Exemple #1
def estimate_Information(Xs, Ys, Ts):
    """Estimation of the MI from missing data based on k-means clustring"""
    estimate_IXT = ee.mi(Xs, Ts)
    estimate_IYT = ee.mi(Ys, Ts)
    #estimate_IXT1 = ee.mi(Xs, Ts)
    #estimate_IYT1 = ee.mi(Ys, Ts)
    return estimate_IXT, estimate_IYT
Exemple #2
 def temp(self):
     d1 = self.data.getSeries('A')
     d2 = self.data.getSeries('B')
     p1 = self.mi_prepare(d1)
     p2 = self.mi_prepare(d2)
     mi_ab = ee.mi(p1, p2, k=3)
     mi_aa = ee.mi(p1, p1, k=3)
     Dprint('mi ab = ', mi_ab)
     Dprint('mi aa = ', mi_aa)
Exemple #3
 def isIndependentMI(self, var1, var2):
     #print ('var1 = ', var2)
     d1 = self.data.getSeries(var1)
     d2 = self.data.getSeries(var2)
     cum = 0
     count = 0
     for i in range(0, len(d1), 100):
         td1 = d1[i:i + 100]
         td2 = d2[i:i + 100]
         tmi = self.isIndependentMI2(td1, td2)
         Dprint('tmi = ', tmi)
         cum += tmi
         count += 1
     mi = cum / float(count)
     Dprint('mi = ', mi)
     Dprint('org_mi = ', ee.mi(self.mi_prepare(d1), self.mi_prepare(d2)))
     # Normalize the MI using:  corr = I(X;Y)/(H(X)*H(Y))**.5
     h1 = self.getEntropy(var1)
     h2 = self.getEntropy(var2)
     corr = mi / ((h1 * h2)**.5)
     if corr < miIndThreshold:
         Dprint(var1, 'is independent of', var2, corr)
         return True
     Dprint(var1, 'not independent of', var2, corr)
     return False
Exemple #4
def test_mutual_information_mod(dat, k=3, show=False):
    d = int(dat.d / 2)
    C = dat.C
    X = dat.X[:, 0:d]
    Y = dat.X[:, d:]

    # Estimamos
    MI_est = mi.mutual_information((X, Y), k)
    MI_est2 = ee.mi(X, Y)

    # Información mutua teórica
    MI_th = 0
    for i in range(0, 2 * d):
        MI_th += mi.entropy_gaussian(C[i, i]) / np.log(2)

    MI_th -= mi.entropy_gaussian(C) / np.log(2)

    # Calculamos las diferencias
    dif1 = abs(MI_est - MI_th)
    dif2 = abs(MI_est2 - MI_th)

    if show:
        print("IM gaussiana:")
        print("Teórica: ", MI_th)
        print("Estimador 1: ", MI_est)
        print("Estimador 2: ", MI_est2)
        print("Error 1: ", dif1)
        print("Error 2: ", dif2)

    return dif1, dif2
Exemple #5
def test_mutual_information(dat, k=3):
    C = dat.C
    X = dat.X[:, 0:2]
    Y = dat.X[:, 2:4]

    MI_est = mi.mutual_information((X, Y), k=k)
    MI_est2 = ee.mi(X, Y, k=k)
    MI_th = (mi.entropy_gaussian(C[0, 0]) / np.log(2) +
             mi.entropy_gaussian(C[1, 1]) / np.log(2) +
             mi.entropy_gaussian(C[2, 2]) / np.log(2) +
             mi.entropy_gaussian(C[3, 3]) / np.log(2) -
             mi.entropy_gaussian(C) / np.log(2))

    # Imprimimos los resultados
    print("IM gaussiana:")
    print("Teórica: ", MI_th)
    print("Estimador 1: ", MI_est)
    print("Estimador 2: ", MI_est2)
    print("Error 1: ", abs(MI_est - MI_th))
    print("Error 2: ", abs(MI_est2 - MI_th))

    np.testing.assert_array_less(MI_est, MI_th)
    np.testing.assert_array_less(MI_th, MI_est + .3)

    np.testing.assert_array_less(MI_est2, MI_th)
    np.testing.assert_array_less(MI_th, MI_est2 + .3)
def mutual_information(dataframe, measure1, measure2, report):
	name = '%s - %s' % (measure1, measure2)

	vector_list_x = ee.vectorize(dataframe[measure1]) 
	vector_list_y = ee.vectorize(dataframe[measure2])

	mutual_information = ee.mi(vector_list_x, vector_list_y)
	report_line = 'Informacion Mutua %s: %s\n'%(name, mutual_information)
Exemple #7
 def isIndependentMI_Org(self, var1, var2):
     #print ('var1 = ', var2)
     d1 = self.data.getSeries(var1)
     d2 = self.data.getSeries(var2)
     p1 = self.mi_prepare(d1)
     p2 = self.mi_prepare(d2)
     #print ('d1 = ', d2)
     mi = ee.mi(p1, p2)
     # Normalize the MI using:  corr = I(X;Y)/(H(X)*H(Y))**.5
     h1 = self.getEntropy(var1)
     h2 = self.getEntropy(var2)
     corr = mi / ((h1 * h2)**.5)
     if corr < miIndThreshold:
         Dprint(var1, 'is independent of', var2, corr)
         return True
     print(var1, 'not independent of', var2, corr)
     return False
Exemple #8
def test_normality(N, ds, ns, k):
    for d in ds:
        for n in ns:
            # Generamos los datos
            X = np.array([data.Data('random', n, d).X for i in range(0, N)])

            # Calculamos la entropía
            mi_ent = np.array([mi.entropy(x, k=k) for x in X])
            ee_ent = np.array([ee.entropy(x, k=k) for x in X])

            # Calculamos las diferencias entre las entropías
            D = np.array([X1 - X2 for X1, X2 in zip(mi_ent, ee_ent)])

            # Realizamos el test de normalidad
            k2, p = stats.normaltest(D)

            print("d: ", d, ", n: ", n)
            if p <= 0.05:  # Hipótesis nula: D proviene de una distribución normal
                print("Podemos rechazar la hipótesis nula")
                print("No podemos rechazar la hipótesis nula")

            print("INFORMACIÓN MUTUA")
            # Generamos los datos
            Y = [data.Data('random', n, d).X for i in range(0, N)]

            # Calculamos la información mutua
            mi_mi = np.array(
                [mi.mutual_information((x, y), k=k) for x, y in zip(X, Y)])
            ee_mi = np.array([ee.mi(x, y, k=k) for x, y in zip(X, Y)])

            # Calculamos las diferencias entre las implementaciones
            D = np.array([X1 - X2 for X1, X2 in zip(mi_mi, ee_mi)])

            # Realizamos el test de normalidad
            k2, p = stats.normaltest(D)

            print("d: ", d, ", n: ", n)
            if p <= 0.05:  # Hipótesis nula: D proviene de una distribución normal
                print("Podemos rechazar la hipótesis nula")
                print("No podemos rechazar la hipótesis nula")
Exemple #9
def ttest(N, ds, ns, k, save):
    # DataFrame - MultiIndex para almacenar mediciones
    # Creamos nombres de filas y columnas
    iterables = [ds, ['p', 't']]
    index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(iterables, names=['ds', 'test-res'])
    iterables2 = [['ent', 'mi'], ns]
    cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(iterables2, names=['función', 'ns'])
    # Creamos el DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=cols)

    for d in ds:
        for n in ns:
            # ENTROPÍA
            # Generamos los datos
            X = [data.Data('random', n, d).X for i in range(0, N)]

            # Calculamos la entropía
            mi_ent = np.array([mi.entropy(x, k=k) for x in X])
            ee_ent = np.array([ee.entropy(x, k=k) for x in X])

            # Calculamos el ttest
            t, p = stats.ttest_rel(mi_ent, ee_ent)

            # Almacenamos los datos
            df.loc[(d, 'p'), ('ent', n)] = p
            df.loc[(d, 't'), ('ent', n)] = t

            Y = [data.Data('random', n, d).X for i in range(0, N)]
            mi_mi = np.array(
                [mi.mutual_information((x, y), k=k) for x, y in zip(X, Y)])
            ee_mi = np.array([ee.mi(x, y, k=k) for x, y in zip(X, Y)])

            # Calculamos el ttest
            t, p = stats.ttest_rel(mi_mi, ee_mi)

            # Almacenamos los datos
            df.loc[(d, 'p'), ('mi', n)] = p
            df.loc[(d, 't'), ('mi', n)] = t

            # Imprimimos en un archivo por cada función los resultados hasta el momento
            if (save):
Exemple #10
def isWinning(feature_col, coalition, rows, threshold=0.50):
    ''' Checks if union of the feature and coalitions leads to win
    A feature is winning if it's interdependent on atleast half of the members in the coalition.
    The interdependence is measured using conditional mutual information.
    total_dependence = 0
    x = feature_col.reshape(-1, 1).tolist()

    if len(coalition) == 1:
        y = rows[:, [coalition[0]]].tolist()
        return ee.mi(x, y) >= threshold

    for i in range(0, len(coalition)):
        y = rows[:, [coalition[i]]].tolist()
        z = rows[:, coalition[:i] + coalition[i + 1:]].tolist()
        if ee.cmi(x, y, z) >= threshold:
            total_dependence = total_dependence + 1
    return float(total_dependence) / float(len(coalition)) >= 0.5
def mutualInformation(ImageStack,TimeRef,FlagROI,ROI):

        MutualInfo = []

        for z in range(TimeRef[0]+1,TimeRef[1]):

            if FlagROI:
                image1 = ImageStack[z-1,ROI[0]:ROI[1],ROI[2]:ROI[3]]
                image2 = ImageStack[z,ROI[0]:ROI[1],ROI[2]:ROI[3]]
                image1 = ImageStack[z-1,:,:]
                image2 = ImageStack[z,:,:]


        return MutualInfo
Exemple #12
print('Mutual Information')
trueent = 0.5 * (1 + log(2. * pi * cov[0][0]))  # x sub
trueent += 0.5 * (1 + log(2. * pi * cov[1][1]))  # y sub
trueent += -0.5 * (2 + log(4. * pi * pi * det(
    [[cov[0][0], cov[0][1]], [cov[1][0], cov[1][1]]])))  # xz sub
print('true MI(x:y)', trueent / log(2))

ent = []
err = []
for NN in Ntry:
    tempent = []
    for j in range(nsamples):
        points = nr.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, NN)
        x = [point[:1] for point in points]
        y = [point[1:2] for point in points]
        tempent.append(ee.mi(x, y))
    tempmean = np.mean(tempent)
    err.append((tempmean - tempent[samplo], tempent[samphi] - tempmean))

print('samples used', Ntry)
print('estimated MI', ent)
print('95% conf int.\n', err)

print('\nIF you permute the indices of x, e.g., MI(X:Y) = 0')
# You can use shuffle_test method to just get mean, standard deviation
ent = []
err = []
for NN in Ntry:
    tempent = []
Exemple #13
def estimate_Information(Xs, Ys, Ts):
    """Estimation of the MI from mising data"""
    estimate_IXT = ee.midc(Xs, Ts)
    estimate_IYT = ee.mi(Ys, Ts)
    return estimate_IXT, estimate_IYT
Exemple #14
            spearman = sp.spearmanr(
                color_mat[:, 7, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))],
                color_mat[:, 9, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))])[0]
            if n < 2:
                if n == 0:
                    if t == t_len - 1:
                        total_x_wt = np.append(total_x_wt, x.ravel())
                        total_y_wt = np.append(total_y_wt, y.ravel())
                        total_z_wt = np.append(total_z_wt, z.ravel())
                if n == 1:
                    if t == t_len - 1:
                        total_x_c = np.append(total_x_c, x.ravel())
                        total_y_c = np.append(total_y_c, y.ravel())
                        total_z_c = np.append(total_z_c, z.ravel())
                info = ee.mi(ee.vectorize(y), ee.vectorize(z), k=3)
                info = 0

            n_cells = len(np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))[0])
            df2 = pd.DataFrame({
                'X': [np.std(x) / np.mean(x)],
                'Y': [np.std(y) / np.mean(y)],
                'Z': [np.std(z) / np.mean(z)],
                'Information': [info],
                'Correlation': [spearman],
                'nCells': [n_cells],
                'label': [tags[n]]
            frames = [df, df2]
            df = pd.concat(frames)
def main():
    folder1 = 'Fig3_SourceData_1'
    names1 = listdir(folder1)

    if '.DS_Store' in names1:
    names1 = sorted(names1, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0]))
    names1 = [folder1 + '/' + name for name in names1]

    folder2 = 'Fig3_SourceData_2'
    names2 = listdir(folder2)

    if '.DS_Store' in names2:
    names2 = sorted(names2, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0]))
    names2 = [folder2 + '/' + name for name in names2]

    names = names1 + names2

    df_mar = pd.DataFrame({
        'X': [],
        'Y': [],
        'Z': [],
        'Information': [],
        'Correlation': [],
        'nCells': [],
        'label': []
    tags = ['TX', 'TL']
    n = 0
    num_samps_each = 5
    total_x_wt = np.array([])
    total_x_c = np.array([])

    total_y_wt = np.array([])
    total_z_wt = np.array([])
    total_y_c = np.array([])
    total_z_c = np.array([])

    for j, name in enumerate(names):
        mat_contents = sio.loadmat(name)
        color_mat = mat_contents['data3D']
        t_len = mat_contents['data3D'].shape[2]

        for t in range(t_len):
            x = color_mat[:, 5, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))]
            y = color_mat[:, 7, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))]

            z = color_mat[:, 9, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))]
            spearman = sp.spearmanr(
                color_mat[:, 7, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))],
                color_mat[:, 9, t][np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))])[0]

            if n < 2:
                if n == 0:
                    if t == t_len - 1:
                        total_x_wt = np.append(total_x_wt, x.ravel())
                        total_y_wt = np.append(total_y_wt, y.ravel())
                        total_z_wt = np.append(total_z_wt, z.ravel())
                if n == 1:
                    if t == t_len - 1:
                        total_x_c = np.append(total_x_c, x.ravel())
                        total_y_c = np.append(total_y_c, y.ravel())
                        total_z_c = np.append(total_z_c, z.ravel())

                info = ee.mi(ee.vectorize(y), ee.vectorize(z), k=3)

                info = 0

            n_cells = len(np.where(~np.isnan(color_mat[:, 5, t]))[0])
            df2 = pd.DataFrame({
                'X': [np.std(x) / np.mean(x)],
                'Y': [np.std(y) / np.mean(y)],
                'Z': [np.std(z) / np.mean(z)],
                'Information': [info],
                'Correlation': [spearman],
                'nCells': [n_cells],
                'label': [tags[n]]
            frames = [df_mar, df2]
            df_mar = pd.concat(frames)
        if (j + 1) % num_samps_each == 0:
            n += 1

    f3, ax3 = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3))

    ax3[0].set_xlim([-10, 300])
    colors = ['salmon', 'darkblue']
    tags = ['TX', 'TL']
    tvect = np.linspace(0, 400, 1000)
    recs = []
    ax30 = ax3[0].twinx()
    for j, color in enumerate(colors):
        x, y = df_mar.loc[df_mar.label == tags[j]].nCells, df_mar.loc[
            df_mar.label == tags[j]].X
        x, y2 = df_mar.loc[df_mar.label == tags[j]].nCells, df_mar.loc[
            df_mar.label == tags[j]].Information
        ys = df_mar.loc[df_mar.label == tags[j]].Y
        zs = df_mar.loc[df_mar.label == tags[j]].Z

        nbins = 15
        bins = np.linspace(0, 275, nbins)
        idx = np.digitize(x, bins)
        means = [0]
        errors = [0]
        means2 = []
        errors2 = []
        for i in range(nbins):
            if j == 0:
                ax3[0].errorbar(bins[i] + (200 / (2 * nbins)),
                                np.mean(y[idx == i + 1]),

                ax3[1].errorbar(bins[i] + (200 / (2 * nbins)),
                                np.mean(y2[idx == i + 1]),
                ax30.errorbar(bins[i] + (200 / (2 * nbins)),
                              np.mean(y[idx == i + 1]),

                ax3[1].errorbar(bins[i] + (200 / (2 * nbins)),
                                np.mean(y2[idx == i + 1]),

                #           ax.errorbar(bins[i]+(200/(2*nbins)),np.mean(y[idx==i+1]),yerr=np.std(y[idx==i+1]),fmt='o',color=color)
            means.append(np.mean(y[idx == i + 1]))
            errors.append(sp.sem(y[idx == i + 1]))
            means2.append(np.mean(y2[idx == i + 1]))
            errors2.append(sp.sem(y2[idx == i + 1]))

        means = np.asarray(means)
        errors = np.asarray(errors)

        xvect = bins + (200 / (2 * nbins))
        xvect = np.insert(xvect, 0, 0)

        if j == 0:
                                means - errors,
                                means + errors,
                              means - errors,
                              means + errors,

        means2 = np.asarray(means2)
        errors2 = np.asarray(errors2)
        ax3[1].fill_between(bins + (200 / (2 * nbins)),
                            means2 - errors2,
                            means2 + errors2,
        recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors[j]))

    ax3[0].legend(recs[::-1], ['MarA Fusion', 'WT MarA'],
    ax3[1].legend(recs[::-1], ['MarA Fusion', 'WT MarA'],

    ax3[0].set_ylabel('Coefficient of Variation')
    ax3[0].set_title('Activator Variance over Time')
    ax3[0].set_xlabel('Number of Cells in Microcolony')
    ax3[1].set_xlabel('Number of Cells in Microcolony')

    ax3[1].set_title('Downstream coordination over time')
    ax3[1].set_ylabel('Infromation (bits)')
    ax3[0].set_ylim([0, 0.25])
    f3.savefig('figures/modified_marA_TS.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Exemple #16
cortex = cortex.T

subcortex = np.genfromtxt(
    "/Users/sudregp/Documents/surfaces/baseline_thalamusR_SA_NV_QCCIVETlt35_QCSUBePASS.csv", delimiter=","
# removing first column and first row, because they're headers
subcortex = scipy.delete(subcortex, 0, 1)
subcortex = scipy.delete(subcortex, 0, 0)
# format it to be subjects x variables
subcortex = subcortex.T

# selecting only a few vertices in the thalamus
my_sub_vertices = range(subcortex.shape[1])

num_subjects = cortex.shape[0]

X = cortex

Y = subcortex[:, my_sub_vertices]

MI = np.empty([X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]])
for x in range(X.shape[1]):
    print str(x + 1) + "/" + str(X.shape[1])
    Xv = [[i] for i in X[:, x]]
    for y in range(Y.shape[1]):
        Yv = [[i] for i in Y[:, y]]
        MI[x, y] = ee.mi(Xv, Yv)

np.savez(env.results + "structurals_mi_thalamus_striatum_NV_QCCIVETlt35_QCSUBePASS", MI=MI)
Exemple #17
# 	lrate *= 10

y_size, x_size = 5, 25

h_size = (30, 10)

nc0 = NeuronColumn(h_size[0], act)
nc1 = NeuronColumn(h_size[1], act)
nc2 = NeuronColumn(y_size, Linear())

# x, y, loss = linear_setup(x_size, y_size, 1000)
x, y, loss = non_linear_setup(x_size, y_size, 1000)
# x, y, loss = binary_setup(x_size, y_size, 1000)

# mi = lambda a, b: np.mean([ee.mi(a, b, k = 3) for _ in xrange(1)])
mi = lambda a, b: ee.mi(a, b, k=3)
# mi = lambda a, b: ee2.mutual_information((a, b), k=3)

info, grad_stat = [], []
for e in xrange(epochs):
    h0, afactor0 = nc0(x)
    h1, afactor1 = nc1(h0)
    y_hat, afactor2 = nc2(h1)

    error, error_deriv = loss(y_hat, y)

    if lrule == LearningRule.BP:
        dnc2 = error_deriv * afactor2
        dnc1 = np.dot(dnc2, nc2.p.W.T) * afactor1
        dnc0 = np.dot(dnc1, nc1.p.W.T) * afactor0
Exemple #18
 def run(self):
     self.result = ee.mi(self.x, self.y, k=10)
Exemple #19

nc0 = NeuronColumn(h_size[0], act)
nc1 = NeuronColumn(h_size[1], act)
nc2 = NeuronColumn(y_size, Linear())

# x, y, loss = linear_setup(x_size, y_size, 1000)
x, y, loss = non_linear_setup(x_size, y_size, 1000)
# x, y, loss = binary_setup(x_size, y_size, 1000)

# mi = lambda a, b: np.mean([ee.mi(a, b, k = 3) for _ in xrange(1)])
mi = lambda a, b: ee.mi(a, b, k = 3)
# mi = lambda a, b: ee2.mutual_information((a, b), k=3)

info, grad_stat = [], []
for e in xrange(epochs):
	h0, afactor0 = nc0(x)
	h1, afactor1 = nc1(h0)
	y_hat, afactor2 = nc2(h1)

	error, error_deriv = loss(y_hat, y)
	if lrule == LearningRule.BP:
Exemple #20
 def isIndependentMI2(self, d1, d2):
     p1 = self.mi_prepare(d1)
     p2 = self.mi_prepare(d2)
     #print ('d1 = ', d2)
     mi = ee.mi(p1, p2)
     return mi
data = np.concatenate((sig_set, back_set), axis=0)
# data = [sig target weights
#         back targets weigths]

# Weight preprocessing #
#data[:,2] /= np.max(data[:,2])
#data[:,3] /= np.max(data[:,3])
valid_id = np.logical_and(data[:, 2] > 10e-35, data[:, 3] > 10e-35)
data = data[valid_id]
data[:, 2] = -np.log10(data[:, 2])
data[:, 3] = -np.log10(data[:, 3])

print(data[:, 6].shape)
print("Mi with masses : ",
      mi(np.c_[data[:, :2], data[:, 4:6]], data[:, 6].reshape(-1, 1)))
print("Mi with masses and weights : ",
      mi(data[:, :6], data[:, 6].reshape(-1, 1)))


min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(np.amin(data[:, 0]),
#data = np.c_[min_max_scaler.fit_transform(data[:,:6]),data[:,6:]]
data = np.c_[data[:, :2],
             min_max_scaler.fit_transform(data[:, 2:4]), data[:, 4:]]
#data = np.c_[preprocessing.scale(data[:,:6]),data[:,6:]]
for i in range(0, 50):
    print(data[i, 2:4])
print('Total learning size = ', data.shape[0])
Exemple #22
def scoreDependence(X, Y):
    dep = ee.mi(ee.vectorize(X), ee.vectorize(Y))
    return dep
Exemple #23
if display_fig:
	fig2 = plt.figure()
	ax2 = fig2.subplots()

mis = []

t = np.linspace(0,n_frames/fs, n_frames)
for face in range(n_faces):

	print('\nProcessing Face number ' + str(face+1) + ' of ' + str(n_faces) + '...')

	for i in range(n_frames-win_len):
		currV = V[face,i:i+win_len,:]
		currA = A[face,i:i+win_len,:]

		mi[i+win_len] = np.abs(ee.mi(currV,currA))

	mi[:win_len] = np.ones(win_len)*mi[win_len]
	mi_smoothed = np.expand_dims(smooth(medfilt(mi,49), 9), axis=1)
	if display_fig:
		ax2.plot(t, mi_smoothed, label='Face'+str(face))

if display_fig:
	ax2.set_title('Mutual Information between Audio and Video')

mis = np.hstack(mis)
whospeaks = np.zeros(mis.shape[0])
Exemple #24
subcortex = np.genfromtxt(
# removing first column and first row, because they're headers
subcortex = scipy.delete(subcortex, 0, 1)
subcortex = scipy.delete(subcortex, 0, 0)
# format it to be subjects x variables
subcortex = subcortex.T

# selecting only a few vertices in the thalamus
my_sub_vertices = range(subcortex.shape[1])

num_subjects = cortex.shape[0]

X = cortex

Y = subcortex[:, my_sub_vertices]

MI = np.empty([X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]])
for x in range(X.shape[1]):
    print str(x + 1) + '/' + str(X.shape[1])
    Xv = [[i] for i in X[:, x]]
    for y in range(Y.shape[1]):
        Yv = [[i] for i in Y[:, y]]
        MI[x, y] = ee.mi(Xv, Yv)

np.savez(env.results +
Exemple #25
def mutualInformation(x, y, k):
    return ee.mi(np.array([x]).T, np.array([y]).T, k=k)
Exemple #26
from math import floor
from util import shm, shl
import entropy as ke

def mi(x, y):
    return -ee.entropyd(np.concatenate(
        [x, y], axis=1)) + ee.entropyd(x) + ee.entropyd(y)

def discretize(x, min_x=0.0, max_x=1.0, n_bins=10):
    x_discrete = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1] * n_bins))
    for v_id, v in enumerate(x):
        for di, subv in enumerate(v):
            bin_id = int(
                floor(n_bins * (max(min(subv, max_x - 1e-08), min_x) - min_x) /
                      (max_x - min_x)))
            x_discrete[v_id, di * n_bins + bin_id] += 1
    return x_discrete

x = np.random.randn(10000, 10)
y = np.random.randn(10000, 10)

xd = discretize(x, min_x=-1.0, max_x=1.0, n_bins=2)
yd = discretize(y, min_x=-1.0, max_x=1.0, n_bins=2)

print mi(yd, xd)

print ee.mi(x, y, k=2)
print 'Mutual Information'
trueent = 0.5*(1+log(2.*pi*cov[0][0])) #x sub
trueent += 0.5*(1+log(2.*pi*cov[1][1])) #y sub
trueent += -0.5*(2+log(4.*pi*pi*det([[cov[0][0],cov[0][1]],[cov[1][0],cov[1][1]]] ))) #xz sub
print 'true MI(x:y)', trueent/log(2)

ent = []
err = []
for NN in Ntry:
  tempent = []
  for j in range(nsamples):
    points = nr.multivariate_normal(mean,cov,NN)
    x = [point[:1] for point in points] 
    y = [point[1:2] for point in points] 
  tempmean = np.mean(tempent)
  err.append((tempmean - tempent[samplo],tempent[samphi]-tempmean)) 

print 'samples used',Ntry
print 'estimated MI',ent
print '95% conf int.\n',err

print '\nIF you permute the indices of x, e.g., MI(X:Y) = 0'
#You can use shuffle_test method to just get mean, standard deviation
ent = []
err = []
for NN in Ntry:
			# In this case, I use the average entropy
			# over the training examples
			iXT1.append(t1_ent / h_cnt)
			iXT2.append(t2_ent / h_cnt)
			iXT3.append(t3_ent / h_cnt)
			iXT4.append(t4_ent / h_cnt)

			# Estimate the continuous mutual information using the
			# k-nearst neighbors estimator
			# https://github.com/gregversteeg/NPEET
			ys = ee.vectorize(ys)
			iTY1.append(ee.mi(t1s, ys))
			iTY2.append(ee.mi(t2s, ys))
			iTY3.append(ee.mi(t3s, ys))
			iTY4.append(ee.mi(t4s, ys))

			xs = []
			ys = []
			t1s = []
			t2s = []
			t3s = []
			t4s = []
Exemple #29
import entropy_estimators as ee
import numpy as np
from math import floor
from util import shm, shl
import entropy as ke

def mi(x, y):
	return -ee.entropyd(np.concatenate([x, y], axis=1)) + ee.entropyd(x) + ee.entropyd(y)

def discretize(x, min_x=0.0, max_x=1.0, n_bins=10):
	x_discrete = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1]*n_bins))
	for v_id, v in enumerate(x):
		for di, subv in enumerate(v):
			bin_id = int(floor(n_bins * (max(min(subv, max_x-1e-08), min_x)-min_x)/(max_x - min_x)))
			x_discrete[v_id, di*n_bins + bin_id] += 1
	return x_discrete

x = np.random.randn(10000, 10)
y = np.random.randn(10000, 10)

xd = discretize(x, min_x = -1.0, max_x = 1.0, n_bins=2)
yd = discretize(y, min_x = -1.0, max_x = 1.0, n_bins=2)

print mi(yd, xd)

print ee.mi(x, y, k=2)
Exemple #30
def calc_MI_npeet(x, y):
    return ee.mi(x.reshape((x.shape[0], 1)),
                 y.reshape((y.shape[0], 1)),