def computeLimits (raHex, decHex, raMid = -1000, raBoxSize=5., decBoxSize=5, mod_ra=0, mod_dec=0, allSky = False) :
    from equalArea import mcbryde
    verbose = False
    mod_alpha = 0
    mod_beta = 0
    if allSky :
        decMin = -89.9999; decMax = 89.9999
        raMin = -179.9999; raMax = 179.9999
        raBoxSize = 0.; decBoxSize = 0.
        mod_dec = 0; mod_ra = 0
    else :
        # autoscaling
        decMin = decHex.min(); decMax = decHex.max()
        raMin = raHex.min(); raMax = raHex.max()
    decMin = decMin-decBoxSize+mod_dec
    decMax = decMax+decBoxSize+mod_dec
    decMid = decMin+(decMax-decMin)/2.
    boxRa = raBoxSize/np.cos(decMid*2*np.pi/360.)
    raMin = raMin-boxRa+mod_ra
    raMax = raMax+boxRa+mod_ra
    if raMid == -1000 :
        raMid = raMin+(raMax-raMin)/2.
    alpha= -1*(raMid+mod_alpha)

    print "\t raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax:", raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax
    #raise Exception
    if allSky :
        #x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(np.array([-179.999,179.999]), np.array([-60,60]), alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        #decMin = -60; decMax = 60.0
        x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(np.array([raMin,raMax]), np.array([-1,1]), alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        xmin = x.min(); xmax = x.max()
        x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(np.array([-1,1]), np.array([decMin,decMax]), alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        ymin = y.min(); ymax = y.max()
        xbox = 0.01*(xmax-xmin)
        ybox = 0.01*(ymax-ymin)
    else :
        # autoscaling
        #x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(raHex, decHex, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(np.array([raMin,raMax]), np.array([1,1]), alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        xmin = x.min(); xmax = x.max()
        x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(np.array([-1,1]), np.array([decMin,decMax]), alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        ymin = y.min(); ymax = y.max()
        xbox = 0.1*(xmax-xmin)
        ybox = 0.1*(ymax-ymin)
    xmin = xmin-xbox; xmax = xmax+xbox
    ymin = ymin-ybox; ymax= ymax+ybox

    if verbose:
        print "ra box, dec box",raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax
        print "x box, y box", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax 
        print "alpha, beta",alpha, beta
    #raw_input("wait for human to press")
    return raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, alpha, beta
def equalAreaPlot(figure,slot,simNumber,data_dir,mapDir, title="") :
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from equalArea import mcplot
    from equalArea import mcbryde
    import insideDesFootprint

    ra, dec, ligo, maglim, prob, ha, x,y, hx,hy = \
        readMaps(mapDir, simNumber, slot)
    # x,y are the mcbryde projection of ra, dec
    # hx,hy are the mcbryde projection of ha, dec
    ra, dec = x, y

    # des footprint
    # plots the DES footprint on the maps
    desra, desdec = insideDesFootprint.getFootprintRaDec()
    desx, desy = mcbryde.mcbryde(desra, desdec)


    name = os.path.join(data_dir,str(simNumber)+"-"+str(slot)+"-ligo-eq.png")
    print "making ",name,

    name = os.path.join(data_dir,str(simNumber)+"-"+str(slot)+"-maglim-eq.png")
    print name,

    name = os.path.join(data_dir,str(simNumber)+"-"+str(slot)+"-prob-eq.png")
    print name,

    name = os.path.join(data_dir,str(simNumber)+"-"+str(slot)+"-probXligo-eq.png")
    print name
    # return the number of plots made
    return 4 
def graticule (alpha, beta, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 
         raGratRa1=-179.99, raGratRa2=180+30, raGratDelRa=30., 
        raGratDec1=-89.99, raGratDec2=91, raGratDelDec= 0.1 ,
        decGratRa1=-179.99, decGratRa2=180+30, decGratDelRa=0.1, 
        decGratDec1=-89.99, decGratDec2=91, decGratDelDec=10,
        redRa = 90., redRaDec1=-90, redRaDec2=-80, redRaDelDec = 0.1) :
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from equalArea import mcbryde
    for i in np.arange( raGratRa1, raGratRa2, raGratDelRa ) :
        raLine, decLine = np.array([]), np.array([])
        for j in np.arange( raGratDec1, raGratDec2, raGratDelDec ) :
            raLine = np.append(raLine, i)
            decLine = np.append(decLine, j)
        xLine,yLine = mcbryde.mcbryde(raLine, decLine, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        ixg = (xLine > xmin) & (xLine < xmax) & (yLine > ymin) & (yLine < ymax)
        plt.plot(xLine[ixg],yLine[ixg],c="k",alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.5)
    doRedLine = True
    doRedLine = False
    if doRedLine :
        i = redRa
        raLine, decLine = np.array([]), np.array([])
        for j in np.arange( redRaDec1, redRaDec2, redRaDelDec ) :
            raLine = np.append(raLine, i)
            decLine = np.append(decLine, j)
        xLine,yLine = mcbryde.mcbryde(raLine, decLine, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
        ixg, = np.where((xLine > xmin) & (xLine < xmax) & (yLine > ymin) & (yLine < ymax))
        if ixg.size > 0:
            plt.plot(xLine[ixg],yLine[ixg],c="r",alpha=1.0, linewidth=0.5)

    for i in np.arange( decGratDec1, decGratDec2, decGratDelDec ) :
        raLine, decLine = np.array([]), np.array([])
        for j in np.arange( decGratRa1, decGratRa2, decGratDelRa ) :
            raLine = np.append(raLine, j)
            decLine = np.append(decLine, i)
        xLine,yLine = mcbryde.mcbryde(raLine, decLine, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, isLine=True)
        ixg, = np.where((xLine > xmin) & (xLine < xmax) & (yLine > ymin) & (yLine < ymax))
        if ixg.size > 0:
            plt.plot(xLine[ixg],yLine[ixg],c="k",alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.5)
def plotDesFootprint(alpha, beta, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ax) :
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.path
    import matplotlib.patches
    from equalArea import mcbryde
    desRa, desDec = getDesFootprint()
    x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(desRa, desDec, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    ix = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax)
    footprint = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(x,y))
    patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(footprint, facecolor='gold', lw=1, alpha=0.066, fill=True)
    patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(footprint, edgecolor='gold', lw=1, alpha=1, fill=False)
    #patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(footprint, edgecolor='gold', lw=1, alpha=0.33, fill=False)
Exemple #5
    def limitMag(self, filter, exposure=30):
        #print "\t limiting magnitude"
        mjd = self.mjd
        zd = self.zd
        sun_zd = self.sunZD
        moon_zd = self.moonZD
        moon_phase = self.moonPhase
        moon_sep = self.moonSep
        airmass = self.airmass
        ebv = self.ebv
        alpha = self.mcbryde_alpha
        sunIsUp = self.sunBrightnessModel(sun_zd)
        if sunIsUp:
            m = np.copy(ebv) * 0.1 + -10.0
            mglobal = np.copy(ebv) * 0.1 + -10.0
            print "\t ... the sun is up"
            dust = self.dustTransmission(filter, ebv)
            atmo = self.atmosphereTransmission(zd, airmass, filter, moon_sep)
            seeing = self.seeing(airmass, filter, seeingAtZenith=0.9)
            sky = self.skyBrightness(zd, moon_zd, moon_sep, moon_phase, filter)
            skyFid = self.skyBrightnessFid(filter)

            telescope = self.telescopeLimits(self.ha, self.dec)
            self.limits = telescope

            if filter == "g": m_zp = 23.3
            elif filter == "r": m_zp = 23.4
            elif filter == "i": m_zp = 22.9
            elif filter == "z": m_zp = 22.5
            elif filter == "y": m_zp = 20.6
            else: raise Exception("no such filter")

            SN = telescope * dust * atmo * (1. / seeing) * np.sqrt(
                exposure / 30.)
            ix = np.nonzero(SN <= 0)
            SN[ix] = 1.0e-12
            m = m_zp + 2.5 * np.log10(SN) + 0.5 * (sky - skyFid)
            # arbitarily limit limiting mag to that of moon
            ix = np.nonzero(m < 0)
            m[ix] = 0
            ix, = np.where(telescope == 0)
            m[ix] = -11.0

            SNglobal = dust * atmo * (1. / seeing) * np.sqrt(exposure / 30.)
            ix = np.nonzero(SNglobal <= 0)
            SNglobal[ix] = 1.0e-12
            mglobal = m_zp + 2.5 * np.log10(SNglobal) + 0.5 * (sky - skyFid)
            # arbitarily limit limiting mag to that of moon
            ix = np.nonzero(mglobal < 0)
            mglobal[ix] = 0

        # project into equal area map
        x, y = mcbryde.mcbryde(self.ra / self.degToRad,
                               self.dec / self.degToRad,
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        hx, hy = mcbryde.mcbryde(self.ha / self.degToRad,
                                 self.dec / self.degToRad,
        self.hx = hx
        self.hy = hy
        self.maglim = m
        self.maglimall = mglobal
def plotDecamHexen(ax, ra,dec,alpha, camera, beta=0, color="r", lw=1, plateCaree=False, allSky=False) :
    if camera == 'decam':
        import decam2hp
        import matplotlib.patches 
        import matplotlib.path 
        from equalArea import mcbryde
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        nHex = ra.size
        for i in range(0,nHex) :
            hexRa,hexDec = decam2hp.cameraOutline(ra[i], dec[i], camera)
            hexX,hexY = mcbryde.mcbryde(hexRa,hexDec, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, )
            if plateCaree:
                hexX,hexY = hexRa, hexDec
            if not allSky :
                hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX,hexY))
                hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)
            else :
                # long section dealing with hexes that get split across the singularity
                # and cause lines from one side of map to another
                # split them into separate entities
                # ugly, but it seems to work.
                ix_pos = np.nonzero(hexRa>180)[0]
                ix_neg = np.nonzero(hexRa<-180)[0]
                ix, = np.where(np.nonzero((hexRa>=-180)&(hexRa<=180))[0])
                if ix.size > 0 :
                    hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX[ix],hexY[ix]))
                    hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)
                if ix_pos.size > 0:
                    hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX[ix_pos],hexY[ix_pos]))
                    hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)
                if ix_neg.size > 0:
                    hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX[ix_neg],hexY[ix_neg]))
                    hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)
            #x,y=mcbryde.mcbryde(tra[i],tdec[i], alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
            #plt.text(x,y,"{}".format(i), ha="center", va="center", color="w")
    if camera == 'hsc':
        import decam2hp
        import matplotlib.patches
        import matplotlib.path
        from equalArea import mcbryde
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        nHex = ra.size
        radius = 1.5 / 2
        for i in range(0,nHex) :
            hexRa,hexDec = decam2hp.cameraOutline(ra[i], dec[i], camera)
            hexX,hexY = mcbryde.mcbryde(hexRa,hexDec, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, )
            ix_pos = np.nonzero(hexRa>180)[0]
            ix_neg = np.nonzero(hexRa<-180)[0]
            ix, = np.where(np.nonzero((hexRa>=-180)&(hexRa<=180))[0])
            if ix.size > 0 :
                hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX[ix],hexY[ix]))
                hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, facecolor='none', edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)

            if ix_pos.size > 0:
                hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX[ix],hexY[ix]))
                hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, facecolor='none', edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)
            if ix_neg.size > 0:
                hex_path = matplotlib.path.Path(zip(hexX[ix],hexY[ix]))
                hex_patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(hex_path, facecolor='none', edgecolor=color, lw=lw, fill=False)

    return ax
def coreMapAndHex(figure, hexRa, hexDec, raMap, decMap, camera, map, 
        low_limit, high_limit, ligoMap, origLigoMap, doLigoMap=True, doOrigLigoMap=False, 
        resolution=512, image=False, scale=1., badData=False, badDataVal=-11.0,
        redRa = 90., title="", raMid=-1000, raBoxSize=5., decBoxSize=5., mod_ra = 0, mod_dec=0.,
        doHexes = True, gradRedHiDec = -80, raGratDelRa=30., decGratDelDec=10. , colorbar=True,
        contourLabels=True , slots=np.zeros(0), thisSlot=0, allSky = False) :
    from equalArea import mcbryde
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
    import insideDesFootprint
    import matplotlib
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

    cmap = "cubehelix_r"
    cmap = "YlGnBu"
    cmap ="YlGnBu")
    cmap.set_bad("0.30")  ;# a dark gray

    # compute the image limits and midpoints (alpha, beta)
    raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, alpha, beta = \
        computeLimits (hexRa, hexDec, raMid=raMid, raBoxSize=raBoxSize, 
        decBoxSize=decBoxSize, mod_ra=mod_ra, mod_dec = mod_dec, allSky = allSky) 
    #j,j,s_hexRa, s_hexDec = lmcHexes()
    #raMin, raMax, decMin, decMax, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, alpha, beta = \
    #    computeLimits (s_hexRa,s_hexDec, raMid=raMid, raBoxSize=raBoxSize, 
    #    decBoxSize=decBoxSize, mod_ra=mod_ra, mod_dec = mod_dec) 

    # project into mcbryde 
    xMap,yMap = mcbryde.mcbryde(raMap, decMap, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    x,y = mcbryde.mcbryde(hexRa, hexDec, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

    if xmin==xmax and ymin==ymax:
        ix = np.ones(xMap.size).astype(bool)
        xmin=xMap.min(); xmax=xMap.max()
        ymin=yMap.min(); ymax=yMap.max()
    else :
        ix=np.nonzero((xMap > xmin) & (xMap  <= xmax) & (yMap > ymin) & (yMap <= ymax) )

    # plot the image, either as an image or as a hexbin
    if image :
        data = makeImage (xMap[ix], yMap[ix], map[ix], xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, scale, 
            badData=badData, badDataVal=badDataVal)
        # hack to make this 5 sigma, not 10 sigma limitin mag
        print "\t\t 10sigma -> 5 sigma hack",
        data = data +0.75257 
        low_limit = low_limit+ 0.75257
        high_limit = high_limit+ 0.75257
        plt.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, vmin=low_limit, vmax=high_limit, 
            extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
    else :
        gridsize = 150
        gridsize = 66
        plt.hexbin(xMap[ix],yMap[ix],map[ix],vmin=low_limit, vmax=high_limit, gridsize=gridsize,

    # put on a graticule
    graticule (alpha, beta, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,  redRa = redRa, redRaDec2 = gradRedHiDec,
        raGratDelRa= raGratDelRa, decGratDelDec= decGratDelDec)

    # fig 1
    ax = figure.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    #Plot Dec Footprint in the observing plots
    plotDesFootprint(alpha, beta, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ax)

    if colorbar and not allSky:
        cb = plt.colorbar(shrink=0.5,pad=0.03); 
        cb.set_label("5$\sigma$ point source limiting magnitude")

    # put on the ligo contours
    gaussSigma = 7.
    gaussSigma = 3.
    if doLigoMap :
        cl_ligoMap = confidenceLevels(ligoMap)
        if gaussSigma > 0 :
            cl_ligoMap = gaussian_filter(cl_ligoMap, gaussSigma)
        plotLigoContours(xMap[ix],yMap[ix], cl_ligoMap[ix], color="w", lw=1.2, labels=contourLabels) 
    if doOrigLigoMap :
        cl_origLigoMap = confidenceLevels(origLigoMap)
        if gaussSigma > 0 :
            cl_origLigoMap = gaussian_filter(cl_origLigoMap, gaussSigma)
        plotLigoContours(xMap[ix],yMap[ix], cl_origLigoMap[ix], color="cyan", alpha=1.0, lw=1.3,
        #plotLigoContours(xMap[ix],yMap[ix], cl_origLigoMap[ix], color="cyan", alpha=1.0, lw=1.3,

    # put on the hexes
    if doHexes :
        #ax = figure.add_subplot(1,1,1)
        # this is needed for search fig 1
        ax=plotDecamHexen(ax, hexRa, hexDec, alpha, camera, beta, color="r", lw=linewidth, allSky=allSky) 
        #ix =np.invert( insideDesFootprint.insideFootprint(hexRa, hexDec))
        #ax=plotDecamHexen(ax, hexRa[ix],hexDec[ix],alpha, beta, color="orange", lw=linewidth, allSky=allSky) 
        if slots.size > 0 :
            # plot the already observed hexes as maroon
            ix = slots<thisSlot
            ax=plotDecamHexen(ax, hexRa[ix],hexDec[ix],alpha, camera, beta, color="maroon", lw=linewidth, allSky=allSky) 
            # plot the current slots hexes as yellow
            ix = slots==thisSlot
            ax=plotDecamHexen(ax, hexRa[ix],hexDec[ix],alpha, camera, beta, color="yellow", lw=linewidth, allSky=allSky) 

        # fig1 and fig2, lmc paper, 
        # and not the fig1 marcelle paper, which is change lmcHexes2 to lmcHexes

    # deal with titles, axes, etc
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

    return alpha, beta