Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, n_beta):
        r"""New `CPsf` with Zernike polynomials up to radial order `n_beta`.

        The number of polynomials is `self.czern.nk`, i.e.,
        :math:`N_\beta = (n_\beta + 1)(n_\beta + 2)/2`.

        self.czern = CZern(n_beta)
    def test_normalisations_complex(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestZern.test_normalisations_complex')
        n_beta = 6
        L, K = 400, 393

        # polar grid
        pol = CZern(n_beta)
        fitBeta = FitZern(pol, L, K)
        t1 = time()
        pol.make_pol_grid(fitBeta.rho_j, fitBeta.theta_i)
        t2 = time()
        log.debug('make pol grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        # cartesian grid
        cart = CZern(n_beta)
        dd = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, max(L, K))
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(dd, dd)
        t1 = time()
        cart.make_cart_grid(xx, yy)
        t2 = time()
        log.debug('make cart grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        smap = np.isfinite(cart.eval_grid(np.zeros(cart.nk)))
        scale = (1.0/np.sum(smap))
        log.debug('{} modes, {} x {} grid'.format(n_beta, L, K))
        for i in range(pol.nk):
            a = np.zeros(pol.nk)
            a[i] = 1.0
            Phi_a = cart.eval_grid(a)
            for j in range(pol.nk):
                b = np.zeros(pol.nk)
                b[j] = 1.0
                Phi_b = cart.eval_grid(b)
                ip = scale*np.sum(Phi_a[smap]*(Phi_b[smap].conj()))
                if i == j:
                    eip = 1.0
                    eip = 0.0
                iperr = abs(ip - eip)
                log.debug('<{:02},{:02}> = {:+e} {:+e}'.format(
                    i + 1, j + 1, ip, iperr))
                self.assertTrue(iperr < self.max_ip_err)
    def test_fit_complex_numpy(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestFitZern.test_fit_complex_numpy')
        z = CZern(4)
        F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
        theta_i = F.theta_i
        rho_j = F.rho_j

        c = normal(size=z.nk) + 1j * normal(size=z.nk)
        Phi = [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i]

        time1 = time()
        ce = F._fit_slow(Phi)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed FIT_LIST {:.6f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        PhiN = np.array(Phi, order='F')
        time1 = time()
        ce2 = F.fit(PhiN)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed FIT_NUMPY {:.6f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        enorm = norm(ce2 - np.array(ce, order='F'))
        log.debug('enorm {:e}'.format(enorm))
        self.assertTrue(enorm < self.max_enorm)
    def test_fit_complex(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestFitZern.test_fit_complex')
        z = CZern(4)
        F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
        theta_i = F.theta_i
        rho_j = F.rho_j

        c = normal(size=z.nk) + 1j * normal(size=z.nk)
        time1 = time()
        Phi = [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i]
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('eval Phi {:.4f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        time1 = time()
        ce = F._fit_slow(Phi)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed time {:.4f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        err1 = np.sqrt(sum([abs(c[i] - ce[i])**2 for i in range(z.nk)]))
        max1 = max([abs(c[i] - ce[i]) for i in range(z.nk)])

        log.debug('err1 {:e} max1 {:e} max {:e}'.format(
            err1, max1, self.max_fit_norm))
        self.assertTrue(err1 < self.max_fit_norm)
    def test_fit_complex_numpy(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestFitZern.test_fit_complex_numpy')
        z = CZern(4)
        F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
        theta_i = F.theta_i
        rho_j = F.rho_j

        c = normal(size=z.nk) + 1j*normal(size=z.nk)
        Phi = [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i]

        time1 = time()
        ce = F._fit_slow(Phi)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed FIT_LIST {:.6f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        PhiN = np.array(Phi, order='F')
        time1 = time()
        ce2 = F.fit(PhiN)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed FIT_NUMPY {:.6f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        enorm = norm(ce2 - np.array(ce, order='F'))
        log.debug('enorm {:e}'.format(enorm))
        self.assertTrue(enorm < self.max_enorm)
    def test_fit_complex(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestFitZern.test_fit_complex')
        z = CZern(4)
        F = FitZern(z, self.L, self.K)
        theta_i = F.theta_i
        rho_j = F.rho_j

        c = normal(size=z.nk) + 1j*normal(size=z.nk)
        time1 = time()
        Phi = [z.eval_a(c, rh, th) for rh in rho_j for th in theta_i]
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('eval Phi {:.4f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        time1 = time()
        ce = F._fit_slow(Phi)
        time2 = time()
        log.debug('elapsed time {:.4f}'.format(time2 - time1))

        err1 = np.sqrt(sum([abs(c[i] - ce[i])**2 for i in range(z.nk)]))
        max1 = max([abs(c[i] - ce[i]) for i in range(z.nk)])

        log.debug('err1 {:e} max1 {:e} max {:e}'.format(
            err1, max1, self.max_fit_norm))
        self.assertTrue(err1 < self.max_fit_norm)
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, unparsed):

        args = self.do_cmdline(unparsed)

        # plot objects
        phaseplot = PhasePlot(n=args.n_alpha)  # to plot beta and the PSF
        betaplot = BetaPlot(args)  # to plot the phase

        # complex-valued Zernike polynomials for the GPF
        ip = FitZern(CZern(args.n_beta), args.fit_L, args.fit_K)

        # real-valued Zernike polynomials for the phase
        phase_pol = RZern(args.n_alpha)
        phase_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

        # real-valued Zernike coefficients
        alpha = np.zeros(phase_pol.nk)

        # set the alpha coefficients randomly
        if args.random:
            alpha1 = normal(size=alpha.size - 1)
            alpha1 = (args.rms / norm(alpha1)) * alpha1
            alpha[1:] = alpha1
            del alpha1

        self.rms = args.rms
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.phase_pol = phase_pol
        self.ip = ip

        self.betaplot = betaplot
        self.phaseplot = phaseplot

        # fit beta coefficients from alpha coefficients

        # make gui
Exemple #8
    def load_h5py(cls, f, prepend=None):
        """Load object contents from an opened HDF5 file object."""
        z = cls(1)
        prefix = cls.__name__ + '/'

        if prepend is not None:
            prefix = prepend + prefix

        z.czern = CZern.load_h5py(f, prepend=prepend)

            z.Ugrid = f[prefix + 'Ugrid'].value
        except ValueError:
            z.Vnm = f[prefix + 'Vnm'].value
        except ValueError:
            z.Cnm = f[prefix + 'Cnm'].value
        except ValueError:

        return z
    def test_normalisations_complex(self):
        log = logging.getLogger('TestZern.test_normalisations_complex')
        n_beta = 6
        L, K = 400, 393

        # polar grid
        pol = CZern(n_beta)
        fitBeta = FitZern(pol, L, K)
        t1 = time()
        pol.make_pol_grid(fitBeta.rho_j, fitBeta.theta_i)
        t2 = time()
        log.debug('make pol grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        # cartesian grid
        cart = CZern(n_beta)
        dd = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, max(L, K))
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(dd, dd)
        t1 = time()
        cart.make_cart_grid(xx, yy)
        t2 = time()
        log.debug('make cart grid {:.6f}'.format(t2 - t1))

        smap = np.isfinite(cart.eval_grid(np.zeros(cart.nk)))
        scale = (1.0 / np.sum(smap))
        log.debug('{} modes, {} x {} grid'.format(n_beta, L, K))
        for i in range(pol.nk):
            a = np.zeros(pol.nk)
            a[i] = 1.0
            Phi_a = cart.eval_grid(a)
            for j in range(pol.nk):
                b = np.zeros(pol.nk)
                b[j] = 1.0
                Phi_b = cart.eval_grid(b)
                ip = scale * np.sum(Phi_a[smap] * (Phi_b[smap].conj()))
                if i == j:
                    eip = 1.0
                    eip = 0.0
                iperr = abs(ip - eip)
                log.debug('<{:02},{:02}> = {:+e} {:+e}'.format(
                    i + 1, j + 1, ip, iperr))
                self.assertTrue(iperr < self.max_ip_err)
Exemple #10
 .. [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase retrieval
    for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170 (2015) . `url


if __name__ == '__main__':

    # grid sizes
    L, K = 95, 105

    # complex-valued Zernike polynomials up to the 4-th radial order
    gpf_pol = CZern(4)  # to approximate the GPF

    # FitZern computes the approximate inner products, see Eq. (B4) in [A2015]
    ip = FitZern(gpf_pol, L, K)
    gpf_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

    # random vector of Zernike coefficients to be estimated
    beta_true = normal(size=gpf_pol.nk) + 1j * normal(size=gpf_pol.nk)

    # random generalised pupil function P
    P = gpf_pol.eval_grid(beta_true)

    # estimate the random vector from the GPF grid
    beta_hat = ip.fit(P)

    # plot the results
Exemple #11
        '--rms', type=float, default=1.0,
        help='Rms of the alpha aberration.')
        '--random', action='store_true',
        help='Make a random alpha aberration.')
        '--fit-L', type=int, default=95, metavar='L',
        help='Grid size for the inner products.')
        '--fit-K', type=int, default=105, metavar='K',
        help='Grid size for the inner products.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # complex-valued Zernike polynomials for the GPF
    ip = FitZern(CZern(args.n_beta), args.fit_L, args.fit_K)

    # real-valued Zernike polynomials for the phase
    phase_pol = RZern(args.n_alpha)
    phase_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

    # real-valued Zernike coefficients
    alpha = np.zeros(phase_pol.nk)

    # nm to linear index conversion
    nmlist = list(zip(phase_pol.ntab, phase_pol.mtab))

    # set an alpha coefficient using the (n, m) indeces
    if args.nm[0] != -1 and args.nm[0] != -1:
            k = nmlist.index(tuple(args.nm))
Exemple #12
class CPsf:
    r"""Complex point-spread function object.

    A finite set of complex-valued Zernike polynomials are used to approximate
    the generalised pupil function.  The polynomials are ordered and normalised
    as outlined in Appendix A of [A2015]_. The complex point-spread function is
    computed using the extended Nijboer-Zernike formulas found in [B2008]_. The
    coordinates in the image plane :math:`(r, \phi)` are normalised by the
    diffraction unit, see [B2008]_, [J2002]_, and [H2010]_.

    ..  [J2002] A. J. E. M. Janssen, "Extended Nijboer–Zernike approach for
        the computation of optical point-spread functions," J. Opt. Soc.  Am.
        A 19, 849–857 (2002). `doi
    ..  [B2008] J. Braat, S. van Haver, A. Janssen, P. Dirksen, Chapter 6
        Assessment of optical systems by means of point-spread functions, In:
        E. Wolf, Editor(s), Progress in Optics, Elsevier, 2008, Volume 51,
        Pages 349-468, ISSN 0079-6638, ISBN 9780444532114. `doi
    ..  [H2010] S. van Haver, The Extended Nijboer-Zernike Diffraction Theory
        and its Applications (Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of Technology,
        The Netherlands, 2010). `doi
    ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
        retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
        (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.

    def __init__(self, n_beta):
        r"""New `CPsf` with Zernike polynomials up to radial order `n_beta`.

        The number of polynomials is `self.czern.nk`, i.e.,
        :math:`N_\beta = (n_\beta + 1)(n_\beta + 2)/2`.

        self.czern = CZern(n_beta)

    def P(self, beta, rho, theta):
        r"""Evaluate the generalised pupil function at a point.

        The generalised pupil function is

        .. math::

            P(\rho, \theta) = \sum_{n, m} \beta_n^m
                \sqrt{n + 1}R_n^{|m|}(\rho) exp(i m \theta).

        The summation extends over :math:`N_beta` = `self.czern.nk` addends.
        The support of :math:`P(\rho, \theta)` is the unit disk. See Eq. (2) in

        - `beta`: list of complex-valued Zernike coefficients :math:`\beta_n^m`
        - `rho`: float for the radial coordinate :math:`\rho`
        - `theta`: float for the azimuthal coordinate :math:`\theta`

        - `P`: complex value of :math:`P(\rho, \theta)`

        ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
            retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
            (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.

        return self.czern.eval_a(beta, rho, theta)

    def _numpify(self, a, dtype):
        if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
            return a.ravel().astype(dtype, order='F', copy=False)
        elif isinstance(a, list):
            return np.array(a, order='F', dtype=dtype)
            return np.array([a], order='F', dtype=dtype)

    def V(self, n, m, r, f, L_max=35, ncpus=-1):
        r"""Evaluate :math:`V_n^m(r, f)`.


        .. math::

            V_n^m(r, f) = \epsilon_m \exp(if) \sum_{l=1}^{L_max}(-2if)^{l - 1}
                \sum_{j=0}^{(n - |m|)/2} v_{l,j}
                (1/l(2\pi r)^l)J_{|m| + l + 2j}(2\pi r).

        See Eq. (2.48) in [B2008]_.

        -   `n`: `numpy` vector of integers for the radial orders `n`
        -   `m`: `numpy` vector of integers for the azimuthal frequencies `m`
        -   `r`: `numpy` vector of doubles for the radial coordinate :math:`r`,
            which is normalised to the diffraction unit `wavelength/NA`
        -   `f`: `numpy` vector of complex numbers for the defocus parameter,
            see [J2002]_, [B2008]_, and [H2010]_
        -   `L_max`: optional `int` for the truncation order of the series,
            see [J2002]_, [B2008]_, and [H2010]_. `L_max <= 0` uses the
            default value of `35`.
        -   `ncpus` : optional `int` for the number of threads. `-1` chooses
            all available cpus

        -   `vnm`: `numpy` array of shape `(r.size, f.size, n.size)` for
            :math:`V_n^m(r, f)`

        ..  [J2002] A. J. E. M. Janssen, "Extended Nijboer–Zernike approach
            for the computation of optical point-spread functions," J. Opt.
            Soc.  Am.  A 19, 849–857 (2002). `doi
        ..  [B2008] J. Braat, S. van Haver, A. Janssen, P. Dirksen, Chapter 6
            Assessment of optical systems by means of point-spread functions,
            In: E. Wolf, Editor(s), Progress in Optics, Elsevier, 2008, Volume
            51, Pages 349-468, ISSN 0079-6638, ISBN 9780444532114. `doi
        ..  [H2010] S. van Haver, The Extended Nijboer-Zernike Diffraction
            Theory and its Applications (Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of
            Technology, The Netherlands, 2010). `doi

        n = self._numpify(n, np.int)
        m = self._numpify(m, np.int)
        r = self._numpify(r, np.float)
        f = self._numpify(f, np.complex)

        Vnm = vnmpocnp(r, f, n, m, L_max=L_max, ncpus=ncpus)

        if Vnm.size == 1:
            return complex(Vnm[0, 0, 0])
            return Vnm

    def U(self, beta, r, phi, f):
        r"""Evaluate the complex point spread function at a point.

        The complex point-spread function is

        .. math::

            U(r, \phi, f) = 2 \sum_{n, m} \beta_{n}^{m}
                \sqrt{n + 1} i^{m} V_n^m(r, f) \exp(im\phi).

        See Eq. (4) in [A2015]_.

        -   `beta`: `list` of the complex Zernike coefficients
        -   `r`: float for the radial coordinate :math:`r`, normalised to
            the diffraction unit `wavelength/NA`
        -   `phi`: float for the azimuthal coordinate :math:`\phi`
        -   `f`: complex-valued defocus parameter, see [J2002]_, [B2008]_, and

        -   `U`: complex value of :math:`U(r, \phi, f)`

        ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
            retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
            (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.
        ..  [J2002] A. J. E. M. Janssen, "Extended Nijboer–Zernike approach
            for the computation of optical point-spread functions," J. Opt.
            Soc.  Am.  A 19, 849–857 (2002). `doi
        ..  [B2008] J. Braat, S. van Haver, A. Janssen, P. Dirksen, Chapter 6
            Assessment of optical systems by means of point-spread functions,
            In: E. Wolf, Editor(s), Progress in Optics, Elsevier, 2008, Volume
            51, Pages 349-468, ISSN 0079-6638, ISBN 9780444532114. `doi
        ..  [H2010] S. van Haver, The Extended Nijboer-Zernike Diffraction
            Theory and its Applications (Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of
            Technology, The Netherlands, 2010). `doi

        U = complex(0.0)
        r = self._numpify(r, np.float)
        f = self._numpify(f, np.complex)
        assert (r.size == 1)
        assert (f.size == 1)
        n, m = np.array([0]), np.array([0])
        for i in range(self.czern.nk):
            n[0], m[0] = self.czern.ntab[i], self.czern.mtab[i]
            cf = self.czern.coefnorm[i]
            U += complex(beta[i] * cf * ((1j)**m[0]) *
                         vnmpocnp(r, f, n, m)[0][0][0] *
                         cmath.exp(1j * m[0] * phi))
        return 2.0 * U

    def _trim_r(self, r_sp, min_r):
        if np.abs(r_sp).min() < min_r:
            r_sp[np.abs(r_sp) <= min_r] = min_r
            assert (np.abs(r_sp).min() >= min_r)
        return r_sp

    def make_cart_grid(self, x_sp=None, y_sp=None, f_sp=None, min_r=1e-9):
        r"""Make a cartesian grid for the complex point-spread function.

        The complex point-spread function is

        .. math::

            U(r, \phi, f) = 2 \sum_{n, m} \beta_{n}^{m}
                \sqrt{n + 1} i^{m} V_n^m(r, f) \exp(im\phi).

        See Eq. (4) in [A2015]_.

        -   `x_sp`: `numpy` array of the `x` coordinates in the image plane
        -   `y_sp`: `numpy` array of the `y` coordinates in the image plane
        -   `f_sp`: `numpy` array of complex numbers for the defocus parameter,
            see [J2002]_, [B2008]_, [H2010]_
        -   `min_r`: float, optional threshold to avoid division by zero in
            the image plane

        ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
            retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
            (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.
        ..  [J2002] A. J. E. M. Janssen, "Extended Nijboer–Zernike approach
            for the computation of optical point-spread functions," J. Opt.
            Soc.  Am.  A 19, 849–857 (2002). `doi
        ..  [B2008] J. Braat, S. van Haver, A. Janssen, P. Dirksen, Chapter 6
            Assessment of optical systems by means of point-spread functions,
            In: E. Wolf, Editor(s), Progress in Optics, Elsevier, 2008, Volume
            51, Pages 349-468, ISSN 0079-6638, ISBN 9780444532114. `doi
        ..  [H2010] S. van Haver, The Extended Nijboer-Zernike Diffraction
            Theory and its Applications (Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of
            Technology, The Netherlands, 2010). `doi

        x_sp = self._numpify(x_sp, np.float).ravel(order='F')
        y_sp = self._numpify(y_sp, np.float).ravel(order='F')
        f_sp = self._numpify(f_sp, np.complex).ravel(order='F')

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_sp, y_sp)
        r_sp = np.sqrt(np.square(xx) + np.square(yy)).ravel(order='F')

        # remove nans due to r = 0.0
        r_sp = self._trim_r(r_sp, min_r)

        ph_sp = np.arctan2(yy, xx).ravel(order='F')
        Ugrid = np.zeros((x_sp.size, y_sp.size, f_sp.size, self.czern.nk),
        Vnm = vnmpocnp(r_sp, f_sp, self.czern.ntab, self.czern.mtab)
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(Vnm)))
        Cnm = np.zeros((ph_sp.size, self.czern.nk),
        for k in range(self.czern.nk):
            m = self.czern.mtab[k]
            Cnm[:, k] = 2.0 * self.czern.coefnorm[k] * (
                (1j)**m) * np.exp(1j * m * ph_sp)
        for k in range(self.czern.nk):
            for f in range(f_sp.size):
                Ugrid[:, :, f, k] = Vnm[:, f, k].reshape(
                    (x_sp.size, y_sp.size), order='F') * Cnm[:, k].reshape(
                        (x_sp.size, y_sp.size), order='F')
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(Ugrid)))
        self.Ugrid = Ugrid
        self.Vnm = Vnm
        self.Cnm = Cnm

    def make_pol_grid(self, r_sp=None, ph_sp=None, f_sp=None, min_r=1e-9):
        r"""Make a polar grid for the complex point-spread function.

        The complex point-spread function is

        .. math::

            U(r, \phi, f) = 2 \sum_{n, m} \beta_{n}^{m}
                \sqrt{n + 1} i^{m} V_n^m(r, f) \exp(im\phi).

        See Eq. (4) in [A2015]_.

        -   `r_sp`: `numpy` array of the radial coordinate :math:`r`
        -   `ph_sp`: `numpy` array of the azimuthal coordinate :math:`\phi`
        -   `f_sp`: `numpy` array of complex numbers for the defocus parameter,
            see [J2002]_, [B2008]_, [H2010]_
        -   `min_r`: float, optional threshold to avoid division by zero in
            the image plane

        ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
            retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
            (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.
        ..  [J2002] A. J. E. M. Janssen, "Extended Nijboer–Zernike approach
            for the computation of optical point-spread functions," J. Opt.
            Soc.  Am.  A 19, 849–857 (2002). `doi
        ..  [B2008] J. Braat, S. van Haver, A. Janssen, P. Dirksen, Chapter 6
            Assessment of optical systems by means of point-spread functions,
            In: E. Wolf, Editor(s), Progress in Optics, Elsevier, 2008, Volume
            51, Pages 349-468, ISSN 0079-6638, ISBN 9780444532114. `doi
        ..  [H2010] S. van Haver, The Extended Nijboer-Zernike Diffraction
            Theory and its Applications (Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of
            Technology, The Netherlands, 2010). `doi

        r_sp = self._numpify(r_sp, np.float).ravel(order='F')
        ph_sp = self._numpify(ph_sp, np.float).ravel(order='F')
        f_sp = self._numpify(f_sp, np.complex).ravel(order='F')

        # remove nans due to r = 0.0
        r_sp = self._trim_r(r_sp, min_r)

        Ugrid = np.zeros((r_sp.size, ph_sp.size, f_sp.size, self.czern.nk),
        Vnm = vnmpocnp(r_sp, f_sp, self.czern.ntab, self.czern.mtab)
        Cnm = np.zeros((ph_sp.size, self.czern.nk),
        for k in range(self.czern.nk):
            m = self.czern.mtab[k]
            Cnm[:, k] = 2.0 * self.czern.coefnorm[k] * (
                (1j)**m) * np.exp(1j * m * ph_sp)
        for k in range(self.czern.nk):
            for f in range(f_sp.size):
                v = Vnm[:, f, k].reshape((Vnm.shape[0], 1))
                c = Cnm[:, k].reshape((1, Cnm.shape[0]))
                Ugrid[:, :, f, k] = np.kron(c, v)
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(Ugrid)))
        self.Ugrid = Ugrid
        self.Vnm = Vnm
        self.Cnm = Cnm

    def eval_grid(self, beta, i=0, j=0, f_k=0):
        r"""Evaluate the complex point-spread function at a point in a grid.

        The complex point-spread function is

        .. math::

            U(r, \phi, f) = 2 \sum_{n, m} \beta_{n}^{m}
                \sqrt{n + 1} i^{m} V_n^m(r, f) \exp(im\phi).

        See Eq. (4) in [A2015]_.

        -   `beta`: `numpy` vector for the Zernike coefficients
        -   `i`: `int` first slicing index
        -   `j`: `int` second slicing index
        -   `f_k`: `int` slicing index for the defocus parameter

        -   `U`: complex value of :math:`U(r, \phi, f)`

        ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
            retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
            (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.

        return np.dot(self.Ugrid[i, j, f_k, :],
                      self._numpify(beta, np.complex))

    def eval_grid_f(self, beta, f_k=0, const_phase=0.0):
        r"""Slice the complex point-spread function grid at defocus `f_k`.

        The complex point-spread function is

        .. math::

            U(r, \phi, f) = 2 \sum_{n, m} \beta_{n}^{m}
                \sqrt{n + 1} i^{m} V_n^m(r, f) \exp(im\phi).

        See Eq. (4) in [A2015]_.

        -   `beta`: `numpy` vector for the Zernike coefficients
        -   `f_k`: `int` slicing index for the defocus parameter
        -   `const_phase`: optional `float` to add a constant phase

        -   `U`: A `numpy` array of shape `self.Ugrid.shape[:2]`


        .. code:: python

            import math
            import numpy as np
            import matplotlib.pyplot as p
            import enzpy.enz as enz

            from time import time
            from enzpy.enz import CPsf

            wavelength=632.8e-9    # wavelength in [m]
            aperture_radius=0.002  # aperture radius in [m]
            focal_length=500e-3    # focal length in [m]
            pixel_size=7.4e-6      # pixel size in [m]
            image_width=75         # [pixels], odd to get the origin as well
            image_height=151       # [pixels]
            fspace=np.linspace(    # defocus planes specified by an array of
                -3.0, 2.0, 6)      # defocus parameters
            n_beta=4               # max radial order for the Zernikes

            # compute the diffraction unit (lambda/NA)
            fu = enz.get_field_unit(
                wavelength, aperture_radius, focal_length)

            def make_space(w, p, fu):
                if w % 2 == 0:
                    return np.linspace(-(w/2 - 0.5), w/2 - 0.5, w)*p/fu
                    return np.linspace(-(w - 1)/2, (w - 1)/2, w)*p/fu

            # image side space
            xspace = make_space(image_width, pixel_size, fu)
            yspace = make_space(image_height, pixel_size, fu)
            image_size = (image_height, image_width)

            # consider complex-valued Zernike polynomials up to the radial
            # order n_beta to approximate the PSF, see Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) in
            # [A2015]_
            cpsf = CPsf(n_beta)

            # make a cartesian grid to evaluate the PSF
            t1 = time()
            cpsf.make_cart_grid(x_sp=xspace, y_sp=yspace, f_sp=fspace)
            t2 = time()
            print('make_cart_grid {:.6f} sec'.format(t2 - t1))

            def plot_psf(U, interpolation='nearest', vmin=None, vmax=None):
                # evaluate the modulus squared
                mypsf = np.square(np.abs(U)).reshape(image_size, order='F')
                    mypsf, interpolation=interpolation, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,

            def plot_beta_f(beta, fi):
                U = cpsf.eval_grid_f(beta, fi)

            # beta (diffraction-limited), N_beta = cpsf.czern.nk
            beta = np.zeros(cpsf.czern.nk, dtype=np.complex)
            beta[0] = 1.0

            # or a random beta
            beta = (
                np.random.normal(size=cpsf.czern.nk) +
            beta[0] = 1.0

            # plot the results
            nn, mm = 2, math.ceil(fspace.size//2)

            for fi, f in enumerate(fspace):
                ax = p.subplot(nn, mm, fi + 1)

                # plot the psf
                plot_beta_f(beta, fi)

                # defocus in rad


        ..  [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase
            retrieval for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170
            (2015). `url <http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.32.001160>`__.

        return np.exp(-1j * const_phase) * (np.dot(
            self.Ugrid[:, :, f_k], self._numpify(beta,

    def save(self,
        """Save object into an HDF5 file."""
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'w', libver=libver)
        self.save_h5py(f, prepend=prepend, params=params)

    def save_h5py(self, f, prepend=None, params=HDF5_options):
        """Dump object contents into an opened HDF5 file object."""
        prefix = self.__class__.__name__ + '/'

        if prepend is not None:
            prefix = prepend + prefix

            params['data'] = self.Ugrid
            f.create_dataset(prefix + 'Ugrid', **params)
        except ValueError:

            params['data'] = self.Vnm
            f.create_dataset(prefix + 'Vnm', **params)
        except ValueError:

            params['data'] = self.Cnm
            f.create_dataset(prefix + 'Cnm', **params)
        except ValueError:

        self.czern.save_h5py(f, prepend=prepend)

    def load(cls, filename, prepend=None):
        """Load object from an HDF5 file."""
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
        z = cls.load_h5py(f, prepend=prepend)

        return z

    def load_h5py(cls, f, prepend=None):
        """Load object contents from an opened HDF5 file object."""
        z = cls(1)
        prefix = cls.__name__ + '/'

        if prepend is not None:
            prefix = prepend + prefix

        z.czern = CZern.load_h5py(f, prepend=prepend)

            z.Ugrid = f[prefix + 'Ugrid'].value
        except ValueError:
            z.Vnm = f[prefix + 'Vnm'].value
        except ValueError:
            z.Cnm = f[prefix + 'Cnm'].value
        except ValueError:

        return z
Exemple #13
 .. [A2015] Jacopo Antonello and Michel Verhaegen, "Modal-based phase retrieval
    for adaptive optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1160-1170 (2015) . `url


if __name__ == '__main__':

    # grid sizes
    L, K = 95, 105

    # complex-valued Zernike polynomials up to the 4-th radial order
    gpf_pol = CZern(4)  # to approximate the GPF

    # FitZern computes the approximate inner products, see Eq. (B4) in [A2015]
    ip = FitZern(gpf_pol, L, K)
    gpf_pol.make_pol_grid(ip.rho_j, ip.theta_i)  # make a polar grid

    # random vector of Zernike coefficients to be estimated
    beta_true = normal(size=gpf_pol.nk) + 1j*normal(size=gpf_pol.nk)

    # random generalised pupil function P
    P = gpf_pol.eval_grid(beta_true)

    # estimate the random vector from the GPF grid
    beta_hat = ip.fit(P)

    # plot the results