Exemple #1
 def _full_screen_fired(self):
     fs = self._fullscreen
     if isinstance(fs, PopupScene):
         self._fullscreen = None
     elif fs is None:
         ver = tvtk.Version()
         popup = False
         if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
             popup = True
         elif ver.vtk_major_version > 5:
             popup = True
         elif (ver.vtk_major_version == 5) and \
              ((ver.vtk_minor_version >= 1) or \
               (ver.vtk_build_version > 2)):
             popup = True
         if popup:
             # There is a bug with earlier versions of VTK that
             # breaks reparenting a window which is why we test for
             # the version above.
             f = PopupScene(self)
             self._fullscreen = f
             f = FullScreen(self)
             f.run()  # This will block.
             self._fullscreen = None
Exemple #2
import numpy

from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, List, Instance, Any, Float, Bool, \
                                 Str, Trait, Int
from enthought.pyface.api import GUI

from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
from enthought.tvtk.tvtk_base import TVTKBase, vtk_color_trait

from enthought.tvtk.tools import ivtk

# Set this to False to not use LOD Actors.

VTK_VER = float(tvtk.Version().vtk_version[:3])

# Utility functions.
def _make_actor(**kwargs):
    """Return a TVTK actor.  If `mlab.USE_LOD_ACTOR` is `True` it
    returns an LODActor if not it returns a normal actor.
        r = tvtk.LODActor(number_of_cloud_points=1500)
        r.property.point_size = 2.0
        return r
An object to register callbacks and dispatch event wiring mouse clicks
on a scene to picking.

# ETS imports
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Dict, Instance, \
        Enum, Int, Callable, on_trait_change, List, Tuple

from enthought.mayavi.core.scene import Scene
from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk

VTK_VERSION =        tvtk.Version().vtk_major_version \
                + .1*tvtk.Version().vtk_minor_version

# class `MousePickDispatcher`
class MousePickDispatcher(HasTraits):
    """ An event dispatcher to send pick event on mouse clicks. 
        This objects wires VTK observers so that picking callbacks
        can be bound to mouse click without movement.

        The object deals with adding and removing the VTK-level

    # The scene events are wired to.
    scene = Instance(Scene)
Exemple #4
"""A component to manage an implicit plane widget.
# Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <*****@*****.**>
# Copyright (c) 2005, Enthought, Inc.
# License: BSD Style.

# Enthought library imports.
from enthought.traits.api import Instance, Bool, Property
from enthought.traits.ui.api import View, Group, Item, InstanceEditor
from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk

# Local imports.
from enthought.mayavi.core.component import Component

VTK_VER = tvtk.Version().vtk_version

# `ImplicitPlane` class.
class ImplicitPlane(Component):
    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
    __version__ = 0

    # The widget that controls the plane.
    widget = Instance(tvtk.ImplicitPlaneWidget,
                          'key_press_activation': False,
                          'place_factor': 1.2,
                          'draw_plane': False,