Exemple #1
def get_document(doc_id):
    Retrieves a document

    :param doc_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Retrieving document {doc_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('abstract')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    doc = ElsAbstract(scopus_id=doc_id)
    doc_data = doc.data
    doc_data['_id'] = doc_data['coredata']['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1]
    refs = get_doc_refs(doc_data['_id'])
    if 'affiliation' in doc_data and isinstance(doc_data['affiliation'], dict):
        doc_data['affiliation'] = [doc_data['affiliation']]
    if refs:
        refs_data = refs.get('references', {}).get('reference', [])
        if isinstance(refs_data, list):
            doc_data['references'] = refs_data
        elif isinstance(refs_data, dict):  # Fix the reference data to always make it an array
            doc_data['references'] = [refs_data]
    doc_data['last_modified'] = datetime.now()
    return doc_data
Exemple #2
def get_affiliation(affl_id):
    logger.info(f'Retrieving affiliation {affl_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('affiliation')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    affl = ElsAffil(affil_id=affl_id)
    if not affl.read(client):
        logger.error("[!]Read affiliation failed: %s", affl_id)
    affl.data['_id'] = affl.data['coredata']['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1]
    yield affl.data
Exemple #3
def get_doc_refs(doc_id):
    Retrieves references of a document

    :param doc_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Retrieving document references {doc_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('abstract')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    refs = ElsAbstract(scopus_id=doc_id, params={'view': 'REF'})
    return refs.data
Exemple #4
def get_docs_by_author(author_id):
    Get documents published by an author

    :param author_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Searching docs by author {author_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('scopus_search')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    search = ElsSearch(f'au-id({author_id})', 'scopus')
    search.execute(client, True)
    for doc in search.results:
        yield doc
Exemple #5
def get_doc_authors(doc_id):
    Retrieves document-author relationship in tuples

    :param doc_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Retrieving author affiliations of document {doc_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('abstract')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    abstract = ElsAbstract(scopus_id=doc_id, params={'field': 'author,affiliation'})
    for author in abstract.authors:
        yield {'doc': doc_id, 'author': author.get('@auid', None), 'seq': author.get('@seq', None)}
Exemple #6
def get_author_by_name(last_name, first_name, affiliation_id='60005248'):
    Search author by first name, last name and affiliation
    :param last_name:
    :param first_name:
    :param affiliation_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info('searching authors by name and affiliation')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('scopus_search')
    query = f'authlast({last_name}) and authfirst({first_name}) and af-id({affiliation_id})'
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    search = ElsSearch(query, 'author')
    yield {'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'results': search.results}
Exemple #7
def get_serial_by_title(title):
    Retrieves serials by the title

    :param title:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info('Searching serial by title: ' + title)
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('serial_title')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    search = ElsSerialTitleSearch(title)
    for serial in search.results:
        serial['_id'] = serial['source-id']
        yield serial
Exemple #8
def get_author(author_id):
    Retrieves an author

    :param author_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Retrieving author {author_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('author')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    author = ElsAuthor(author_id=author_id)
    if not author.read(client):
        logger.error("[!]Read author failed: %s", author_id)
    author.data['_id'] = author.data['coredata']['dc:identifier'].split(':')[1]
    author.data['last_modified'] = datetime.now()
    return author.data
Exemple #9
def get_serial(serial_id):
    Retrieves a serial by a scopus ID
    :param serial_id:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Retrieving serial {serial_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('serial')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)
    serial = ElsSerial(scopus_id=serial_id, params={'view': 'STANDARD'})
    if not serial.read(client):
        logger.error("[!]Read serial failed: %s", serial_id)
    if 'error' in serial.data:
        logger.error("[!]Read serial with error: %s, %s", serial.data['error'], serial_id)
        data = serial.data['entry'][0]
        data['_id'] = data['source-id']
        return data
Exemple #10
def get_docs_by_year(year, affl_id='60005248', get_all=False):
    Get documents by year

    :param year:
    :param affl_id:
    :param get_all:
    :param api_key:
    logger.info(f'Searching docs for year {year} and affiliation {affl_id}')
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('scopus_search')
    client = elsclient.ElsClient(api_key)

    # Split the search since for recent years JHU has publications more than 5,000 each year.
    search_one = ElsSearch(f'af-id({affl_id})', 'scopus', {'date': year})
    search_one.execute(client, get_all)
    all_results = search_one.results
    # search_two = ElsSearch('af-id(60005248) AND NOT subjarea(MEDI)', 'scopus', {'date': year})
    # search_two.execute(client, get_all)
    # all_results += search_two.results

    return all_results
Exemple #11
def mock_get_document():
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('abstract')
    return api_key
Exemple #12
def mock_get_author():
    api_key = key_manager.get_key('author')
    return api_key