Exemple #1
 def set(self, name, value):
     if name in self.descriptions:
         if self.types[name] == "string_list":
             self.values[name] = stringToStringList(value)
         elif self.types[name] == "bool":
             self.values[name] = stringToBool(value)
         elif self.types[name] == "int":
             self.values[name] = stringToInt(value)
         elif self.types[name] == "float":
             self.values[name] = stringToFloat(value)
         elif self.types[name] == "function":
             self.values[name] = value
         elif self.types[name] == "general":
             self.values[name] = value
         elif self.types[name] == "parsed_function":
             self.values[name] = stringToFunction(value)
         elif self.types[name] == "string":
             self.values[name] = value
         elif self.types[name] == "StringSelection":
             if value in self.string_selections[name]:
                 self.values[name] = value
                 selection_list_string = ""
                 for acceptable_value in self.string_selections[name]:
                     selection_list_string += "\n  " + acceptable_value
                 error("The parameter '" + name +
                       "' must take one of the following values:" +
         error("The parameter '" + name + "' is not registered.")
    def __init__(self, params):
        Executioner.__init__(self, params)

        # determine how time step size is determined
        if params.has("dt") and params.has("cfl"):
            error("The parameters 'dt' and 'cfl' cannot both be provided.")
        elif params.has("dt"):
            self.dt_nominal = params.get("dt")
            self.use_cfl_dt = False
        elif params.has("cfl"):
            self.cfl = params.get("cfl")
            self.use_cfl_dt = True
            self.cfl_dt_aux_list = self.createCFLAuxQuantities()
            self.cfl_aux_names = [aux.name for aux in self.cfl_dt_aux_list]
            error("Either parameter 'dt' or 'cfl' must be provided.")

        self.end_time = params.get("end_time")
        self.lump_mass_matrix = params.get("lump_mass_matrix")
        self.verbose = params.get("verbose")

        # tolerance to prevent small final time steps due to floating point precision error
        self.end_tolerance = 1e-12

        self.U_old = deepcopy(self.U)

        self.M = self.computeMassMatrix()
def stringToStringList(s):
    if isinstance(s, basestring):
        return s.split()
    elif isinstance(s, list):
        return s
        error("'" + s + "' is not a valid string list.")
  def __init__(self, params):
    FreeBCJunction.__init__(self, params)
    if self.n_meshes != 2:
      error("Only implemented for connecting 2 meshes.")

    self.n_var = self.dof_handler.n_var
    self.n_constraints += self.n_var
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, params):
        Junction.__init__(self, params)
        if self.n_meshes != 2:
            error("CloneJunction is only implemented for connecting 2 meshes.")

        # assume that first mesh is the "master"
        self.k_master = self.node_indices[0]
        self.k_slave = self.node_indices[1]
def stringToBool(s):
    if s == "True" or s == True:
        return True
    elif s == "False" or s == False:
        return False
        error("'" + s + "' is not a valid boolean.")
    return value
Exemple #7
 def get(self, name):
     if name in self.values:
         return self.values[name]
         if name in self.descriptions:
             error("The parameter '" + name +
                   "' was not set and does not have a default.")
             error("'" + name + "' is not a registered parameter.")
Exemple #8
  def createObjectFromParametersObject(self, object_class, parameters_object):
    # create the object
    if object_class in globals():
      constructor = globals()[object_class]
      error("'" + object_class + "' is not a valid object type.")

    the_object = constructor(parameters_object)

    return the_object
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, params):
     AuxQuantity.__init__(self, params)
     self.name = params.get("var")
     self.other_vars = params.get("other_vars")
     self.coefs = params.get("coefs")
     self.b = params.get("b")
     if len(self.other_vars) != len(self.coefs):
             "'other_vars' and 'coefs' list parameters must have same length."
     self.n = len(self.other_vars)
Exemple #10
 def registerParameterInternal(self, name, param_type, description,
     self.types[name] = param_type
     if name == "type":
             "'type' is a reserved name and cannot be used for a parameter name."
     if name in self.descriptions:
         error("The parameter '" + name + "' has already been registered.")
         self.descriptions[name] = description
         if default != None:
             self.values[name] = default
Exemple #11
    def __str__(self):
        # make sure that all properties have been computed
        if not self.computed_all_properties:
            error("The thermodynamic properties still need to be computed.")

        # create and return string
        printout = "\nFluid properties (SI Units):\n"
        printout += "  p   = " + str(self.values["p"]) + "\n"
        printout += "  T   = " + str(self.values["T"]) + "\n"
        printout += "  rho = " + str(self.values["rho"]) + "\n"
        printout += "  v   = " + str(self.values["v"]) + "\n"
        printout += "  e   = " + str(self.values["e"]) + "\n"
        return printout
  def __init__(self, params):
    Junction1Phase.__init__(self, params)
    if self.n_meshes != 2:
      error("CompressibleJunction is only implemented for connecting 2 meshes.")

    # determine if momentum flux balance is to be used for last equation;
    # otherwise, stagnation pressure condition will be used
    self.use_momentum_flux_balance = params.get("use_momentum_flux_balance")

    # get node indices
    self.k_left = self.node_indices[0]
    self.k_right = self.node_indices[1]
    self.k_left_adjacent = self.adjacent_node_indices[0]
    self.k_right_adjacent = self.adjacent_node_indices[1]
Exemple #13
    def computeRemainingProperties(self, eos):
        if self.provided["p"] and self.provided["T"]:
            self.values["rho"] = eos.rho(self.values["p"], self.values["T"])
            self.values["v"] = 1.0 / self.values["rho"]
            self.values["e"] = eos.e(self.values["v"], self.values["p"])[0]
        elif self.provided["p"] and self.provided["rho"]:
            self.values["v"] = 1.0 / self.values["rho"]
            self.values["e"] = eos.e(self.values["v"], self.values["p"])[0]
            self.values["T"] = eos.T(self.values["v"], self.values["e"])[0]
                "The provided combination of thermodynamic properties has not been implemented."

        self.computed_all_properties = True
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.A = params.get("A")
        self.p = [params.get("p")]
        self.u = [params.get("u")]

        # one may supply either rho or T, but not both
        if params.has("rho") and params.has("T"):
            error("ICs cannot specify both T and rho.")
        elif params.has("rho"):
            self.rho = [params.get("rho")]
            self.specified_rho = True
        elif params.has("T"):
            self.T = [params.get("T")]
            self.specified_rho = False
            error("Either 'rho' or 'T' must be specified for IC.")
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.provided = dict()
        self.values = dict()
        self.getPropertyIfAvailable("rho", params)
        self.getPropertyIfAvailable("T", params)
        self.getPropertyIfAvailable("p", params)

        # count the number of provided properties
        n_provided_properties = 0
        for prop in self.provided:
            if self.provided[prop]:
                n_provided_properties += 1
        if n_provided_properties != 2:
            error("Exactly 2 thermodynamic properties must be provided.")

        # flag that all thermodynamic properties have been computed
        self.computed_all_properties = False
Exemple #16
  def createParametersObject(self, object_class, params=None):
    # parameters classes are always named as the object class plus "Parameters"
    parameters_class = object_class + "Parameters"

    # parameters classes should have no arguments to their constructors
    if parameters_class in globals():
      constructor = globals()[parameters_class]
      error("'" + parameters_class + "' is not a valid object type.")
    parameters_object = constructor()

    # set each of the parameters
    if params:
      for param in params:
        if param != "type":
          parameters_object.set(param, params[param])

    return parameters_object
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.mesh_names = params.get("mesh_names")
        self.mesh_sides = params.get("mesh_sides")
        self.dof_handler = params.get("dof_handler")
        self.eos_list = params.get("eos_list")

        self.model_type = self.dof_handler.model_type

        # ensure that lengths of list parameters agree
        self.n_meshes = len(self.mesh_names)
        if len(self.mesh_names) != len(self.mesh_sides):
                "The list parameters 'mesh_names' and 'mesh_sides' must have the same size."

        # get node indices and adjacent node indices
        self.node_indices = list()
        self.adjacent_node_indices = list()
        for i, mesh_name in enumerate(self.mesh_names):
            if self.mesh_sides[i] == "left":
                    self.dof_handler.getNodeIndexFromLeft(mesh_name, 0))
                    self.dof_handler.getNodeIndexFromLeft(mesh_name, 1))
            elif self.mesh_sides[i] == "right":
                    self.dof_handler.getNodeIndexFromRight(mesh_name, 0))
                    self.dof_handler.getNodeIndexFromRight(mesh_name, 1))
                error("Side parameters must be either 'left' or 'right'.")

        # get normal vectors
        self.nx = list()
        for i in xrange(self.n_meshes):
            if self.mesh_sides[i] == "left":

        # initialize number of constraints to zero
        self.n_constraints = 0
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.A = params.get("A")
        self.vf1 = params.get("vf1")
        self.p = [params.get("p1"), params.get("p2")]
        self.u = [params.get("u1"), params.get("u2")]

        # one may supply either rho or T, but not both
        if params.has("rho1") and params.has("rho2"):
            has_rho = True
            has_rho = False
        if params.has("T1") and params.has("T2"):
            has_T = True
            has_T = False
        if (params.has("T1") and params.has("rho2")) or (params.has("rho1")
                                                         and params.has("T2")):
            error("ICs cannot supply a mix of T and rho between the phases.")
        elif has_rho and has_T:
            error("ICs cannot specify both T and rho.")
        elif has_rho:
            self.rho = [params.get("rho1"), params.get("rho2")]
            self.specified_rho = True
        elif has_T:
            self.T = [params.get("T1"), params.get("T2")]
            self.specified_rho = False
                "Either 'rho' or 'T' for each phase must be specified for IC.")
Exemple #19
def assertNonNegativeSoundSpeedArgSingle(arg, p, v):
  if arg < 0:
    error("Sound speed: negative x in sqrt(x), where x = gamma * (p + p_inf) * v:\n" +
      "p = " + str(p) + "\nv = " + str(v))
  def applyStronglyToNonlinearSystem(self, U_new, U_old, r, J):
    n_values = 6
    L = 0
    R = 1
    L_old = 2
    R_old = 3
    LL_old = 4
    RR_old = 5

    k = [0] * n_values
    k[L] = self.k_left
    k[R] = self.k_right
    k[L_old] = self.k_left
    k[R_old] = self.k_right
    k[LL_old] = self.k_left_adjacent
    k[RR_old] = self.k_right_adjacent

    i_arhoA = [0] * n_values
    i_arhoA[L] = self.i_arhoL
    i_arhoA[R] = self.i_arhoR
    i_arhoA[L_old] = self.i_arhoL
    i_arhoA[R_old] = self.i_arhoR
    i_arhoA[LL_old] = self.i_arhoLL
    i_arhoA[RR_old] = self.i_arhoRR

    i_arhouA = [0] * n_values
    i_arhouA[L] = self.i_arhouAL
    i_arhouA[R] = self.i_arhouAR
    i_arhouA[L_old] = self.i_arhouAL
    i_arhouA[R_old] = self.i_arhouAR
    i_arhouA[LL_old] = self.i_arhouALL
    i_arhouA[RR_old] = self.i_arhouARR

    i_arhoEA = [0] * n_values
    i_arhoEA[L] = self.i_arhoEAL
    i_arhoEA[R] = self.i_arhoEAR
    i_arhoEA[L_old] = self.i_arhoEAL
    i_arhoEA[R_old] = self.i_arhoEAR
    i_arhoEA[LL_old] = self.i_arhoEALL
    i_arhoEA[RR_old] = self.i_arhoEARR

    U = [0] * n_values
    U[L] = U_new
    U[R] = U_new
    U[L_old] = U_old
    U[R_old] = U_old
    U[LL_old] = U_old
    U[RR_old] = U_old

    # initialize lists
    rho = [0] * n_values
    drho_daA1 = [0] * n_values
    drho_darhoA = [0] * n_values

    u = [0] * n_values
    du_darhoA = [0] * n_values
    du_darhouA = [0] * n_values

    e = [0] * n_values
    de_darhoA = [0] * n_values
    de_darhouA = [0] * n_values
    de_darhoEA = [0] * n_values

    p = [0] * n_values
    dp_daA1 = [0] * n_values
    dp_darhoA = [0] * n_values
    dp_darhouA = [0] * n_values
    dp_darhoEA = [0] * n_values

    c = [0] * n_values
    dc_daA1 = [0] * n_values
    dc_darhoA = [0] * n_values
    dc_darhouA = [0] * n_values
    dc_darhoEA = [0] * n_values

    if not self.use_momentum_flux_balance:
      p0 = [0] * n_values
      dp0_daA1 = [0] * n_values
      dp0_darhoA = [0] * n_values
      dp0_darhouA = [0] * n_values
      dp0_darhoEA = [0] * n_values

    # loop over subscript/superscript combinations
    for i in xrange(n_values):
      A = self.dof_handler.A[k[i]]
      aA1 = self.dof_handler.aA1(U[i], k[i])
      vf, dvf_daA1 = computeVolumeFraction(aA1, A, self.phase, self.model_type)
      arhoA  = U[i][i_arhoA[i]]
      arhouA = U[i][i_arhouA[i]]
      arhoEA = U[i][i_arhoEA[i]]

      rho[i], drho_dvf, drho_darhoA[i], _ = computeDensity(vf, arhoA, A)
      drho_daA1[i] = drho_dvf * dvf_daA1

      u[i], du_darhoA[i], du_darhouA[i] = computeVelocity(arhoA, arhouA)

      v, dv_drho = computeSpecificVolume(rho[i])
      dv_daA1 = dv_drho * drho_daA1[i]
      dv_darhoA = dv_drho * drho_darhoA[i]

      E, dE_darhoA, dE_darhoEA = computeSpecificTotalEnergy(arhoA, arhoEA)

      e[i], de_du, de_dE = computeSpecificInternalEnergy(u[i], E)
      de_darhoA[i] = de_du * du_darhoA[i] + de_dE * dE_darhoA
      de_darhouA[i] = de_du * du_darhouA[i]
      de_darhoEA[i] = de_dE * dE_darhoEA

      p[i], dp_dv, dp_de = self.eos.p(v, e[i])
      dp_daA1[i] = dp_dv * dv_daA1
      dp_darhoA[i] = dp_dv * dv_darhoA + dp_de * de_darhoA[i]
      dp_darhouA[i] = dp_de * de_darhouA[i]
      dp_darhoEA[i] = dp_de * de_darhoEA[i]

      c[i], dc_dv, dc_de = self.eos.c(v, e[i])
      dc_daA1[i] = dc_dv * dv_daA1
      dc_darhoA[i] = dc_dv * dv_darhoA + dc_de * de_darhoA[i]
      dc_darhouA[i] = dc_de * de_darhouA[i]
      dc_darhoEA[i] = dc_de * de_darhoEA[i]

      if not self.use_momentum_flux_balance:
        s, ds_dv, ds_de = self.eos.s(v, e[i])
        ds_daA1 = ds_dv * dv_daA1
        ds_darhoA = ds_dv * dv_darhoA + ds_de * de_darhoA[i]
        ds_darhouA = ds_de * de_darhouA[i]
        ds_darhoEA = ds_de * de_darhoEA[i]

        h, dh_de, dh_dp, dh_drho = computeSpecificEnthalpy(e[i], p[i], rho[i])
        dh_daA1 = dh_dp * dp_daA1[i]
        dh_darhoA = dh_de * de_darhoA[i] + dh_dp * dp_darhoA[i] + dh_drho * drho_darhoA[i]
        dh_darhouA = dh_de * de_darhouA[i] + dh_dp * dp_darhouA[i]
        dh_darhoEA = dh_de * de_darhoEA[i] + dh_dp * dp_darhoEA[i]

        h0 = h + 0.5 * u[i]**2
        dh0_daA1 = dh_daA1
        dh0_darhoA = dh_darhoA + u[i] * du_darhoA[i]
        dh0_darhouA = dh_darhouA + u[i] * du_darhouA[i]
        dh0_darhoEA = dh_darhoEA

        p0[i], dp0_dh0, dp0_ds = self.eos.p_from_h_s(h0, s)
        dp0_daA1[i] = dp0_dh0 * dh0_daA1 + dp0_ds * ds_daA1
        dp0_darhoA[i] = dp0_dh0 * dh0_darhoA + dp0_ds * ds_darhoA
        dp0_darhouA[i] = dp0_dh0 * dh0_darhouA + dp0_ds * ds_darhouA
        dp0_darhoEA[i] = dp0_dh0 * dh0_darhoEA + dp0_ds * ds_darhoEA

    # compute old average quantities
    rhoL = 0.5 * (rho[L_old] + rho[LL_old])
    rhoR = 0.5 * (rho[R_old] + rho[RR_old])
    uL = 0.5 * (u[L_old] + u[LL_old])
    uR = 0.5 * (u[R_old] + u[RR_old])
    pL = 0.5 * (p[L_old] + p[LL_old])
    pR = 0.5 * (p[R_old] + p[RR_old])
    cL = 0.5 * (c[L_old] + c[LL_old])
    cR = 0.5 * (c[R_old] + c[RR_old])

    # residual indices
    i1 = self.i_arhoL
    i2 = self.i_arhouAL
    i3 = self.i_arhoEAL
    i4 = self.i_arhoR
    i5 = self.i_arhouAR
    i6 = self.i_arhoEAR

    # reset Jacobian rows
    J[i1,:] = 0
    J[i2,:] = 0
    J[i3,:] = 0
    J[i4,:] = 0
    J[i5,:] = 0
    J[i6,:] = 0

    # compute residuals and Jacobians
    r[i1] = p[L] - pL + rhoL * (cL - uL) * (u[L] - uL)
    J_i1_vf1L = dp_daA1[L]
    J[i1,self.i_arhoL] = dp_darhoA[L] + rhoL * (cL - uL) * du_darhoA[L]
    J[i1,self.i_arhouAL] = dp_darhouA[L] + rhoL * (cL - uL) * du_darhouA[L]
    J[i1,self.i_arhoEAL] = dp_darhoEA[L]

    r[i2] = p[R] - pR - rhoR * (cR - uR) * (u[R] - uR)
    J_i2_vf1R = dp_daA1[R]
    J[i2,self.i_arhoR] = dp_darhoA[R] - rhoR * (cR - uR) * du_darhoA[R]
    J[i2,self.i_arhouAR] = dp_darhouA[R] - rhoR * (cR - uR) * du_darhouA[R]
    J[i2,self.i_arhoEAR] = dp_darhoEA[R]

    if u[L] >= 0:
      if u[R] < 0:
        error("Assumption violated: Both velocity conditions were true.")
      r[i3] = rho[L] - rhoL - (p[L] - pL) / cL**2
      J_i3_vf1L = drho_daA1[L] - dp_daA1[L] / cL**2
      J_i3_vf1R = 0
      J[i3,self.i_arhoL] = drho_darhoA[L] - dp_darhoA[L] / cL**2
      J[i3,self.i_arhouAL] = - dp_darhouA[L] / cL**2
      J[i3,self.i_arhoEAL] = - dp_darhoEA[L] / cL**2
    elif u[R] < 0:
      r[i3] = rho[R] - rhoR - (p[R] - pR) / cR**2
      J_i3_vf1R = drho_daA1[R] - dp_daA1[R] / cR**2
      J_i3_vf1L = 0
      J[i3,self.i_arhoR] = drho_darhoA[R] - dp_darhoA[R] / cR**2
      J[i3,self.i_arhouAR] = - dp_darhouA[R] / cR**2
      J[i3,self.i_arhoEAR] = - dp_darhoEA[R] / cR**2
      error("Assumption violated: Neither velocity condition was true.")

    r[i4] = rho[L] * u[L] - rho[R] * u[R]
    J_i4_vf1L = drho_daA1[L] * u[L]
    J[i4,self.i_arhoL] = drho_darhoA[L] * u[L] + rho[L] * du_darhoA[L]
    J[i4,self.i_arhouAL] = rho[L] * du_darhouA[L]
    J_i4_vf1R = -drho_daA1[R] * u[R]
    J[i4,self.i_arhoR] = -(drho_darhoA[R] * u[R] + rho[R] * du_darhoA[R])
    J[i4,self.i_arhouAR] = -rho[R] * du_darhouA[R]

    r[i5] = e[L] + p[L] / rho[L] + 0.5 * u[L]**2 - (e[R] + p[R] / rho[R] + 0.5 * u[R]**2)
    J_i5_vf1L = dp_daA1[L] / rho[L] - p[L] / rho[L]**2 * drho_daA1[L]
    J[i5,self.i_arhoL] = de_darhoA[L] + dp_darhoA[L] / rho[L] - p[L] / rho[L]**2 * drho_darhoA[L] + u[L] * du_darhoA[L]
    J[i5,self.i_arhouAL] = de_darhouA[L] + dp_darhouA[L] / rho[L] + u[L] * du_darhouA[L]
    J[i5,self.i_arhoEAL] = de_darhoEA[L] + dp_darhoEA[L] / rho[L]
    J_i5_vf1R = -(dp_daA1[R] / rho[R] - p[R] / rho[R]**2 * drho_daA1[R])
    J[i5,self.i_arhoR] = -(de_darhoA[R] + dp_darhoA[R] / rho[R] - p[R] / rho[R]**2 * drho_darhoA[R] + u[R] * du_darhoA[R])
    J[i5,self.i_arhouAR] = -(de_darhouA[R] + dp_darhouA[R] / rho[R] + u[R] * du_darhouA[R])
    J[i5,self.i_arhoEAR] = -(de_darhoEA[R] + dp_darhoEA[R] / rho[R])

    if self.use_momentum_flux_balance:
      r[i6] = rho[L] * u[L]**2 + p[L] - (rho[R] * u[R]**2 + p[R])
      J_i6_vf1L = drho_daA1[L] * u[L]**2 + dp_daA1[L]
      J[i6,self.i_arhoL] = drho_darhoA[L] * u[L]**2 + rho[L] * 2.0 * u[L] * du_darhoA[L] + dp_darhoA[L]
      J[i6,self.i_arhouAL] = rho[L] * 2.0 * u[L] * du_darhouA[L] + dp_darhouA[L]
      J[i6,self.i_arhoEAL] = dp_darhoEA[L]
      J_i6_vf1R = -(drho_daA1[R] * u[R]**2 + dp_daA1[R])
      J[i6,self.i_arhoR] = -(drho_darhoA[R] * u[R]**2 + rho[R] * 2.0 * u[R] * du_darhoA[R] + dp_darhoA[R])
      J[i6,self.i_arhouAR] = -(rho[R] * 2.0 * u[R] * du_darhouA[R] + dp_darhouA[R])
      J[i6,self.i_arhoEAR] = -dp_darhoEA[R]
      r[i6] = p0[L] - p0[R]
      J_i6_vf1L = dp0_daA1[L]
      J[i6,self.i_arhoL] = dp0_darhoA[L]
      J[i6,self.i_arhouAL] = dp0_darhouA[L]
      J[i6,self.i_arhoEAL] = dp0_darhoEA[L]
      J_i6_vf1R = -dp0_daA1[R]
      J[i6,self.i_arhoR] = -dp0_darhoA[R]
      J[i6,self.i_arhouAR] = -dp0_darhouA[R]
      J[i6,self.i_arhoEAR] = -dp0_darhoEA[R]

    if self.model_type == ModelType.TwoPhase:
      J[i1,self.i_aA1L] = J_i1_vf1L
      J[i2,self.i_aA1R] = J_i2_vf1R
      J[i3,self.i_aA1L] = J_i3_vf1L
      J[i3,self.i_aA1R] = J_i3_vf1R
      J[i4,self.i_aA1L] = J_i4_vf1L
      J[i4,self.i_aA1R] = J_i4_vf1R
      J[i5,self.i_aA1L] = J_i5_vf1L
      J[i5,self.i_aA1R] = J_i5_vf1R
      J[i6,self.i_aA1L] = J_i6_vf1L
      J[i6,self.i_aA1R] = J_i6_vf1R
 def performFinalChecks(self):
     if self.level != 0:
         error("All blocks and sub-blocks must be ended with '[]'.")
 def applyStronglyToLinearSystemMatrix(self, A):
   error("Not implemented")
 def assertBlockExists(self, block):
     if not block in self.block_data:
         error("The block '" + block + "' does not exist.")
def stringToInt(s):
        value = int(s)
        error("'" + s + "' is not a valid integer.")
    return value
 def assertSubblockExists(self, block, subblock):
     if not subblock in self.subblock_data[block]:
         error("The subblock '" + subblock + "' does not exist in block '" +
               block + "'.")
    def checkJacobian(self,
        # factory
        factory = Factory()

        # meshes
        params1 = {"n_cell": 1, "name": "mesh1"}
        params2 = {"n_cell": 1, "name": "mesh2"}
        meshes = [
            factory.createObject("UniformMesh", params1),
            factory.createObject("UniformMesh", params2)

        # area function
        def A(x):
            return 0.2

        # DoF handler
        dof_handler_params = {"meshes": meshes, "A": A}
        if model_type == ModelType.OnePhase:
            dof_handler_class = "DoFHandler1Phase"
        elif model_type == ModelType.TwoPhaseNonInteracting:
            dof_handler_class = "DoFHandler2PhaseNonInteracting"

            def vf1_initial(x):
                return 0.3

            dof_handler_params["initial_vf1"] = vf1_initial
        elif model_type == ModelType.TwoPhase:
            dof_handler_class = "DoFHandler2Phase"
        dof_handler = factory.createObject(dof_handler_class,
        n_dof = dof_handler.n_dof

        # equation of state
        eos_params1 = {"slope_initial": 1.0, "slope_increment": 0.1}
        eos_list = [factory.createObject("TestEoS", eos_params1)]
        if model_type != ModelType.OnePhase:
            eos_params2 = {"slope_initial": 1.1, "slope_increment": 0.07}
            eos_list.append(factory.createObject("TestEoS", eos_params2))

        # junction
        junction_params["mesh_names"] = " ".join(
            [mesh.name for mesh in meshes])
        junction_params["mesh_sides"] = "right left"
        junction_params["dof_handler"] = dof_handler
        junction_params["eos_list"] = eos_list
        junction_parameters = factory.createParametersObject(
        for param in junction_params:
            junction_parameters.set(param, junction_params[param])
        if junction_parameters.hasRegisteredParam("phase"):
            junction_parameters.set("phase", phase)
        junction = factory.createObjectFromParametersObject(
            self.junction_name, junction_parameters)

        # update DoF handler with junction constraints

        # compute base solution
        U = np.zeros(n_dof)
        U_old = np.zeros(n_dof)
        for i in xrange(n_dof):
            U[i] = i + 1.0
            U_old[i] = i + 2.0

        # determine evaluation function
        if test_option == "weak":
            f = junction.applyWeaklyToNonlinearSystem
        elif test_option == "strong":
            f = junction.applyStronglyToNonlinearSystem
        elif test_option == "both":

            def f(*args, **kwargs):
                junction.applyWeaklyToNonlinearSystem(*args, **kwargs)
                junction.applyStronglyToNonlinearSystem(*args, **kwargs)
            error("Invalid test option")

        # base calculation
        r = np.zeros(n_dof)
        J_hand_coded = np.zeros(shape=(n_dof, n_dof))
        f(U, U_old, r, J_hand_coded)

        # finite difference Jacobians
        rel_diffs = np.zeros(shape=(n_dof, n_dof))
        J_fd = np.zeros(shape=(n_dof, n_dof))
        for j in xrange(n_dof):
            # perturb solution
            U_perturbed = deepcopy(U)
            U_perturbed[j] += fd_eps

            # compute finite difference Jacobian
            r_perturbed = np.zeros(n_dof)
            J_perturbed = np.zeros(shape=(n_dof, n_dof))
            f(U_perturbed, U_old, r_perturbed, J_perturbed)
            for i in xrange(n_dof):
                J_fd[i, j] = (r_perturbed[i] - r[i]) / fd_eps

        # compute difference matrices
        abs_diffs = abs(J_hand_coded - J_fd)
        rel_diffs = computeRelativeDifferenceMatrix(J_hand_coded, J_fd)

        # print results
        if self.verbose:
            print "\nRelative difference of Jacobian for " + test_option + " contributions:"
            printRelativeMatrixDifference(rel_diffs, abs_diffs, 1e-1, 1e-3)

        matched = np.zeros((n_dof, n_dof), dtype=bool)
        for i in xrange(n_dof):
            for j in xrange(n_dof):
                matched[i, j] = abs_diffs[i, j] < self.abs_tol or rel_diffs[
                    i, j] < self.rel_tol

        return matched
def stringToFloat(s):
        value = float(s)
        error("'" + s + "' is not a valid float.")
    return value
 def __init__(self, params):
     Junction1Phase.__init__(self, params)
     if self.n_meshes != 2:
         error("FluxJunction is only implemented for connecting 2 meshes.")
Exemple #29
def checkFileExists(filename):
  if not os.path.isfile(filename):
    error("The file '" + filename + "' does not exist.")
 def applyStronglyToLinearSystemRHSVector(self, U_old, b):
   error("Not implemented")