def forward(self, locs, idxs, poses, scales):
        """ Compute a forward pass of the SDF Convolution Layer.

            -locs: A BxNxD tensor where B is the batch size, N is the number
                   of query locations, and D is the dimensionality of the 
                   coordinate space. 
            -idxs: A BxM tensor where M is the number of SDfs in the scene. Each 
                   element of idxs is an index of an SDF in the sdfs list passed
                   to the constructor.
            -poses: A BxMx(D+R) tensor with the pose of each of the M tensors in 
                    idxs in each row. Each row is D+R in length, where the first
                    D elements are the translation and the remaining R elements
                    are the rotation. R will vary in size and format depending on
                    D as follows:
                        -D=1: R is 0 (no rotation in 1D)
                        -D=2: R is 1 and is the angle in radians, where 0 is +x 
                              and pi/2 is +y.
                        -D=3: R is 4 and is the quaternion representation of the
                              3D rotation in xyzw format and normalized.
                    All other values for D are not supported.
            -scales: A BxM tensor with the scale

        Returns: A BxNxO tensor where O is the number of output features.

        # Error checking.
        batch_size = locs.size()[0]
        N = locs.size()[1]
        M = idxs.size()[1]
        R = {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 4}[self.ndim]
        ec.check_tensor_dims(locs, "locs", (batch_size, N, self.ndim))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(idxs, "idxs", (
        ec.check_tensor_dims(poses, "poses", (batch_size, M, self.ndim + R))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(scales, "scales", (

        locs = locs.contiguous()
        idxs = idxs.contiguous()
        poses = poses.contiguous()
        scales = scales.contiguous()

        # Do the compution.
        # convsdf = _ConvSDFFunction(self.sdfs, self.sdf_offsets, self.sdf_shapes,
        #                           self.kernel_size, self.dilation, self.max_distance, self.compute_pose_grads)
        # pdb.set_trace()
        return _ConvSDFFunction.apply(locs, idxs, poses, scales, self.weight,
                                      self.bias, self.sdfs, self.sdf_offsets,
                                      self.sdf_shapes, self.kernel_size,
                                      self.dilation, self.max_distance,
    def forward(self, idxs, locs, data=None):
        """ TODO

            -locs: A BxNxD tensor where B is the batch size, N is the number
                   of particles, and D is the dimensionality of the particles'
                   coordinate space.
            -data: [optional] A BxNxC tensor where C is the number of channels.

        # Error checking.
        batch_size = locs.size()[0]
        N = locs.size()[1]
        ec.check_tensor_dims(locs, "locs", (batch_size, N, -1))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(idxs, "idxs", (batch_size, N))
        if data is not None:
            ec.check_tensor_dims(data, "data", (batch_size, N, -1))
            data = data.contiguous()
            no_data = False
            data = torch.autograd.Variable(, 0, 0),
            no_data = True

        locs = locs.contiguous()
        idxs = idxs.contiguous()

        # Do the compution.
        coll = _ReorderDataFunction(self.reverse)
        locs, data = coll(idxs, locs, data)
        if no_data:
            return locs
            return locs, data
    def forward(self, locs, data, neighbors, qlocs=None):
        """ Compute a forward pass of the Smooth Particle Convolution Layer.

            -locs: A BxNxD tensor where B is the batch size, N is the number
                   of particles, and D is the dimensionality of the particles'
                   coordinate space.
            -data: A BxNxC tensor where C is the number of input features.
            -neighbors: A BxMxK tensor where K is the maximum number of neighbors.
                        For each particle, this is the list of particle indices
                        that are considered neighbors. If the number of neighbors
                        is less than K, the less is ended with a -1.
            -qlocs: A BxMxD of query locations. Specify this if you want the query 
                    locations to be different from the particle locations.

        Returns: A BxMxO tensor where O is the number of output features. Computed at qlocs.

        # Error checking.
        batch_size = locs.size()[0]
        N = locs.size()[1]
        ec.check_tensor_dims(locs, "locs", (batch_size, N, self.ndim))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(data, "data", (batch_size, N, self.nchannels))

        locs = locs.contiguous()
        data = data.contiguous()

        if qlocs is not None:
            ec.check_tensor_dims(qlocs, "qlocs", (batch_size, -1, self.ndim))
            qlocs = qlocs.contiguous()

        if locs.is_cuda:
            if self.device_id != torch.cuda.current_device():
                self.device_id = torch.cuda.current_device()
                self.nshared_device_mem = _extc.spnc_get_shared_mem_size(

        # Do the compution.
        # convsp = _ConvSPFunction(self.radius, self.kernel_size, self.dilation, self.dis_norm, self.kernel_fn, self.ncells, self.nshared_device_mem)
        # data.shape = BxCxN
        # data = convsp(qlocs if qlocs is not None else locs,
        #              locs, data, neighbors, self.weight, self.bias)
        # data.shape = BxOxN
        return _ConvSPFunction.apply(qlocs if qlocs is not None else locs,
                                     locs, data, neighbors, self.weight,
                                     self.bias, self.radius, self.kernel_size,
                                     self.dilation, self.dis_norm,
                                     self.kernel_fn, self.ncells,
    def forward(self, locs, image, camera_pose, camera_rot, depth_mask=None):
        """ Forwad pass for the particle projection. Takes in the set of
        particles and outputs an image.

            -locs: A BxNx3 tensor where B is the batch size, N is the number
                   of particles, and 3 is the dimensionality of the 
                   particles' coordinate space (this layer currently only
                   supports 3D projections).
            -camera_pose: A Bx3 tensor containing the camera translation.
            -camera_rot: A Bx4 tensor containing the camera rotation as a
                         quaternion in xyzw format.
            -depth_mask: An optional BxHxW tensor where W and H are the
                         camera image width and height respectively. If not
                         None, then this is used to compute occlusions. The
                         value in each pixel in the depth_mask should be
                         the distance to the first object. Any particles
                         further away than that value will not be projected
                         onto the output image.

        Returns: A BxHxW tensor of the projected particles.

        # Error checking.
        batch_size = locs.size()[0]
        N = locs.size()[1]
        width = image.size()[3]
        height = image.size()[2]
        channels = image.size()[1]
        ec.check_tensor_dims(locs, "locs", (batch_size, N, 3))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(image, "image",
                             (batch_size, channels, height, width))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(camera_pose, "camera_pose", (batch_size, 3))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(camera_rot, "camera_rot", (batch_size, 4))

        ec.check_nans(locs, "locs")
        ec.check_nans(image, "image")
        ec.check_nans(camera_pose, "camera_pose")
        ec.check_nans(camera_rot, "camera_rot")

        if depth_mask is not None:
            ec.check_tensor_dims(depth_mask, "depth_mask",
                                 (batch_size, height, width))
            ec.check_nans(depth_mask, "depth_mask")
            depth_mask = depth_mask.contiguous()
            if (self.empty_depth_mask.size()[0] != batch_size
                    or self.empty_depth_mask.size()[1] != height
                    or self.empty_depth_mask.size()[2] != width):
                self.empty_depth_mask.resize_(batch_size, height, width)
            depth_mask = torch.autograd.Variable(self.empty_depth_mask,
            if locs.is_cuda:
                depth_mask = depth_mask.cuda()

        # Let's transform the particles to camera space here.
        locs = locs - camera_pose.unsqueeze(1)
        # Ensure the rotation quaternion is normalized.
        camera_rot = camera_rot / \
            torch.sqrt(torch.sum(camera_rot**2, 1, keepdim=True))
        # Invert the rotation.
        inv =, 4)
        inv[0, 0] = -1
        inv[0, 1] = -1
        inv[0, 2] = -1
        inv[0, 3] = 1
        inv = torch.autograd.Variable(inv, requires_grad=False)
        camera_rot = camera_rot * inv
        rot = self._rotationMatrixFromQuaternion(camera_rot)
        if (rot != rot).data.any():
            raise ValueError(
                "No NaNs found in camera_rot argument, but NaNs created when"
                " constructing a rotation matrix from it.")
        # Rotate the locs into camera space.
            # There's a bug that causes this to fail on the first call when using cuda.
            # To fix that, just call it again.
            locs = torch.bmm(locs, rot)
        except RuntimeError:
            locs = torch.bmm(locs, rot)
        if (locs != locs).data.any():
            raise ValueError(
                "Rotating locs by rotation matrix resulted in NaNs.")

        locs = locs.contiguous()
        image = image.contiguous()
        proj = _ImageProjectionFunction(self.camera_fl)
        ret = proj(locs, image, depth_mask)
        return ret
    def forward(self, locs, data=None, qlocs=None):
        """ Compute the neighbors of each location. Reorders the locs and data tensors
        in place and returns the list of indices in their new order and the list of
        neighbors for each location.

            -locs: A BxNxD tensor where B is the batch size, N is the number
                   of particles, and D is the dimensionality of the particles'
                   coordinate space.            
            -data: [optional] A BxNxC tensor where C is the number of channels.
                   Add this to have it reordered alongside locs.
            -qlocs: [optional] A BxMxD tensor of query locations. The neighbors
                    list in the output will be a list of all particles in locs
                    that neighbor each query location. If not provided, locs is
                    used instead.

            -locs: A BxNxD tensor identical to the input locs, except reordered
                   for optimized memory access.
            -data: [optional] A BxNxC tensor identical to the input data reordered
                   in the same order as locs. If the input data was not provided,
                   then this is not returned.
            -Idxs: BxN tensor with the original index of each particle location in their
                   new order, e.g., idxs[b, i] = j where b is the batch index, j is
                   the original index in locs, and i is the new index.
            -Neighbors: BxMxK where K is max_neighbors. This lists the indices of
                        all particles within radius of each query location, up to K. If
                        there are fewer than K neighbors, -1 is used to indicate
                        the end of the neighbor list. The indices are with respect to
                        the reordered locs tensor. If qlocs is not specified, then
                        locs is used as the query points and it is reordered before
                        being queried, so the neighbors tensor is also reorderd.

        # Error checking.
        batch_size = locs.size()[0]
        N = locs.size()[1]
        ec.check_tensor_dims(locs, "locs", (batch_size, N, self.ndim))
        if data is not None:
            ec.check_tensor_dims(data, "data", (batch_size, N, -1))
            data = data.contiguous()
            has_data = True
            has_data = False

        if qlocs is not None:
            ec.check_tensor_dims(qlocs, "qlocs", (batch_size, -1, self.ndim))
            qlocs = qlocs.contiguous()

        locs = locs.contiguous()

        # Resize the internal buffers to be the right size.
        buffers = [self.cellIDs, self.cellStarts, self.cellEnds]
        for buf in buffers:
            if buf.size()[0] != batch_size:
                ns = (batch_size, ) + buf.size()[1:]
        if self.cellIDs.size()[1] != N or self.cellIDs.size(
        )[0] != batch_size + 2:
            # Allocate 2 extra batches on cellIDs for sorting.
            self.cellIDs.resize_(batch_size + 2, N, 1)

        if locs.is_cuda:
            if self.radixsort_buffer_size < 0:
                self.radixsort_buffer_size = _ext.spnc_get_radixsort_buffer_size(
            bufsize = max(
                    ( if has_data else 0)))
            if self.cuda_buffer.size()[0] != bufsize:

        # Compute grid bounds.
        lower_bounds, _ = locs.min(1)
        upper_bounds, _ = locs.max(1)
        grid_dims = torch.ceil(
            torch.clamp((upper_bounds - lower_bounds) / self.radius, 0,
        center = (lower_bounds + upper_bounds) / 2
        lower_bounds = center - grid_dims * self.radius / 2
        lower_bounds = lower_bounds.contiguous()
        grid_dims = grid_dims.contiguous()

        # Get the new hashgrid order.
        hashorder = _HashgridOrderFunction(self.radius, self.max_grid_dim,
                                           self.cellIDs, self.cuda_buffer)
        idxs = hashorder(locs, lower_bounds, grid_dims)

        # Reorder the locs and data.
        if has_data:
            locs, data = self.reorder(idxs, locs, data)
            locs = self.reorder(idxs, locs)

        # Do the collision compution.
        coll = _ParticleCollisionFunction(self.radius, self.max_collisions,
                                          self.cellIDs, self.cellStarts,
                                          self.cellEnds, self.include_self)
        neighbors = coll(qlocs if qlocs is not None else locs, locs,
                         lower_bounds, grid_dims)

        if has_data:
            return locs, data, idxs, neighbors
            return locs, idxs, neighbors
Exemple #6
    def forward(self, locs, camera_pose, camera_rot, depth_mask=None):
        """ Forwad pass for the particle projection. Takes in the set of
        particles and outputs an image.

            -locs: A BxNx3 tensor where B is the batch size, N is the number
                   of particles, and 3 is the dimensionality of the 
                   particles' coordinate space (this layer currently only
                   supports 3D projections).
            -camera_pose: A Bx3 tensor containing the camera translation.
            -camera_rot: A Bx4 tensor containing the camera rotation as a
                         quaternion in xyzw format.
            -depth_mask: An optional BxHxW tensor where W and H are the
                         camera image width and height respectively. If not
                         None, then this is used to compute occlusions. The
                         value in each pixel in the depth_mask should be
                         the distance to the first object. Any particles
                         further away than that value will not be projected
                         onto the output image.

        Returns: A BxHxW tensor of the projected particles.

        # Error checking.
        batch_size = locs.size()[0]
        N = locs.size()[1]
        ec.check_tensor_dims(locs, "locs", (batch_size, N, 3))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(camera_pose, "camera_pose", (batch_size, 3))
        ec.check_tensor_dims(camera_rot, "camera_rot", (batch_size, 4))

        if depth_mask is not None:
                depth_mask, "depth_mask",
                (batch_size, self.camera_size[1], self.camera_size[0]))
            depth_mask = depth_mask.contiguous()
            if self.empty_depth_mask.size()[0] != batch_size:
                self.empty_depth_mask.resize_(batch_size, self.camera_size[1],
            depth_mask = torch.autograd.Variable(self.empty_depth_mask,
            if locs.is_cuda:
                depth_mask = depth_mask.cuda()

        # Let's transform the particles to camera space here.
        locs = locs - camera_pose.unsqueeze(1)
        # Ensure the rotation quaternion is normalized.
        camera_rot = camera_rot / torch.sqrt(
            torch.sum(camera_rot**2, 1, keepdim=True))
        # Invert the rotation.
        inv =, 4)
        inv[0, 0] = -1
        inv[0, 1] = -1
        inv[0, 2] = -1
        inv[0, 3] = 1
        inv = torch.autograd.Variable(inv, requires_grad=False)
        camera_rot = camera_rot * inv
        rot = self._rotationMatrixFromQuaternion(camera_rot)
        # Rotate the locs into camera space.
        locs = torch.bmm(locs, rot)

        locs = locs.contiguous()
        proj = _ParticleProjectionFunction(self.camera_fl, self.camera_size,
                                           self.filter_std, self.filter_scale)
        ret = proj(locs, depth_mask)
        return ret