def spin(fcm, idx0, idx1, idx2): """Plots 3D data as points in space.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] z = fcm[:, idx2] s = trilinear_interpolate(x, y, z) # bins = int(len(x)**(1/3.0)) # xfrac, xint = numpy.modf((x - numpy.min(x))/ # (numpy.max(x)-numpy.min(x))*(bins-1)) # yfrac, yint = numpy.modf((y - numpy.min(y))/ # (numpy.max(y)-numpy.min(y))*(bins-1)) # zfrac, zint = numpy.modf((z - numpy.min(z))/ # (numpy.max(z)-numpy.min(z))*(bins-1)) # xint = xint.astype('i') # yint = yint.astype('i') # zint = zint.astype('i') # # not interpolated - kiv write trilinear_interpolate function # h, edges = numpy.histogramdd(fcm[:,[idx0, idx1, idx2]], bins=bins) # v = h[xint, yint, zint] mlab.figure() mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, mode='point') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel(fcm.channels[idx2])
def newSurface(self): processes = self.plotter.getProcesses() if not self._cv_dlg: self._cv_dlg = daeChooseVariable(daeChooseVariable.plot3D) self._cv_dlg.updateProcessesList(processes) self._cv_dlg.setWindowTitle('Choose variable for 3D plot') if self._cv_dlg.exec_() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return False variable, domainIndexes, domainPoints, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, zAxisLabel, xPoints, yPoints, zPoints, currentTime = self._cv_dlg.getPlot3DData( ) xPoints = numpy.array(xPoints) yPoints = numpy.array(yPoints) xmax = numpy.max(xPoints) ymax = numpy.max(yPoints) zmax = numpy.max(zPoints) xmin = numpy.min(xPoints) ymin = numpy.min(yPoints) zmin = numpy.min(zPoints) warp = 'auto' #if((xmax == xmin) or (ymax == ymin) or (zmax == zmin)): # warp = 'auto' #else: # warp = math.sqrt( (xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin) ) / (zmax-zmin) # colormap='gist_earth', 'RdBu' stype = 'surface' mlab.figure() if (stype == 'surface'): #print "warp=", warp #print "[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]=", [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax], yPoints, zPoints, warp_scale=warp, representation='surface') mlab.colorbar(orientation='vertical') #mlab.title('polar mesh') #mlab.outline() mlab.axes(ranges=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax], nb_labels=3) mlab.xlabel(xAxisLabel) mlab.ylabel(yAxisLabel) mlab.zlabel(zAxisLabel) elif (stype == 'map'): mlab.imshow(zPoints) mlab.colorbar(orientation='vertical') #mlab.title('polar mesh') #mlab.outline() mlab.axes(ranges=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], nb_labels=3) mlab.xlabel(xAxisLabel) mlab.ylabel(yAxisLabel) mlab.zlabel(zAxisLabel)
def spin(fcm, idx0, idx1, idx2): """Plots 3D data as points in space.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] z = fcm[:, idx2] s = trilinear_interpolate(x, y, z) # bins = int(len(x)**(1/3.0)) # xfrac, xint = numpy.modf((x - numpy.min(x))/ # (numpy.max(x)-numpy.min(x))*(bins-1)) # yfrac, yint = numpy.modf((y - numpy.min(y))/ # (numpy.max(y)-numpy.min(y))*(bins-1)) # zfrac, zint = numpy.modf((z - numpy.min(z))/ # (numpy.max(z)-numpy.min(z))*(bins-1)) # xint = xint.astype('i') # yint = yint.astype('i') # zint = zint.astype('i') # not interpolated - kiv write trilinear_interpolate function # h, edges = numpy.histogramdd(fcm[:,[idx0, idx1, idx2]], bins=bins) # v = h[xint, yint, zint] mlab.figure() mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, mode='point') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel(fcm.channels[idx2])
def plot_cartesian(traj, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, color='b', label='_nolegend_', linewidth=2, scatter_size=20): ''' xaxis - x axis for the graph (0,1 or 2) zaxis - for a 3d plot. not implemented. ''' import arm_trajectories as at #if traj.__class__ == at.JointTrajectory: if isinstance(traj, at.JointTrajectory): traj = joint_to_cartesian(traj) pts = np.matrix(traj.p_list).T label_list = ['X coord (m)', 'Y coord (m)', 'Z coord (m)'] x = pts[xaxis, :].A1.tolist() y = pts[yaxis, :].A1.tolist() if zaxis == None: pl.plot(x, y, c=color, linewidth=linewidth, label=label) pl.scatter( x, y, c=color, s=scatter_size, label='_nolegend_', linewidths=0) pl.xlabel(label_list[xaxis]) pl.ylabel(label_list[yaxis]) pl.legend(loc='best') pl.axis('equal') else: from numpy import array from enthought.mayavi.api import Engine engine = Engine() engine.start() if len(engine.scenes) == 0: engine.new_scene() z = pts[zaxis, :].A1.tolist() time_list = [t - traj.time_list[0] for t in traj.time_list] mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, time_list, tube_radius=None, line_width=4) mlab.axes() mlab.xlabel(label_list[xaxis]) mlab.ylabel(label_list[yaxis]) mlab.zlabel(label_list[zaxis]) mlab.colorbar(title='Time') # ------------------------------------------- axes = engine.scenes[0].children[0].children[0].children[1] axes.axes.position = array([0., 0.]) axes.axes.label_format = '%-#6.2g' axes.title_text_property.font_size = 4
def _plotbutton1_fired(self): mlab.clf() self.loaddata() field=mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(self.sregion) # Generate a scalar field mlab.pipeline.volume(field,vmax=self.datamax,vmin=self.datamin) # Render the field with dots mlab.outline() mlab.xlabel('RA(J2000)') mlab.ylabel('DEC(J2000)') mlab.zlabel('Velocity') mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=0) self.field = field
def surface(fcm, idx0, idx1): """Plots a surface plot for 2D data.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] bins = int(numpy.sqrt(len(x))) z, xedge, yedge = numpy.histogram2d(y, x, bins=[bins, bins], range=[(numpy.min(y), numpy.max(y)), (numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x))] ) mlab.figure(), yedge, z, warp_scale='auto') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel('Density')
def plot_cartesian(traj, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, color='b',label='_nolegend_', linewidth=2, scatter_size=10, plot_velocity=False): import arm_trajectories as at #if traj.__class__ == at.JointTrajectory: if isinstance(traj,at.JointTrajectory): traj = joint_to_cartesian(traj) pts = np.matrix(traj.p_list).T label_list = ['X coord (m)', 'Y coord (m)', 'Z coord (m)'] x = pts[xaxis,:].A1.tolist() y = pts[yaxis,:].A1.tolist() if plot_velocity: vels = np.matrix(traj.v_list).T xvel = vels[xaxis,:].A1.tolist() yvel = vels[yaxis,:].A1.tolist() if zaxis == None: mpu.plot_yx(y, x, color, linewidth, '-', scatter_size, label, axis = 'equal', xlabel = label_list[xaxis], ylabel = label_list[yaxis],) if plot_velocity: mpu.plot_quiver_yxv(y, x, np.matrix([xvel,yvel]), width = 0.001, scale = 1.) mpu.legend() else: from numpy import array from enthought.mayavi.api import Engine engine = Engine() engine.start() if len(engine.scenes) == 0: engine.new_scene() z = pts[zaxis,:].A1.tolist() time_list = [t-traj.time_list[0] for t in traj.time_list] mlab.plot3d(x,y,z,time_list,tube_radius=None,line_width=4) mlab.axes() mlab.xlabel(label_list[xaxis]) mlab.ylabel(label_list[yaxis]) mlab.zlabel(label_list[zaxis]) mlab.colorbar(title='Time') # ------------------------------------------- axes = engine.scenes[0].children[0].children[0].children[1] axes.axes.position = array([ 0., 0.]) axes.axes.label_format = '%-#6.2g' axes.title_text_property.font_size=4
def plot_cartesian(traj, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, color='b',label='_nolegend_', linewidth=2, scatter_size=10, plot_velocity=False): import matplotlib_util.util as mpu import arm_trajectories as at #if traj.__class__ == at.JointTrajectory: if isinstance(traj,at.JointTrajectory): traj = joint_to_cartesian(traj) pts = np.matrix(traj.p_list).T label_list = ['X coord (m)', 'Y coord (m)', 'Z coord (m)'] x = pts[xaxis,:].A1.tolist() y = pts[yaxis,:].A1.tolist() if plot_velocity: vels = np.matrix(traj.v_list).T xvel = vels[xaxis,:].A1.tolist() yvel = vels[yaxis,:].A1.tolist() if zaxis == None: mpu.plot_yx(y, x, color, linewidth, '-', scatter_size, label, axis = 'equal', xlabel = label_list[xaxis], ylabel = label_list[yaxis],) if plot_velocity: mpu.plot_quiver_yxv(y, x, np.matrix([xvel,yvel]), width = 0.001, scale = 1.) mpu.legend() else: from numpy import array from enthought.mayavi.api import Engine engine = Engine() engine.start() if len(engine.scenes) == 0: engine.new_scene() z = pts[zaxis,:].A1.tolist() time_list = [t-traj.time_list[0] for t in traj.time_list] mlab.plot3d(x,y,z,time_list,tube_radius=None,line_width=4) mlab.axes() mlab.xlabel(label_list[xaxis]) mlab.ylabel(label_list[yaxis]) mlab.zlabel(label_list[zaxis]) mlab.colorbar(title='Time') # ------------------------------------------- axes = engine.scenes[0].children[0].children[0].children[1] axes.axes.position = array([ 0., 0.]) axes.axes.label_format = '%-#6.2g' axes.title_text_property.font_size=4
def surface(fcm, idx0, idx1): """Plots a surface plot for 2D data.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] bins = int(numpy.sqrt(len(x))) z, xedge, yedge = numpy.histogram2d(y, x, bins=[bins, bins], range=[(numpy.min(y), numpy.max(y)), (numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x))]) mlab.figure(), yedge, z, warp_scale='auto') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel('Density')
def _plotbutton2_fired(self): mlab.clf() self.loaddata() field=mlab.contour3d(self.sregion,colormap='gist_ncar') # Generate a scalar field field.contour.maximum_contour = self.datamax field.contour.minimum_contour = self.datamin = self.opacity mlab.outline() mlab.xlabel('RA(J2000)') mlab.ylabel('DEC(J2000)') mlab.zlabel('Velocity') mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=0) self.field = field
def make_3d_graph(scalarfield, filename): mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1,1,1),fgcolor=(0,0,0)) #mlab.options.offscreen = True #win = e.new_scene() #src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(Phi_graph) #e.add_source(src) #e.add_module(IsoSurface()) #e.add_module( #win.scene.isometric_view(),size=(800,600)) mlab.clf() mlab.contour3d(scalarfield,opacity=.5,transparent=True)#,contours=[1.0]) # mlab.outline() mlab.zlabel('Z') mlab.xlabel('X') mlab.ylabel('Y') print 'saving %s' % filename mlab.savefig(filename)
def mcrtmv(frames, dt, Lx, Ly, Nx, Ny, savemovie=False, mvname='test'): x = np.linspace(0, Lx, Nx) y = np.linspace(0, Lx, Nx) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) size = 500, 500 fig = ml.figure(size=size, bgcolor=(1., 1., 1.)) #fig.scene.anti_aliasing_frames=07 #extent = [0,Nx-1,0,Ny-1,-30,30] ml.clf(figure=fig) u = np.loadtxt('data/solution_%06d.txt' % 1) fname = 'data/_tmp%07d.png' % 1 s =, y, u, figure=fig, vmin=-1, vmax=1) ml.axes(extent=[0, Lx, 0, Ly, -2, 2]) ml.colorbar() ml.xlabel('x position') ml.ylabel('y position') ml.zlabel('wave amplitude') if savemovie == True: pl.ion() arr = ml.screenshot() img = pl.imshow(arr) pl.axis('off') for i in range(2, frames): u = np.loadtxt('data/solution_%06d.txt' % i) s.mlab_source.scalars = u fname = 'data/_tmp%07d.png' % i if savemovie == True: arr = ml.screenshot() img.set_array(arr) pl.savefig(filename=fname) #,figure=fig) print 'Saving frame', fname pl.draw() fig.scene.disable_render = False os.system( "mencoder 'mf://data/_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=20 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s.mpg" % mvname)
def mcrtmv(frames, dt,Lx,Ly,Nx,Ny,savemovie=False, mvname='test'): x = np.linspace(0,Lx,Nx); y = np.linspace(0,Lx,Nx); X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y); size = 500,500 fig = ml.figure(size= size, bgcolor=(1.,1.,1.)); #fig.scene.anti_aliasing_frames=07 #extent = [0,Nx-1,0,Ny-1,-30,30] ml.clf(figure=fig) u = np.loadtxt('data/solution_%06d.txt'%1); fname = 'data/_tmp%07d.png' % 1 s =,y,u,figure=fig,vmin=-1,vmax=1) ml.axes(extent=[0,Lx,0,Ly,-2,2]) ml.colorbar() ml.xlabel('x position') ml.ylabel('y position') ml.zlabel('wave amplitude') if savemovie == True: pl.ion() arr = ml.screenshot() img = pl.imshow(arr) pl.axis('off') for i in range(2,frames): u = np.loadtxt('data/solution_%06d.txt'%i); s.mlab_source.scalars = u fname = 'data/_tmp%07d.png' % i if savemovie == True: arr = ml.screenshot() img.set_array(arr) pl.savefig(filename=fname)#,figure=fig) print 'Saving frame', fname pl.draw() fig.scene.disable_render = False os.system("mencoder 'mf://data/_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=20 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s.mpg" % mvname);
from enthought.mayavi import mlab ## For volume rendering (problems in saving as a obj file) #field=mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(sregion) # Generate a scalar field #mlab.pipeline.volume(field,vmin=2000,vmax=10000) # Render the field with dots ## For surface rendering field=mlab.contour3d(sregion,colormap='gist_ncar') # Generate a scalar field #field.contour.maximum_contour = 13000 field.contour.minimum_contour = 2000 = 0.3 mlab.outline() mlab.xlabel('RA(J2000)') mlab.ylabel('DEC(J2000)') mlab.zlabel('Velocity') #mlab.axes() #mlab.colorbar() ## Add 3-d text in the cube mlab.text3d(30,80,23,'Outflows in L1551 IRS5',scale=2.) #mlab.text(45,45,"outflows!",width=0.2,z=20) ## Draw arrows to show outflows etc. vector1=mlab.quiver3d(55,55,30,1,1,0.2,mode='arrow',scale_factor=10.0,color=(0.0,0.0,1.0)) vector2=mlab.quiver3d(55,40,30,1,-1.2,0.2,mode='arrow',scale_factor=10.0,color=(0.0,0.0,1.0)) vector3=mlab.quiver3d(45,50,30,-0.8,1,0.2,mode='2dthick_arrow',scale_factor=10.0,color=(0.0,0.0,1.0)) vector4=mlab.quiver3d(49,48,30,0.2,0,1,mode='2darrow',scale_factor=8.0,color=(0.0,0.0,1.0)) vector5=mlab.quiver3d(47,58,20,-1,1.8,-0.2,mode='arrow',scale_factor=10.0,color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)) vector6=mlab.quiver3d(45,45,20,-1.2,-1,-0.2,mode='arrow',scale_factor=10.0,color=(1.0,0.0,0.0))
#elif v >= 0.5: # r_a.append(i) # th_a.append(j) # ph_a.append(k) # s_a.append(v) if False: from enthought.mayavi import mlab fig1 = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1,1,1),fgcolor=(0,0,0),size=(800,800)) #mlab.points3d(ph_a, th_a, r_a, s_a,opacity=0.1,scale_factor=3)#, color=(0,0,1)) mlab.points3d(ph_r, th_r, r_r, s_r,opacity=0.3,scale_factor=2)#, color=(1,0,0)) mlab.axes(ranges=[0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 90.0, 3.0, 9.0]) #mlab.orientation_axes() mlab.xlabel("phi") mlab.ylabel("theta") mlab.zlabel("centroid\ndistance") #mlab.colorbar(nb_labels=2,nb_colors=2,label_fmt='') mlab.colorbar() #mlab.text(0.1,0.1,"attraction",color=(0,0,1),width=0.1) #mlab.text(0.8,0.1,"repulsion",color=(1,0,0),width=0.1) mlab.text(0.1,0.8,"%s-%s (n=%i; x=%i); (%s)"%(res1,res2,ndata,countNone,pdblistfile),width=0.8) mlab.title("Free Energy (%s,%s)"%(res1,res2),size=0.3,height=0.7,figure=fig1) viewdist = 120 elevation = 60 # angle or 'rotate' azimuth = 180+45 # angle or 'rotate' mlab.view(distance=viewdist,elevation=elevation, azimuth=azimuth) mlab.savefig(pdblistfile+"_%s_%s_r_theta_phi.png"%(res1,res2))