Exemple #1
def GetWindowPosition():
    """Returns a Point giving the window's origin in screen pixels."""
    params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
    AssertTrue(params[0] == 3)
    AssertTrue(len(params) >= 3)
    return Point(params[1], params[2])
Exemple #2
 def handleDAResponse(self):
   params = escio.ReadCSI('c', expected_prefix='?')
   if escargs.args.expected_terminal == "xterm":
     # This is for a default build. There are various options that could
     # change this, both compile-time and run-time.  XTerm's control sequences
     # document lists the ones it may return.  For a more comprehensive list,
     # see DEC STD 070, page 4.
     if escargs.args.max_vt_level == 5:
       expected = [65, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29]
     elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 4:
       expected = [64, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29]
     elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 3:
       expected = [63, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 22, 29]
     elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 2:
       expected = [62, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 22, 29]
     elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 1:
       expected = [1, 2] # xterm extension (VT100)
       expected = [0] # xterm extension
   elif escargs.args.expected_terminal == "iTerm2":
     # TODO:  Determine which VT levels are completely supported and add 6,
     # 62, 63, or 64.
     # I believe 18 means we support DECSTB and DECSLRM but I can't find any
     # evidence to substantiate this belief.
     expected = [1, 2, 18, 22]
   # Our interest in the primary device attributes is to ensure that the
   # terminal asserts that it supports the features we need.  It may support
   # other features; without a detailed analysis we cannot determine which
   # additional features are inappropriate, e.g, rectangular editing on VT320.
   AssertGE(len(params), len(expected))
   AssertEQ(params[0], expected[0])
   for param in expected:
     AssertTrue(param in params)
Exemple #3
    def test_DECDSR_DSRMultipleSessionStatus(self):
        """Checks on the status of multiple sessons. SSU refers to some proprietary
    DEC technology that multilexes multiple sessions over a single link using
    the "TDSMP" protocol. Lots of detail here:

    It's safe to assume TDSMP is dead and buried.

    CSI ? 80 ; Ps2 n
      Multiple sessions are operating using the session support utility (SSU)
      and the current SSU state is enabled. Ps2 indicates the maximum number of
      sessions available. Default: Ps2 = 2
    CSI ? 81 ; Ps2 n
      The terminal is currently configured for multiple sessions using SSU but
      the current SSU state is pending. Ps2 indicates the maximum number of
      sessions available. Default: Ps2 = 2
    CSI ? 83 n
      The terminal is not configured for multiple-session operation.
    CSI ? 87 n
      Multiple sessions are operating using a separate physical line for each
      session, not SSU."""
        params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')
        AssertEQ(len(params), 1)
        # 83 and 87 both seem like reasonable responses for a terminal that
        # supports tabs or windows.
        AssertTrue(params[0] in [83, 87])
Exemple #4
def GetWindowSizePixels():
    """Returns a Size giving the window's size in pixels."""
    params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
    AssertTrue(params[0] == 4)
    AssertTrue(len(params) >= 3)
    return Size(params[2], params[1])
Exemple #5
    def doLocatorStatusTest(self, code):
        """I couldn't find docs on these codes outside xterm. 53 and 55 seem to be
    the same. Returns 50 if no locator, 53 if available."""
        params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')

        AssertEQ(len(params), 1)
        AssertTrue(params[0] in [50, 53, 55])
Exemple #6
def GetScreenSize():
    """Return the terminal's screen-size in characters.

  The size is reported for the terminal's character-cell window,
  which is smaller than the shell-window."""
    params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
    return Size(params[2], params[1])
Exemple #7
    def test_DECDSR_DECMSR(self):
        """Get space available for macros. This test assumes it's always 0."""
        params = escio.ReadCSI('*{')

        # Assume the terminal being tested doesn't support macros. May need to add
        # code some day for a more capable terminal.
        AssertEQ(len(params), 1)
        AssertEQ(params[0], 0)
Exemple #8
    def test_DECID_8bit(self):
        escio.use8BitControls = True

        params = escio.ReadCSI("c", expected_prefix="?")
        AssertTrue(len(params) > 0)

        escio.use8BitControls = False
Exemple #9
 def getVTLevel(self):
     params = escio.ReadCSI('c', expected_prefix='>')
     myLevel = params[0]
     if myLevel < 18:
         return 2
     elif myLevel <= 24:
         return 3
         return 4
Exemple #10
    def test_DECDSR_LocatorType(self):
        """Get the type of the locator (pointing device.)
    0 - unknown (not documented)
    1 - mouse
    2 - tablet"""
        params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')

        AssertEQ(params[0], 57)
        AssertTrue(params[1] in [0, 1, 2])
Exemple #11
 def handleDA2Response(self):
     params = escio.ReadCSI('c', expected_prefix='>')
     if escargs.args.expected_terminal == "xterm":
         AssertGE(params[0], 41)
         AssertGE(params[1], 314)
         AssertEQ(len(params), 3)
     elif escargs.args.expected_terminal == "iTerm2":
         AssertEQ(params[0], 0)
         AssertEQ(params[1], 95)
         AssertEQ(len(params), 2)
Exemple #12
def GetWindowPosition():
    """Returns a Point giving the window's origin in screen pixels.

  This is the upper-left corner of xterm's shell-window, and is usually
  not the same as the upper-left corner of the terminal's character cell
    params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
    AssertTrue(params[0] == 3)
    AssertTrue(len(params) >= 3)
    return Point(params[1], params[2])
Exemple #13
 def handleDAResponse(self):
     params = escio.ReadCSI('c', expected_prefix='?')
     if escargs.args.expected_terminal == "xterm":
         # This is for a default build. There are various options that could
         # change this (disabling ReGIS, etc.)
         expected = [64, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 22]
     elif escargs.args.expected_terminal == "iTerm2":
         # TODO: Determine which VT levels are completely supported an add 6, 62, 63, or 64.
         # I believe 18 means we support DECSTB and DECSLRM but I can't find any
         # evidence to substantiate this belief.
         expected = [1, 2, 18, 22]
     AssertEQ(params, expected)
Exemple #14
 def test_DECDSR_DSRUDKLocked(self):
     """Tests if user-defined keys are locked or unlocked. The allowed repsonses are:
   CSI ? Pn n
 Where Pn is:
   20 - Unlocked
   21 - Locked
 This test simply ensures the value is legal. It should be extended to
 ensure that when locked UDKs are not settable, and when unlocked that UDKs
 are settable."""
     params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')
     AssertEQ(len(params), 1)
     AssertTrue(params[0] in [20, 21])
Exemple #15
    def test_DSCSCL_Level3_SupportsDECRQMDoesntSupportDECSLRM(self):
        # Set level 3 conformance
        esccmd.DECSCL(63, 1)

        # Make sure DECRQM is ok.
        esccmd.DECRQM(esccmd.IRM, DEC=False)

        # Make sure DECSLRM fails.
        esccmd.DECSLRM(5, 6)
        esccmd.CUP(Point(5, 1))
        AssertEQ(GetCursorPosition().x(), 8)
Exemple #16
def CanQueryShellSize():
    """Determine if the terminal responds to a request for shell-window size vs
  text-window size.

  xterm has two windows of interest:
  a) the text-window
  b) the shell-window (i.e., outer window).

  The shell-window includes the title and other decorations.  Unless those are
  suppressed (an option in some window managers), it will be larger than the
  terminal's character-cell window.  In any case, it also has a border which is
  normally present.

  The window operations report for the window-size in pixels was added to xterm
  to provide an alternate way to measure the text-window (and indirectly, the
  font size).  That is the default operation.  Alternatively, the size of the
  shell window can be returned."""
    global gCanQueryShellSize
    if gCanQueryShellSize < 0:
        gCanQueryShellSize = 0
        # check for the default operation
        params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
        if params[0] == 4 and len(params) >= 3:
            # TODO: compare size_1 with result from text-window size
            # If it is larger, then that's a special case.
            size_1 = Size(params[2], params[1])
            gCanQueryShellSize = 1
            # check for the window-shell operation
            params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
            if params[0] == 4 and len(params) >= 3:
                size_2 = Size(params[2], params[1])
                if size_2.height() > size_1.height() and \
                   size_2.width() > size_1.width():
                    gCanQueryShellSize = 2
    return gCanQueryShellSize
Exemple #17
 def test_DECDSR_DSRPrinterPort(self):
     """Requests printer status. The allowed responses are:
     CSI ? Pn n
   Where Pn is:
     10 - Ready
     11 - Not ready
     13 - No printer
     18 - Busy
     19 - Assigned to other session.
   There's no way for the test to know what the actual printer status is,
   but the response should be legal."""
     params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')
     AssertEQ(len(params), 1)
     AssertTrue(params[0] in [10, 11, 13, 18, 19])
Exemple #18
 def test_DECSCL_Level2DoesntSupportDECRQM(self):
     """VT level 2 does not support DECRQM."""
     escio.Write("Hello world.")
     esccmd.DECSCL(62, 1)
     # Make sure DECRQM fails.
         esccmd.DECRQM(esccmd.IRM, DEC=False)
         # Should not get here.
     except InternalError, e:
         # Assert something so the test infrastructure is happy.
Exemple #19
def GetCharSizePixels():
    """Returns a Size giving the font's character-size in pixels.

  While xterm can be told to change its font, none of these tests exercise
  that feature.  We cache a value to improve performance.
    global gCharSizePixels
    if gCharSizePixels.height() == 0:
        params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
        AssertTrue(params[0] == 6)
        AssertTrue(len(params) >= 3)
        gCharSizePixels = Size(params[2], params[1])
        LogDebug("size of CHARS " + str(gCharSizePixels.height()) + "x" +
    return gCharSizePixels
Exemple #20
 def test_DECDSR_DSRKeyboard(self):
     """Gets info about the keyboard. The response is:
   CSI ? 27; Pn; Pst; Ptyp n
   Pn - Keyboard language
     0 - Not known
     1 - North American
     2...19, 22, 28, 29...31, 33, 35, 36, 38...40 - Various other legal values
   Pst - Keyboard status - Per the VT 510 manual, this is level 4 only.
         However, it is documented in "VT330/VT340 Programmer Reference Manual
         Volume 1: Text Programming".
     0 - Ready
     3 - No keyboard
     8 - Keyboard busy in other session
   Ptyp - Keyboard type - VT level 4 only
     0 - LK201  # DEC 420
     1 - LK401  # DEC 420
     4 - LK450  # DEC 510
     5 - PCXAL  # DEC 510"""
     # First get the VT level with a DA2
     myLevel = self.getVTLevel()
     params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')
     if myLevel <= 2:
         # VT240 or earlier
         AssertEQ(len(params), 2)
     elif myLevel == 3:
         # VT340 or earlier
         AssertEQ(len(params), 3)
         # VT420+
         AssertEQ(len(params), 4)
     AssertEQ(params[0], 27)
     if len(params) > 1:
         AssertTrue(params[1] in [
             0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
             18, 19, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40
     if len(params) > 2:
         AssertTrue(params[2] in [0, 3, 8])
     if len(params) > 3:
         AssertTrue(params[3] in [0, 1, 4, 5])
Exemple #21
def GetScreenSizePixels():
    """Returns a Size giving the screen's size in pixels.

  The "screen" refers to the X display on which xterm is running.
  Because that does not change as a result of these tests, we
  cache a value to help with performance."""
    global gScreenSizePixels
    if gScreenSizePixels.height() == 0:
        if escargs.args.expected_terminal == "xterm":
            params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
            AssertTrue(params[0] == 5)
            AssertTrue(len(params) >= 3)
            gScreenSizePixels = Size(params[2], params[1])
            # iTerm2 doesn't support esccmd.WINOP_REPORT_SCREEN_SIZE_PIXELS so just fake it.
            gScreenSizePixels = Size(1024, 768)
        LogDebug("size of SCREEN " + str(gScreenSizePixels.height()) + "x" +
    return gScreenSizePixels
Exemple #22
 def handleDA2Response(self):
     params = escio.ReadCSI('c', expected_prefix='>')
     if escargs.args.expected_terminal == "xterm":
         if esc.vtLevel == 5:
             AssertEQ(params[0], 64)
         elif esc.vtLevel == 4:
             AssertEQ(params[0], 41)
         elif esc.vtLevel == 3:
             AssertEQ(params[0], 24)
         elif esc.vtLevel == 2:
             AssertEQ(params[0], 1)
         elif esc.vtLevel == 2:
             AssertEQ(params[0], 0)
         AssertGE(999, params[1])
         AssertGE(params[1], 314)
         AssertEQ(len(params), 3)
     elif escargs.args.expected_terminal == "iTerm2":
         AssertEQ(params[0], 0)
         AssertEQ(params[1], 95)
         AssertEQ(len(params), 3)
Exemple #23
    def test_DECDSR_DECXCPR(self):
        """DECXCPR reports the cursor position. Response is:
    CSI ? Pl ; Pc ; Pr R
      Pl - line
      Pc - column
      Pr - page"""
        # First, get the VT level.
        myLevel = self.getVTLevel()

        esccmd.CUP(Point(5, 6))
        params = escio.ReadCSI('R', expected_prefix='?')

        if myLevel >= 4:
            # VT400+
            # Last arg is page, which is always 1 (at least in xterm, and I think
            # that's reasonable in all modern terminals, which won't have a direct
            # notion of a page.)
            AssertEQ(params, [6, 5, 1])
            AssertEQ(params, [6, 5])
Exemple #24
 def handleDAResponse(self):
     params = escio.ReadCSI('c', expected_prefix='?')
     if escargs.args.expected_terminal == "xterm":
         # This is for a default build. There are various options that could
         # change this, both compile-time and run-time.
         if escargs.args.max_vt_level == 5:
             expected = [65, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 22, 29]
         elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 4:
             expected = [64, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 22, 29]
         elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 3:
             expected = [63, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 22, 29]
         elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 2:
             expected = [62, 1, 2, 6, 9, 15, 22, 29]
         elif escargs.args.max_vt_level == 1:
             expected = [1, 2]  # xterm extension (VT100)
             expected = [0]  # xterm extension
     elif escargs.args.expected_terminal == "iTerm2":
         # TODO: Determine which VT levels are completely supported an add 6, 62, 63, or 64.
         # I believe 18 means we support DECSTB and DECSLRM but I can't find any
         # evidence to substantiate this belief.
         expected = [1, 2, 18, 22]
     AssertEQ(params, expected)
Exemple #25
 def requestAnsiMode(self, mode):
     esccmd.DECRQM(mode, DEC=False)
     return escio.ReadCSI('$y')
Exemple #26
 def requestDECMode(self, mode):
     esccmd.DECRQM(mode, DEC=True)
     return escio.ReadCSI('$y', '?')
Exemple #27
def GetIsIconified():
    params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
    AssertTrue(params[0] in [1, 2], "Params are " + str(params))
    return params[0] == 2
Exemple #28
def GetCursorPosition():
    esccmd.DSR(esccmd.DSRCPR, suppressSideChannel=True)
    params = escio.ReadCSI("R")
    return Point(int(params[1]), int(params[0]))
Exemple #29
def GetDisplaySize():
    params = escio.ReadCSI("t")
    return Size(params[2], params[1])
Exemple #30
 def test_DECDSR_DSRDataIntegrity(self):
     """Check for link errors. Should always report OK."""
     params = escio.ReadCSI('n', expected_prefix='?')
     AssertEQ(len(params), 1)
     AssertEQ(params[0], 70)