class HoursRemaining(EstimationToolsBase, WikiMacroBase):
    """Calculates remaining estimated hours for the queried tickets.

    The macro accepts a comma-separated list of query parameters for the ticket selection, 
    in the form "key=value" as specified in TracQuery#QueryLanguage.
        [[HoursRemaining(milestone=Sprint 1)]]

    closed_states = get_closed_states()

    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        req = formatter.req
        _ignore, options = parse_args(content, strict=False)

        # we have to add custom estimation field to query so that field is added to
        # resulting ticket list
        options[self.estimation_field + "!"] = None

        # ignore closed tickets
        options['status!'] = "|".join(self.closed_states)

        tickets = execute_query(self.env, req, options)

        sum = 0.0
        for t in tickets:
                sum += float(t[self.estimation_field])

        return "%g" % round(sum, 2)
class BurndownChart(EstimationToolsBase, WikiMacroBase):
    """Creates burn down chart for selected tickets.

    This macro creates a chart that can be used to visualize the progress in a milestone (e.g., sprint or
    product backlog).
    For a given set of tickets and a time frame, the remaining estimated effort is calculated.

    The macro has the following parameters:
     * a comma-separated list of query parameters for the ticket selection, in the form "key=value" as specified in TracQuery#QueryLanguage.
     * `startdate`: '''mandatory''' parameter that specifies the start date of the period (ISO8601 format)
     * `enddate`: end date of the period. If omitted, it defaults to either the milestones (if given) `completed' date,
       or `due` date, or today (in that order) (ISO8601 format)
     * `weekends`: include weekends in chart. Defaults to `true` 
     * `title`: chart title. Defaults to first milestone or 'Burndown Chart'
     * `expected`: show expected progress in chart, 0 or any number to define initial expected hours (defaults to 0).
     * `gridlines`: show gridlines in chart, 0 or any number to define hour steps (defaults to 0)
     * `width`: width of resulting diagram (defaults to 800)
     * `height`: height of resulting diagram (defaults to 200)
     * `color`: color specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in the format `RRGGBB`.
       Defaults to `ff9900`, a nice orange.
     * `colorexpected`: color for expected hours graph specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in the format `RRGGBB`.
       Defaults to ffddaa, a nice yellow.
     * `bgcolor`: chart drawing area background color specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in the format `RRGGBB`.
       Defaults to `ffffff`.
     * `wecolor`: chart drawing area background color for weekends specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in the format `RRGGBB`.
       Defaults to `ccccccaa`.

        [[BurndownChart(milestone=Sprint 1, startdate=2008-01-01)]]
        [[BurndownChart(milestone=Release 3.0|Sprint 1, startdate=2008-01-01, enddate=2008-01-15,
            weekends=false, expected=100, gridlines=20, width=600, height=100, color=0000ff)]]

    closed_states = get_closed_states()
    serverside_charts = get_serverside_charts()

    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):

        # prepare options
        req = formatter.req
        options, query_args = parse_options(self.env.get_db_cnx(), content,

        if not options['startdate']:
            raise TracError("No start date specified!")

        # minimum time frame is one day
        if (options['startdate'] >= options['enddate']):
            options['enddate'] = options['startdate'] + timedelta(days=1)

        # calculate data
        timetable = self._calculate_timetable(options, query_args, req)

        # remove weekends
        if not options['weekends']:
            for date in timetable.keys():
                if date.weekday() >= 5:
                    del timetable[date]

        # scale data
        xdata, ydata, maxhours = self._scale_data(timetable, options)

        # build html for google chart api
        dates = sorted(timetable.keys())
        bottomaxis = "0:|" + ("|").join([str( for date in dates]) + \
            "|1:|%s/%s|%s/%s" % (dates[0].month, dates[0].year,
                                 dates[ - 1].month, dates[ - 1].year)
        leftaxis = "2,0,%s" % maxhours

        # add line for expected progress
        if options['expected'] == '0':
            expecteddata = ""
            expecteddata = "|0,100|%s,0" % (round(
                Decimal(options['expected']) * 100 / maxhours, 2))

        # prepare gridlines
        if options['gridlines'] == '0':
            gridlinesdata = "100.0,100.0,1,0"  # create top and right bounding line by using grid
            gridlinesdata = "%s,%s" % (xdata[1], (round(
                Decimal(options['gridlines']) * 100 / maxhours, 4)))

        # mark weekends
        weekends = []
        saturday = None
        index = 0
        halfday = self._round(Decimal("0.5") / (len(dates) - 1))
        for date in dates:
            if date.weekday() == 5:
                saturday = index
            if saturday and date.weekday() == 6:
                    "R,%s,0,%s,%s" %
                     self._round((Decimal(xdata[saturday]) / 100) - halfday),
                     self._round((Decimal(xdata[index]) / 100) + halfday)))
                saturday = None
            index += 1
        # special handling if time period starts with Sundays...
        if len(dates) > 0 and dates[0].weekday() == 6:
            weekends.append("R,%s,0,0.0,%s" % (options['wecolor'], halfday))
        # or ends with Saturday
        if len(dates) > 0 and dates[-1].weekday() == 5:
            weekends.append("R,%s,0,%s,1.0" %
                            (options['wecolor'], Decimal(1) - halfday))

        # chart title
        title = options.get('title', None)
        if title is None and options.get('milestone'):
            title = options['milestone'].split('|')[0]

        chart_args = unicode_urlencode({
            '%sx%s' % (options['width'], options['height']),
            'c,s,%s|bg,s,00000000' % options['bgcolor'],
            't:%s|%s%s' % (",".join(xdata), ",".join(ydata), expecteddata),
            '%s,%s' % (options['color'], options['colorexpected']),
        self.log.debug("BurndownChart data: %s" % repr(chart_args))
        if self.serverside_charts:
            return tag.image(
                src="%s?data=%s" %
                (req.href.estimationtools('chart'), unicode_quote(chart_args)),
                alt="Burndown Chart (server)")
            return tag.image(src="" %
                             alt="Burndown Chart (client)")

    def _calculate_timetable(self, options, query_args, req):
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()

        # create dictionary with entry for each day of the required time period
        timetable = {}

        current_date = options['startdate']
        while current_date <= options['enddate']:
            timetable[current_date] = Decimal(0)
            current_date += timedelta(days=1)

        # get current values for all tickets within milestone and sprints

        query_args[self.estimation_field + "!"] = None
        tickets = execute_query(self.env, req, query_args)

        # add the open effort for each ticket for each day to the timetable

        for t in tickets:

            # Record the current (latest) status and estimate, and ticket
            # creation date

            creation_date = t['time'].date()
            latest_status = t['status']
            latest_estimate = self._cast_estimate(t[self.estimation_field])
            if latest_estimate is None:
                latest_estimate = Decimal(0)

            # Fetch change history for status and effort fields for this ticket
            history_cursor = db.cursor()
                "SELECT "
                "DISTINCT c.field as field, c.time AS time, c.oldvalue as oldvalue, c.newvalue as newvalue "
                "FROM ticket t, ticket_change c "
                "WHERE = %s and c.ticket = and (c.field=%s or c.field='status')"
                "ORDER BY c.time ASC", [t['id'], self.estimation_field])

            # Build up two dictionaries, mapping dates when effort/status
            # changed, to the latest effort/status on that day (in case of
            # several changes on the same day). Also record the oldest known
            # effort/status, i.e. that at the time of ticket creation

            estimate_history = {}
            status_history = {}

            earliest_estimate = None
            earliest_status = None

            for row in history_cursor:
                row_field, row_time, row_old, row_new = row
                event_date = from_timestamp(row_time).date()
                if row_field == self.estimation_field:
                    new_value = self._cast_estimate(row_new)
                    if new_value is not None:
                        estimate_history[event_date] = new_value
                    if earliest_estimate is None:
                        earliest_estimate = self._cast_estimate(row_old)
                elif row_field == 'status':
                    status_history[event_date] = row_new
                    if earliest_status is None:
                        earliest_status = row_old

            # If we don't know already (i.e. the ticket effort/status was
            # not changed on the creation date), set the effort on the
            # creation date. It may be that we don't have an "earliest"
            # estimate/status, because it was never changed. In this case,
            # use the current (latest) value.

            if not creation_date in estimate_history:
                if earliest_estimate is not None:
                    estimate_history[creation_date] = earliest_estimate
                    estimate_history[creation_date] = latest_estimate
            if not creation_date in status_history:
                if earliest_status is not None:
                    status_history[creation_date] = earliest_status
                    status_history[creation_date] = latest_status

            # Finally estimates to the timetable. Treat any period where the
            # ticket was closed as estimate 0. We need to loop from ticket
            # creation date, not just from the timetable start date, since
            # it's possible that the ticket was changed between these two
            # dates.

            current_date = creation_date
            current_estimate = None
            is_open = None

            while current_date <= options['enddate']:
                if current_date in status_history:
                    is_open = (status_history[current_date]
                               not in self.closed_states)

                if current_date in estimate_history:
                    current_estimate = estimate_history[current_date]

                if current_date >= options['startdate'] and is_open:
                    timetable[current_date] += current_estimate

                current_date += timedelta(days=1)

        return timetable

    def _scale_data(self, timetable, options):
        # create sorted list of dates
        dates = timetable.keys()

        maxhours = max(timetable.values() + [int(options.get('expected', 0))])

        if maxhours <= Decimal(0):
            maxhours = Decimal(100)
        ydata = [
            str(self._round(timetable[d] * Decimal(100) / maxhours))
            for d in dates
        xdata = [
            str(self._round(x * Decimal(100) / (len(dates) - 1)))
            for x in range(len(dates))

        # mark ydata invalid that is after today
        remaining_days = len([d for d in dates if d > options['today']])
        if remaining_days:
            ydata = ydata[:-remaining_days] + [
                '-1' for x in xrange(0, remaining_days)

        return xdata, ydata, maxhours

    def _round(self, decimal_):
        return decimal_.quantize(Decimal("0.01"), ROUND_HALF_UP)

    def _cast_estimate(self, estimate):
        # Treat 0, empty string or None as 0.0
        if not estimate:
            return Decimal(0)
            return Decimal(estimate)
        except (TypeError, ValueError, InvalidOperation):
            # Treat other incorrect values as None
            return None
class WorkloadChart(EstimationToolsBase, WikiMacroBase):
    """Creates workload chart for the selected tickets.

    This macro creates a pie chart that shows the remaining estimated workload per ticket owner,
    and the remaining work days.
    It has the following parameters:
     * a comma-separated list of query parameters for the ticket selection, in the form "key=value" as specified in TracQuery#QueryLanguage.
     * `width`: width of resulting diagram (defaults to 400)
     * `height`: height of resulting diagram (defaults to 100)
     * `color`: color specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in the format `RRGGBB`.
       Defaults to `ff9900`, a nice orange.

        [[WorkloadChart(milestone=Sprint 1)]]
        [[WorkloadChart(milestone=Sprint 1, width=600, height=100, color=00ff00)]]

    estimation_suffix = get_estimation_suffix()
    closed_states = get_closed_states()
    serverside_charts = get_serverside_charts()

    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        req = formatter.req
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        # prepare options
        options, query_args = parse_options(db, content,

        query_args[self.estimation_field + "!"] = None
        tickets = execute_query(self.env, req, query_args)

        sum = 0.0
        estimations = {}
        for ticket in tickets:
            if ticket['status'] in self.closed_states:
                estimation = float(ticket[self.estimation_field] or 0.0)

                if options.get('remainingworkload'):

                    completion_cursor = db.cursor()

                        "SELECT t.value AS totalhours, c.value AS complete, d.value AS due_close FROM ticket tk LEFT JOIN ticket_custom t ON ( = t.ticket AND = 'totalhours') LEFT JOIN ticket_custom c ON ( = c.ticket AND = 'complete') LEFT JOIN ticket_custom d ON ( = d.ticket AND = 'due_close') WHERE = %s"
                        % ticket['id'])

                    for row in completion_cursor:

                        ticket['totalhours'], ticket['complete'], ticket[
                            'due_close'] = row

                    # skip ticket ticket if due date is later than 'enddate':
                    if options.get('showdueonly'):

                        if not ticket['due_close']:
                            continue  # skip tickets with empty ETA when in 'showdueonly' mode
                        due_close = parse_date(ticket['due_close'],
                        startdate = options.get('startdate')
                        enddate = options.get('enddate')

                        if startdate and startdate > due_close:
                            continue  # skip tickets with ETA in the past

                        if enddate and enddate < due_close:
                            continue  # skip tickets with ETA in the future


                    totalhours = float(ticket['totalhours'] or 0.0)

                    completed = (float(ticket['complete'] or 0.0) /
                                 100) * estimation
                    completed_hours = min(estimation,
                                          max(totalhours, completed))

                    estimation -= completed_hours


                owner = ticket['owner']

                sum += estimation
                if estimations.has_key(owner):
                    estimations[owner] += estimation
                    estimations[owner] = estimation

        # Title
        title = 'Workload'

        days_remaining = None

        # calculate remaining work time
        if options.get('today') and options.get('enddate'):
            currentdate = options['today']
            day = timedelta(days=1)
            days_remaining = 0
            while currentdate <= options['enddate']:
                if currentdate.weekday() < 5:
                    days_remaining += 1
                currentdate += day
            title += ' %g%s (~%s workdays left)' % (round(
                sum, 2), self.estimation_suffix, days_remaining)

        estimations_string = []
        labels = []
        workhoursperday = max(float(options.get('workhoursperday')), 0.0)
        chts = '000000'

        for owner, estimation in estimations.iteritems():
            # Note: Unconditional obfuscation of owner in case it represents
            # an email adress, and as the chart API doesn't support SSL
            # (plain http transfer only, from either client or server).
            label = "%s %g%s" % (obfuscate_email_address(owner),
                                 round(estimation, 2), self.estimation_suffix)

            if days_remaining != None:

                user_remaining_hours = days_remaining * workhoursperday

                if not user_remaining_hours or (estimation /
                                                user_remaining_hours) > 1:
                    label = "%s (~%g hours left)!" % (
                        label, round(user_remaining_hours, 2)
                    )  # user does not have enough hours left
                    chts = 'FF0000'  # set chart title style to red




        chart_args = unicode_urlencode({
            '%sx%s' % (options['width'], options['height']),
            't:%s' % ",".join(estimations_string),

        self.log.debug("WorkloadChart data: %s" % repr(chart_args))
        if self.serverside_charts:
            return tag.image(
                src="%s?data=%s" %
                (req.href.estimationtools('chart'), unicode_quote(chart_args)),
                alt="Workload Chart (server)")
            return tag.image(src="" %
                             alt="Workload Chart (client)")
class WorkloadChart(EstimationToolsBase, WikiMacroBase):
    """Creates workload chart for the selected tickets.

    This macro creates a pie chart that shows the remaining estimated workload
    per ticket owner, and the remaining work days.

    It has the following parameters:
     * a comma-separated list of query parameters for the ticket selection, in
       the form "key=value" as specified in TracQuery#QueryLanguage.
     * `width`: width of resulting diagram (defaults to 400)
     * `height`: height of resulting diagram (defaults to 100)
     * `color`: color specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in
       the format `RRGGBB`. Defaults to `ff9900`, a nice orange.

    [[WorkloadChart(milestone=Sprint 1)]]
    [[WorkloadChart(milestone=Sprint 1, width=600, height=100, color=00ff00)]]

    estimation_suffix = get_estimation_suffix()
    closed_states = get_closed_states()
    serverside_charts = get_serverside_charts()

    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, args=None):
        req = formatter.req
        # prepare options
        options, query_args = parse_options(self.env, content,

        query_args[self.remaining_field + "!"] = None
        tickets = execute_query(self.env, req, query_args)

        sum = 0.0
        estimations = {}
        for ticket in tickets:
            if ticket['status'] in self.closed_states:
                estimation = float(ticket[self.remaining_field])
                owner = ticket['owner']
                sum += estimation
                if owner in estimations:
                    estimations[owner] += estimation
                    estimations[owner] = estimation

        estimations_string = []
        labels = []
        for owner, estimation in estimations.iteritems():
            # Note: Unconditional obfuscation of owner in case it represents
            # an email adress, and as the chart API doesn't support SSL
            # (plain http transfer only, from either client or server).
            labels.append("%s %g%s" % (obfuscate_email_address(owner),
                                       round(estimation, 2),

        # Title
        title = 'Workload'

        # calculate remaining work time
        if options.get('today') and options.get('enddate'):
            currentdate = options['today']
            day = timedelta(days=1)
            days_remaining = 0
            while currentdate <= options['enddate']:
                if currentdate.weekday() < 5:
                    days_remaining += 1
                currentdate += day
            title += ' %g%s (~%s workdays left)' % (round(sum, 2),

        chart_args = unicode_urlencode(
            {'chs': '%sx%s' % (options['width'], options['height']),
             'chf': 'bg,s,00000000',
             'chd': 't:%s' % ",".join(estimations_string),
             'cht': 'p3',
             'chtt': title,
             'chl': "|".join(labels),
             'chco': options['color']})
        self.log.debug("WorkloadChart data: %s", chart_args)
        if self.serverside_charts:
            return tag.image(
                src="%s?data=%s" % (req.href.estimationtools('chart'),
                alt="Workload Chart (server)")
            return tag.image(
                src="" % chart_args,
                alt="Workload Chart (client)")
class BurndownChart(WikiMacroBase):
    """Creates burn down chart for selected tickets.

    This macro creates a chart that can be used to visualize the progress in a milestone (e.g., sprint or 
    product backlog). 
    For a given set of tickets and a time frame, the remaining estimated effort is calculated.
    The macro has the following parameters:
     * a comma-separated list of query parameters for the ticket selection, in the form "key=value" as specified in TracQuery#QueryLanguage.
     * `startdate`: '''mandatory''' parameter that specifies the start date of the period (ISO8601 format)
     * `enddate`: end date of the period. If omitted, it defaults to either the milestones (if given) `completed' date, 
       or `due` date, or today (in that order) (ISO8601 format)
     * `width`: width of resulting diagram (defaults to 800)
     * `height`: height of resulting diagram (defaults to 200)
     * `color`: color specified as 6-letter string of hexadecimal values in the format `RRGGBB`.
       Defaults to `ff9900`, a nice orange.
     * `title`: the title of the graph. If omitted, defaults to the title of the first milestone given, if any.
     * `change`: set to 1 to include a second line showing what the burndown would've looked like, had
        there not been any scope change
     * `interval_days`: the number of days between points on the x axis, defaulting to 1
        [[BurndownChart(milestone=Sprint 1, startdate=2008-01-01)]]
        [[BurndownChart(milestone=Release 3.0|Sprint 1, startdate=2008-01-01, enddate=2008-01-15,
            width=600, height=100, color=0000ff)]]

    initial_estimation_field = get_initial_estimation_field()
    estimation_field = get_estimation_field()
    closed_states = get_closed_states()

    def render_macro(self, req, name, content):

        # prepare options
        options, query_args = parse_options(self.env.get_db_cnx(), content,

        if not options['startdate']:
            raise TracError("No start date specified!")

        # minimum time frame is one day
        if (options['startdate'] >= options['enddate']):
            options['enddate'] = options['startdate'] + timedelta(days=1)

        change = options['change']

        # calculate data
        timetable, delta = self._calculate_timetable(options, query_args, req)
        timetable_less_change = {}

        if change:

            cumulative_change = Decimal(0)
            for current_date in sorted(timetable.keys()):
                cumulative_change += delta.get(current_date, Decimal(0))
                    current_date] = timetable[current_date] - cumulative_change

        dates = sorted(timetable.keys())

        # build html for google chart api

        chart_params = {}
        chart_params['cht'] = 'lxy'
        chart_params['chtt'] = self._get_title(options)
        chart_params['chco'] = options['color']
        chart_params['chs'] = "%sx%s" % (options['width'], options['height'])
            'chg'] = "100.0,100.0,1,0"  # create top and right bounding line by using grid"
        chart_params['chxt'] = "x,x,x,y"

        # Add scaled data
            maxhours = max(timetable.values())
        except ValueError:
            maxhours = 0

            cmaxhours = max(timetable_less_change.values())
        except ValueError:
            cmaxhours = 0

        real_maxhours = max(maxhours, cmaxhours)
        real_maxhours = Decimal(real_maxhours)
        if real_maxhours <= Decimal(0):
            real_maxhours = Decimal(100)

        xdata, ydata = self._scale_data(timetable, dates, real_maxhours,
        chart_params['chd'] = "t:%s|%s" % (
        cxdata = cydata = None
        if change:
            cxdata, cydata = self._scale_data(timetable_less_change, dates,
                                              real_maxhours, options)
            chart_params['chd'] += "|%s|%s" % (

        if change:
            chart_params['chdl'] = "Current|Less change"

        # Add axes
        chart_params['chxl'] = "0:|" + "|".join([str( for date in dates]) + \
            "|1:|%s|%s" % (dates[0].month, dates[ - 1].month) + \
            "|2:|%s|%s" % (dates[0].year, dates[ - 1].year)
        chart_params['chxr'] = "3,0,%d" % real_maxhours

        # Add weekends
        downtime = self._mark_downtime(options, dates, xdata, ydata)
        if downtime:
            chart_params['chm'] = '|'.join(downtime)

        return Markup(
            "<img src=\"\" alt=\"Burndown Chart\" />"
            % "&amp;".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in chart_params.items()))

    def _calculate_timetable(self, options, query_args, req):
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()

        estimation_field = self.estimation_field
        initial_estimation_field = self.initial_estimation_field or estimation_field
        one_field = (estimation_field == initial_estimation_field)

        # create dictionary with entry for each day of the required time period
        timetable = {}
        delta = {}

        current_date = options['startdate']
        max_date = current_date
        while current_date <= options['enddate']:
            timetable[current_date] = Decimal(0)
            delta[current_date] = Decimal(0)
            max_date = current_date
            current_date += timedelta(days=options.get('interval_days', 1))

        # Ensure we have today's date in the timetable as well, in case interval_days
        # caused us to stop before it.
        if options['today'] <= options['enddate']:
            timetable[options['today']] = Decimal(0)
            delta[options['today']] = Decimal(0)

        # get current values for all tickets within milestone and sprints

        query_args[estimation_field + "!"] = None
        if estimation_field != initial_estimation_field:
            query_args[initial_estimation_field + "!"] = None
        query_args['status' + "!"] = None

        tickets = execute_query(self.env, req, query_args)

        # add the open effort for each ticket for each day to the timetable

        for t in tickets:

            # Record the current (latest) status and estimate, and ticket
            # creation date

            creation_date = t['time'].date()
            latest_status = t['status']
            latest_estimate = self._cast_estimate(t[estimation_field])
            if not latest_estimate:
                latest_estimate = Decimal(0)
            latest_initial_estimate = self._cast_estimate(
            if not latest_initial_estimate:
                latest_initial_estimate = Decimal(0)

            # Fetch change history for status and effort fields for this ticket
            history_cursor = db.cursor()
                "SELECT "
                "DISTINCT c.field as field, c.time AS time, c.oldvalue as oldvalue, c.newvalue as newvalue "
                "FROM ticket t, ticket_change c "
                "WHERE = %s and c.ticket = and (c.field=%s or c.field=%s or c.field='status')"
                "ORDER BY c.time ASC",
                [t['id'], estimation_field, initial_estimation_field])

            # Build up two dictionaries, mapping dates when effort/status
            # changed, to the latest effort/status on that day (in case of
            # several changes on the same day). Also record the oldest known
            # effort/status, i.e. that at the time of ticket creation

            estimate_history = {}
            initial_estimate_history = {}
            status_history = {}

            earliest_estimate = None
            earliest_initial_estimate = None
            earliest_status = None

            for row in history_cursor:
                row_field, row_time, row_old, row_new = row
                event_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(row_time, utc).date()
                if row_field == estimation_field:
                    new_value = self._cast_estimate(row_new)
                    if new_value is not None:
                        estimate_history[event_date] = new_value
                    if earliest_estimate is None:
                        earliest_estimate = self._cast_estimate(row_old)
                # note: not using elif since estimation_field and initial_estimate_field could be the same!
                if row_field == initial_estimation_field:
                    new_value = self._cast_estimate(row_new)
                    if new_value is not None:
                        initial_estimate_history[event_date] = new_value
                    if earliest_initial_estimate is None:
                        earliest_initial_estimate = self._cast_estimate(
                if row_field == 'status':
                    status_history[event_date] = row_new
                    if earliest_status is None:
                        earliest_status = row_old

            # If we don't know already (i.e. the ticket effort/status was
            # not changed on the creation date), set the effort on the
            # creation date. It may be that we don't have an "earliest"
            # estimate/status, because it was never changed. In this case,
            # use the current (latest) value.

            if not creation_date in estimate_history:
                if earliest_estimate is not None:
                    estimate_history[creation_date] = earliest_estimate
                    estimate_history[creation_date] = latest_estimate

            if not creation_date in initial_estimate_history:
                if earliest_initial_estimate is not None:
                        creation_date] = earliest_initial_estimate
                        creation_date] = latest_initial_estimate

            if not creation_date in status_history:
                if earliest_status is not None:
                    status_history[creation_date] = earliest_status
                    status_history[creation_date] = latest_status

            # There is a risk that the history table is messed up. Trust
            # the ticket/ticket_custom tables more.

            estimate_history[options['today']] = latest_estimate
                options['today']] = latest_initial_estimate
            status_history[options['today']] = latest_status

            # Finally add estimates to the timetable. Treat any period where the
            # ticket was closed as estimate 0. We need to loop from ticket
            # creation date, not just from the timetable start date, since
            # it's possible that the ticket was changed between these two
            # dates.

            current_date = creation_date
            current_estimate = None
            previous_initial_estimate = Decimal(0)
            is_open = None

            while current_date <= options['enddate']:

                if current_date in status_history:
                    is_open = (status_history[current_date]
                               not in self.closed_states)

                if current_date in estimate_history:
                    current_estimate = estimate_history[current_date]

                if current_date in initial_estimate_history:
                    effort_delta = initial_estimate_history[
                        current_date] - previous_initial_estimate
                    if effort_delta != Decimal(0):
                        previous_initial_estimate = initial_estimate_history[
                        if current_date > options[
                                'startdate'] and current_date in delta:
                            delta[current_date] += effort_delta

                if current_date in timetable and current_date >= options[
                        'startdate'] and is_open:
                    timetable[current_date] += current_estimate

                current_date += timedelta(days=1)

        return timetable, delta

    def _scale_data(self, timetable, dates, maxhours, options):
        # create sorted list of dates

        ydata = [
            str(self._round(timetable[d] * Decimal(100) / maxhours))
            for d in dates
        xdata = [
            str(self._round(x * Decimal(100) / (len(dates) - 1)))
            for x in range((options['enddate'] - options['startdate']).days +

        # mark ydata invalid that is after today
        if options['enddate'] > options['today']:
            remaining_days = (options['enddate'] - options['today']).days
            ydata = ydata[:-remaining_days] + [
                '-1' for x in xrange(0, remaining_days)

        return xdata, ydata

    def _mark_downtime(self, options, dates, xdata, ydata):

        # Only mark weekends if we are showning a day-by-day burndown
        if options.get('interval_days', 1) != 1:
            return []

        weekends = []
        saturday = None
        index = 0
        halfday = self._round(Decimal("0.5") / (len(dates) - 1))
        for date in dates:
            if date.weekday() == 5:
                saturday = index
            if saturday and date.weekday() == 6:
                    "R,f1f1f1,0,%s,%s" %
                    (self._round((Decimal(xdata[saturday]) / 100) - halfday),
                     self._round((Decimal(xdata[index]) / 100) + halfday)))
                saturday = None
            index += 1
        # special handling if time period starts with Sundays...
        if len(dates) > 0 and dates[0].weekday() == 6:
            weekends.append("R,f1f1f1,0,0.0,%s" % halfday)
        # or ends with Saturday
        if len(dates) > 0 and dates[-1].weekday() == 5:
            weekends.append("R,f1f1f1,0,%s,1.0" % (Decimal(1) - halfday))
        return weekends

    def _get_title(self, options):
        title = options.get('title', '')
        if not title and 'milestone' in options:
            title = options['milestone'].split('|')[0]
        return title

    def _round(self, decimal_):
        return decimal_.quantize(Decimal("0.01"), ROUND_HALF_UP)

    def _cast_estimate(self, estimate):
        # Treat 0, empty string or None as 0.0
        if not estimate:
            return Decimal(0)
            return Decimal(estimate)
        except (TypeError, ValueError, InvalidOperation):
            # Treat other incorrect values as None
            return None