Exemple #1
def SimpleElectrostaticProblem():
    Calculates the electrostatic potential of a 1D stripe of 1nm width and
    30 nm height with a gridsize of 1 nm. At 11 nm, the potential is fixed
    to 8V.

    Boundary conditions:

    * left, right: Periodic boundary conditions (using PeriodicContainer).
    * top: Neumann boundary condition, slope=1e18
    * bottom: Dirichlet boundary condition, potential=0
    (default boundary condition)
    breite = 1
    hoehe = 30
    gridsize = 1e-9
    lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(gridsize, gridsize)
    rect = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl)
    rect[hoehe - 1, 0].neumannbc = (1e18, 'xb')
    rect[10, 0].potential = 8
    rect[0, 0].neumannbc = (0, 'xf')
    cont = electrostatics.PeriodicContainer(rect, 'y')
    solver, inhomogeneity = cont.lu_solver()
    sol = solver(inhomogeneity)
    print sol
Exemple #2
def PotentialOfSimpleConductor2D():
    Rectangle with 5V conducting plate at the bottom.

    Boundary conditions:

    * Left, right, top: default boundary condition 0V
    * bottom: Dirichlet BC, 5V
    lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(1e-9, 1e-9)
    breite = 400
    hoehe = 600
    rechteck = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl)

    for x in range(breite):
        rechteck[hoehe - 1, x].potential = 5

    for x in range(breite):
        for y in range(hoehe / 2, hoehe):
            rechteck[y, x].epsilon = 1.

    container = electrostatics.Container((rechteck, ))
    solver, inhomogeneity = container.lu_solver()
    sol = solver(inhomogeneity)
def PeriodicGraphenePatchWithGrapheneSidegatesSiO2Rectangle(
    Default potential for backgate + Graphene parts is 0V. If you want it
    differently, set it later using the returned references.
    if (graphenebreite is None):
        graphenebreite = breite

    if (sidegatebreite is None):
        sidegatebreite = 0

    sio2 = 3.9
    gridsize = 1e-9
    lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(gridsize, gridsize)
    periodicrect = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl)
    for y in range(breite):
        periodicrect[0, y].neumannbc = (0, 'xf')

    backgateelements = [periodicrect[hoehe - 1, y] for y in range(breite)]

    for element in backgateelements:
        element.potential = 0

    grapheneelements = [
        periodicrect[graphenepos, y]
        for y in range((breite - graphenebreite) /
                       2, (breite + graphenebreite) / 2)

    Ef_dependence_function = quantumcapacitance.BulkGrapheneWithTemperature(
        temperature, gridsize).Ef_interp
    for element in grapheneelements:
        element.potential = 0
        element.fermi_energy = 0
        element.fermi_energy_charge_dependence = Ef_dependence_function

    graphenesidegateelementsleft = [
        periodicrect[graphenepos, y] for y in range(sidegatebreite)
    graphenesidegateelementsright = [
        periodicrect[graphenepos, y]
        for y in range(breite - sidegatebreite, breite)
    for element in graphenesidegateelementsleft + graphenesidegateelementsright:
        element.potential = 0
        element.fermi_energy_charge_dependence = Ef_dependence_function

    for x in range(graphenepos, hoehe):
        for y in range(breite):
            periodicrect[x, y].epsilon = sio2

    return periodicrect, lapl, grapheneelements, graphenesidegateelementsleft,\
        graphenesidegateelementsright, backgateelements
Exemple #4
def GrapheneQuantumCapacitance(equation='potential'):
    Calculate the quantum capacitance of Graphene on SiO2, including

    equation: 'charge' or 'potential', see documentation of

    Boundary conditions:

    * left, right: periodic BC
    * top: Neumann BC, slope=0
    * bottom: backgate capacitor plate

    Please read the code comments for further documentation.


    voltages: The voltages where the capacitance is calculated (x values)
    capacitance: the quantum capacitance (y(x) values)
    # Set system parameters
    gridsize = 1e-9
    hoehe = 600
    breite = 1
    backgatevoltage = 0
    graphenepos = 299
    temperature = 300
    sio2 = 3.9

    vstart = -60
    vend = 60
    dv = 0.5

    # Finite difference operator
    lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(gridsize, gridsize)
    # Create Rectangle
    periodicrect = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl)

    # Set boundary condition at the top
    for y in range(breite):
        periodicrect[0, y].neumannbc = (0, 'xf')

    # Create list of backgate and GNR elements
    backgateelements = [periodicrect[hoehe - 1, y] for y in range(breite)]
    grapheneelements = [periodicrect[graphenepos, y] for y in range(breite)]

    # Set initial backgate element boundary condition (not necessary)
    for element in backgateelements:
        element.potential = backgatevoltage

    # Create D(E,T) function.
    Ef_dependence_function = quantumcapacitance.BulkGrapheneWithTemperature(
        temperature, gridsize).Ef_interp
    Ef_dependence_function_2 = quantumcapacitance.BulkGrapheneWithTemperature(
        temperature, gridsize, interpolation=False).Q

    # Set electrochemical potential and D(E,T) for the GNR elements
    for element in grapheneelements:
        element.potential = 0
        element.fermi_energy = 0
        element.fermi_energy_charge_dependence = Ef_dependence_function
        element.charge_fermi_energy_dependence = Ef_dependence_function_2

    # Set dielectric material
    for x in range(graphenepos, hoehe):
        for y in range(breite):
            periodicrect[x, y].epsilon = sio2

    # Create periodic container
    percont = electrostatics.PeriodicContainer(periodicrect, 'y')

    # Invert discretization matrix
    solver, inhomogeneity = percont.lu_solver()

    classical_capacitance = ClassicalCapacitance(percont, lapl, solver,

    # Create QuantumCapacitanceSolver object.
    # Depending on equation, either fermi_energy_charge_dependence or
    # charge_fermi_energy_dependence will be used.
    # You don't have to set the other one.
    qcsolver = quantumcapacitance.QuantumCapacitanceSolver(percont,

    # Refresh basisvectors for calculation. Necessary once at the beginning.

    # Create volgate list
    voltages = numpy.arange(vstart, vend, dv)

    charges = []

    # Loop over voltages
    for v in voltages:
        # print v
        # Set backgate elements to voltage
        for elem in backgateelements:
            elem.potential = v
        # Check change of environment
        # Solve quantum capacitance problem & set potential property of
        # elements
        qcsolution = qcsolver.solve()
        # Create new inhomogeneity because potential has changed
        inhom = percont.createinhomogeneity()
        # Solve system with new inhomogeneity
        sol = solver(inhom)
        # Save the charge configuration in the GNR
        charges.append(percont.charge(sol, lapl, grapheneelements))
    # Sum over charge and take derivative = capacitance
    totalcharge = numpy.array([sum(x) for x in charges])
    capacitance = (totalcharge[2:] - totalcharge[:-2]
                   ) / len(grapheneelements) * gridsize / (2 * dv)

    # Plot result
    ax = pyplot.gca()
    ax.set_title('Quantum capacitance of Graphene on SiO2')
    ax.set_xlabel('Backgate voltage [V]')
    ax.set_ylabel('GNR capacitance [$10^{-6} F/m^2$]')
    pyplot.plot(voltages[1:-1], 1e6 * capacitance)

    return voltages[1:-1], capacitance, classical_capacitance