Exemple #1
mydomain = ReadGmsh('footing.msh',numDim=dim,integrationOrder=2)  # read Gmsh mesh with 6-node triangle element (2500 tri6); each element has 3 Gauss points
k = kronecker(mydomain)
numg = 3*2500; # number of Gauss points
nump = 16; # number of processes in multiprocessing

prob = MultiScale(domain=mydomain,ng=numg,np=nump,random=False,rtol=1e-2,usePert=False,pert=-2.e-5,verbose=False)

disp = Vector(0.,Solution(mydomain))

stress = prob.getCurrentStress()
proj = Projector(mydomain)
sig = proj(stress)
sig_bounda = interpolate(sig,FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda,mydomain.getNormal())
x = mydomain.getX()
bx = FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain).getX()
footingBase = whereZero(bx[1]-sup(bx[1]))*whereNonPositive(bx[0]-B)
tractFoot = traction*footingBase
forceFoot = integrate(tractFoot,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
lengthFoot = integrate(footingBase,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
fout.write('0 '+str(forceFoot[0])+' '+str(forceFoot[1])+' '+str(lengthFoot)+'\n')

# Dirichlet BC, rollers at left and right, fixties at bottom, rigid and rough footing
Dbc = whereZero(x[0])*[1,0]+whereZero(x[0]-sup(x[0]))*[1,0]+whereZero(x[1]-inf(x[1]))*[1,1]+whereZero(x[1]-sup(x[1]))*whereNonPositive(x[0]-B)*[1,1]
Vbc = whereZero(x[0])*[0,0]+whereZero(x[0]-sup(x[0]))*[0,0]+whereZero(x[1]-inf(x[1]))*[0,0]+whereZero(x[1]-sup(x[1]))*whereNonPositive(x[0]-B)*[0,vel]
# Neumann BC, surcharge at the rest area of the top surface
Nbc = whereZero(bx[1]-sup(bx[1]))*wherePositive(bx[0]-B)*[0,surcharge]
      # check quasi-static state
      while Ek > rtol or Ek <0:
         u, u_t = prob.solve(damp=0.99,dynRelax=True)
         Ek =  integrate(length(u_t)**2*rho)/2.
         print t, Ek

      # get stress at (n) timesteps
      stress = prob.getCurrentStress()
      dom = prob.getDomain()
      proj = Projector(dom)
      # project Gauss point value to nodal value
      sig = proj(stress)
      # interpolate to stress at the boundary
      sig_bounda = interpolate(sig,FunctionOnBoundary(dom)) 
      # compute boundary traction by s_ij*n_j
      traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda,dom.getNormal())
      # get mask for boundary nodes on the bottom
      botSurf = whereZero(bx[1])
      # traction at the bottom
      tractBot = traction*botSurf
      # resultant force at the bottom
      forceBot = integrate(tractBot,where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
      # length of the bottom surface
      lengthBot = integrate(botSurf,where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
      # write stress at the bottom surface
      fout.write(str(t*dt)+' '+str(forceBot[0])+' '+str(forceBot[1])+' '+str(lengthBot)+'\n')
      # get local void ratio
      vR = prob.getLocalVoidRatio(); vR = proj(vR)
      # get local fabric intensity
      fab = prob.getLocalFabric()