def receipts(request, data, **kwargs):
    staff = Staff.objects.get(user=request.user)
    joined_workplaces = staff.workplaces.all()

    # Conditions on two kinds of url.
    if 'workplace_uuid' not in kwargs and 'page_num' not in kwargs:
        # No parameters

        # Test whether the staff has workplaces.
        if not joined_workplaces:
            data['no_workplaces'] = True
            return render(request, 'receipts/index.html', data)
        first_workplace_uuid = joined_workplaces[0].unique_id
        return redirect_with_data(request, data, '/receipts/' + str(first_workplace_uuid) + '/1/')
        # Two parameters
        data['no_workplaces'] = False
        data['joined_workplaces'] = joined_workplaces

        workplace_uuid = kwargs['workplace_uuid']
        page_num = kwargs['page_num']
        page_num = int(page_num)

        # If page number is zero.
        if page_num == 0:
            return custom_error_404(request, data)

        # If workplace_uuid is invalid...
            workplace = Company.objects.get(unique_id=workplace_uuid)
        except ValidationError:
            return custom_error_404(request, data)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return custom_error_404(request, data)

        # Get UUID.
        data['workplace_uuid'] = workplace.unique_id

        # Get all receipts in the company.
        receipt_records = Receipt.objects.filter(company=workplace)

        # If there is no receipt in company...
        if not receipt_records:
            data['no_receipt'] = True
            data['no_receipt'] = False

            # Get sliced records.
            data['receipt_records'], data['page_end'] = get_slice_and_page_end(receipt_records, page_num)

            # Get other necessary data
            data['page_range'] = range(1, data['page_end'] + 1)
            data['page_num'] = page_num

            # If sliced records are empty...
            if not data['receipt_records']:
                return custom_error_404(request, data)

        return render(request, 'receipts/index.html', data)
def delete(request, data):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Collect form data.
        receipt_id = request.POST['receipt_id']

        # Get Receipt instance.
        receipt = Receipt.objects.get(id=receipt_id)

        # Delete

        # Success
        data['alerts'].append(('success', 'Delete successfully!', 'You have successfully deleted a receipt.'))
        return redirect_with_data(request, data, '/receipts/' + request.POST['workplace_uuid'] + '/1/')
        return custom_error_404(request, data)