Exemple #1
class ExpressionColumn(ObjectColumn):

    #  Trait definitions:

    # The Python expression used to return the value of the column
    expression = Expression

    # Is this column editable?
    editable = Constant(False)

    # The globals dictionary that should be passed to the expression evaluation:
    globals = Any({})

    #  Gets the value of the column for a specified object:

    def get_raw_value(self, object):
        """ Gets the unformatted value of the column for a specified object.
            return eval(self.expression_, self.globals, {'object': object})
            logger.exception('Error evaluating table column expression: %s' %
            return None
Exemple #2
    def bind(self, name, value, id=None):
        """ Binds a name to a value if it is not already bound.
        if id is None:
            id = name

        if not hasattr(self, name):
            self.add_trait(name, Constant(value))
            if id != '':
Exemple #3
class ReportAdapter(TabularAdapter):

    columns = [('Name', 'name'), ('Age', 'age'), ('Address', 'address'),
               ('Spouse', 'spouse')]

    font = 'Courier 10'
    age_alignment = Constant('right')
    MarriedPerson_age_image = Property
    MarriedPerson_bg_color = Color(0xE0E0FF)
    MarriedPerson_spouse_text = Property
    Person_spouse_text = Constant('')

    def _get_MarriedPerson_age_image(self):
        if self.item.age < 18:
            return '@icons:red_ball'

        return None

    def _get_MarriedPerson_spouse_text(self):
        return self.item.partner.name
class UserPerspectiveName(HasTraits):
    """ Object with views for naming or renaming a user perspective. """

    # 'UserPerspectiveName' interface.

    # The name of the new user perspective.
    name = NotEmptyString

    # Should the editor area be shown in this perpsective?
    show_editor_area = Bool(True)

    # Help notes when creating a new view.
    new_help = Constant("""Note:
 - The new perspective will initially be empty.
 - Add new views to the perspective by selecting 
   them from the 'View' menu.
 - Drag the notebook tabs and splitter bars to 
   arrange the views within the perspective.""")

    #### Traits views #########################################################

    new_view = View(VGroup(
        VGroup('name', 'show_editor_area'),
        VGroup('_', Item('new_help', style='readonly'), show_labels=False)),
                    title='New User Perspective',
                    buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'],

    save_as_view = View('name',
                        title='Save User Perspective As',
                        buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'],

    rename_view = View('name',
                       title='Rename User Perspective',
                       buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'],
Exemple #5
class WorkbenchWindow(ApplicationWindow):
    """ A workbench window. """

    #### 'IWorkbenchWindow' interface #########################################

    # The view or editor that currently has the focus.
    active_part = Instance(IWorkbenchPart)
    # The editor manager is used to create/restore editors.
    editor_manager = Instance(IEditorManager)

    # The current selection within the window.
    selection = List

    # The workbench that the window belongs to.
    workbench = Instance('enthought.pyface.workbench.api.IWorkbench')
    #### Editors #######################

    # The active editor.
    active_editor = Instance(IEditor)

    # The visible (open) editors.
    editors = List(IEditor)

    # The Id of the editor area.
    editor_area_id = Constant('enthought.pyface.workbench.editors')

    # The (initial) size of the editor area (the user is free to resize it of
    # course).
    editor_area_size = Tuple((100, 100))

    # Fired when an editor is about to be opened (or restored).
    editor_opening = Delegate('layout') # Event(IEditor)
    # Fired when an editor has been opened (or restored).
    editor_opened = Delegate('layout')  # Event(IEditor)

    # Fired when an editor is about to be closed.
    editor_closing = Delegate('layout') # Event(IEditor)

    # Fired when an editor has been closed.
    editor_closed = Delegate('layout')  # Event(IEditor)

    #### Views #########################

    # The active view.
    active_view = Instance(IView)

    # The available views (note that this is *all* of the views, not just those
    # currently visible).
    # Views *cannot* be shared between windows as each view has a reference to
    # its toolkit-specific control etc.
    views = List(IView)

    #### Perspectives ##################

    # The active perspective.
    active_perspective = Instance(IPerspective)

    # The available perspectives. If no perspectives are specified then the
    # a single instance of the 'Perspective' class is created.
    perspectives = List(IPerspective)

    # The Id of the default perspective.
    # There are two situations in which this is used:
    # 1. When the window is being created from scratch (i.e., not restored).
    #    If this is the empty string, then the first perspective in the list of
    #    perspectives is shown (if there are no perspectives then an instance
    #    of the default 'Perspective' class is used). If this is *not* the
    #    empty string then the perspective with this Id is shown.
    # 2. When the window is being restored.
    #    If this is the empty string, then the last perspective that was
    #    visible when the window last closed is shown. If this is not the empty
    #    string then the perspective with this Id is shown.
    default_perspective_id = Str

    #### 'WorkbenchWindow' interface ##########################################

    # The window layout is responsible for creating and managing the internal
    # structure of the window (i.e., it knows how to add and remove views and
    # editors etc).
    layout = Instance(WorkbenchWindowLayout)

    #### 'Private' interface ##################################################

    # The state of the window suitable for pickling etc.
    _memento = Instance(WorkbenchWindowMemento)

    # 'Window' interface.

    def open(self):
        """ Open the window.

        Overridden to make the 'opening' event vetoable.

        Return True if the window opened successfully; False if the open event
        was vetoed.


        logger.debug('window %s opening', self)

        # Trait notification.
        self.opening = event = Vetoable()
        if not event.veto:
            if self.control is None:


            # Trait notification.
            self.opened = self

            logger.debug('window %s opened', self)

            logger.debug('window %s open was vetoed', self)

        # fixme: This is not actually part of the Pyface 'Window' API (but
        # maybe it should be). We return this to indicate whether the window
        # actually opened.
        return self.control is not None

    def close(self):
        """ Closes the window.

        Overridden to make the 'closing' event vetoable.

        Return True if the window closed successfully (or was not even open!),
        False if the close event was vetoed.


        logger.debug('window %s closing', self)

        if self.control is not None:
            # Trait notification.
            self.closing = event = Vetoable()

            # fixme: Hack to mimic vetoable events!
            if not event.veto:
                # Give views and editors a chance to cleanup after themselves.

                # Cleanup the window layout (event handlers, etc.)
                # Cleanup the toolkit-specific control.

                # Cleanup our reference to the control so that we can (at least
                # in theory!) be opened again.
                self.control = None

                # Trait notification.
                self.closed = self

                logger.debug('window %s closed', self)

                logger.debug('window %s close was vetoed', self)

            logger.debug('window %s is not open', self)

        # FIXME v3: This is not actually part of the Pyface 'Window' API (but
        # maybe it should be). We return this to indicate whether the window
        # actually closed.
        return self.control is None
    # Protected 'Window' interface.

    def _create_contents(self, parent):
        """ Create and return the window contents. """

        # Create the initial window layout.
        contents = self.layout.create_initial_layout(parent)

        # Save the initial window layout so that we can reset it when changing
        # to a perspective that has not been seen yet.
        self._initial_layout = self.layout.get_view_memento()

        # Are we creating the window from scratch or restoring it from a
        # memento?
        if self._memento is None:
            self._memento = WorkbenchWindowMemento()

        # Set the initial perspective.
        self.active_perspective = self._get_initial_perspective()
        return contents

    # 'WorkbenchWindow' interface.

    #### Initializers #########################################################

    def _editor_manager_default(self):
        """ Trait initializer. """

        from editor_manager import EditorManager
        return EditorManager(window=self)

    def _layout_default(self):
        """ Trait initializer. """

        return WorkbenchWindowLayout(window=self)
    #### Methods ##############################################################

    def activate_editor(self, editor):
        """ Activates an editor. """



    def activate_view(self, view):
        """ Activates a view. """


    def add_editor(self, editor, title=None):
        """ Adds an editor.

        If no title is specified, the editor's name is used.


        if title is None:
            title = editor.name

        self.layout.add_editor(editor, title)


    def add_view(self, view, position=None, relative_to=None, size=(-1, -1)):
        """ Adds a view. """

        self.layout.add_view(view, position, relative_to, size)

        # This case allows for views that are created and added dynamically
        # (i.e. they were not even known about when the window was created).
        if not view in self.views:

    def close_editor(self, editor):
        """ Closes an editor. """



    def close_view(self, view):
        """ Closes a view.

        fixme: Currently views are never 'closed' in the same sense as an
        editor is closed. Views are merely hidden.




    def create_editor(self, obj, kind=None):
        """ Create an editor for an object.

        Return None if no editor can be created for the object.


        return self.editor_manager.create_editor(self, obj, kind)

    def destroy_editors(self, editors):
        """ Destroy a list of editors. """

        for editor in editors:
            if editor.control is not None:

    def destroy_views(self, views):
        """ Destroy a list of views. """

        for view in views:
            if view.control is not None:

    def edit(self, obj, kind=None, use_existing=True):
        """ Edit an object.

        'kind' is simply passed through to the window's editor manager to
        allow it to create a particular kind of editor depending on context
        If 'use_existing' is True and the object is already being edited in
        the window then the existing editor will be activated (i.e., given
        focus, brought to the front, etc.).

        If 'use_existing' is False, then a new editor will be created even if
        one already exists.


        if use_existing:
            # Is the object already being edited in the window?
            editor = self.get_editor(obj, kind)

            if editor is not None:
                # If so, activate the existing editor (i.e., bring it to the
                # front, give it the focus etc).
                return editor

        # Otherwise, create an editor for it.
        editor = self.create_editor(obj, kind)

        if editor is None:
            logger.warn('no editor for object %s', obj)


        return editor

    def get_editor(self, obj, kind=None):
        """ Return the editor that is editing an object.

        Return None if no such editor exists.


        return self.editor_manager.get_editor(self, obj, kind)

    def get_editor_by_id(self, id):
        """ Return the editor with the specified Id.

        Return None if no such editor exists.


        for editor in self.editors:
            if editor.id == id:

            editor = None

        return editor

    def get_part_by_id(self, id):
        """ Return the workbench part with the specified Id.

        Return None if no such part exists.


        return self.get_view_by_id(id) or self.get_editor_by_id(id)
    def get_perspective_by_id(self, id):
        """ Return the perspective with the specified Id.

        Return None if no such perspective exists.


        for perspective in self.perspectives:
            if perspective.id == id:

            if id == Perspective.DEFAULT_ID:
                perspective = Perspective()

                perspective = None

        return perspective

    def get_perspective_by_name(self, name):
        """ Return the perspective with the specified name.

        Return None if no such perspective exists.


        for perspective in self.perspectives:
            if perspective.name == name:

            perspective = None

        return perspective

    def get_view_by_id(self, id):
        """ Return the view with the specified Id.

        Return None if no such view exists.


        for view in self.views:
            if view.id == id:

            view = None

        return view

    def hide_editor_area(self):
        """ Hide the editor area. """

    def hide_view(self, view):
        """ Hide a view. """


    def refresh(self):
        """ Refresh the window to reflect any changes. """



    def reset_active_perspective(self):
        """ Reset the active perspective back to its original contents. """

        perspective = self.active_perspective
        # If the perspective has been seen before then delete its memento.
        if perspective.id in self._memento.perspective_mementos:
            # Remove the perspective's memento.
            del self._memento.perspective_mementos[perspective.id]

        # Re-display the perspective (because a memento no longer exists for
        # the perspective, its 'create_contents' method will be called again).
        self._show_perspective(perspective, perspective)


    def reset_all_perspectives(self):
        """ Reset all perspectives back to their original contents. """

        # Remove all perspective mementos (except user perspectives).
        for id in self._memento.perspective_mementos.keys():
            if not id.startswith('__user_perspective'):
                del self._memento.perspective_mementos[id]

        # Re-display the active perspective.


    def reset_editors(self):
        """ Activate the first editor in every tab. """



    def reset_views(self):
        """ Activate the first view in every tab. """


    def show_editor_area(self):
        """ Show the editor area. """

    def show_view(self, view):
        """ Show a view. """

        # If the view is already in the window layout, but hidden, then just
        # show it.
        # fixme: This is a little gorpy, reaching into the window layout here,
        # but currently this is the only thing that knows whether or not the
        # view exists but is hidden.
        if self.layout.contains_view(view):
        # Otherwise, we have to add the view to the layout.


    #### Methods for saving and restoring the layout ##########################

    def get_memento(self):
        """ Return the state of the window suitable for pickling etc. """

        # The size and position of the window.
        self._memento.size = self.size
        self._memento.position = self.position

        # The Id of the active perspective.
        self._memento.active_perspective_id = self.active_perspective.id

        # The layout of the active perspective.
        self._memento.perspective_mementos[self.active_perspective.id] = (
            self.active_view and self.active_view.id or None

        # The layout of the editor area.
        self._memento.editor_area_memento = self.layout.get_editor_memento()
        return self._memento

    def set_memento(self, memento):
        """ Restore the state of the window from a memento. """

        # All we do here is save a reference to the memento - we don't actually
        # do anything with it until the window is opened.
        # This obviously means that you can't set the memento of a window
        # that is already open, but I can't see a use case for that anyway!
        self._memento = memento


    # Private interface.

    def _add_view_in_default_position(self, view):
        """ Adds a view in its 'default' position. """

        # Is the view in the current perspectives contents list? If it is then
        # we use the positioning information in the perspective item. Otherwise
        # we will use the default positioning specified in the view itself.
        item = self._get_perspective_item(self.active_perspective, view)
        if item is None:
            item = view

        # fixme: This only works because 'PerspectiveItem' and 'View' have the
        # identical 'position', 'relative_to', 'width' and 'height' traits! We
        # need to unify these somehow!
        relative_to = self.get_view_by_id(item.relative_to)
        size = (item.width, item.height)

        self.add_view(view, item.position, relative_to, size)

    def _get_initial_perspective(self, *methods):
        """ Return the initial perspective. """

        methods = [
            # If a default perspective was specified then we prefer that over
            # any other perspective.
            # If there was no default perspective then try the perspective that
            # was active the last time the application was run.

            # If there was no previous perspective, then try the first one that
            # we know about.

        for method in methods:
            perspective = method()
            if perspective is not None:

        # If we have no known perspectives, make a new blank one up.
            logger.warn('no known perspectives - creating a new one')
            perspective = Perspective()

        return perspective
    def _get_default_perspective(self):
        """ Return the default perspective.

        Return None if no default perspective was specified or it no longer


        id = self.default_perspective_id

        if len(id) > 0:
            perspective = self.get_perspective_by_id(id)
            if perspective is None:
                logger.warn('default perspective %s no longer available', id)

            perspective = None
        return perspective

    def _get_previous_perspective(self):
        """ Return the previous perspective.

        Return None if there has been no previous perspective or it no longer


        id = self._memento.active_perspective_id
        if len(id) > 0:
            perspective = self.get_perspective_by_id(id)
            if perspective is None:
                logger.warn('previous perspective %s no longer available', id)

            perspective = None

        return perspective

    def _get_first_perspective(self):
        """ Return the first perspective in our list of perspectives.

        Return None if no perspectives have been defined.


        if len(self.perspectives) > 0:
            perspective = self.perspectives[0]

            perspective = None

        return perspective

    def _get_perspective_item(self, perspective, view):
        """ Return the perspective item for a view.

        Return None if the view is not mentioned in the perspectives contents.


        # fixme: Errrr, shouldn't this be a method on the window?!?
        for item in perspective.contents:
            if item.id == view.id:

            item = None

        return item

    def _hide_perspective(self, perspective):
        """ Hide a perspective. """

        # fixme: This is a bit ugly but... when we restore the layout we ignore
        # the default view visibility.
        for view in self.views:
            view.visible = False

        # Save the current layout of the perspective.
        self._memento.perspective_mementos[perspective.id] = (
            self.active_view and self.active_view.id or None


    def _show_perspective(self, old, new):
        """ Show a perspective. """

        # If the perspective has been seen before then restore it.
        memento = self._memento.perspective_mementos.get(new.id)
        if memento is not None:
            view_memento, active_view_id = memento

            # Make sure the active part, view and editor reflect the new
            # perspective.
            view = self.get_view_by_id(active_view_id)
            if view is not None:
                self.active_view = view
        # Otherwise, this is the first time the perspective has been seen
        # so create it.
            if old is not None:
                # Reset the window layout to its initial state.

            # Create the perspective in the window.

            # Make sure the active part, view and editor reflect the new
            # perspective.
            self.active_view = None

        # Show the editor area?
        if new.show_editor_area:
            self.active_editor = None

        # Inform the perspective that it has been shown.
        # This forces the dock window to update its layout.
        if old is not None:


    def _restore_contents(self):
        """ Restore the contents of the window. """


        self.size = self._memento.size
        self.position = self._memento.position

    #### Trait change handlers ################################################

    #### Static ####

    def _active_perspective_changed(self, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        logger.debug('active perspective changed from <%s> to <%s>', old, new)

        # Hide the old perspective...
        if old is not None:
        # ... and show the new one.
        if new is not None:
            self._show_perspective(old, new)


    def _active_editor_changed(self, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        logger.debug('active editor changed from <%s> to <%s>', old, new)
        self.active_part = new

    def _active_part_changed(self, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        if new is None:
            self.selection = []

            self.selection = new.selection

        logger.debug('active part changed from <%s> to <%s>', old, new)


    def _active_view_changed(self, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        logger.debug('active view changed from <%s> to <%s>', old, new)
        self.active_part = new

    def _views_changed(self, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        # Cleanup any old views.
        for view in old:
            view.window = None
        # Initialize any new views.
        for view in new:
            view.window = self


    def _views_items_changed(self, event):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        # Cleanup any old views.
        for view in event.removed:
            view.window = None

        # Initialize any new views.
        for view in event.added:
            view.window = self


    #### Dynamic ####

    def _on_editor_closed(self, editor):
        """ Dynamic trait change handler. """

        index = self.editors.index(editor)
        del self.editors[index]
        if editor is self.active_editor:
            if len(self.editors) > 0:
                index = min(index, len(self.editors) - 1)
                # If the user closed the editor manually then this method is
                # being called from a toolkit-specific event handler. Because
                # of that we have to make sure that we don't change the focus
                # from within this method directly hence we activate the editor
                # later in the GUI thread.
                GUI.invoke_later(self.activate_editor, self.editors[index])

                self.active_editor = None


    def _on_editor_has_focus_changed(self, obj, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Dynamic trait change handler. """

        if trait_name == 'has_focus' and new:
            self.active_editor = obj

    def _has_focus_changed_for_view(self, obj, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Dynamic trait change handler. """

        if trait_name == 'has_focus' and new:
            self.active_view = obj


    def _visible_changed_for_view(self, obj, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Dynamic trait change handler. """

        if trait_name == 'visible':
            if not new:
                if obj is self.active_view:
                    self.active_view = None

Exemple #6
class ActionManager(HasTraits):
    """ Abstract base class for all action managers.

    An action manager contains a list of groups, with each group containing a
    list of items.

    There are currently three concrete sub-classes:-

    1) 'MenuBarManager'
    2) 'MenuManager'
    3) 'ToolBarManager'


    #### 'ActionManager' interface ############################################

    # The Id of the default group.
    DEFAULT_GROUP = Constant('additions')

    # The action controller (if any) used to control how actions are performed.
    controller = Instance(ActionController)

    # Is the action manager enabled?
    enabled = Bool(True)

    # All of the contribution groups in the manager.
    groups = Property(List(Group))

    # The manager's unique identifier (if it has one).
    id = Str

    # Is the action manager visible?
    visible = Bool(True)

    #### Events ####

    # fixme: We probably need more granular events than this!
    changed = Event

    #### Private interface ####################################################

    # All of the contribution groups in the manager.
    _groups = List(Group)

    # 'object' interface.

    def __init__(self, *args, **traits):
        """ Creates a new menu manager. """

        # Base class constructor.
        super(ActionManager, self).__init__(**traits)

        # The last group in every manager is the group with Id 'additions'.
        # fixme: The side-effect of this is to ensure that the 'additions'
        # group has been created.  Is the 'additions' group even a good idea?
        group = self._get_default_group()

        # Add all items to the manager.
        for arg in args:
            # We allow a group to be defined by simply specifying a string (its
            # Id).
            if isinstance(arg, basestring):
                # Create a group with the specified Id.
                arg = Group(id=arg)

            # If the item is a group then add it just before the default group
            # (ie. we always keep the default group as the last group in the
            # manager).
            if isinstance(arg, Group):
                self.insert(-1, arg)
                group = arg

            # Otherwise, the item is an action manager item so add it to the
            # current group.
                ##                 # If no group has been created then add one.  This is only
                ##                 # relevant when using the 'shorthand' way to define menus.
                ##                 if group is None:
                ##                     group = Group(id='__first__')
                ##                     self.insert(-1, group)



    # 'ActionManager' interface.

    #### Trait properties #####################################################

    def _get_groups(self):
        """ Returns the groups in the manager. """

        return self._groups[:]

    #### Trait change handlers ################################################

    def _enabled_changed(self, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        for group in self._groups:
            group.enabled = new


    def _visible_changed(self, trait_name, old, new):
        """ Static trait change handler. """

        for group in self._groups:
            group.visible = new


    #### Methods ##############################################################

    def append(self, item):
        """ Append an item to the manager.

        See the documentation for 'insert'.


        return self.insert(len(self._groups), item)

    def destroy(self):
        """ Called when the manager is no longer required.

        By default this method simply calls 'destroy' on all of the manager's


        for group in self.groups:


    def insert(self, index, item):
        """ Insert an item into the manager at the specified index.

        The item can be:-

        1) A 'Group' instance.

            In which case the group is inserted into the manager's list of

        2) A string.

            In which case a 'Group' instance is created with that Id, and then
            inserted into the manager's list of groups.

        3) An 'ActionManagerItem' instance.

            In which case the item is inserted into the manager's default


        # 1) The item is a 'Group' instance.
        if isinstance(item, Group):
            group = item

            # Insert the group into the manager.
            group.parent = self
            self._groups.insert(index, item)

        # 2) The item is a string.
        elif isinstance(item, basestring):
            # Create a group with that Id.
            group = Group(id=item)

            # Insert the group into the manager.
            group.parent = self
            self._groups.insert(index, group)

        # 3) The item is an 'ActionManagerItem' instance.
            # Find the default group.
            group = self._get_default_group()

            # Insert the item into the default group.
            group.insert(index, item)

        return group

    def find_group(self, id):
        """ Return the group with the specified Id.

        Return None if no such group exists.


        for group in self._groups:
            if group.id == id:

            group = None

        return group

    def find_item(self, path):
        """ Return the item found at the specified path.

        'path' is a '/' separated list of contribution Ids.

        Returns None if any component of the path is not found.


        components = path.split('/')

        # If there is only one component, then the path is just an Id so look
        # it up in this manager.
        if len(components) > 0:
            item = self._find_item(components[0])

            if len(components) > 1 and item is not None:
                item = item.find_item('/'.join(components[1:]))

            item = None

        return item

    def walk(self, fn):
        """ Walk the manager applying a function at every item. """


        for group in self._groups:
            self.walk_group(group, fn)


    def walk_group(self, group, fn):
        """ Walk a group applying a function at every item. """


        for item in group.items:
            if isinstance(item, Group):
                self.walk_group(item, fn)

                self.walk_item(item, fn)


    def walk_item(self, item, fn):
        """ Walk an item (may be a sub-menu manager remember!). """

        if hasattr(item, 'groups'):



    # Private interface.

    def _get_default_group(self):
        """ Returns the manager's default group. """

        group = self.find_group(self.DEFAULT_GROUP)
        if group is None:
            group = Group(id=self.DEFAULT_GROUP)

        return group

    def _find_item(self, id):
        """ Returns the item with the specified Id.

        Returns None if no such item exists.


        for group in self.groups:
            item = group.find(id)
            if item is not None:

            item = None

        return item

    # Debugging interface.

    def dump(self, indent=''):
        """ Render a manager! """

        print indent, 'Manager', self.id
        indent += '  '

        for group in self._groups:
            self.render_group(group, indent)


    def render_group(self, group, indent=''):
        """ Render a group! """

        print indent, 'Group', group.id
        indent += '    '

        for item in group.items:
            if isinstance(item, Group):
                print 'Surely, a group cannot contain another group!!!!'
                self.render_group(item, indent)

                self.render_item(item, indent)


    def render_item(self, item, indent=''):
        """ Render an item! """

        if hasattr(item, 'groups'):

            print indent, 'Item', item.id
