Exemple #1
def request_args(request, **overrides):
    opts = {}

    def ispositiveint(v):
        ensure(isint(v) and int(v) > 0, "expecting positive integer, got: %s" % v)
        return int(v)

    def inrange(minpp, maxpp):
        def fn(v):
            ensure(v >= minpp and v <= maxpp, "value must be between %s and %s" % (minpp, maxpp))
            return v
        return fn

    def asc_or_desc(val):
        v = val.strip().upper()
        ensure(v in ['ASC', 'DESC'], "expecting either 'asc' or 'desc' for 'order' parameter, got: %s" % val)
        return v

    desc = {
        'page': [p('page', opts['page_num']), ispositiveint],
        'per_page': [p('per-page', opts['per_page']), ispositiveint, inrange(opts['min_per_page'], opts['max_per_page'])],
        'order': [p('order', opts['order_direction']), str, asc_or_desc]
    return render_item(desc, request.GET)
Exemple #2
def ajson_publish_events(av, force=False):
    ae_structs = [
        render.render_item(desc, {
            'article': av.article,
            'forced?': force
        }) for desc in PUBLISH_EVENTS
    return add_many(av.article, ae_structs, force)
Exemple #3
def _ingest_objects(data, create, update, force, log_context):
    "ingest helper. returns the journal, article, an article version and a list of article events"

    # WARN: log_context is a mutable dict

    data = copy.deepcopy(data)

    # this *could* be scraped from the provided data, but we have no time to
    # normalize journal names so we sometimes get duplicate journals in the db.
    # safer to disable until needed.
    journal = logic.journal()

        article_struct = render.render_item(ARTICLE, data['article'])
        article, created, updated = \
            create_or_update(models.Article, article_struct, ['manuscript_id', 'journal'], create, update, journal=journal)

        log_context['article'] = article

        previous_article_versions = []
        if updated:
            previous_article_versions = list(
                    'version'))  # earliest -> latest

        av_struct = render.render_item(ARTICLE_VERSION, data['article'])
        # this is an INGEST event and *not* a PUBLISH event. we don't touch the date published.
        del av_struct['datetime_published']

        av, created, updated = \
            create_or_update(models.ArticleVersion, av_struct, ['article', 'version'],
                             create, update, commit=False, article=article)

        log_context['article-version'] = av

        events.ajson_ingest_events(article, data['article'], force)

        return av, created, updated, previous_article_versions

    except KeyError as err:
        raise StateError(
            "failed to scrape article data, key not present: %s" % err)
Exemple #4
def request_args(request, **overrides):
    opts = {}

    def ispositiveint(param):
        def wrap(v):
                isint(v) and int(v) > 0,
                "expecting positive integer for %r parameter" % param)
            return int(v)

        return wrap

    def inrange(minpp, maxpp):
        def fn(v):
                v >= minpp and v <= maxpp,
                "value must be between %s and %s for 'per-page' parameter" %
                (minpp, maxpp))
            return v

        return fn

    def asc_or_desc(val):
        v = val.strip().upper()[:4]
        ensure(v in ['ASC', 'DESC'],
               "expecting either 'asc' or 'desc' for 'order' parameter")
        return v

    desc = {
        'page': [p('page', opts['page_num']),
        'per_page': [
            p('per-page', opts['per_page']),
            inrange(opts['min_per_page'], opts['max_per_page'])
        'order': [p('order', opts['order_direction']), str, asc_or_desc]
    return render_item(desc, request.GET)
Exemple #5
def request_args(request, **overrides):
    opts = {}

    def ispositiveint(v):
            isint(v) and int(v) > 0, "expecting positive integer, got: %s" % v)
        return int(v)

    def inrange(minpp, maxpp):
        def fn(v):
            ensure(v >= minpp and v <= maxpp,
                   "value must be between %s and %s" % (minpp, maxpp))
            return v

        return fn

    def isin(lst):
        def fn(val):
            ensure(val in lst, "value is not in %r" % (lst, ))
            return val

        return fn

    desc = {
        'page': [p('page', opts['page_num']), ispositiveint],
        'per_page': [
            p('per-page', opts['per_page']), ispositiveint,
            inrange(opts['min_per_page'], opts['max_per_page'])
        'order': [
            p('order', opts['order_direction']), uppercase,
            isin(['ASC', 'DESC'])
        'period': [p('by', 'day'), lowercase,
                   isin(['day', 'month'])],
    return render_item(desc, request.GET)
Exemple #6
    'vor': join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'model/article-vor.v1.json'),
    'history': join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'model/article-history.v1.json'),
    'list': join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'model/article-list.v1.json')
API_PATH = join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'api.raml')

def _load_api_raml(path):
    # load the api.raml file, ignoring any "!include" commands
    yaml.add_multi_constructor('', lambda *args: '[disabled]')
    return yaml.load(open(path, 'r'))['traits']['paged']['queryParameters']

API_OPTS = render_item({
    'per_page': [p('per-page.default'), int],
    'min_per_page': [p('per-page.minimum'), int],
    'max_per_page': [p('per-page.maximum'), int],

    'page_num': [p('page.default'), int],

    'order_direction': [p('order.default')],

}, _load_api_raml(API_PATH))

# KONG gateway options

KONG_AUTH_HEADER = 'KONG-Authenticated'

# notification events

Exemple #7
def ejp_ingest_events(article, data, force=False):
    "scrapes and inserts events from ejp data"
    data['forced?'] = force
    ae_structs = [render.render_item(desc, data) for desc in EJP_EVENTS]
    return add_many(article, ae_structs, force, skip_missing_datestamped=True)
Exemple #8
def _ingest(data, force=False):
    """ingests article-json. returns a triple of (journal obj, article obj, article version obj)
    unpublished article-version data can be ingested multiple times UNLESS that article version has been published.
    published article-version data can be ingested only if force=True"""

    data = copy.deepcopy(data) # we don't want to modify the given data

    create = update = True
    log_context = {}

        # this *could* be scraped from the provided data, but we have no time to
        # normalize journal names so we sometimes get duplicate journals in the db.
        # safer to disable until needed.
        journal = logic.journal()

            article_struct = render.render_item(ARTICLE, data['article'])
            article, created, updated = \
                create_or_update(models.Article, article_struct, ['manuscript_id', 'journal'], create, update, journal=journal)

            assert isinstance(article, models.Article)
            log_context['article'] = article

            previous_article_versions = None
            if updated:
                previous_article_versions = list(article.articleversion_set.all().order_by('version')) # earliest -> latest

            av_struct = render.render_item(ARTICLE_VERSION, data['article'])
            # this is an INGEST event and *not* a PUBLISH event. we don't touch the date published.
            del av_struct['datetime_published']

            av, created, updated = \
                create_or_update(models.ArticleVersion, av_struct, ['article', 'version'],
                                 create, update, commit=False, article=article)
        except KeyError as err:
            raise ValueError("failed to scrape article data, couldn't find key %s" % err)

        assert isinstance(av, models.ArticleVersion)
        log_context['article-version'] = av

        # only update the fragment if this article version has *not* been published *or* if force=True
        update_fragment = not av.published() or force
        merge_result = fragments.add(av, XML2JSON, data['article'], pos=0, update=update_fragment)
        invalid_ajson = not merge_result
        if invalid_ajson:
            LOG.warn("this article failed to merge it's fragments into a valid result and cannot be PUBLISHed in it's current state.", extra=log_context)

        # enforce business rules

        if created:
            if previous_article_versions:
                last_version = previous_article_versions[-1]
                log_context['previous-version'] = last_version

                if not last_version.published():
                    # uhoh. we're attempting to create an article version before previous version of that article has been published.
                    msg = "refusing to ingest new article version when previous article version is still unpublished."
                    LOG.error(msg, extra=log_context)
                    raise StateError(msg)

                if not last_version.version + 1 == av.version:
                    # uhoh. we're attempting to create an article version out of sequence
                    msg = "refusing to ingest new article version out of sequence."
                        'given-version': av.version,
                        'expected-version': last_version.version + 1})
                    LOG.error(msg, extra=log_context)
                    raise StateError(msg)

            # no other versions of article exist
                if not av.version == 1:
                    # uhoh. we're attempting to create our first article version and it isn't a version 1
                    msg = "refusing to ingest new article version out of sequence. no other article versions exist so I expect a v1"
                        'given-version': av.version,
                        'expected-version': 1})
                    LOG.error(msg, extra=log_context)
                    raise StateError(msg)

        elif updated:
            # this version of the article already exists
            # this is only a problem if the article version has already been published
            if av.published():
                # uhoh. we've received an INGEST event for a previously published article version
                if not force:
                    # unless our arm is being twisted, die.
                    msg = "refusing to ingest new article data on an already published article version."
                    LOG.error(msg, extra=log_context)
                    raise StateError(msg)

        # passed all checks, save

        # notify event bus that article change has occurred
        transaction.on_commit(partial(events.notify, article))

        return journal, article, av

    except KeyError as err:
        # *probably* an error while scraping ...
        raise StateError("failed to scrape given article data: %s" % err)

    except StateError:

    except Exception:
        LOG.exception("unhandled exception attempting to ingest article-json", extra=log_context)
API_PATH = join(SCHEMA_PATH, 'api.raml')

def _load_api_raml(path):
    # load the api.raml file, ignoring any "!include" commands
    yaml.add_multi_constructor('', lambda *args: '[disabled]')
    return yaml.load(
        open(path, 'r'),

API_OPTS = render_item(
        'per_page': [p('per-page.default'), int],
        'min_per_page': [p('per-page.minimum'), int],
        'max_per_page': [p('per-page.maximum'), int],
        'page_num': [p('page.default'), int],
        'order_direction': [p('order.default')],
    }, _load_api_raml(API_PATH))

LOG_FILE = join(PROJECT_DIR, 'elife-metrics.log')
if ENV != DEV:
    LOG_FILE = join('/var/log/', 'elife-metrics.log')

DEBUG_LOG_FILE = join(PROJECT_DIR, 'debugme.log')

# whereever our log files are, ensure they are writable before we do anything else.
def writable(path):
    os.system('touch ' + path)
    # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html