Exemple #1
def _obliquity_rotation_value(equinox):
    Function to calculate obliquity of the earth.
    This uses obl06 of erfa.
    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(equinox, "tt")
    obl = erfa.obl06(jd1, jd2) * u.radian
    return obl.to(u.deg)
Exemple #2
def _mean_ecliptic_rotation_matrix(equinox):
    # This code calls pmat06 from ERFA, which retrieves the precession
    # matrix (including frame bias) according to the IAU 2006 model, but
    # leaves out the nutation. This matches what ERFA does in the ecm06
    # function and also brings the results closer to what other libraries
    # give (see https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/6508).
    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(equinox, 'tt')
    rbp = erfa.pmat06(jd1, jd2)
    obl = erfa.obl06(jd1, jd2) * u.radian
    return matrix_product(rotation_matrix(obl, 'x'), rbp)
Exemple #3
def _true_ecliptic_rotation_matrix(equinox):
    # This code calls pnm06a from ERFA, which retrieves the precession
    # matrix (including frame bias) according to the IAU 2006 model, and
    # including the nutation. This family of systems is less popular
    # (see https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/6508).
    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(equinox, 'tt')
    rnpb = erfa.pnm06a(jd1, jd2)
    _, nut_obl = erfa.nut06a(jd1, jd2) * u.radian
    obl = erfa.obl06(
        jd1, jd2
    ) * u.radian + nut_obl  # calculate the true obliquity of the ecliptic
    return matrix_product(rotation_matrix(obl, 'x'), rnpb)
Exemple #4
def _true_ecliptic_rotation_matrix(equinox):
    # This code calls the same routines as done in pnm06a from ERFA, which
    # retrieves the precession matrix (including frame bias) according to
    # the IAU 2006 model, and including the nutation.
    # This family of systems is less popular
    # (see https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/6508).
    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(equinox, 'tt')
    # Here, we call the three routines from erfa.pnm06a separately,
    # so that we can keep the nutation for calculating the true obliquity
    # (which is a fairly expensive operation); see gh-11000.
    # pnm06a: Fukushima-Williams angles for frame bias and precession.
    # (ERFA names short for F-W's gamma_bar, phi_bar, psi_bar and epsilon_A).
    gamb, phib, psib, epsa = erfa.pfw06(jd1, jd2)
    # pnm06a: Nutation components (in longitude and obliquity).
    dpsi, deps = erfa.nut06a(jd1, jd2)
    # pnm06a: Equinox based nutation x precession x bias matrix.
    rnpb = erfa.fw2m(gamb, phib, psib + dpsi, epsa + deps)
    # calculate the true obliquity of the ecliptic
    obl = erfa.obl06(jd1, jd2) + deps
    return matrix_product(rotation_matrix(obl << u.radian, 'x'), rnpb)