Exemple #1
from enum import Enum as _Enum

__author__ = 'faddey'

def _enum_choices(enum):
    return tuple(
        (item.value, name)
        for name, item in enum.__members__.items()

Unit = _Enum(
        'ml', 'kg', 'k',
        'l', 'pack',
Exemple #2
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from collections import namedtuple as _namedtuple

from enum import Enum as _Enum
import itertools as _itertools
import sys as _sys

__author__ = "Antony Lee"
__version__ = "0.2"
__fullname__ = "redeal v. {}".format(__version__)
__copyright__ = "{}, (c) {}".format(__fullname__, __author__)

Seat = _Enum("Seat", zip("NESW", range(4)))
Seat.N._s, Seat.E._s, Seat.S._s, Seat.W._s = (
    "North", "East", "South", "West")
Seat.__str__ = lambda self: self._s
Seat.__index__ = lambda self: self.value
Seat.__add__ = lambda self, val: Seat((self.value + val) % len(Seat))

class Suit(_Enum):
    S = 0, " S", "♠"
    H = 1, " H", "♡"
    D = 2, " D", "♢"
    C = 3, " C", "♣"

    def __init__(self, value, sym, unicode_sym):
        self._value_ = value
Exemple #3
    async def ensure(self, *, checkpoint):
        if not self.started:
            self.started = True
            await self._afn(*self._args)
        elif not checkpoint and self._done.is_set():
            await self._done.wait()

    def done(self):
        return self._done.is_set()

_State = _Enum("_State", ["OK", "BROKEN", "CLOSED"])

class SSLStream(Stream):
    r"""Encrypted communication using SSL/TLS.

    :class:`SSLStream` wraps an arbitrary :class:`~trio.abc.Stream`, and
    allows you to perform encrypted communication over it using the usual
    :class:`~trio.abc.Stream` interface. You pass regular data to
    :meth:`send_all`, then it encrypts it and sends the encrypted data on the
    underlying :class:`~trio.abc.Stream`; :meth:`receive_some` takes encrypted
    data out of the underlying :class:`~trio.abc.Stream` and decrypts it
    before returning it.

    You should read the standard library's :mod:`ssl` documentation carefully
    before attempting to use this class, and probably other general
Exemple #4
        self._args = args
        self.started = False
        self._done = _sync.Event()

    async def ensure(self, *, checkpoint):
        if not self.started:
            self.started = True
            await self._afn(*self._args)
        elif not checkpoint and self._done.is_set():
            await self._done.wait()

_State = _Enum("_State", ["OK", "BROKEN", "CLOSED"])

_default_max_refill_bytes = 32 * 1024

class SSLStream(Stream):
    """Encrypted communication using SSL/TLS.

    :class:`SSLStream` wraps an arbitrary :class:`~trio.abc.Stream`, and
    allows you to perform encrypted communication over it using the usual
    :class:`~trio.abc.Stream` interface. You pass regular data to
    :meth:`send_all`, then it encrypts it and sends the encrypted data on the
    underlying :class:`~trio.abc.Stream`; :meth:`receive_some` takes encrypted
    data out of the underlying :class:`~trio.abc.Stream` and decrypts it
    before returning it.