Exemple #1
"""gun.py: Class for gun experiment.  Goals are: to develop, analyze
and understand a procedure for estimating an isentrope on the basis of
data and simulations.

import numpy as np

from eos import Go
import fit
magic = Go(
    x_i=0.4,  # Initial position of projectile / cm'
    x_f=4.0,  # Final/muzzle position of projectile /cm'
    m=100.0,  # Mass of projectile / g
    area=1e-4,  # Projectile cross section in m^2
    newton2dyne=1e5,  # dynes per newton
    var=1.0e-0,  # Variance attributed to v measurements
    n_t=500,  # Number of ts for t2v spline
    t_min=-5.0e-6,  # Range of times for t2v spline
    t_max=110.0e-6,  # Range of times for t2v spline
    cm2km=1.0e5,  # For conversion from cm/sec to km/sec
    n_t_sim=1000,  # len(vt), simulated velocity time pairs
magic.add(D_frac=fit.magic.D_frac)  # Fractional finite difference for dv/df

class Gun:
    '''Represents an imagined experiment and actual simulations.

    Section 2 of the document ../juq.tex describes the imagined
Exemple #2
"""fit.py: Coordinates optimization for fitting a model eos to experiments.

import numpy as np
from eos import Go
magic = Go(
    D_frac=2.0e-2,  # Fractional finte difference for esimating dv/df
    fit_dim=50,  # Number of x points for EOS fit
    max_iter=5,  # Bound for iterations maximizing likelihood
    converge=1.0e-5,  # Fractional tolerance for cost

class Opt:
    def __init__(
            self,  # Opt instance
            eos,  # eos.Spline_eos instance
            experiment,  # Dict of experimental simulation objects
            data,  # Dict of experimental data
        self.eos = eos
        self.original_eos = eos
        self.experiment = experiment
        self.data = data
        assert set(experiment.keys()) == set(data.keys())

    def step(self, constrain=True, debug=False):
Exemple #3
"""stick.py: Class for rate stick experiment.

import numpy as np

from eos import Go

# From description of Shot1 in Pemberton's document
pemberton = Go(
    densities=np.array(  # g/cc, page4
        [1.835, 1.8358, 1.8353, 1.8356, 1.8356, 1.8345]),
    positions=np.array(  # mm, page 8
        [25.9, 50.74, 75.98, 101.8, 125.91, 152.04, 177.61]),
    x_dev=0.02,  # mm, position measurement uncertainty (my guess)
    t_dev=1.0e-9,  # sec, time measurement uncertainty (my guess)
    velocity=8.8132,  # Km/sec, page 9
import fit

class Stick:
    '''Represents an imagined experiment and simulation that creates data,
    t, the "measured" times.

    See the subsection "A Rate Stick" in the section "Experiments" of


    fit_v()       Return detonation velocity
Exemple #4
def main(argv=None):
    import argparse
    import os
    import os.path

    if argv is None:                    # Usual case
        argv = sys.argv[1:]

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Make plots for notes.pdf')
    parser.add_argument('--show', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--fig_dir', type=str, default='figs', help=
    'Directory of figures')
    # Plot requests
    h_format = lambda s:'File for figure of {0}'.format(s)
    parser.add_argument('--tx_stick', type=str, help=h_format('t(x)'))
    parser.add_argument('--C_gun', type=str, help=h_format('d c_v/ d c_p'))
    parser.add_argument('--vt_gun', type=str, help=h_format('v(t)'))
    parser.add_argument('--BC_gun', type=str, help=h_format('d v(t)/ d c_p'))
    parser.add_argument('--opt_result', type=str, help=h_format(
        'one optimization step'))
    parser.add_argument('--big_d', type=str, help=h_format(
        'finite difference derivative with 9 subplots'))
    parser.add_argument('--fve_gun', type=str, help=h_format(
        'force, velocity and sequence of errors'))
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    params = {'axes.labelsize': 18,     # Plotting parameters for latex
              'font.size': 15,
              'legend.fontsize': 15,
              'text.usetex': True,
              'font.serif':'Computer Modern Roman',
              'xtick.labelsize': 15,
              'ytick.labelsize': 15}
    if args.show:
        mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # must be after mpl.use

    if not os.path.exists(args.fig_dir):
    # Do quick calculations to create exp and nom
    import eos
    import gun
    import stick
    t=np.linspace(0, gun.magic.t_max, gun.magic.n_t_sim)
    exp = Go(eos=eos.Experiment())
    nom = Go(eos=eos.Spline_eos(eos.Nominal(), precondition=True))
    for go in (exp, nom):
        go.add(t=t, gun=gun.Gun(go.eos), stick=stick.Stick(go.eos))
        go.add(x=np.linspace(go.gun.x_i, go.gun.x_f, 500))
        go.add(vt=(go.v, go.t))
    B,ep = nom.gun.fit_B_ep(exp.vt)
    nom.add(C=C, B=B, ep=ep, BC=np.dot(B,C))
    # Make requested plots
    do_show = args.show
    for key in args.__dict__:
        if key not in plot_dict:
        if args.__dict__[key] == None:
        print('work on %s'%(key,))
        fig = plot_dict[key](exp, nom, plt)
        file_name = getattr(args, key)
        if file_name == 'show':
            do_show = True
            fig.savefig(os.path.join(args.fig_dir, file_name), format='pdf')
    if do_show:
    return 0