Exemple #1
    def test_context(self):
        """Test that the library creates a workspace when launched as context.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall create the workspace main directory when used as context
            - The workspace library shall attempt to compress the workspace directory when closed

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace library as a context manager.
            2. Verify that the workspace library created the main workspace directory.
            3. Exit the context.
            4. Verify that the workspace library compressed the main workspace directory.
            "STEP: Initialize the workspace library as a context manager.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace
                "STEP: Verify that the workspace library created the main workspace directory."
                            and workspace.workspace.is_dir())

            self.logger.info("STEP: Exit the context.")
            "STEP: Verify that the workspace library compressed the main workspace directory."
        compressed_workspace = Path.cwd().joinpath("workspace.tar.gz")
                        and compressed_workspace.is_file())
Exemple #2
    def test_test_directory(self):
        """Test that the workspace library can create a test directory as a context manager.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall create and chdir to a test directory.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace.
            2. Enter test directory in a context manager.
            3. Verify that directory was created and changed to.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace

                "STEP: Enter test directory in a context manager.")
            with workspace.test_directory("dir") as directory:
                    "STEP: Verify that directory was created and changed to.")
                self.assertTrue(directory.exists() and directory.is_dir())
                except ValueError as exception:
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "Directory is not the cwd") from exception
Exemple #3
    def test_test_directory_no_workspace(self):
        """Test that test directory raises exception if not workspace exist.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall raise an exception on test directory if workspace
              does not exist.

        Test steps::
            1. Enter a test directory without a workspace.
            2. Verify that an exception was raised.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Enter a test directory without a workspace.")
        self.workspace = Workspace(Mock())
        self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that an exception was raised.")
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            with self.workspace.test_directory("dir1"):
Exemple #4
    def test_compress_error_when_no_workspace_exists(self):
        """Test that the compression method raises exception when no workspace exists.

        Approval criteria:
            - The compression method shall raise exception is the workspace directory does not

        Test steps::
            1. Attempt to compress a directory that does not exist.
            2. Verify that an exception was raised.
            "STEP: Attempt to compress a directory that does not exist.")
        self.workspace = Workspace(Mock())
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that an exception was raised.")
Exemple #5
    def test_init_does_not_create(self):
        """Test that the library does not create workspace when created normally.

        Approval criteria:
            - Workspace library shall not create the workspace main directory
              when created normally.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace library.
            2. Verify that the workspace library did not create a workspace directory.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace library.")
        self.workspace = Workspace(Mock())

            "STEP: Verify that the workspace library did not create a workspace directory."
Exemple #6
    def test_compress(self):
        """Test that the compression method compresses a folder and all its subdirectories.

        Approval criteria:
            - The compression method shall compress a folder with gztar.

        Test steps::
            1. Create the workspace directory to be compressed.
            2. Compress the directory.
            3. Verify that the directory was compressed using the gztar format.
            "STEP: Create the workspace directory to be compressed.")
        workspace = Workspace(Mock)
        directory = Path.cwd().joinpath("workspace")
        workspace.workspace = directory

        # Create a file to verify compression.

        test_folder = Path.cwd().joinpath("testfolder")

        self.logger.info("STEP: Compress the directory.")

            "STEP: Verify that the directory was compressed using the gztar format."
        compressed_workspace = Path.cwd().joinpath("workspace.tar.gz")
        unpack_archive(compressed_workspace, test_folder, format="gztar")
        compressed_file = test_folder.joinpath("workspace/file.txt")
        self.assertTrue(compressed_file.exists() and compressed_file.is_file())
Exemple #7
    def test_test_directory_identifer_exists(self):
        """Test that the workspace does not create a directory for an identifer that already exists.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall reuse a test directory if identifier already exists.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace.
            2. Enter a test directory in a context manager with identifier 'dir1'.
            3. Check that test directory was created and exit the context.
            4. Enter a test directory in a context manager with the same identifer.
            5. Verify that the folder was re-used.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace

                "STEP: Enter a test directory in a context manager with identifier 'dir1'."
            with workspace.test_directory("dir1") as directory:
                    "STEP: Check that test directory was created and exit the context."
                if not directory.exists() and directory.is_dir():
                    raise Exception("Test directory was not properly created.")
                first_stat = directory.stat()

            with workspace.test_directory("dir1") as directory:
                    "STEP: Enter a test directory in a context manager with the same identifer."
                if not directory.exists() and directory.is_dir():
                    raise Exception("Test directory was not properly created.")

                self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that the folder was re-used.")
                    "Second directory is not the same as the first directory.",
Exemple #8
    def test_test_directory_function_call(self):
        """Test that the test directory method calls a method when created if supplied.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall call method on directory creation if supplied.
            - The workspace library shall not call method if directory was not created.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace.
            2. Enter a test directory with a method call registered.
            3. Verify that the method was called.
            4. Enter a test directory with the same identifer and a method call registered.
            5. Verify that the method was not called.
        calls = []

        def callee(calls):
            """Test function for counting calls."""

        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace

                "STEP: Enter a test directory with a method call registered.")
            with workspace.test_directory("dir1", callee, calls):
                self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that the method was called.")
                self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)

                "STEP: Enter a test directory with the same identifer and a "
                "method call registered.")
            with workspace.test_directory("dir1", callee, calls):
                    "STEP: Verify that the method was not called.")
                self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
Exemple #9
    def execute(self):  # pylint:disable=too-many-branches,disable=too-many-statements
        """Execute all tests in test suite.

        :return: Result of execution. Linux exit code.
        :rtype: int
        self.logger.info("Send test suite started event.")
        test_suite_started = self.test_suite_started()
        sub_suite_id = test_suite_started.meta.event_id
        main_suite_id = self.main_suite_id(self.etos.config.get("context"))
        self.logger.info("Send test environment events.")
        self.etos.config.set("main_suite_id", main_suite_id)
        self.etos.config.set("sub_suite_id", sub_suite_id)

        result = True
        description = None
            with Workspace(self.log_area) as workspace:
                self.logger.info("Start IUT monitoring.")
                self.logger.info("Starting test executor.")
                result = self.run_tests(workspace)
                executed = True
                self.logger.info("Stop IUT monitoring.")
        except Exception as exception:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
            result = False
            executed = False
            description = str(exception)
            if self.iut_monitoring.monitoring:
                self.logger.info("Stop IUT monitoring.")
            self.logger.info("Figure out test outcome.")
            outcome = self.outcome(result, executed, description)

            self.logger.info("Send test suite finished event.")
                links={"CONTEXT": self.etos.config.get("context")},

        timeout = time.time() + 600  # 10 minutes
        self.logger.info("Waiting for eiffel publisher to deliver events (600s).")

        previous = 0
        # pylint:disable=protected-access
        current = len(self.etos.publisher._deliveries)
        while current:
            current = len(self.etos.publisher._deliveries)
            self.logger.info("Remaining events to send        : %d", current)
            self.logger.info("Events sent since last iteration: %d", previous - current)
            if time.time() > timeout:
                if current < previous:
                        "Timeout reached, but events are still being sent. Increase timeout by 10s."
                    timeout = time.time() + 10
                    raise Exception("Eiffel publisher did not deliver all eiffel events.")
            previous = current
        self.logger.info("Tests finished executing.")
        return 0 if result else outcome
Exemple #10
class TestWorkspace(TestCase):
    """Tests for the workspace library."""

    workspace = None
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def setUp(self):
        self.items = []

    def tearDown(self):
        """Attempt to delete all created folders and files."""
        if self.workspace is not None:
            rmtree(self.workspace.workspace, ignore_errors=True)
        for item in self.items:
            if item.is_dir():
            elif item.is_file():
        self.workspace = None

    def test_init_does_not_create(self):
        """Test that the library does not create workspace when created normally.

        Approval criteria:
            - Workspace library shall not create the workspace main directory
              when created normally.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace library.
            2. Verify that the workspace library did not create a workspace directory.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace library.")
        self.workspace = Workspace(Mock())

            "STEP: Verify that the workspace library did not create a workspace directory."

    def test_context(self):
        """Test that the library creates a workspace when launched as context.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall create the workspace main directory when used as context
            - The workspace library shall attempt to compress the workspace directory when closed

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace library as a context manager.
            2. Verify that the workspace library created the main workspace directory.
            3. Exit the context.
            4. Verify that the workspace library compressed the main workspace directory.
            "STEP: Initialize the workspace library as a context manager.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace
                "STEP: Verify that the workspace library created the main workspace directory."
                            and workspace.workspace.is_dir())

            self.logger.info("STEP: Exit the context.")
            "STEP: Verify that the workspace library compressed the main workspace directory."
        compressed_workspace = Path.cwd().joinpath("workspace.tar.gz")
                        and compressed_workspace.is_file())

    def test_compress(self):
        """Test that the compression method compresses a folder and all its subdirectories.

        Approval criteria:
            - The compression method shall compress a folder with gztar.

        Test steps::
            1. Create the workspace directory to be compressed.
            2. Compress the directory.
            3. Verify that the directory was compressed using the gztar format.
            "STEP: Create the workspace directory to be compressed.")
        workspace = Workspace(Mock)
        directory = Path.cwd().joinpath("workspace")
        workspace.workspace = directory

        # Create a file to verify compression.

        test_folder = Path.cwd().joinpath("testfolder")

        self.logger.info("STEP: Compress the directory.")

            "STEP: Verify that the directory was compressed using the gztar format."
        compressed_workspace = Path.cwd().joinpath("workspace.tar.gz")
        unpack_archive(compressed_workspace, test_folder, format="gztar")
        compressed_file = test_folder.joinpath("workspace/file.txt")
        self.assertTrue(compressed_file.exists() and compressed_file.is_file())

    def test_compress_error_when_no_workspace_exists(self):
        """Test that the compression method raises exception when no workspace exists.

        Approval criteria:
            - The compression method shall raise exception is the workspace directory does not

        Test steps::
            1. Attempt to compress a directory that does not exist.
            2. Verify that an exception was raised.
            "STEP: Attempt to compress a directory that does not exist.")
        self.workspace = Workspace(Mock())
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that an exception was raised.")

    def test_test_directory(self):
        """Test that the workspace library can create a test directory as a context manager.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall create and chdir to a test directory.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace.
            2. Enter test directory in a context manager.
            3. Verify that directory was created and changed to.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace

                "STEP: Enter test directory in a context manager.")
            with workspace.test_directory("dir") as directory:
                    "STEP: Verify that directory was created and changed to.")
                self.assertTrue(directory.exists() and directory.is_dir())
                except ValueError as exception:
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "Directory is not the cwd") from exception

    def test_test_directory_identifer_exists(self):
        """Test that the workspace does not create a directory for an identifer that already exists.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall reuse a test directory if identifier already exists.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace.
            2. Enter a test directory in a context manager with identifier 'dir1'.
            3. Check that test directory was created and exit the context.
            4. Enter a test directory in a context manager with the same identifer.
            5. Verify that the folder was re-used.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace

                "STEP: Enter a test directory in a context manager with identifier 'dir1'."
            with workspace.test_directory("dir1") as directory:
                    "STEP: Check that test directory was created and exit the context."
                if not directory.exists() and directory.is_dir():
                    raise Exception("Test directory was not properly created.")
                first_stat = directory.stat()

            with workspace.test_directory("dir1") as directory:
                    "STEP: Enter a test directory in a context manager with the same identifer."
                if not directory.exists() and directory.is_dir():
                    raise Exception("Test directory was not properly created.")

                self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that the folder was re-used.")
                    "Second directory is not the same as the first directory.",

    def test_test_directory_function_call(self):
        """Test that the test directory method calls a method when created if supplied.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall call method on directory creation if supplied.
            - The workspace library shall not call method if directory was not created.

        Test steps::
            1. Initialize the workspace.
            2. Enter a test directory with a method call registered.
            3. Verify that the method was called.
            4. Enter a test directory with the same identifer and a method call registered.
            5. Verify that the method was not called.
        calls = []

        def callee(calls):
            """Test function for counting calls."""

        self.logger.info("STEP: Initialize the workspace.")
        with Workspace(Mock()) as workspace:
            self.workspace = workspace

                "STEP: Enter a test directory with a method call registered.")
            with workspace.test_directory("dir1", callee, calls):
                self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that the method was called.")
                self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)

                "STEP: Enter a test directory with the same identifer and a "
                "method call registered.")
            with workspace.test_directory("dir1", callee, calls):
                    "STEP: Verify that the method was not called.")
                self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)

    def test_test_directory_no_workspace(self):
        """Test that test directory raises exception if not workspace exist.

        Approval criteria:
            - The workspace library shall raise an exception on test directory if workspace
              does not exist.

        Test steps::
            1. Enter a test directory without a workspace.
            2. Verify that an exception was raised.
        self.logger.info("STEP: Enter a test directory without a workspace.")
        self.workspace = Workspace(Mock())
        self.logger.info("STEP: Verify that an exception was raised.")
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            with self.workspace.test_directory("dir1"):