def create_ping_checks_public_aliases_all_entities(): """Create ping checks on all interfaces for all entities.""" ents = get_entities()['values'] for ent in ents: create_ping_checks_all_aliases(ent['id'])
def app(): file = open('data.json', 'w') json_string = '{"name":"' conversation_name = raw_input("Enter a name for this conversation: ") description = raw_input("Enter a description for this conversation: ") json_string += conversation_name json_string += '", ' json_string += '"intents":[' #Get intent and training data from user json_string += get_intent() #Use AlchemyAPI to get keywords so that users can get an idea for what kind of entities they should create get_analysis = raw_input( "Would you like to use a few sentences to help you come up with entities? (Y/N) " ) if get_analysis == 'y' or get_analysis == 'Y': get_keywords() #Users create entities and values, and then get synonyms to those values json_string += '"entities":[' json_string += get_entities() json_string += '"language:":"en","metadata":null,"description":"' json_string += description json_string += '",' json_string += '"dialog_nodes":[]}' json_obj = json.dumps(json_string) file.write(json_string)
def entities_example(request): form = ClassifyForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): sentence = form.cleaned_data['sentence'] entities, metadata = get_entities(sentence) urls = separar(get_urls(metadata)) entities_fixed = separar(juntar(limpieza(entities))) args = {'form': form, 'entities': entities_fixed, 'urls': urls} return render(request, 'entities_example.html', args) else: form = SignUpForm() args = {'form': form} return render(request, 'entities_example.html', args)
def entities(handle, year=None, month=None, day=None): candidate, tweets, date = get_tweets_by_date(handle, year, month, day) top_tokens, top_hashtags, top_users, top_states = get_entities(tweets) entities = { "Top Tokens": top_tokens, "Top Hashtags": top_hashtags, "Top Users": top_users, "Top States": top_states } return render_template('entities.html', title='Candidate Entities', candidate=candidate, date=date, entities=entities)
def main(): mic = r.Recognizer() # En esta línea se obtiene el texto bien sea por voz o por texto text = "Cuántos departamentos tiene Colombia".lower() tokens = text.split(' ') # tokenizacion del texto pln = p.NLP(text) # Procesamiento del texto entities = e.get_entities(text) # Obtencion de las entidades POS = pln.getPosDoc() # Obtencion de las partes del habla no_stop = pln.getNoStopToken() # Obtencion de las palabras de parada if 'ADJ' in POS: # Obtencion de todas las posibles palabras candidatas a ser tablas o campos for lista in POS['ADJ']: POS['NOUN'].append(lista) if 'NOUN' in POS: # Si obtenemos palabras candidatas realizaremos el procesamiento nouns = POS['NOUN'] tables = pdb.get_Possible_Table(nouns) # Obtencion de posibles tablas fields = pdb.get_Possible_Fields(nouns) # Obtencion de posibles campos # Método para saber si es una pregunta especial o no special_question = pdb.get_special_question(nouns, entities) if not special_question: print(fields, entities) if fields and entities: # Después de realizar todo el procesamiento de la frase, enviamos lo obtenido a una consulta db.consulta(entities[0][1], fields[0], tokens) else: print("No podemos realizar tu consulta") else: if c.how_many in tokens: size = db.depCol() # Consulta de preguntas especiales print("Colombia tiene {} departamentos".format(size)) else: db.depCol() # Consulta de preguntas especiales else: print("No hemos podido procesar tu frase")
def destroy_some_checks_all_entities(type): # type example: ents = get_entities()['values'] for ent in ents: destroy_all_checks(ent['id'], type)
def parse(self, response): #Se guardan todos los links de imagenes Imagenes = response.xpath('//img[not(ancestor::footer) and not(ancestor::header)]/@src').extract() Videos = response.xpath('//iframe[not(ancestor::footer) and not(ancestor::header)]/@src').extract() #se guarda la url de la pagina actual url = response.url #Lista de parrafos, imagenes y listas de texto Lista_completa = response.xpath('//p[not(ancestor::footer) and not(ancestor::*[contains(@class,"nav")]) ] | //img[not(ancestor::footer) and not(ancestor::header)]/@src | //iframe[not(ancestor::footer) and not(ancestor::header)]/@src | //ul[not(ancestor::footer) and not(@class)]').extract() #Se guarda el titulo de la pagina titulo = response.xpath('string(//title)').extract()[0] Lista_videos_final = [] Lista_imagenes_final = [] Lista_informaciones_final = [] # k = 1 l = 0 leer = 1 for item in Lista_completa: if leer == 1: if item in Imagenes: link = ajuste_img_src(item,response) width , height = getsizes(link) Lista_imagenes_final.append([link,"imagen",k,titulo,url,width,height]) k = k + 1 elif item in Videos: Lista_videos_final.append([item,"video",k,titulo,url]) k = k + 1 else: soup = BeautifulSoup(item, 'html.parser') texto = soup.get_text() if not(texto == ""): if texto.endswith(":") and (Lista_completa[l + 1] not in Imagenes) and (Lista_completa[l + 1] not in Videos): soup2 = BeautifulSoup(Lista_completa[l + 1], 'html.parser') if soup2.get_text() == "": Lista_informaciones_final.append([texto,"informacion",k,titulo,url]) else: Lista_informaciones_final.append([texto + "\n" + soup2.get_text(),"informacion",k,titulo,url]) leer = 0 else: Lista_informaciones_final.append([texto,"informacion",k,titulo,url]) k = k + 1 else: leer = 1 l = l + 1 #A partir de aca se pueden utilizar o guardar los parrafos, imagenes y videos, que estan en la Listas: Lista_imagenes_final , Lista_informaciones_final # y Lista_videos_final #cada elemento de la lista de parrafos contiene: [texto, tipo de dato, orden, titulo(tema), url de la pagina] #cada elemento de la lista de imagenes contiene: [url de imagen, tipo de dato, orden, titulo(tema), url de la pagina, ancho,alto] #cada elemento de la lista de videos contiene: [url de video, tipo de dato, orden, titulo(tema), url de la pagina] for img in Lista_imagenes_final: ScrapedImageItem(order=img[2], topic=img[3], url=img[4], information=img[0], width=img[5], height=img[6], tags=get_info_photo(img[0])).save() for info in Lista_informaciones_final: print(info) classified = classify('../TextClassifier/classifier_bayes.pickle', info[0]) entities, meta = get_entities(info[0]) tag = juntar(limpieza(entities)) urls = get_urls(meta) ScrapedDataItem(order=info[2], topic=info[3], url=info[4], information=info[0], classification=classified, tags=tag, metadata=urls).save() for video in Lista_videos_final: # cada elemento de la lista de videos contiene: [url de video, tipo de dato, orden, titulo(tema), url de la pagina] ScrapedVideoItem(order=video[2], topic=video[3], url=video[4], information=video[0]).save()
def create_ping_alarms(np_id): ents = get_entities()['values'] for ent in ents: for chk in list_checks(ent['id'])['values']: create_ping_alarm(ent['id'], chk['id'], np_id)
def analyze_text_block(text, sentiment_library="textblob", entity_library="spacy", get_sentiment_per_topic=True): text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', text) text = text.replace("\n", ' ') entities_res = entities.get_entities(text, library=entity_library) keywords_res = keywords.get_keywords(text) sentiment_res = sentiment.get_sentiment(text, library=sentiment_library) lemmas_dict = {} # Calculate sentiment per lemmas, keywords and entities, by averaging # the sentiment for all the sentences that they appear in: if get_sentiment_per_topic: blob = TextBlob(text) for sentence in blob.sentences: sentence_score = sentiment.get_sentiment( str(sentence), library=sentiment_library)['sentiment.score'] sentence_lemmas = lemmas.get_lemmas(sentence) sentence = str(sentence).lower() for lemma in sentence_lemmas: lemmatxt = lemma['text'] if lemmatxt in lemmas_dict.keys(): lemmas_dict[lemmatxt]['sentiment.score'].append( sentence_score) else: lemmas_dict[lemmatxt] = { 'sentiment.score': [sentence_score] } for keyword in keywords_res: word = keyword['text'] if word.lower() in sentence: if 'sentiment.score' not in keyword.keys(): keyword['sentiment.score'] = [] keyword['sentiment.score'].append(sentence_score) for entity in entities_res: word = entity['text'] if word.lower() in sentence: if 'sentiment.score' not in entity.keys(): entity['sentiment.score'] = [] entity['sentiment.score'].append(sentence_score) for keyword in keywords_res: # WARNING: This is a hack. Happens when we have different libraries not agreeing on sentence boundaries! if 'sentiment.score' not in keyword.keys(): keyword['sentiment.score'] = [sentiment_res['sentiment.score']] keyword['num.sentences'] = len(keyword['sentiment.score']) keyword['sentiment.score'] = np.mean(keyword['sentiment.score']) for entity in entities_res: # WARNING: This is a hack. Happens when we have different libraries not agreeing on sentence boundaries! if 'sentiment.score' not in entity.keys(): entity['sentiment.score'] = [sentiment_res['sentiment.score']] entity['num.sentences'] = len(entity['sentiment.score']) entity['sentiment.score'] = np.mean(entity['sentiment.score']) lemmas_res = [] for lemma in lemmas_dict.keys(): scores = lemmas_dict[lemma]['sentiment.score'] lemmas_res.append({ 'text': lemma, 'num.sentences': len(scores), 'sentiment.score': np.mean(scores) }) else: lemmas_res = lemmas.get_lemmas(text) results = { 'entities': entities_res, 'sentiment': sentiment_res, 'keywords': keywords_res, 'lemmas': lemmas_res } return (results)