class Correlations(object): """ The class defines a Nataf transformation. The input correlated marginals are mapped from their physical space to a new standard normal space, in which points are uncorrelated. :param Poly poly: A polynomial object. :param numpy.ndarray correlation_matrix: The correlation matrix associated with the joint distribution. **References** 1. Melchers, R. E., (1945) Structural Reliability Analysis and Predictions. John Wiley and Sons, second edition. """ def __init__(self, poly, correlation_matrix, verbose=False): self.poly = poly D = self.poly.get_parameters() self.D = D self.R = correlation_matrix self.std = Parameter(order=5, distribution='normal', shape_parameter_A=0.0, shape_parameter_B=1.0) inf_lim = -8.0 sup_lim = -inf_lim p1 = Parameter(distribution='uniform', lower=inf_lim, upper=sup_lim, order=31) myBasis = Basis('tensor-grid') Pols = Poly([p1, p1], myBasis, method='numerical-integration') p = Pols.get_points() w = Pols.get_weights() * (sup_lim - inf_lim)**2 p1 = p[:, 0] p2 = p[:, 1] R0 = np.eye((len(self.D))) for i in range(len(self.D)): for j in range(i + 1, len(self.D), 1): if self.R[i, j] == 0: R0[i, j] = 0.0 else: tp11 = -(np.array(self.D[i].get_icdf( self.std.get_cdf(points=p1))) - self.D[i].mean) / np.sqrt(self.D[i].variance) tp22 = -(np.array(self.D[j].get_icdf( self.std.get_cdf(points=p2))) - self.D[j].mean) / np.sqrt(self.D[j].variance) rho_ij = self.R[i, j] bivariateNormalPDF = ( 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * np.sqrt(1.0 - rho_ij**2)) * np.exp(-1.0 / (2.0 * (1.0 - rho_ij**2)) * (p1**2 - 2.0 * rho_ij * p1 * p2 + p2**2))) coefficientsIntegral = np.flipud(tp11 * tp22 * w) def check_difference(rho_ij): bivariateNormalPDF = ( 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * np.sqrt(1.0 - rho_ij**2)) * np.exp(-1.0 / (2.0 * (1.0 - rho_ij**2)) * (p1**2 - 2.0 * rho_ij * p1 * p2 + p2**2))) diff =, bivariateNormalPDF) return diff - self.R[i, j] if (self.D[i].name != 'custom') or (self.D[j].name != 'custom'): rho = optimize.newton(check_difference, self.R[i, j], maxiter=50) else: res = optimize.least_squares(check_difference, R[i, j], bounds=(-0.999, 0.999), ftol=1.e-03) rho = res.x print('A Custom Marginal is present') R0[i, j] = rho R0[j, i] = R0[i, j] self.A = np.linalg.cholesky(R0) if verbose is True: print('The Cholesky decomposition of fictive matrix R0 is:') print(self.A) print('The fictive matrix is:') print(R0) list_of_parameters = [] for i in range(0, len(self.D)): standard_parameter = Parameter(order=self.D[i].order, distribution='gaussian', shape_parameter_A=0., shape_parameter_B=1.) list_of_parameters.append(standard_parameter) self.polystandard = deepcopy(self.poly) self.polystandard._set_parameters(list_of_parameters) self.standard_samples = self.polystandard.get_points() self._points = self.get_correlated_from_uncorrelated( self.standard_samples) def get_points(self): """ Returns the correlated samples based on the quadrature rules used in poly. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations object. :return: **points**: A numpy.ndarray of sampled quadrature points with shape (number_of_samples, dimension). """ return self._points def set_model(self, model=None, model_grads=None): """ Computes the coefficients of the polynomial. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations class. :param callable model: The function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable function, the input can be the function evaluated at the quadrature points. :param callable model_grads: The gradient of the function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable gradient function, the input can be a matrix of gradient evaluations at the quadrature points. """ model_values = None model_grads_values = None if callable(model): model_values = evaluate_model(self._points, model) else: model_values = model if model_grads is not None: if callable(model_grads): model_grads_values = evaluate_model_gradients( self._points, model_grads) else: model_grads_values = model_grads self.polystandard.set_model(model_values, model_grads_values) def get_transformed_poly(self): """ Returns the transformed polynomial. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations class. :return: **poly**: An instance of the Poly class. """ return self.polystandard def get_correlated_from_uncorrelated(self, X): """ Method for mapping uncorrelated variables from standard normal space to a new physical space in which variables are correlated. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations object. :param numpy.ndarray X: Samples of uncorrelated points from the marginals; of shape (N,M) :return: **C**: A numpy.ndarray of shape (N, M), which contains the correlated samples. """ X = X.T invA = np.linalg.inv(self.A) Z = np.linalg.solve(invA, X) Z = Z.T xc = np.zeros((len(Z[:, 0]), len(self.D))) for i in range(len(self.D)): for j in range(len(Z[:, 0])): xc[j, i] = self.std.get_cdf(points=Z[j, i]) Xc = np.zeros((len(Z[:, 0]), len(self.D))) for i in range(len(self.D)): for j in range(len(Z[:, 0])): temporary = np.matrix(xc[j, i]) temp = self.D[i].get_icdf(temporary) t = temp[0] Xc[j, i] = t return Xc def get_correlated_samples(self, N=None): """ Method for generating correlated samples. :param int N: Number of correlated samples required. :param numpy.ndarray X: Samples of correlated points from the marginals; of shape (N,M) :return: **C**: A numpy.ndarray of shape (N, M), which contains the correlated samples. """ if N is not None: distro = list() for i in range(len(self.D)): distro1 = self.std.get_samples(N) # check dimensions ------------------# distro1 = np.matrix(distro1) dimension = np.shape(distro1) if dimension[0] == N: distro1 = distro1.T #------------------------------------# distro.append(distro1) distro = np.reshape(distro, (len(self.D), N)) interm =, distro) correlated = np.zeros((len(self.D), N)) for i in range(len(self.D)): for j in range(N): correlated[i, j] = self.D[i].get_icdf( self.std.get_cdf(interm[i, j])) correlated = correlated.T return correlated else: raise ( ValueError, 'One input must be given to "get Correlated Samples" method: please choose between sampling N points or giving an array of uncorrelated data ' )
class Correlations(object): """ The class defines methods for polynomial approximations with correlated inputs, including the Nataf transform and Gram-Schmidt process. :param numpy.ndarray correlation_matrix: The correlation matrix associated with the joint distribution. :param Poly poly: Polynomial defined with parameters with marginal distributions in uncorrelated space. :param list parameters: List of parameters with marginal distributions. :param str method: `nataf-transform` or `gram-schmidt`. :param bool verbose: Display Cholesky decomposition of the fictive matrix. **References** 1. Melchers, R. E., (1945) Structural Reliability Analysis and Predictions. John Wiley and Sons, second edition. 2. Jakeman, J. D. et al., (2019) Polynomial chaos expansions for dependent random variables. """ def __init__(self, correlation_matrix, poly=None, parameters=None, method=None, verbose=False): if (poly is None) and (method is not None): raise ValueError('Need to specify poly for probability transform.') if poly is not None: self.poly = poly D = self.poly.get_parameters() elif parameters is not None: D = parameters else: raise ValueError('Need to specify either poly or parameters.') self.D = D self.R = correlation_matrix self.std = Parameter(order=5, distribution='normal', shape_parameter_A=0.0, shape_parameter_B=1.0) inf_lim = -8.0 sup_lim = -inf_lim p1 = Parameter(distribution='uniform', lower=inf_lim, upper=sup_lim, order=31) myBasis = Basis('tensor-grid') self.Pols = Poly([p1, p1], myBasis, method='numerical-integration') Pols = self.Pols p = Pols.get_points() # w = Pols.get_weights() w = Pols.get_weights() * (sup_lim - inf_lim)**2 p1 = p[:, 0] p2 = p[:, 1] R0 = np.eye((len(self.D))) for i in range(len(self.D)): for j in range(i + 1, len(self.D), 1): if self.R[i, j] == 0: R0[i, j] = 0.0 else: z1 = np.array(self.D[i].get_icdf( self.std.get_cdf(points=p1))) z2 = np.array(self.D[j].get_icdf( self.std.get_cdf(points=p2))) tp11 = (z1 - self.D[i].mean) / np.sqrt(self.D[i].variance) tp22 = (z2 - self.D[j].mean) / np.sqrt(self.D[j].variance) coefficientsIntegral = np.flipud(tp11 * tp22 * w) def check_difference(rho_ij): bivariateNormalPDF = ( 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * np.sqrt(1.0 - rho_ij**2)) * np.exp(-1.0 / (2.0 * (1.0 - rho_ij**2)) * (p1**2 - 2.0 * rho_ij * p1 * p2 + p2**2))) diff =, bivariateNormalPDF) return diff - self.R[i, j] # if (self.D[i].name!='custom') or (self.D[j].name!='custom'): rho = optimize.newton(check_difference, self.R[i, j], maxiter=50) # else: # # ??? # res = optimize.least_squares(check_difference, self.R[i,j], bounds=(-0.999,0.999), ftol=1.e-03) # rho = res.x # print('A Custom Marginal is present') R0[i, j] = rho R0[j, i] = R0[i, j] self.R0 = R0.copy() self.A = np.linalg.cholesky(R0) if verbose: print('The Cholesky decomposition of fictive matrix R0 is:') print(self.A) print('The fictive matrix is:') print(R0) if method is None: pass elif method.lower() == 'nataf-transform': list_of_parameters = [] for i in range(0, len(self.D)): standard_parameter = Parameter(order=self.D[i].order, distribution='gaussian', shape_parameter_A=0., shape_parameter_B=1.) list_of_parameters.append(standard_parameter) # have option so that we don't need to obtain self.corrected_poly = deepcopy(self.poly) if hasattr(self.corrected_poly, '_quadrature_points'): self.corrected_poly._set_parameters(list_of_parameters) self.standard_samples = self.corrected_poly._quadrature_points self._points = self.get_correlated_samples( X=self.standard_samples) # self.corrected_poly._quadrature_points = self._points.copy() elif method.lower() == 'gram-schmidt': basis_card = poly.basis.cardinality oversampling = 10 N_Psi = oversampling * basis_card S_samples = self.get_correlated_samples(N=N_Psi) w_weights = 1.0 / N_Psi * np.ones(N_Psi) Psi = poly.get_poly(S_samples).T WPsi = np.diag(np.sqrt(w_weights)) @ Psi self.WPsi = WPsi R_Psi = np.linalg.qr(WPsi)[1] self.R_Psi = R_Psi self.R_Psi[0, :] *= np.sign(self.R_Psi[0, 0]) self.corrected_poly = deepcopy(poly) self.corrected_poly.inv_R_Psi = np.linalg.inv(self.R_Psi) self.corrected_poly.corr = self self.corrected_poly._set_points_and_weights() P = self.corrected_poly.get_poly( self.corrected_poly._quadrature_points) W = np.mat( np.diag(np.sqrt(self.corrected_poly._quadrature_weights))) A = W * P.T self.corrected_poly.A = A self.corrected_poly.P = P if hasattr(self.corrected_poly, '_quadrature_points'): # TODO: Correlated quadrature points? self._points = self.corrected_poly._quadrature_points else: raise ValueError('Invalid method for correlations.') def get_points(self): """ Returns the correlated samples based on the quadrature rules used in poly. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations object. :return: **points**: A numpy.ndarray of sampled quadrature points with shape (number_of_samples, dimension). """ return self._points def set_model(self, model=None, model_grads=None): """ Computes the coefficients of the polynomial. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations class. :param callable model: The function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable function, the input can be the function evaluated at the quadrature points. :param callable model_grads: The gradient of the function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable gradient function, the input can be a matrix of gradient evaluations at the quadrature points. """ # Need to account for the nataf transform here? model_values = None model_grads_values = None if callable(model): model_values = evaluate_model(self._points, model) else: model_values = model if model_grads is not None: if callable(model_grads): model_grads_values = evaluate_model_gradients( self._points, model_grads) else: model_grads_values = model_grads self.corrected_poly.set_model(model_values, model_grads_values) def get_transformed_poly(self): """ Returns the transformed polynomial. :param Correlations self: An instance of the Correlations class. :return: **poly**: An instance of the Poly class. """ return self.corrected_poly def get_correlated_samples(self, N=None, X=None): """ Method for generating correlated samples. :param int N: Number of correlated samples required. :param ndarray X: (Optional) Points in the uncorrelated space to map to the correlated space. :return: **C**: A numpy.ndarray of shape (N, M), which contains the correlated samples. """ d = len(self.D) if X is None: if N is None: raise ValueError( 'Need to specify number of points to generate.') X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.eye(d), size=N) X_test = X @ self.A.T U_test = np.zeros(X_test.shape) for i in range(d): U_test[:, i] = self.std.get_cdf(X_test[:, i]) Z_test = np.zeros(U_test.shape) for i in range(d): Z_test[:, i] = self.D[i].get_icdf(U_test[:, i]) return Z_test def get_pdf(self, X): """ Evaluate PDF at the sample points. :param numpy.ndarray X: Sample points (Number of points by dimensions) :return: **C**: A numpy.ndarray of shape (N,) with evaluations of the PDF. """ parameters = self.D if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X.reshape(-1, 1) d = X.shape[1] U = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(d): U[:, i] = norm.ppf(parameters[i].get_cdf(X[:, i])) cop_num = multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(d), cov=self.R0).pdf(U) cop_den =[norm.pdf(U[:, i]) for i in range(d)]), axis=0) marginal_prod = [parameters[i].get_pdf(X[:, i]) for i in range(d)]), axis=0) return cop_num / cop_den * marginal_prod