Exemple #1
def state_transition_and_sign_block(spec, state, block, expect_fail=False):
    State transition via the provided ``block``
    then package the block with the correct state root and signature.
    if expect_fail:
        expect_assertion_error(lambda: transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block))
        transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block)
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()
    return sign_block(spec, state, block)
def test_on_block_bad_parent_root(spec, state):
    # Initialization
    store = get_genesis_forkchoice_store(spec, state)
    time = 100
    spec.on_tick(store, time)

    # Fail receiving block of `GENESIS_SLOT + 1` slot
    block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, state)
    transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block)
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()

    block.parent_root = b'\x45' * 32

    signed_block = sign_block(spec, state, block)

    run_on_block(spec, store, signed_block, False)
def test_on_block_finalized_skip_slots_not_in_skip_chain(spec, state):
    # Initialization
    transition_to(spec, state, state.slot + spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH - 1)
    block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, state)
    transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block)
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()
    store = spec.get_forkchoice_store(state, block)
    store.finalized_checkpoint = spec.Checkpoint(
        epoch=store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch + 2,

    # First transition through the epoch to ensure no skipped slots
    state, store, _ = apply_next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, store)

    # Now build a block at later slot than finalized epoch
    # Includes finalized block in chain, but not at appropriate skip slot
    block = build_empty_block(spec, state, spec.compute_start_slot_at_epoch(store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch) + 2)
    signed_block = state_transition_and_sign_block(spec, state, block)
    spec.on_tick(store, store.time + state.slot * spec.SECONDS_PER_SLOT)
    run_on_block(spec, store, signed_block, False)
Exemple #4
def test_on_block_bad_parent_root(spec, state):
    test_steps = []
    # Initialization
    store, anchor_block = get_genesis_forkchoice_store_and_block(spec, state)
    yield 'anchor_state', state
    yield 'anchor_block', anchor_block
    current_time = state.slot * spec.config.SECONDS_PER_SLOT + store.genesis_time
    on_tick_and_append_step(spec, store, current_time, test_steps)
    assert store.time == current_time

    # Fail receiving block of `GENESIS_SLOT + 1` slot
    block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, state)
    transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block)
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()

    block.parent_root = b'\x45' * 32

    signed_block = sign_block(spec, state, block)

    yield from add_block(spec, store, signed_block, test_steps, valid=False)

    yield 'steps', test_steps
Exemple #5
def test_prev_slot_block_transition(spec, state):
    # Go to clean slot
    spec.process_slots(state, state.slot + 1)
    # Make a block for it
    block = build_empty_block(spec, state, slot=state.slot)
    proposer_index = spec.get_beacon_proposer_index(state)
    # Transition to next slot, above block will not be invalid on top of new state.
    spec.process_slots(state, state.slot + 1)

    yield 'pre', state
    # State is beyond block slot, but the block can still be realistic when invalid.
    # Try the transition, and update the state root to where it is halted. Then sign with the supposed proposer.
    expect_assertion_error(lambda: transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block))
    block.state_root = state.hash_tree_root()
    signed_block = sign_block(spec, state, block, proposer_index=proposer_index)
    yield 'blocks', [signed_block]
    yield 'post', None
def test_invalid_signature_past_block(spec, state):
    committee = spec.get_sync_committee_indices(state, spec.get_current_epoch(state))

    yield 'pre', state

    blocks = []
    for _ in range(2):
        # NOTE: need to transition twice to move beyond the degenerate case at genesis
        block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, state)
        # Valid sync committee signature here...
        block.body.sync_committee_bits = [True] * len(committee)
        block.body.sync_committee_signature = compute_aggregate_sync_committee_signature(
            block.slot - 1,

        signed_block = state_transition_and_sign_block(spec, state, block)

    invalid_block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, state)
    # Invalid signature from a slot other than the previous
    invalid_block.body.sync_committee_bits = [True] * len(committee)
    invalid_block.body.sync_committee_signature = compute_aggregate_sync_committee_signature(
        invalid_block.slot - 2,

    expect_assertion_error(lambda: transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, invalid_block))

    yield 'blocks', blocks
    yield 'post', None
def add_attestations_to_state(spec, state, attestations, slot):
    block = build_empty_block(spec, state, slot)
    for attestation in attestations:
    spec.process_slots(state, block.slot)
    transition_unsigned_block(spec, state, block)