, 1, 0] #scene.renderer.reset_camera() #scene.render() # the above looks ok, but there is still quite a large margin, so we prefer # to just call .view(0, 0), which seems to be working fine. return s
def plot(self, **kwarg): """Plot mesh with Mayavi """ from enthought.mayavi import mlab f = mlab.triangular_mesh(self.points[:, 0], self.points[:, 1], self.points[:, 2], self.faces, **kwarg) return f
def show_blobs(blobs, v, faces,fa_slice=None,colormap='jet'): """Mayavi gets really slow when triangular_mesh is called too many times so this function stacks blobs and calls triangular_mesh once """ print blobs.shape xcen = blobs.shape[0]/2. ycen = blobs.shape[1]/2. zcen = blobs.shape[2]/2. faces = np.asarray(faces, 'int') xx = [] yy = [] zz = [] count = 0 ff = [] mm = [] for ii in xrange(blobs.shape[0]): for jj in xrange(blobs.shape[1]): for kk in xrange(blobs.shape[2]): m = blobs[ii,jj,kk] #m /= (2.2*m.max()) #m /= (2.2*abs(m).max()) #m /= (2.2*1.) #m[m<.4*abs(m).max()]=0 x, y, z = v.T*m/2.2 x += ii - xcen y += jj - ycen z += kk - zcen ff.append(count+faces) count += len(x) xx.append(x) yy.append(y) zz.append(z) mm.append(m) ff = np.concatenate(ff) xx = np.concatenate(xx) yy = np.concatenate(yy) zz = np.concatenate(zz) mm = np.concatenate(mm) mlab.triangular_mesh(xx, yy, zz, ff, scalars=mm, colormap=colormap) if fa_slice!=None: mlab.imshow(fa_slice, colormap='gray', interpolate=False) mlab.colorbar()
def add_xy_plane(): z = [0, 0, 0, 0] x = [-1, -1, 1, 1] y = [-1, 1, 1, -1] tris = [(0, 3, 2), (2, 1, 0)] mesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, tris, color=(0, 0, 1), opacity=g_plane_opacity)
def plot_mesh(mesh, name, tf=None, tex=None): """ old version -- probably deprecated """ vertices, triangles = mesh_arrays(mesh) af_coord = np.hstack((vertices, np.ones((vertices.shape[0], 1)))) if tf is not None: af_coord =, tf.T) vertices = af_coord[:, :3] x, y, z = vertices.T # show with mayavi if tex is None: mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, transparent=False, opacity=1., name=name, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.)) else: mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, transparent=False, opacity=1., name=name, scalars=tex)
def color_patches(vertices, faces, heights, colors): """Mayavi gets really slow when triangular_mesh is called too many times so this function stacks blobs and calls triangular_mesh once """ print colors.shape xcen = colors.shape[0] / 2.0 ycen = colors.shape[1] / 2.0 zcen = colors.shape[2] / 2.0 faces = np.asarray(faces, "int") xx = [] yy = [] zz = [] count = 0 ff = [] cc = [] for ii in xrange(colors.shape[0]): for jj in xrange(colors.shape[1]): for kk in xrange(colors.shape[2]): c = colors[ii, jj, kk] # m[m<.4*abs(m).max()]=0 m = heights[ii, jj, kk] print "vertices", vertices.shape print "m", m.shape x, y, z = vertices.T * m x += ii - xcen y += jj - ycen z += kk - zcen ff.append(count + faces) count += len(x) xx.append(x) yy.append(y) zz.append(z) cc.append(c) ff = np.concatenate(ff) xx = np.concatenate(xx) yy = np.concatenate(yy) zz = np.concatenate(zz) cc = np.concatenate(cc) mlab.triangular_mesh(xx, yy, zz, ff, scalars=cc)
def show_blobs(blobs, v, faces): """Mayavi gets really slow when triangular_mesh is called too many times sot this function stacks blobs and calls triangular_mesh once """ blobs xcen = blobs.shape[0] / 2 ycen = blobs.shape[1] / 2 zcen = blobs.shape[2] / 2 faces = asarray(faces, 'int') xx = [] yy = [] zz = [] count = 0 ff = [] mm = [] for ii in xrange(blobs.shape[0]): for jj in xrange(blobs.shape[1]): for kk in xrange(blobs.shape[2]): m = blobs[ii, jj, kk] m /= (2.2 * abs(m).max()) x, y, z = v.T * m x += ii - xcen y += jj - ycen z += kk - zcen ff.append(count + faces) count += len(x) xx.append(x) yy.append(y) zz.append(z) mm.append(m) ff = concatenate(ff) xx = concatenate(xx) yy = concatenate(yy) zz = concatenate(zz) mm = concatenate(mm) mlab.triangular_mesh(xx, yy, zz, ff, scalars=mm)
def doit(): global s global iter if iter == 0: print "plotting the triangular mesh..." s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) print " done." print "adjusting view..." mlab.view(0, 0) print " done." else: print "changing the source..." # This doesn't work due to a bug in mayavi/VTK: # #s.mlab_source.reset(x=x, y=y, z=z, triangles=triangles, scalars=t) # so until this is fixed, let's call triangular_mesh and delete the # old mesh (this is slow but works): scene = mlab.gcf().scene scene.disable_render = True s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) mlab.get_engine().scenes[0].children[:1] = [] scene.disable_render = False print " done." iter += 1
def display(self): """ Display Nucleus in Mayavi """ # Create and display a triangular mesh from enthought.mayavi.mlab import triangular_mesh f = mlab.figure(figure=mlab.gcf(), bgcolor=(0,0,0), size=(800,600)) self.mlab_mesh = triangular_mesh(self.pts[:, 0], self.pts[:, 1], self.pts[:, 2], self.tris, color=self.color, # Visual Tweaks = True self.mlab_mesh.parent.parent.filter.splitting = False
def test_triangular_mesh_reset(self): """ When reseting the triangular mesh (ie polydata), if we are not careful, we can create a segfault by passing triangules between points that do not exist. """ # We need to run this as a full test of mlab, rather than only a # test of the source, as to get a segfault, we need a module # opened on the source. n = 100 triangles = np.c_[np.arange(n - 3), np.arange(n - 3) + 1, n - 1 - np.arange(n - 3)] x, y, z = np.random.random((3, n)) src = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles) # Now grow the mesh n = 1000 triangles = np.c_[np.arange(n - 3), np.arange(n - 3) + 1, n - 1 - np.arange(n - 3)] x, y, z = np.random.random((3, n)) src.mlab_source.reset(x=x, y=y, z=z, triangles=triangles)
def plot_sln_mayavi(sln, offscreen=False, show_scale=True): """ Plots the Solution() instance sln using Linearizer() and matplotlib. It takes the vertices from linearizer and interpolates them. """ lin = Linearizer() lin.process_solution(sln) vert = lin.get_vertices() triangles = lin.get_triangles() from numpy import zeros from enthought.mayavi import mlab x = vert[:, 0] y = vert[:, 1] z = zeros(len(y)) t = vert[:, 2] if offscreen: # the off screen rendering properly works only with VTK-5.2 or above: mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.clf() mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) mlab.view(0, 0) mlab.view(distance=4) mlab.view(focalpoint=(.35, 0, 0)) mlab.colorbar(title="Solution", orientation="vertical") #mlab.move(right=-1.0, up=-10.0) # Below is a code that does exactly what the "View along the +Z axis" # button does: #scene = mlab.get_engine().current_scene.scene = [0, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 1] = [0, 1, 0] #scene.renderer.reset_camera() #scene.render() # the above looks ok, but there is still quite a large margin, so we prefer # to just call .view(0, 0), which seems to be working fine. return mlab
def plot_sln_mayavi(sln, offscreen=False, show_scale=True): """ Plots the Solution() instance sln using Linearizer() and matplotlib. It takes the vertices from linearizer and interpolates them. """ lin = Linearizer() lin.process_solution(sln) vert = lin.get_vertices() triangles = lin.get_triangles() from numpy import zeros from enthought.mayavi import mlab x = vert[:, 0] y = vert[:, 1] z = zeros(len(y)) t = vert[:, 2] if offscreen: # the off screen rendering properly works only with VTK-5.2 or above: mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.clf() mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) mlab.view(0, 0) mlab.view(distance=4) mlab.view(focalpoint=(.35,0,0)) mlab.colorbar(title="Solution", orientation="vertical") #mlab.move(right=-1.0, up=-10.0) # Below is a code that does exactly what the "View along the +Z axis" # button does: #scene = mlab.get_engine().current_scene.scene = [0, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 1] = [0, 1, 0] #scene.renderer.reset_camera() #scene.render() # the above looks ok, but there is still quite a large margin, so we prefer # to just call .view(0, 0), which seems to be working fine. return mlab
def test_triangular_mesh_reset(self): """ When reseting the triangular mesh (ie polydata), if we are not careful, we can create a segfault by passing triangules between points that do not exist. """ # We need to run this as a full test of mlab, rather than only a # test of the source, as to get a segfault, we need a module # opened on the source. n = 100 triangles = np.c_[np.arange(n-3), np.arange(n-3)+1, n-1-np.arange(n-3)] x, y, z = np.random.random((3, n)) src = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles) # Now grow the mesh n = 1000 triangles = np.c_[np.arange(n-3), np.arange(n-3)+1, n-1-np.arange(n-3)] x, y, z = np.random.random((3, n)) src.mlab_source.reset(x=x, y=y, z=z, triangles=triangles)
def plot_sln_mayavi(sln, notebook=False): """ Plots the Solution() instance sln using Linearizer() and matplotlib. Currently only a very simple version is implemented, that takes the vertices from linearizer and interpolates them. More sophisticated version should take the triangles. """ lin = Linearizer() lin.process_solution(sln) vert = lin.get_vertices() triangles = lin.get_triangles() from numpy import zeros from enthought.mayavi import mlab x = vert[:, 0] y = vert[:, 1] z = zeros(len(y)) t = vert[:, 2] if notebook: # the off screen rendering properly works only with VTK-5.2 or above: mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.clf() s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) mlab.view(0, 0) # Below is a code that does exactly what the "View along the +Z axis" # button does: #scene = mlab.get_engine().current_scene.scene = [0, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 1] = [0, 1, 0] #scene.renderer.reset_camera() #scene.render() # the above looks ok, but there is still quite a large margin, so we prefer # to just call .view(0, 0), which seems to be working fine. return s
from pylab import * import sys,triangleio try: name = sys.argv[1] except: raise Exception('Must enter filename to read') nv,vertices,nf,facets =,faces=True) from enthought.mayavi import mlab mlab.triangular_mesh(vertices[:,0],vertices[:,1],vertices[:,2],facets)
""" print(__doc__) # Authors: Denis Engemann <*****@*****.**> # Alexandre Gramfort <*****@*****.**> # # License: BSD (3-clause) import mne from mne.surface import decimate_surface path = mne.datasets.sample.data_path() surf = mne.read_bem_surfaces(path + '/subjects/sample/bem/sample-head.fif')[0] points, triangles = surf['rr'], surf['tris'] # reduce to 30000 meshes equaling ${SUBJECT}-head-medium.fif output from # and mne_make_scalp_surfaces points_dec, triangles_dec = decimate_surface(points, triangles, n_triangles=30000) try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab head_col = (0.95, 0.83, 0.83) # light pink p, t = points_dec, triangles_dec mlab.triangular_mesh(p[:, 0], p[:, 1], p[:, 2], t, color=head_col)
def draw_camera (R, t, scale = 0.1, opt = 'fancy', figure = None): """ Draw a camera in world coords according to its pose If R = id and t = [0 0 0]' show a camera in the world center pointing towards the +Z axis. Usage: draw_camera (R, t, scale, opt); Input: R - 3x3 Rotation matrix or 3x1 Rodrigues rotation vector (camera to world rotation) t - 3x1 Translation vector (camera to world translation) scale - (optional) scaling parameter, in meters. Default: 0.1. opt - Visualization option: (default: 'pyr') 'pyr' shows an inverted pyramid in the camera direction 'axis' shows the 3 axis (red for X, green for Y, blue for Z) """ # Generate figure if none given if figure == None: figure = mlab.figure() # Enforce 2d column vector of translation t = np.atleast_2d(t.ravel()).T # Five points that define the pyramid # Careful, because np.c_ somehow transposes this matrix, this is 3x6. pyr_points = scale * np.c_[[ 0, 0, 0], \ [-0.4, -0.4, 1], \ [ 0.4, -0.4, 1], \ [ 0.4, 0.4, 1], \ [-0.4, 0.4, 1], \ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]] pyr_tri_side = np.c_[[0, 1, 2], \ [0, 2, 3], \ [0, 3, 4], \ [0, 1, 4]].T pyr_tri_front = np.c_[[1, 2, 3], \ [1, 3, 4]].T # Four points that define the axis in 3-space axis_points = scale * np.c_[[0, 0, 0], \ [1, 0, 0], \ [0, 1, 0], \ [0, 0, 1]] # Order in which to draw the points, so that it looks like 3 axis axis_idx_x = np.r_[1, 2] - 1 axis_idx_y = np.r_[1, 3] - 1 axis_idx_z = np.r_[1, 4] - 1 # Some color constants RED = (1,0,0) GREEN = (0,1,0) BLUE = (0,0,1) if opt == 'pyr': # Rotate pyramid and plot it tx_pyr =, pyr_points) + \ np.tile( t, (1, pyr_points.shape[1]) ) mlab.triangular_mesh(tx_pyr[0, :], \ tx_pyr[1, :], \ tx_pyr[2, :], \ pyr_tri_side, \ color = BLUE, \ figure = figure) mlab.draw() mlab.triangular_mesh(tx_pyr[0, :], \ tx_pyr[1, :], \ tx_pyr[2, :], \ pyr_tri_front, \ color = GREEN, \ figure = figure) elif opt == 'axis': # Rotate the 3 axis and plot them tx_axis =, axis_points) + \ np.tile( t, (1, axis_points.shape[1]) ) mlab.plot3d(tx_axis[0, axis_idx_x], \ tx_axis[1, axis_idx_x], \ tx_axis[2, axis_idx_x], \ color = RED, \ tube_radius = .003, \ figure = figure) mlab.plot3d(tx_axis[0, axis_idx_y], \ tx_axis[1, axis_idx_y], \ tx_axis[2, axis_idx_y], \ color = GREEN, \ tube_radius = .003, \ figure = figure) mlab.plot3d(tx_axis[0, axis_idx_z], \ tx_axis[1, axis_idx_z], \ tx_axis[2, axis_idx_z], \ color = BLUE, \ tube_radius = .003, \ figure = figure) elif opt == 'fancy': # Rotate pyramid and plot it tx_pyr =, pyr_points) + \ np.tile( t, (1, pyr_points.shape[1]) ) mlab.triangular_mesh(tx_pyr[0, :], \ tx_pyr[1, :], \ tx_pyr[2, :], \ pyr_tri_side, \ color = BLUE, \ figure = figure) mlab.triangular_mesh(tx_pyr[0, :], \ tx_pyr[1, :], \ tx_pyr[2, :], \ pyr_tri_front, \ color = GREEN, \ figure = figure) # Rotate the 3 axis and plot them tx_axis =, axis_points) + \ np.tile( t, (1, axis_points.shape[1]) ) mlab.plot3d(tx_axis[0, axis_idx_x], \ tx_axis[1, axis_idx_x], \ tx_axis[2, axis_idx_x], \ color = RED, \ tube_radius = .003, \ figure = figure) mlab.plot3d(tx_axis[0, axis_idx_y], \ tx_axis[1, axis_idx_y], \ tx_axis[2, axis_idx_y], \ color = GREEN, \ tube_radius = .003, \ figure = figure) else: print('Unrecognized option');
print(__doc__) # Authors: Denis Engemann <*****@*****.**> # Alexandre Gramfort <*****@*****.**> # # License: BSD (3-clause) import mne from mne.surface import decimate_surface path = mne.datasets.sample.data_path() surf = mne.read_bem_surfaces(path + '/subjects/sample/bem/sample-head.fif')[0] points, triangles = surf['rr'], surf['tris'] # reduce to 30000 meshes equaling ${SUBJECT}-head-medium.fif output from # and mne_make_scalp_surfaces points_dec, triangles_dec = decimate_surface(points, triangles, n_triangles=30000) try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab head_col = (0.95, 0.83, 0.83) # light pink p, t = points_dec, triangles_dec mlab.triangular_mesh(p[:, 0], p[:, 1], p[:, 2], t, color=head_col)
import mne from mne.datasets import sample data_path = sample.data_path() fname = data_path + '/subjects/sample/bem/sample-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif' surfaces = mne.read_bem_surfaces(fname, add_geom=True) print("Number of surfaces : %d" % len(surfaces)) ############################################################################### # Show result head_col = (0.95, 0.83, 0.83) # light pink skull_col = (0.91, 0.89, 0.67) brain_col = (0.67, 0.89, 0.91) # light blue colors = [head_col, skull_col, brain_col] # 3D source space try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) for c, surf in zip(colors, surfaces): points = surf['rr'] faces = surf['tris'] mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], faces, color=c, opacity=0.3)
x = sin(phi) y = cos(phi) #normals = -vstack([n * x + b * y for n, b in zip(N, B)]) points = vstack([p + thickness * (n * x + b * y) for p, n, b in zip(path, N, B)]) return make_tube(points, sides) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys m = Mesh(sys.argv[1]) x, y, z = m.points.T print 'Points: %d' % len(m.points) print 'Triangles: %d' % len(m.triangles) #m.triangles[0] = m.triangles[0, ::-1] #Flip a triangle to test the closed shape detection print 'Volume: %f (%s)' % (m.volume(), 'mesh appears closed and properly oriented' if m.is_closed(tol=1E-12) else 'MESH DOES NOT APPEAR CLOSED AND ORIENTED PROPERLY)\n (A translated copy had a different calculated volume at 1 part in 10^12;\n this could be a rounding error.') print 'Print price: $%.2f (assuming units=mm and $0.30/cc)' % (m.volume() / 1000. * 0.30) print 'X extents: (%f, %f)' % (min(x), max(x)) print 'Y extents: (%f, %f)' % (min(y), max(y)) print 'Z extents: (%f, %f)' % (min(z), max(z)) from enthought.mayavi import mlab mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, m.triangles)
def dense_reconstruction(S, P1, P2, H1, H2, region=None, step=1, imbw1=None): """ Build and show a dense reconstruction. Parameters ---------- S : ndarray Matrix of disparities. P1, P2 : ndarray Projection matrices of the stereo pair. H1, H2 : ndarray Homographies which rectify the images of the stereo pair. See projmat2rectify. region : array-like, optional Region of the matrix of disparities that will be used for the dense reconstruction. It must be expressed as [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]. If not given, the full matrix of disparities is considered. step : integer, optional Quality of the reconstruction. Only one of every 'step' pixels inside the region of interest is taken for the reconstruction. If not given, all pixels are used. imbw1 : ndarray, optional The image before rectification. This is used to assign a color to the 3D vertices of the reconstruction. If not given, an arbitrary color is assigned to vertices. imbw1 should be a gray scale image. """ if region is None: region = [0, S.shape[1], 0, S.shape[0]] # The matrix of disparities is smoothed. H = np.ones((3, 3)) / 9.0 S = ndimage.convolve(np.double(S), H, mode='constant') # Point correspondences. X, Y = np.mgrid[region[0]:region[1] + 1:step, region[2]:region[3] + 1:step] num_points = points1 = np.ones((3, num_points)) points1[0, :] = X.ravel() points1[1, :] = Y.ravel() X2 = X.ravel() + S[np.int32(points1[1, :]), np.int32(points1[0, :])] points2 = np.copy(points1) points2[0, :] = X2 # Colors if imbw1 is not None: points1back = hom2cart(, points1)) colors = ndimage.map_coordinates(imbw1, [points1back[1], points1back[0]], order=1) else: colors = None # Polygons. vlist = np.arange(0, num_points) vlist = vlist.reshape(X.shape) vlist1 = vlist[:-1, :-1] vlist2 = vlist[:-1, 1:] vlist3 = vlist[1:, 1:] vlist4 = vlist[1:, :-1] faces1 = np.array([vlist1.ravel(), vlist2.ravel(), vlist3.ravel()]) faces2 = np.array([vlist1.ravel(), vlist3.ravel(), vlist4.ravel()]) faces = matarray(faces1, faces2).T # Reconstruction. from stereo import reconstruct M = reconstruct(points1, points2,, P1),, P2)) # Show the result. try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except ImportError: from mayavi import mlab mlab.clf() mlab.triangular_mesh(M[0], M[1], M[2], faces, scalars=colors, colormap='gray') return M, faces, colors
vis, illum, outs = taco.calc_earth_vis(-p_earth_body, att, ngrid=30, to_earth=True, max_reflect=0) mask_points = (len(outs) // 300) or None rx = [out[0][0] for out in outs] ry = [out[0][1] for out in outs] rz = [out[0][2] for out in outs] ru = [out[1][0] * (2 if out[3] else 1) for out in outs] rv = [out[1][1] * (2 if out[3] else 1) for out in outs] rw = [out[1][2] * (2 if out[3] else 1) for out in outs] mlab.clf() mlab.triangular_mesh(xs, ys, zs, triangles, color=(1, 1, 0), opacity=0.9) mlab.triangular_mesh(xs, ys, zs, triangles, color=(1, .8, 0), representation='wireframe', line_width=4) mlab.quiver3d(rx, ry, rz, ru, rv, rw, scale_factor=1.0, mask_points=mask_points,
from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab lh_points = src[0]['rr'] lh_faces = src[0]['use_tris'] mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) # show brain surface after proper coordinate system transformation points = brain_surface['rr'] faces = brain_surface['tris'] coord_trans = fwd['mri_head_t']['trans'] points =[:3, :3], points.T).T + coord_trans[:3, -1] mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], faces, color=(1, 1, 0), opacity=0.3) # show one cortical surface mlab.triangular_mesh(lh_points[:, 0], lh_points[:, 1], lh_points[:, 2], lh_faces, color=(0.7, ) * 3) # show dipole as small cones dipoles = mlab.quiver3d(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], pos[:, 2], ori[:, 0],
# v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) # v2 = np.array([100,0,0]) # mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)]) # v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) # v2 = np.array([0,100,0]) # mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)]) # v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) # v2 = np.array([0,0,100]) # mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)]) v1 = np.array([0, 0, 0]) v2 = np.array([80, 0, 0]) v2 =[:, 0:3], v2) mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0] - 1, v1[0] + 1, v2[0] - 1, v2[0] + 1]], [[v1[1] - 1, v1[1] + 1, v2[1] - 1, v2[1] + 1]], [[v1[2] - 1, v1[2] + 1, v2[2] - 1, v2[2] + 1]], [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)], color=(1, 1, 1)) v1 = np.array([0, 0, 0]) v2 = np.array([0, 80, 0]) v2 =[:, 0:3], v2) mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0] - 1, v1[0] + 1, v2[0] - 1, v2[0] + 1]], [[v1[1] - 1, v1[1] + 1, v2[1] - 1, v2[1] + 1]], [[v1[2] - 1, v1[2] + 1, v2[2] - 1, v2[2] + 1]], [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)], color=(1, 1, 1)) v1 = np.array([0, 0, 0]) v2 = np.array([0, 0, 80]) v2 =[:, 0:3], v2)
def show_odfs(odfs, vertices_faces, image=None, colormap='jet', scale=2.2, norm=True, radial_scale=True): """ Display a grid of ODFs. Parameters ---------- odfs : (X, Y, Z, M) ndarray A 3-D arrangement of orientation distribution functions (ODFs). At each ``(x, y, z)`` position, it contains the the values of the corresponding ODF evaluated on the M vertices. vertices_faces : str or tuple of (vertices, faces) A named sphere from ``, or a combination of `(vertices, faces)`. image : (X, Y) ndarray Background image (e.g., fractional anisotropy) do display behind the ODFs. colormap : str Color mapping. scale : float Increasing the scale spaces ODFs further apart. norm : bool Whether or not to normalize each individual ODF (divide by its maximum absolute value). radial_scale : bool Whether or not to change the radial shape of the ODF according to its scalar value. If set to False, the ODF is displayed as a sphere. Notes ----- Mayavi gets really slow when `triangular_mesh` is called too many times, so this function stacks ODF data and calls `triangular_mesh` once. Examples -------- >>> from import get_sphere >>> verts, faces = get_sphere('symmetric724') >>> angle = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, len(verts)) >>> odf1 = np.sin(angle) >>> odf2 = np.cos(angle) >>> odf3 = odf1**2 * odf2 >>> odf4 = odf1 + odf2**2 >>> odfs = [[[odf1, odf2], ... [odf3, odf4]]] >>> show_odfs(odfs, (verts, faces), scale=5) """ vertices, faces = sphere_vf_from(vertices_faces) odfs = np.asarray(odfs) if odfs.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("ODFs must by an (X,Y,Z,M) array. " + "Has shape " + str(odfs.shape)) grid_shape = np.array(odfs.shape[:3]) faces = np.asarray(faces, dtype=int) xx, yy, zz, ff, mm = [], [], [], [], [] count = 0 for ijk in np.ndindex(*grid_shape): m = odfs[ijk] if norm: m /= abs(m).max() if radial_scale: xyz = vertices.T * m else: xyz = vertices.T.copy() xyz += scale * (ijk - grid_shape / 2.)[:, None] x, y, z = xyz ff.append(count + faces) xx.append(x) yy.append(y) zz.append(z) mm.append(m) count += len(x) ff, xx, yy, zz, mm = (np.concatenate(arrs) for arrs in (ff, xx, yy, zz, mm)) mlab.triangular_mesh(xx, yy, zz, ff, scalars=mm, colormap=colormap) if image is not None: mlab.imshow(image, colormap='gray', interpolate=False) mlab.colorbar()
data_path = sample.data_path() fname = data_path + '/subjects/sample/bem/sample-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif' surfaces = mne.read_bem_surfaces(fname, add_geom=True) print "Number of surfaces : %d" % len(surfaces) ############################################################################### # Show result head_col = (0.95, 0.83, 0.83) # light pink skull_col = (0.91, 0.89, 0.67) brain_col = (0.67, 0.89, 0.91) # light blue colors = [head_col, skull_col, brain_col] # 3D source space try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) for c, surf in zip(colors, surfaces): points = surf['rr'] faces = surf['tris'] mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], faces, color=c, opacity=0.3)
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] <mesh.neu>") parser.add_option("--cl", action="store_true", help="use OpenCL") parser.add_option("-v", "--vis-every", type="int", metavar="S", help="visualize on-line every S steps") parser.add_option("--update-colors", action="store_true", help="update colors in visualization (expensive)") parser.add_option("--profile", type="int", help="set the profiling level (CL only)") parser.add_option("-i", "--ic", metavar="NAME", help="use initial condition NAME (try 'help')", default="gaussian") parser.add_option("-t", "--final-time", metavar="T", help="set final time", type="float", default=5) parser.add_option("-n", metavar="N", type="int", default=4, help="use polynomial degree N") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not args: parser.print_help() return ldis = LocalDiscretization2D(N=options.n) print "loading mesh" mesh = pydgeon.read_2d_gambit_mesh(args[0]) print "building discretization" if from pydgeon.opencl import CLDiscretization2D d = CLDiscretization2D(ldis, *mesh, **{"profile": options.profile}) else: d = pydgeon.Discretization2D(ldis, *mesh) print "%d elements" % d.K # set initial conditions if options.ic == "sine": mmode = 3; nmode = 2 Hx = np.zeros((d.K, d.ldis.Np)) Hy = np.zeros((d.K, d.ldis.Np)) Ez = np.sin(mmode*np.pi*d.x)*np.sin(nmode*np.pi*d.y) elif options.ic == "gaussian": Hx = np.zeros((d.K, d.ldis.Np)) Hy = np.zeros((d.K, d.ldis.Np)) min_x = np.min(d.x) max_x = np.max(d.x) min_y = np.min(d.y) max_y = np.max(d.y) x0 = min_x + 0.85*(max_x-min_x) y0 = min_y + 0.85*(max_y-min_y) x = d.x-x0 y = d.y-y0 r = (max_x-min_x)*0.005 Ez = np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/r**2) else: print "available ICs: sine, gaussian" return state = make_obj_array([Hx, Hy, Ez]) if state = make_obj_array([d.to_dev(x) for x in state]) # compute time step size rLGL = JacobiGQ(0,0, d.ldis.N)[0] rmin = abs(rLGL[0]-rLGL[1]) dt_scale = d.dt_scale() dt = dt_scale.min()*rmin*2/3 # setup if options.vis_every: try: import enthought.mayavi.mlab as mayavi except ImportError: options.vis_every = 0 if options.vis_every: vis_mesh = mayavi.triangular_mesh( d.x.ravel(), d.y.ravel(), Ez.ravel(), d.gen_vis_triangles()) def vis_hook(step, t, state): if options.vis_every and step % options.vis_every == 0: if Hx, Hy, Ez = [d.from_dev(x) for x in state] else: Hx, Hy, Ez = state vis_mesh.mlab_source.z = Ez.ravel() # update colors, too (expensive) if options.update_colors: vis_mesh.mlab_source.scalars = Ez.ravel() from time import time as wall_time progress_every = 20 start_timing_at_step = progress_every if step % 20 == 0: if d.queue.finish() if step == start_timing_at_step: start_time[0] = wall_time() elif step > start_timing_at_step: elapsed = wall_time()-start_time[0] timed_steps = step - start_timing_at_step time_per_step = elapsed/timed_steps line = ("step=%d, sim_time=%f, elapsed wall time=%.2f s," "time per step=%f s" % ( step, t, elapsed, time_per_step)) if flops = 5 * (inner_rhs.flops + 4*d.K*d.ldis.Np) line += " %f gflops/s" % (flops/time_per_step/1e9) print line if from pydgeon.maxwell import CLMaxwellsRhs2D inner_rhs = CLMaxwellsRhs2D(d) def rhs(t, state): return make_obj_array(inner_rhs(*state)) else: from pydgeon.maxwell import MaxwellRHS2D def rhs(t, state): return make_obj_array(MaxwellRHS2D(d, *state)) # time loop print "entering time loop" start_time = [0] time, final_state = integrate_in_time(state, rhs, dt, final_time=options.final_time, vis_hook=vis_hook)
# Show result on 3D source space try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab lh_points = src[0]['rr'] lh_faces = src[0]['use_tris'] mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) # show brain surface after proper coordinate system transformation points = brain_surface['rr'] faces = brain_surface['tris'] coord_trans = fwd['mri_head_t']['trans'] points =[:3,:3], points.T).T + coord_trans[:3,-1] mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], faces, color=(1, 1, 0), opacity=0.3) # show one cortical surface mlab.triangular_mesh(lh_points[:, 0], lh_points[:, 1], lh_points[:, 2], lh_faces, color=(0.7, ) * 3) # show dipole as small cones dipoles = mlab.quiver3d(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2], ori[:,0], ori[:,1], ori[:,2], opacity=1., scale_factor=4e-4, scalars=time, mode='cone') mlab.colorbar(dipoles, title='Dipole fit time (ms)') # proper 3D orientation mlab.get_engine().scenes[0].scene.x_plus_view()
def plot(self, fig): x,y,z = zip(*self.getPoints(np.array(self.triangles).flatten())) emm.triangular_mesh(x,y,z, np.arange(len(self.triangles)*3).reshape(-1,3), representation = 'wireframe', figure = fig, color=(0.4,0.4,0.4), opacity = 0.4, line_width=0.5)
def make_flash_bem(subject, subjects_dir, flash05, flash30, show=False): """Create 3-Layers BEM model from Flash MRI images Parameters ---------- subject : string Subject name subjects_dir : string Directory containing subjects data (Freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR) flash05 : string Full path of the NIFTI file for the FLASH sequence with a spin angle of 5 degrees flash30 : string Full path of the NIFTI file for the FLASH sequence with a spin angle of 30 degrees show : bool Show surfaces in 3D to visually inspect all three BEM surfaces (recommended) Notes ----- This program assumes that both Freesurfer/FSL, and MNE, including MNE's Matlab Toolbox, are installed properly. For reference please read the MNE manual and wiki, and Freesurfer's wiki: References: B. Fischl, D. H. Salat, A. J. van der Kouwe, N. Makris, F. Segonne, B. T. Quinn, and A. M. Dale, "Sequence-independent segmentation of magnetic resonance images," Neuroimage, vol. 23 Suppl 1, pp. S69-84, 2004. J. Jovicich, S. Czanner, D. Greve, E. Haley, A. van der Kouwe, R. Gollub, D. Kennedy, F. Schmitt, G. Brown, J. Macfall, B. Fischl, and A. Dale, "Reliability in multi-site structural MRI studies: effects of gradient non-linearity correction on phantom and human data," Neuroimage, vol. 30, Epp. 436-43, 2006. """ os.environ['SUBJECT'] = subject os.chdir(os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject, "mri")) if not os.path.exists('flash'): os.mkdir("flash") os.chdir("flash") # flash_dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists('parameter_maps'): os.mkdir("parameter_maps") print("--- Converting Flash 5") os.system('mri_convert -flip_angle %s -tr 25 %s mef05.mgz' % (5 * math.pi / 180, flash05)) print("--- Converting Flash 30") os.system('mri_convert -flip_angle %s -tr 25 %s mef30.mgz' % (30 * math.pi / 180, flash30)) print("--- Running mne_flash_bem") os.system('mne_flash_bem --noconvert') os.chdir(os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'bem')) if not os.path.exists('flash'): os.mkdir("flash") os.chdir("flash") print("[done]") if show: fnames = ['', '', ''] head_col = (0.95, 0.83, 0.83) # light pink skull_col = (0.91, 0.89, 0.67) brain_col = (0.67, 0.89, 0.91) # light blue colors = [head_col, skull_col, brain_col] from enthought.mayavi import mlab mlab.clf() for fname, c in zip(fnames, colors): points, faces = mne.read_surface(fname) mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], faces, color=c, opacity=0.3)
print(__doc__) import os.path as op import mne from mne.datasets import sample data_path = sample.data_path() fname = op.join(data_path, 'subjects', 'sample', 'bem', 'sample-oct-6-src.fif') add_geom = True # include high resolution source space src = mne.read_source_spaces(fname, add_geom=add_geom) # 3D source space (high sampling) lh_points = src[0]['rr'] lh_faces = src[0]['tris'] rh_points = src[1]['rr'] rh_faces = src[1]['tris'] try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0),) mesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(lh_points[:, 0], lh_points[:, 1], lh_points[:, 2], lh_faces, colormap='RdBu') mesh.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True mesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(rh_points[:, 0], rh_points[:, 1], rh_points[:, 2], rh_faces, colormap='RdBu') mesh.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True
# v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) # v2 = np.array([100,0,0]) # mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)]) # v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) # v2 = np.array([0,100,0]) # mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)]) # v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) # v2 = np.array([0,0,100]) # mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)]) v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) v2 = np.array([80,0,0]) v2 =[:,0:3],v2) mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)],color=(1,1,1)) v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) v2 = np.array([0,80,0]) v2 =[:,0:3],v2) mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)],color=(1,1,1)) v1 = np.array([0,0,0]) v2 = np.array([0,0,80]) v2 =[:,0:3],v2) mlab.triangular_mesh([[v1[0]-1,v1[0]+1,v2[0]-1,v2[0]+1]], [[v1[1]-1,v1[1]+1,v2[1]-1,v2[1]+1]], [[v1[2]-1,v1[2]+1,v2[2]-1,v2[2]+1]], [(0,1,2),(1,2,3)],color=(1,1,1)) print #axis mlab.triangular_mesh([[0,0,100]], [[-0.3,0.3,0]], [[0,0,0]], [(0,1,2)])
def plot3d(cf, vp1, vp2, precision, m1,m2,centerline,showbases,seq,mult,ghost): #DRAWS THE MOLECULE(S) print "Loading mlab....." from anim import stiffness, ACP from draw import data3d from enthought.mayavi import mlab r, q, d, g, h, sequence = cf nbbases = q.shape[0] #mlab.options.backend = 'envisage' #to use the full Mayavi interface fig = mlab.figure(1, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1024,768)) #creates a new window mlab.clf() #clears the window if centerline >0 : #DRAWS CENTRAL AXIS #axis_nodes = mlab.points3d(q[:,0],q[:,1],q[:,2],scale_factor=0.4,color=(1,0,1)) ghost_axis = mlab.plot3d(q[:,0],q[:,1],q[:,2],tube_radius=0.05, color=(1,1,1)) #will never move axis = mlab.plot3d(q[:,0],q[:,1],q[:,2],tube_radius=0.05, color=(1,0,1)) #DRAWS LAB FRAME e ee = mlab.quiver3d([0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1], \ mode='arrow',scale_factor=2, color=(1,1,1)) if showbases >0 : #DRAWS BASES AND BASE FRAMES points, triangles, centres, frames, i,j, repere, s = data3d(r,d,sequence) #see if ghost >0 : ghost = mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:,0],points[:,1],points[:,2],triangles,color=(1,1,1),opacity=0.4) k = array(repere)[nbbases,0] #index i : points l = array(repere)[nbbases,1] #index j : triangles main_strand = mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:k,0],points[:k,1],points[:k,2],triangles[:l],\ scalars=s[:k], colormap="autumn") #main strand comp_strand = mlab.triangular_mesh(points[k:i,0],points[k:i,1],points[k:i,2],triangles[l:j]-triangles[l,0],\ scalars=s[k:i], colormap="autumn") #complementary baseframes = mlab.quiver3d(centres[:,0],centres[:,1],centres[:,2],frames[:,0],frames[:,1],frames[:,2], \ mode='arrow',scale_factor=2, colormap="Oranges") #ANIMATION if vp1 >0 : if centerline >0 : #axis_nodes_src = axis_nodes.mlab_source axis_src = axis.mlab_source if showbases >0 : main_strand_src = main_strand.mlab_source comp_strand_src = comp_strand.mlab_source baseframes_src = baseframes.mlab_source vecp = stiffness(m1,1,vp1-1) #chosen eigenvector 1 #mult = 2.0 #multiple of the added eigenvector fig.scene.anti_aliasing_frames = 0 #antialiasing, default=8, off=0 for p in range(precision): wmod = ACP(readParameters(),vecp,mult*(p+1)/precision) #modified configuration cfmod = calculPoints(wmod) #modified coordinates r_p, q_p, d_p, g_p, h_p, sequence = cfmod fig.scene.disable_render = True #accelerates rendering if showbases >0 : points_p, triangles_p, centres_p, frames_p, i,j, repere, s = data3d(r_p,d_p,sequence) #modified graphics main_strand_src.set(x=points_p[:k,0],y=points_p[:k,1],z=points_p[:k,2]) comp_strand_src.set(x=points_p[k:i,0],y=points_p[k:i,1],z=points_p[k:i,2]) baseframes_src.reset(x=centres_p[:,0],y=centres_p[:,1],z=centres_p[:,2],\ u=frames_p[:,0],v=frames_p[:,1],w=frames_p[:,2]) if centerline >0 : #axis_nodes_src.set(x=q_p[:,0],y=q_p[:,1],z=q_p[:,2],scale_factor=0.7,color=(1,0,1)) axis_src.set(x=q_p[:,0],y=q_p[:,1],z=q_p[:,2],tube_radius=0.05, color=(1,0,1)) fig.scene.disable_render = False if vp2 > 0: if showbases >0 : #new instance of the entire molecule new_main_strand = mlab.triangular_mesh(points[:k,0],points[:k,1],points[:k,2],triangles[:l],\ scalars=s[:k], colormap="winter") #main strand new_comp_strand = mlab.triangular_mesh(points[k:i,0],points[k:i,1],points[k:i,2],triangles[l:j]-triangles[l,0],\ scalars=s[k:i], colormap="winter") #complementary new_baseframes = mlab.quiver3d(centres[:,0],centres[:,1],centres[:,2],frames[:,0],frames[:,1],frames[:,2], \ mode='arrow',scale_factor=2, colormap="Blues") new_main_strand_src = new_main_strand.mlab_source new_comp_strand_src = new_comp_strand.mlab_source new_baseframes_src = new_baseframes.mlab_source if centerline >0 : new_axis = mlab.plot3d(q[:,0],q[:,1],q[:,2],tube_radius=0.05, color=(1,0,1)) new_axis_src = new_axis.mlab_source vecp = stiffness(m2,1,vp2-1) #chosen eigenvector 2 #mult = 2.0 #multiple of the added eigenvector for p in range(precision): wmod = ACP(readParameters(),vecp,mult*(p+1)/precision) #modified configuration cfmod = calculPoints(wmod) #modified coordinates r_p, q_p, d_p, g_p, h_p, sequence = cfmod if showbases >0 : points_p, triangles_p, centres_p, frames_p, i,j, repere, s = data3d(r_p,d_p,sequence) #modified graphics fig.scene.disable_render = True #accelerates rendering new_main_strand_src.set(x=points_p[:k,0],y=points_p[:k,1],z=points_p[:k,2]) new_comp_strand_src.set(x=points_p[k:i,0],y=points_p[k:i,1],z=points_p[k:i,2]) new_baseframes_src.reset(x=centres_p[:,0],y=centres_p[:,1],z=centres_p[:,2],\ u=frames_p[:,0],v=frames_p[:,1],w=frames_p[:,2]) if centerline >0 : #new_axis_nodes_src.set(x=q_p[:,0],y=q_p[:,1],z=q_p[:,2],scale_factor=0.7,color=(1,0,1)) new_axis_src.set(x=q_p[:,0],y=q_p[:,1],z=q_p[:,2],tube_radius=0.05, color=(1,0,1)) fig.scene.disable_render = False mlab.orientation_axes()
# # License: BSD (3-clause) print(__doc__) import os.path as op import mne from mne.datasets import sample data_path = sample.data_path() fname = op.join(data_path, 'MEG', 'sample', 'sample_audvis-eeg-oct-6p-fwd.fif') add_geom = True # include high resolution source space src = mne.read_source_spaces(fname, add_geom=add_geom) # 3D source space (high sampling) lh_points = src[0]['rr'] lh_faces = src[0]['tris'] rh_points = src[1]['rr'] rh_faces = src[1]['tris'] try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except: from mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) mlab.triangular_mesh(lh_points[:, 0], lh_points[:, 1], lh_points[:, 2], lh_faces) mlab.triangular_mesh(rh_points[:, 0], rh_points[:, 1], rh_points[:, 2], rh_faces)
xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] triangles = [] for i, plane in enumerate(planes): xs.extend([plane.p0[0], plane.p1[0], plane.p2[0]]) ys.extend([plane.p0[1], plane.p1[1], plane.p2[1]]) zs.extend([plane.p0[2], plane.p1[2], plane.p2[2]]) triangles.append((3*i, 3*i+1, 3*i+2)) p_earth_body = numpy.array([-20000e3, 0, 30000e3]) p_earth_body = numpy.array([-11913349.37481491, 1600513.79810546, 6787847.04879577]) att = [0, 0, 0] vis, illum, outs = taco.calc_earth_vis(-p_earth_body, att, ngrid=30, to_earth=True, max_reflect=0) mask_points = (len(outs) // 300) or None rx = [out[0][0] for out in outs] ry = [out[0][1] for out in outs] rz = [out[0][2] for out in outs] ru = [out[1][0] * (2 if out[3] else 1) for out in outs] rv = [out[1][1] * (2 if out[3] else 1) for out in outs] rw = [out[1][2] * (2 if out[3] else 1) for out in outs] mlab.clf() mlab.triangular_mesh(xs, ys, zs, triangles, color=(1, 1, 0), opacity=0.9) mlab.triangular_mesh(xs, ys, zs, triangles, color=(1, .8, 0), representation='wireframe', line_width=4) mlab.quiver3d(rx, ry, rz, ru, rv, rw, scale_factor=1.0, mask_points=mask_points, vmin=1, vmax=2)