def main(args): # To have colors from the first script # ---------------------------------------- # Check that all the folder are available # ---------------------------------------- if not args.in_place: if args.from_checkpoint is not None: if len(args.from_checkpoint.split('-')) == 1: name = 'bayesian_opt' else: name = f'bayesian_opt_{"_".join([str(s) for s in args.from_checkpoint.split("-")[:-1]])}' i_start = int(str(args.from_checkpoint).split('-')[-1]) + 1 else: i_start = 0 print('bo name', args.bo_name) name = 'bayesian_opt' if args.bo_name is None else f'bayesian_opt_{args.bo_name}' cprint('This script will need the next paths to be available:', 'red') for i in range(i_start, i_start + args.nscripts): path = EPath('hp_search', name + f'_{i}') cprint('path ' + path.as_posix(), 'yellow') if path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f'The folder "{path}" already exists') # ---------------------------------------- # For the first Bayesian Optimization run, we just copy all the arguments except n-script # ---------------------------------------- print(f'Script 1/{args.nscripts}') s = 'python' for k, value in vars(args).items(): if k not in ['nscripts', 'from_checkpoint', 'bo_name']: if k not in [ 'in_place', 'no_eager', 'pc', 'no_pc_arg', 'debug', 'seq2np', 'fast_seq', 'memory_seq', 'mono', 'from_checkpoint' ]: s += f' --{k.replace("_", "-")} {value}' elif value: s += f' --{k.replace("_", "-")}' if args.from_checkpoint is not None: s += f' --from-checkpoint {args.from_checkpoint}' if args.bo_name is not None: s += f' --bo-name {args.bo_name}' os.system(s) # ---------------------------------------- # For all the others # ---------------------------------------- if args.from_checkpoint: cp_id = args.from_checkpoint.split('-') id_saved_folder_base = '' if len(cp_id) == 1 else cp_id[0] elif args.bo_name: id_saved_folder_base = args.bo_name + '-' else: id_saved_folder_base = '' i_cp = int(args.from_checkpoint.split('-') [-1]) if args.from_checkpoint is not None else 0 if not args.in_place and args.from_checkpoint is not None: i_cp += 1 for script in range(1, args.nscripts): print(f'Script {script + 1}/{args.nscripts}') s = 'python' # We only need to say the number of call and the check point # And the if in_place, we keep it s += f' --n-calls {args.n_calls}' s += f' --from-checkpoint {id_saved_folder_base}{i_cp}' if args.in_place: s += ' --in-place' else: i_cp += 1 os.system(s)
class LossHistory(KerasCallback): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.logs = [ ] # logs = {'loss': 4.495124205389112, 'Output_0_loss' : 2.400269569744329, # 'Output_1_loss': 2.094854634212782, 'Output_0_acc_act': 0.9934636604502837, # 'Output_0_mae_dur': 0.2902308425676854, 'Output_1_acc_act': 0.9946330100062025, # 'Output_1_mae_dur': 0.25196381778232657} self.current_logs = None self.paths = [] # Where are stored the saved_models self.hparams = [] # the hyper parameters of the model self.best_index = None i = 0 while EPath('tests_hp/Summary_test_{0}.txt'.format(i)).exists(): i += 1 self.path = EPath('tests_hp/Summary_test_{0}.txt'.format(i)) EPath('tests_hp').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(self.path.as_posix(), 'w') as f: f.write('\n') def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): self.current_logs = None def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): self.current_logs = logs def on_train_end(self, logs=None): self.logs.append(self.current_logs) # Update the best index if len(self.logs) == 1: self.best_index = 0 elif LossHistory.better_than(self.logs[-1], self.logs[self.best_index]): self.best_index = len(self.logs) - 1 # ------ Personal methods ------ def find_best_index(self): best_index = 0 for i in range(1, len(self.logs)): if LossHistory.better_than(self.logs[best_index], self.logs[i]): best_index = i self.best_index = best_index return self.best_index @staticmethod def better_than(d1, d2): # Global loss if d1['loss'] != d2['loss']: return d1['loss'] < d2['loss'] # Square of single loss l1, l2 = 0, 0 i = 0 key = 'Output_{0}_loss'.format(i) while key in d1 and key in d2: l1 += d1[key]**2 l2 += d2[key]**2 i += 1 key = 'Output_{0}_loss'.format(i) if l1 != l2: return l1 < l2 # Accuracy a1, a2 = 0, 0 i = 0 key = 'Output_{0}_acc_act'.format(i) while key in d1 and key in d2: a1 += d1[key] a2 += d2[key] i += 1 key = 'Output_{0}_acc_act'.format(i) return a1 >= a2 def update_summary(self, i=None): summary.update_summary_loss_history(self.path.as_posix(), self.logs[-1], self.paths[-1], self.hparams[-1], i) def update_best_summary(self): summary.update_best_summary_loss_history(self.path.as_posix(), self.logs[self.best_index], self.paths[self.best_index], self.hparams[self.best_index], self.best_index)
def main(args): """ Entry point """ if args.pc: data_path = EPath(os.path.join('../Dataset', else: data_path = EPath( os.path.join('../../../../../../storage1/valentin', data_checked_path = EPath(data_path.as_posix() + '_checked') if data_checked_path.exists(): # Delete the folder of the transformed data shutil.rmtree(data_checked_path.as_posix()) shutil.copytree(src=data_path.as_posix(), dst=data_checked_path) # Stat max_notes_range, min_notes_range = 0, int(args.notes_range[1]) - int( args.notes_range[0]) nb_correct_files = 0 nb_measures = 0 print( '\t', colored('Check_dataset with instruments : ', 'cyan', 'on_white') + colored('{0}'.format(args.instruments), 'magenta', 'on_white'), '\n') all_midi_paths =, False) nb_files = len(all_midi_paths) print('note_range:', colored(args.notes_range, 'magenta')) for i in range(nb_files): midi_path = EPath(all_midi_paths[i]) checked_file_name = EPath( midi_path.parent, midi_path.stem + '_checked' + midi_path.suffix) checked_file_name_image = EPath(midi_path.parent, midi_path.stem + '_checked.jpg') print( colored( "-- {0}/{1} ----- : ----- Checking {2} ----------".format( i + 1, nb_files, midi_path), 'white', 'on_blue')) if args.bach: matrix_midi = filename=midi_path.as_posix(), print_instruments=True, notes_range=args.notes_range, transpose=not args.no_transpose) else: matrix_midi = filename=midi_path.as_posix(), instruments=args.instruments, print_instruments=True, notes_range=args.notes_range, ) # (nb_args.instruments, 128, nb_steps, 2) if matrix_midi is None: continue if args.mono: matrix_midi = # Update stats matrix_bound_min, matrix_bound_max = Midi.common.range_notes_in_matrix( matrix_midi, mono=args.mono) min_notes_range = min(min_notes_range, matrix_bound_min) max_notes_range = max(max_notes_range, matrix_bound_max) nb_correct_files += 1 nb_measures += Midi.common.nb_measures(matrix_midi) # matrix_midi = np.transpose(matrix_midi, , 3)) output_notes = Midi.create.matrix_to_midi(matrix_midi, instruments=args.instruments, notes_range=args.notes_range, mono=args.mono) Midi.create.save_midi(output_notes, args.instruments, checked_file_name.as_posix()) Images.pianoroll.save_array_as_pianoroll(array=matrix_midi, folder_path=midi_path.parent, name=midi_path.stem + '_checked', seed_length=0, mono=args.mono or args.bach) min_notes_range += args.notes_range[0] max_notes_range += args.notes_range[0] print('----------', colored('Checking is done', 'white', 'on_green'), '----------') print('Number of correct files :', colored(nb_correct_files, 'magenta'), '-- nb measures :', colored(nb_measures, 'magenta')) print('Range of notes :', colored(min_notes_range, 'magenta'), ':', colored(max_notes_range, 'magenta'))