Exemple #1
def validate_secure_url(config):
    url_ = config[CONF_URL]
    if config.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL) and not isinstance(url_, Lambda) \
            and url_.lower().startswith('https:'):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            'Currently ESPHome doesn\'t support SSL verification. '
            'Set \'verify_ssl: false\' to make insecure HTTPS requests.')
    return config
Exemple #2
def validate_secure_url(config):
    url_ = config[CONF_URL]
    if (config.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL) and not isinstance(url_, Lambda)
            and url_.lower().startswith("https:")):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Currently ESPHome doesn't support SSL verification. "
            "Set 'verify_ssl: false' to make insecure HTTPS requests.")
    return config
Exemple #3
def validate_count_mode(value):
    rising_edge = value[CONF_RISING_EDGE]
    falling_edge = value[CONF_FALLING_EDGE]
    if rising_edge == "DISABLE" and falling_edge == "DISABLE":
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Can't set both count modes to DISABLE! This means no counting occurs at "
    return value
def validate_full_update_every_only_type_a(value):
    if CONF_FULL_UPDATE_EVERY not in value:
        return value
    if MODELS[value[CONF_MODEL]][0] != "a":
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "The 'full_update_every' option is only available for models "
            "'1.54in', '2.13in', '2.90in', and '2.90inV2'.")
    return value
Exemple #5
def validate_send_first_at(value):
    send_first_at = value.get(CONF_SEND_FIRST_AT)
    send_every = value[CONF_SEND_EVERY]
    if send_first_at is not None and send_first_at > send_every:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "send_first_at must be smaller than or equal to send_every! {} <= {}"
            "".format(send_first_at, send_every))
    return value
Exemple #6
def _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value, special_mapping):
    if part in ('*', '?'):
        return set(range(min_value, max_value + 1))
    if '/' in part:
        data = part.split('/')
        if len(data) > 2:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Can't have more than two '/' in one time expression, got {}".
        offset, repeat = data
        offset_n = 0
        if offset:
            offset_n = _parse_cron_int(
                offset, special_mapping,
                "Offset for '/' time expression must be an integer, got {}")

            repeat_n = int(repeat)
        except ValueError:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Repeat for '/' time expression must be an integer, got {}".
        return set(range(offset_n, max_value + 1, repeat_n))
    if '-' in part:
        data = part.split('-')
        if len(data) > 2:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Can't have more than two '-' in range time expression '{}'".
        begin, end = data
        begin_n = _parse_cron_int(
            begin, special_mapping, "Number for time range must be integer, "
            "got {}")
        end_n = _parse_cron_int(
            end, special_mapping, "Number for time range must be integer, "
            "got {}")
        if end_n < begin_n:
            return set(range(end_n, max_value + 1)) | set(
                range(min_value, begin_n + 1))
        return set(range(begin_n, end_n + 1))

    return {
            part, special_mapping, "Number for time expression must be an "
            "integer, got {}")
Exemple #7
def validate_raw_data(value):
    if isinstance(value, text_type):
        return value.encode('utf-8')
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return value
    if isinstance(value, list):
        return cv.Schema([cv.hex_uint8_t])(value)
    raise cv.Invalid("data must either be a string wrapped in quotes or a list of bytes")
Exemple #8
def validate_invert_esp32(config):
    if (CORE.is_esp32 and CONF_TX_PIN in config and CONF_RX_PIN in config
            and config[CONF_TX_PIN][CONF_INVERTED] !=
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Different invert values for TX and RX pin are not (yet) supported for ESP32."
    return config
def validate_pin_number(value):
    valid_pins = [0, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]
    if value[CONF_NUMBER] not in valid_pins:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Only pins {} support wakeup"
            "".format(", ".join(str(x) for x in valid_pins))
    return value
Exemple #10
def final_validate(config):
    has_sta = bool(config.get(CONF_NETWORKS, True))
    has_ap = CONF_AP in config
    has_improv = "esp32_improv" in fv.full_config.get()
    if (not has_sta) and (not has_ap) and (not has_improv):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Please specify at least an SSID or an Access Point to create."
Exemple #11
 def validator(value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         for v in value:
             if not isinstance(v, int):
                 raise cv.Invalid(
                     f"Expected integer for {v} '{name}', got {type(v)}")
             if v < min_value or v > max_value:
                 raise cv.Invalid(
                     f"{name} {v} is out of range (min={min_value} max={max_value})."
         return list(sorted(value))
     value = cv.string(value)
     values = set()
     for part in value.split(","):
         values |= _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value,
     return validator(list(values))
Exemple #12
def final_validate(config):
    has_sta = bool(config.get(CONF_NETWORKS, True))
    has_ap = CONF_AP in config
    has_improv = "esp32_improv" in fv.full_config.get()
    has_improv_serial = "improv_serial" in fv.full_config.get()
    if not (has_sta or has_ap or has_improv or has_improv_serial):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Please specify at least an SSID or an Access Point to create.")
Exemple #13
def _spi_extra_validate(config):
    if CORE.is_esp32:

    if config[CONF_DATA_PIN] != 13 and config[CONF_CLOCK_PIN] != 14:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "SPI only supports pins GPIO13 for data and GPIO14 for clock on ESP8266"
Exemple #14
def validate_tariff_time(value):
    value = cv.string_strict(value)
    parts = value.split("-")
    if len(parts) != 2:
        raise cv.Invalid("Time period should be HH:MM-HH:MM format")
    return value
def validate_min_max_value(config):
    if CONF_MIN_VALUE in config and CONF_MAX_VALUE in config:
        min_val = config[CONF_MIN_VALUE]
        max_val = config[CONF_MAX_VALUE]
        if min_val >= max_val:
            raise cv.Invalid("Max value {} must be smaller than min value {}"
                             "".format(max_val, min_val))
    return config
Exemple #16
def validate_pin_number(value):
    valid_pins = WAKEUP_PINS.get(get_esp32_variant(),
    if value[CONF_NUMBER] not in valid_pins:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            f"Only pins {', '.join(str(x) for x in valid_pins)} support wakeup"
    return value
Exemple #17
def _parse_cron_int(value, special_mapping, message):
    special_mapping = special_mapping or {}
    if isinstance(value, str) and value in special_mapping:
        return special_mapping[value]
        return int(value)
    except ValueError:
        raise cv.Invalid(message.format(value))
Exemple #18
def create_service_key(value):
    value = cv.string_strict(value)
    parts = value.split(':')
    if len(parts) != 8:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Service Key must consist of 8 : (colon) separated parts")
    parts_int = []
    if any(len(part) != 2 for part in parts):
        raise cv.Invalid("Service Key must be format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX")
    for part in parts:
            parts_int.append(int(part, 8))
        except ValueError as error:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Service Key parts must be hexadecimal values from 00 to FF"
            ) from error
    return ServiceKey(*parts_int)
Exemple #19
def validate_color_temperature_channels(value):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Color temperature of the cold white channel must be colder than that of the warm white channel.",
    return value
Exemple #20
def check_max_runs(value):
    if CONF_MAX_RUNS not in value:
        return value
    if value[CONF_MODE] not in [CONF_QUEUED, CONF_PARALLEL]:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "The option 'max_runs' is only valid in 'queue' and 'parallel' mode.",
    return value
Exemple #21
 def validator(value):
     if opt in device:
         raise cv.Invalid(
             f"The uart {opt} is used both by {name} and {device[opt]}, "
             f"but can only be used by one. Please create a new uart bus for {name}."
     device[opt] = name
     return value
Exemple #22
def parse_multi_click_timing_str(value):
    if not isinstance(value, string_types):
        return value

    parts = value.lower().split(' ')
    if len(parts) != 5:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Multi click timing grammar consists of exactly 5 words, not {}"
        state = cv.boolean(parts[0])
    except cv.Invalid:
        raise cv.Invalid(u"First word must either be ON or OFF, not {}".format(

    if parts[1] != 'for':
        raise cv.Invalid(u"Second word must be 'for', got {}".format(parts[1]))

    if parts[2] == 'at':
        if parts[3] == 'least':
            key = CONF_MIN_LENGTH
        elif parts[3] == 'most':
            key = CONF_MAX_LENGTH
            raise cv.Invalid(
                u"Third word after at must either be 'least' or 'most', got {}"
            length = cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds(parts[4])
        except cv.Invalid as err:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                u"Multi Click Grammar Parsing length failed: {}".format(err))
        return {CONF_STATE: state, key: str(length)}

    if parts[3] != 'to':
        raise cv.Invalid("Multi click grammar: 4th word must be 'to'")

        min_length = cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds(parts[2])
    except cv.Invalid as err:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            u"Multi Click Grammar Parsing minimum length failed: {}".format(

        max_length = cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds(parts[4])
    except cv.Invalid as err:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            u"Multi Click Grammar Parsing minimum length failed: {}".format(

    return {
        CONF_STATE: state,
        CONF_MIN_LENGTH: str(min_length),
        CONF_MAX_LENGTH: str(max_length)
Exemple #23
def validate_calibrate_polynomial(config):
    if config[CONF_DEGREE] >= len(config[CONF_DATAPOINTS]):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Degree is too high! Maximum possible degree with given datapoints is "
            "{}".format(len(config[CONF_DATAPOINTS]) - 1),
    return config
Exemple #24
def _validate_key(value):
    value = cv.string_strict(value)
    parts = [value[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(value), 2)]
    if len(parts) != 16:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Decryption key must consist of 16 hexadecimal numbers")
    parts_int = []
    if any(len(part) != 2 for part in parts):
        raise cv.Invalid("Decryption key must be format XX")
    for part in parts:
            parts_int.append(int(part, 16))
        except ValueError:
            # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
            raise cv.Invalid("Decryption key must be hex values from 00 to FF")

    return "".join(f"{part:02X}" for part in parts_int)
Exemple #25
def validate_url(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
        parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(value))
    except Exception as err:
        raise cv.Invalid("Invalid URL") from err

    if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]:
        raise cv.Invalid("URL must have a URL scheme and host")

    if parsed[0] not in ["http", "https"]:
        raise cv.Invalid("Scheme must be http or https")

    if not parsed[2]:
        parsed[2] = "/"

    return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
Exemple #26
def validate_pcf8574_gpio_mode(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if value.upper() == "INPUT_PULLUP":
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "INPUT_PULLUP mode has been removed in 1.14 and been combined into "
            "INPUT mode (they were the same thing). Please use INPUT instead."
    return cv.enum(PCF8674_GPIO_MODES, upper=True)(value)
Exemple #27
def validate_internal_filter(value):
    value = cv.positive_time_period_microseconds(value)
    if CORE.is_esp32:
        if value.total_microseconds > 13:
            raise cv.Invalid("Maximum internal filter value for ESP32 is 13us")
        return value

    return value
def validate_rc_switch_code(value):
    if not isinstance(value, (str, str)):
        raise cv.Invalid("All RCSwitch codes must be in quotes ('')")
    for c in value:
        if c not in ("0", "1"):
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Invalid RCSwitch code character '{}'. Only '0' and '1' are allowed"
    if len(value) > 64:
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "Maximum length for RCSwitch codes is 64, code '{}' has length {}"
            "".format(value, len(value))
    if not value:
        raise cv.Invalid("RCSwitch code must not be empty")
    return value
def validate_uid(value):
    value = cv.string_strict(value)
    for x in value.split("-"):
        if len(x) != 2:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Each part (separated by '-') of the UID must be two characters "
            x = int(x, 16)
        except ValueError as err:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Valid characters for parts of a UID are 0123456789ABCDEF."
            ) from err
        if x < 0 or x > 255:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                "Valid values for UID parts (separated by '-') are 00 to FF")
    return value
Exemple #30
def validate_url(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
        parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(value))
    except Exception:
        raise cv.Invalid('Invalid URL')

    if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]:
        raise cv.Invalid('URL must have a URL scheme and host')

    if parsed[0] not in ['http', 'https']:
        raise cv.Invalid('Scheme must be http or https')

    if not parsed[2]:
        parsed[2] = '/'

    return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)