def default_traits_view(self): ''' Generates the view from the param items. ''' #rf_param_items = [ Item( 'model.' + name, format_str = '%g' ) for name in self.model.param_keys ] D2_plot_param_items = [ VGroup(Item('max_x', label='max x value'), Item('x_points', label='No of plot points')) ] if hasattr(self.rf, 'get_q_x'): D3_plot_param_items = [ VGroup(Item('min_x', label='min x value'), Item('max_x', label='max x value'), Item('min_y', label='min y value'), Item('max_y', label='max y value')) ] else: D3_plot_param_items = [] control_items = [ Item('show', show_label=False), Item('clear', show_label=False), ] view = View( HSplit( VGroup(Item('@rf', show_label=False), label='Function parameters', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.rf_params', scrollable=True), VGroup(HGroup(*D2_plot_param_items), label='plot parameters', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.2Dplot_params'), # VGroup( HGroup( *D3_plot_param_items ), # label = '3D plot parameters', # id = 'stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.3Dplot_params' ), VGroup( Item('model.comment', show_label=False, style='readonly'), label='Comment', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.comment', scrollable=True, ), VGroup(HGroup(*control_items), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='Plot', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.plot'), dock='tab', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.split'), kind='modal', resizable=True, dock='tab', buttons=[OKButton], id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view') return view
class ECBLCalibStateModelView(ModelView): '''Model in a viewable window. ''' model = Instance(ECBLCalibState) def _model_default(self): return ECBLCalibState() cs_state = Property(Instance(ECBCrossSectionState), depends_on = 'model') @cached_property def _get_cs_state(self): return self.model.cs_state data_changed = Event figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor = 'white') return figure replot = Button() def _replot_fired(self): ax = self.figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.model.calibrated_ecb_law.plot(ax) self.data_changed = True clear = Button() def _clear_fired(self): self.figure.clear() self.data_changed = True calibrated_ecb_law = Property(Instance(ECBLBase), depends_on = 'model') @cached_property def _get_calibrated_ecb_law(self): return self.model.calibrated_ecb_law view = View(HSplit(VGroup( Item('cs_state', label = 'Cross section', show_label = False), Item('model@', show_label = False), Item('calibrated_ecb_law@', show_label = False, resizable = True), ), Group(HGroup( Item('replot', show_label = False), Item('clear', show_label = False), ), Item('figure', editor = MPLFigureEditor(), resizable = True, show_label = False), id = 'simexdb.plot_sheet', label = 'plot sheet', dock = 'tab', ), ), width = 0.5, height = 0.4, buttons = ['OK', 'Cancel'], resizable = True)
class ConstitutiveLawModelView(ModelView): model = Instance(CLBase) data_changed = Event figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure replot = Button() def _replot_fired(self): ax = self.figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.model.plot(ax) self.data_changed = True clear = Button() def _clear_fired(self): self.figure.clear() self.data_changed = True traits_view = View(HSplit( Group( Item('model', style='custom', show_label=False, resizable=True), scrollable=True, ), Group( HGroup( Item('replot', show_label=False), Item('clear', show_label=False), ), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), id='simexdb.plot_sheet', label='plot sheet', dock='tab', ), ), width=0.5, height=0.4, resizable=True, buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'])
def default_traits_view(self): ''' Generates the view from the param items. ''' rf_param_items = [ Item('model.' + name, format_str='%g') for name in self.model.param_keys ] plot_param_items = [ Item('eps_max'), Item('n_eps'), Item('x_name', label='x-axis'), Item('y_name', label='y-axis') ] control_items = [ Item('show', show_label=False), Item('clear', show_label=False), ] view = View(HSplit( VGroup(*rf_param_items, label='Function Parameters', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.rf_params', scrollable=True), VGroup(*plot_param_items, label='Plot Parameters', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.plot_params'), VGroup( Item('model.comment', show_label=False, style='readonly'), label='Comment', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.comment', scrollable=True, ), VGroup(HGroup(*control_items), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='Plot', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.plot'), dock='tab', id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view.split'), kind='modal', resizable=True, dock='tab', buttons=['Ok', 'Cancel'], id='stats.spirrid_bak.rf_model_view') return view
class SimCrackLoc( IBVModel ): '''Model assembling the components for studying the restrained crack localization. ''' shape = Int( 1, desc = 'Number of finite elements', ps_levsls = ( 10, 40, 4 ) ) length = Float( 1, desc = 'Length of the simulated region' ) #------------------------------------------------------- # Material model for the matrix #------------------------------------------------------- mats_m = Instance( MATS1DCrackLoc ) def _mats_m_default( self ): E_m = 1 mats_m = MATS1DCrackLoc( E = E_m, R = 0.5, epsilon_0 = 0.001, epsilon_f = 0.01 ) return mats_m mats_f = Instance( MATS1DElastic ) def _mats_f_default( self ): E_f = 0 mats_f = MATS1DElastic( E = E_f ) return mats_f mats_b = Instance( MATS1DElastic ) def _mats_b_default( self ): E_b = 0 mats_b = MATS1DElastic( E = E_b ) return mats_b mats = Instance( MATS1D5Bond ) def _mats_default( self ): # Material model construction mats = MATS1D5Bond( mats_phase1 = self.mats_m, mats_phase2 = self.mats_f, mats_ifslip = self.mats_b, mats_ifopen = MATS1DElastic( E = 0 ) # elastic function of open - inactive ) return mats #------------------------------------------------------- # Finite element type #------------------------------------------------------- fets = Instance( FETSEval ) def _fets_default( self ): #return FETS1D52L8ULRH( mats_eval = self.mats ) return FETS1D52L4ULRH( mats_eval = self.mats ) #return FETS1D2L3U( mats_eval = self.mats ) run = Button @on_trait_change( 'run' ) def peval( self ): '''Evaluation procedure. ''' #mv = MATS1DDamageView( model = mats_eval ) #mv.configure_traits() self.mats_m.reset_state() # Discretization # length = self.length domain = FEGrid( coord_min = ( 0., length / 5. ), coord_max = ( length, 0. ), shape = ( self.shape, 1 ), fets_eval = self.fets ) right_dofs = domain[-1, -1, -1, :].dofs[0, :, 0] print 'concrete_dofs', id( domain ), domain[:, 0, :, 0].dofs # Response tracers self.stress_strain = RTraceGraph( name = 'Fi,right over u_right (iteration)' , var_y = 'F_int', idx_y = right_dofs[0], var_x = 'U_k', idx_x = right_dofs[0] ) self.eps_m_field = RTraceDomainListField( name = 'eps_m' , position = 'int_pnts', var = 'eps1', idx = 0, warp = True ) self.eps_f_field = RTraceDomainListField( name = 'eps_f' , position = 'int_pnts', var = 'eps2', idx = 0, warp = True ) # Response tracers self.sig_m_field = RTraceDomainListField( name = 'sig_m' , position = 'int_pnts', var = 'mats_phase1_sig_app', idx = 0 ) self.sig_f_field = RTraceDomainListField( name = 'sig_f' , position = 'int_pnts', var = 'mats_phase2_sig_app', idx = 0 ) self.omega_m_field = RTraceDomainListField( name = 'omega_m' , position = 'int_pnts', var = 'mats_phase1_omega', idx = 0, warp = True ) # damage_onset_displ = self.mats_m.epsilon_0 * self.length go_behind = 1.5 finish_displ = go_behind * damage_onset_displ n_steps = 20 step_size = ( finish_displ - damage_onset_displ ) / n_steps tmax = 1 + n_steps def ls( t ): if t <= 1: return t else: return 1.0 + ( t - 1.0 ) / n_steps * ( go_behind - 1 ) ts = TSCrackLoc( dof_resultants = True, on_update = self.plot, sdomain = domain, bcond_list = [# define the left clamping BCSlice( var = 'u', value = 0., dims = [0], slice = domain[ 0, 0, 0, :] ), # loading at the right edge BCSlice( var = 'f', value = 1, dims = [0], slice = domain[-1, -1, -1, 0], time_function = ls ), # BCSlice(var='u', value = finish_displ, dims = [0], slice = domain[-1,-1,-1, 0], # time_function = ls ), # fix horizontal displacement in the top layer BCSlice( var = 'u', value = 0., dims = [0], slice = domain[:, -1, :, -1] ), # fix the vertical displacement all over the domain BCSlice( var = 'u', value = 0., dims = [1], slice = domain[ :, :, :, :] ) ], rtrace_list = [ self.stress_strain, self.eps_m_field, self.eps_f_field, self.sig_m_field, self.sig_f_field, self.omega_m_field ] ) # Add the time-loop control tloop = TLoop( tstepper = ts, KMAX = 200, debug = True, tolerance = 1e-5, tline = TLine( min = 0.0, step = 1.0, max = 1.0 ) ) print ts.rte_dict.keys() U = tloop.eval() self.plot() return array( [ U[right_dofs[-1]] ], dtype = 'float_' ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_ld = Instance( Figure ) def _figure_ld_default( self ): figure = Figure( facecolor = 'white' ) figure.add_axes( [0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74] ) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_eps = Instance( Figure ) def _figure_eps_default( self ): figure = Figure( facecolor = 'white' ) figure.add_axes( [0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74] ) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_omega = Instance( Figure ) def _figure_omega_default( self ): figure = Figure( facecolor = 'white' ) figure.add_axes( [0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74] ) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_sig = Instance( Figure ) def _figure_sig_default( self ): figure = Figure( facecolor = 'white' ) figure.add_axes( [0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74] ) return figure def plot( self ): self.stress_strain.refresh() t = self.stress_strain.trace ax = self.figure_ld.axes[0] ax.clear() ax.plot( t.xdata, t.ydata, linewidth = 2, color = 'blue' ) ax = self.figure_eps.axes[0] ax.clear() ef = self.eps_m_field.subfields[0] xdata = ef.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = ef.field_arr[:, 0] idata = argsort( xdata ) ax.plot( xdata[idata], ydata[idata], linewidth = 2, color = 'grey' ) ef = self.eps_f_field.subfields[0] xdata = ef.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = ef.field_arr[:, 0] idata = argsort( xdata ) ax.plot( xdata[idata], ydata[idata], linewidth = 2, color = 'red' ) ax.legend( ['eps_m', 'eps_f'] ) ax = self.figure_sig.axes[0] ax.clear() ef = self.sig_m_field.subfields[0] xdata = ef.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = ef.field_arr[:, 0] idata = argsort( xdata ) ax.plot( xdata[idata], ydata[idata], linewidth = 2, color = 'grey' ) ef = self.sig_f_field.subfields[0] xdata = ef.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = ef.field_arr[:, 0] idata = argsort( xdata ) ax.plot( xdata[idata], ydata[idata], linewidth = 2, color = 'red' ) ax.legend( ['sig_m', 'sig_f'] ) ax = self.figure_omega.axes[0] ax.clear() ef = self.omega_m_field.subfields[0] xdata = ef.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = ef.field_arr[:, 0] idata = argsort( xdata ) ax.plot( xdata[idata], ydata[idata], linewidth = 2, color = 'brown' ) ax.legend( ['omega_m'] ) self.data_changed = True def get_sim_outputs( self ): ''' Specifies the results and their order returned by the model evaluation. ''' return [ SimOut( name = 'right end displacement', unit = 'm' ) ] data_changed = Event toolbar = ToolBar( Action( name = "Run", tooltip = 'Start computation', image = ImageResource( 'kt-start' ), action = "start_study" ), Action( name = "Pause", tooltip = 'Pause computation', image = ImageResource( 'kt-pause' ), action = "pause_study" ), Action( name = "Stop", tooltip = 'Stop computation', image = ImageResource( 'kt-stop' ), action = "stop_study" ), image_size = ( 32, 32 ), show_tool_names = False, show_divider = True, name = 'view_toolbar' ), traits_view = View( HSplit( VSplit( Item( 'run', show_label = False ), VGroup( Item( 'shape' ), Item( 'n_sjteps' ), Item( 'length' ), label = 'parameters', id = 'crackloc.viewmodel.factor.geometry', dock = 'tab', scrollable = True, ), VGroup( Item( 'mats_m@', show_label = False ), label = 'Matrix', dock = 'tab', id = 'crackloc.viewmodel.factor.matrix', scrollable = True ), VGroup( Item( 'mats_f@', show_label = False ), label = 'Fiber', dock = 'tab', id = 'crackloc.viewmodel.factor.fiber', scrollable = True ), VGroup( Item( 'mats_b@', show_label = False ), label = 'Bond', dock = 'tab', id = '', scrollable = True ), id = 'crackloc.viewmodel.left', label = 'studied factors', layout = 'tabbed', dock = 'tab', ), VSplit( VGroup( Item( 'figure_ld', editor = MPLFigureEditor(), resizable = True, show_label = False ), label = 'stress-strain', id = 'crackloc.viewmode.figure_ld_window', dock = 'tab', ), VGroup( Item( 'figure_eps', editor = MPLFigureEditor(), resizable = True, show_label = False ), label = 'strains profile', id = 'crackloc.viewmode.figure_eps_window', dock = 'tab', ), VGroup( Item( 'figure_sig', editor = MPLFigureEditor(), resizable = True, show_label = False ), label = 'stress profile', id = 'crackloc.viewmode.figure_sig_window', dock = 'tab', ), VGroup( Item( 'figure_omega', editor = MPLFigureEditor(), resizable = True, show_label = False ), label = 'omega profile', id = 'crackloc.viewmode.figure_omega_window', dock = 'tab', ), id = 'crackloc.viewmodel.right', ), id = 'crackloc.viewmodel.splitter', ), title = 'SimVisage Component: Crack localization', id = 'crackloc.viewmodel', dock = 'tab', resizable = True, height = 0.8, width = 0.8, buttons = [OKButton] )
class SPIRRIDModelView(ModelView): title = Str('spirrid exec ctrl') model = Instance(SPIRRID) ins = Instance(NoOfFibers) def _ins_default(self): return NoOfFibers() eval = Button def _eval_fired(self): Specimen_Volume = self.ins.Lx * self.ins.Ly * self.ins.Lz self.no_of_fibers_in_specimen = ( Specimen_Volume * self.ins.Fiber_volume_fraction / 100) / ( pi * (self.ins.Fiber_diameter / 20)**2 * self.ins.Fiber_Length / 10) prob_crackbridging_fiber = (self.ins.Fiber_Length / (10 * 2)) / self.ins.Lx self.mean_parallel_links = prob_crackbridging_fiber * self.no_of_fibers_in_specimen self.stdev_parallel_links = (prob_crackbridging_fiber * self.no_of_fibers_in_specimen * (1 - prob_crackbridging_fiber))**0.5 run = Button(desc='Run the computation') def _run_fired(self): self.evaluate() run_legend = Str('mean response', desc='Legend to be added to the plot of the results') min_eps = Float(0.0, desc='minimum value of the control variable') max_eps = Float(1.0, desc='maximum value of the control variable') n_eps = Int(100, desc='resolution of the control variable') plot_title = Str('response', desc='diagram title') label_x = Str('epsilon', desc='label of the horizontal axis') label_y = Str('sigma', desc='label of the vertical axis') stdev = Bool(True) mean_parallel_links = Float(1., desc='mean number of parallel links (fibers)') stdev_parallel_links = Float( 0., desc='stdev of number of parallel links (fibers)') no_of_fibers_in_specimen = Float( 0., desc='Number of Fibers in the specimen', ) data_changed = Event(True) def evaluate(self): self.model.set( min_eps=0.00, max_eps=self.max_eps, n_eps=self.n_eps, ) # evaluate the mean curve self.model.mean_curve # evaluate the variance if the stdev bool is True if self.stdev: self.model.var_curve self.data_changed = True traits_view = View(VGroup( HGroup( Item('run_legend', resizable=False, label='Run label', width=80, springy=False), Item('run', show_label=False, resizable=False)), Tabbed( VGroup( Item('model.cached_dG', label='Cached weight factors', resizable=False, springy=False), Item('model.compiled_QdG_loop', label='Compiled loop over the integration product', springy=False), Item('model.compiled_eps_loop', enabled_when='model.compiled_QdG_loop', label='Compiled loop over the control variable', springy=False), scrollable=True, label='Execution configuration', id='spirrid.tview.exec_params', dock='tab', ), VGroup( HGroup(Item('min_eps', label='Min', springy=False, resizable=False), Item('max_eps', label='Max', springy=False, resizable=False), Item('n_eps', label='N', springy=False, resizable=False), label='Simulation range', show_border=True), HGroup(Item('stdev', label='plot standard deviation'), ), HSplit( HGroup( VGroup( Item('mean_parallel_links', label='mean No of fibers'), Item('stdev_parallel_links', label='stdev No of fibers'), )), VGroup( Item('@ins', label='evaluate No of fibers', show_label=False), VGroup( HGroup( Item('eval', show_label=False, resizable=False, label='Evaluate No of Fibers'), Item('no_of_fibers_in_specimen', label='No of Fibers in specimen', style='readonly')))), label='number of parralel fibers', show_border=True, scrollable=True, ), VGroup( Item('plot_title', label='title', resizable=False, springy=False), Item('label_x', label='x', resizable=False, springy=False), Item('label_y', label='y', resizable=False, springy=False), label='title and axes labels', show_border=True, scrollable=True, ), label='Execution control', id='spirrid.tview.view_params', dock='tab', ), scrollable=True, id='spirrid.tview.tabs', dock='tab', ), ), title='SPIRRID', id='spirrid.viewmodel', dock='tab', resizable=True, height=1.0, width=1.0)
class CBView(ModelView): def __init__(self, **kw): super(CBView, self).__init__(**kw) self.on_trait_change(self.refresh, 'model.+params') self.refresh() model = Instance(Model) figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure figure2 = Instance(Figure) def _figure2_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure data_changed = Event def plot(self, fig, fig2): figure = fig figure.clear() axes = figure.gca() # plot PDF axes.plot(self.model.w, self.model.model_rand, lw=2.0, color='blue', \ label='model') axes.plot(self.model.w, self.model.interpolate_experiment(self.model.w), lw=1.0, color='black', \ label='experiment') axes.legend(loc='best') # figure2 = fig2 # figure2.clear() # axes = figure2.gca() # # plot PDF # axes.plot(self.model.w2, self.model.model_extrapolate, lw=2.0, color='red', \ # label='model') # axes.legend() def refresh(self): self.plot(self.figure, self.figure2) self.data_changed = True traits_view = View(HSplit(VGroup( Group( Item('model.tau_scale'), Item('model.tau_shape'), Item('model.tau_loc'), Item('model.m'), Item('model.sV0'), Item('model.Ef'), Item('model.w_min'), Item('model.w_max'), Item('model.w_pts'), Item('model.n_int'), Item('model.w2_min'), Item('model.w2_max'), Item('model.w2_pts'), Item('model.sigmamu'), ), id='pdistrib.distr_type.pltctrls', label='Distribution parameters', scrollable=True, ), Tabbed( Group( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, resizable=True), scrollable=True, label='Plot', ), label='Plot', id='pdistrib.figure.params', dock='tab', ), Tabbed( Group( Item('figure2', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, resizable=True), scrollable=True, label='Plot', ), label='Plot', id='pdistrib.figure2', dock='tab', ), dock='tab', id='pdistrib.figure.view'), id='pdistrib.view', dock='tab', title='Statistical distribution', buttons=[OKButton, CancelButton], scrollable=True, resizable=True, width=600, height=400)
class SimCrackLoc(IBVModel): '''Model assembling the components for studying the restrained crack localization. ''' geo_transform = Instance(FlawCenteredGeoTransform) def _geo_transform_default(self): return FlawCenteredGeoTransform() shape = Int(10, desc='Number of finite elements', ps_levsls=(10, 40, 4), input=True) length = Float(1000, desc='Length of the simulated region', unit='mm', input=True) flaw_position = Float(500, input=True, unit='mm') flaw_radius = Float(100, input=True, unit='mm') reduction_factor = Float(0.9, input=True) elastic_fraction = Float(0.9, input=True) avg_radius = Float(400, input=True, unit='mm') # tensile strength of concrete f_m_t = Float(3.0, input=True, unit='MPa') epsilon_0 = Property(unit='-') def _get_epsilon_0(self): return self.f_m_t / self.E_m epsilon_f = Float(10, input=True, unit='-') h_m = Float(10, input=True, unit='mm') b_m = Float(8, input=True, unit='mm') A_m = Property(unit='m^2') def _get_A_m(self): return self.b_m * self.h_m E_m = Float(30.0e5, input=True, unit='MPa') E_f = Float(70.0e6, input=True, unit='MPa') A_f = Float(1.0, input=True, unit='mm^2') s_crit = Float(0.009, input=True, unit='mm') P_f = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_P_f(self): return sqrt(4 * self.A_f * pi) K_b = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_K_b(self): return self.T_max / self.s_crit tau_max = Float(0.0, input=True, unit='MPa') T_max = Property(depends_on='+input', unit='N/mm') @cached_property def _get_T_max(self): return self.tau_max * self.P_f rho = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_rho(self): return self.A_f / (self.A_f + self.A_m) #------------------------------------------------------- # Material model for the matrix #------------------------------------------------------- mats_m = Property(Instance(MATS1DDamageWithFlaw), depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_mats_m(self): mats_m = MATS1DDamageWithFlaw(E=self.E_m * self.A_m, flaw_position=self.flaw_position, flaw_radius=self.flaw_radius, reduction_factor=self.reduction_factor, epsilon_0=self.epsilon_0, epsilon_f=self.epsilon_f) return mats_m mats_f = Instance(MATS1DElastic) def _mats_f_default(self): mats_f = MATS1DElastic(E=self.E_f * self.A_f) return mats_f mats_b = Instance(MATS1DEval) def _mats_b_default(self): mats_b = MATS1DElastic(E=self.K_b) mats_b = MATS1DPlastic(E=self.K_b, sigma_y=self.T_max, K_bar=0., H_bar=0.) # plastic function of slip return mats_b mats_fb = Property(Instance(MATS1D5Bond), depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_mats_fb(self): # Material model construction return MATS1D5Bond( mats_phase1=MATS1DElastic(E=0), mats_phase2=self.mats_f, mats_ifslip=self.mats_b, mats_ifopen=MATS1DElastic( E=0) # elastic function of open - inactive ) #------------------------------------------------------- # Finite element type #------------------------------------------------------- fets_m = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_fets_m(self): fets_eval = FETS1D2L(mats_eval=self.mats_m) #fets_eval = FETS1D2L3U( mats_eval = self.mats_m ) return fets_eval fets_fb = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_fets_fb(self): return FETS1D52L4ULRH(mats_eval=self.mats_fb) #return FETS1D52L6ULRH( mats_eval = self.mats_fb ) #return FETS1D52L8ULRH( mats_eval = self.mats_fb ) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mesh integrator #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fe_domain_structure = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_fe_domain_structure(self): '''Root of the domain hierarchy ''' elem_length = self.length / float(self.shape) fe_domain = FEDomain() fe_m_level = FERefinementGrid(name='matrix domain', domain=fe_domain, fets_eval=self.fets_m) fe_grid_m = FEGrid(name='matrix grid', coord_max=(self.length, ), shape=(self.shape, ), level=fe_m_level, fets_eval=self.fets_m, geo_transform=self.geo_transform) fe_fb_level = FERefinementGrid(name='fiber bond domain', domain=fe_domain, fets_eval=self.fets_fb) fe_grid_fb = FEGrid(coord_min=(0., length / 5.), coord_max=(length, 0.), shape=(self.shape, 1), level=fe_fb_level, fets_eval=self.fets_fb, geo_transform=self.geo_transform) return fe_domain, fe_grid_m, fe_grid_fb, fe_m_level, fe_fb_level fe_domain = Property def _get_fe_domain(self): return self.fe_domain_structure[0] fe_grid_m = Property def _get_fe_grid_m(self): return self.fe_domain_structure[1] fe_grid_fb = Property def _get_fe_grid_fb(self): return self.fe_domain_structure[2] fe_m_level = Property def _get_fe_m_level(self): return self.fe_domain_structure[3] fe_fb_level = Property def _get_fe_fb_level(self): return self.fe_domain_structure[4] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load scaling adapted to the elastic and inelastic regime #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- final_displ = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_final_displ(self): damage_onset_displ = self.mats_m.epsilon_0 * self.length return damage_onset_displ / self.elastic_fraction step_size = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_step_size(self): n_steps = self.n_steps return 1.0 / float(n_steps) time_function = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_time_function(self): '''Get the time function so that the elastic regime is skipped in a single step. ''' step_size = self.step_size elastic_value = self.elastic_fraction * 0.98 * self.reduction_factor inelastic_value = 1.0 - elastic_value def ls(t): if t <= step_size: return (elastic_value / step_size) * t else: return elastic_value + (t - step_size) * (inelastic_value) / ( 1 - step_size) return ls def plot_time_function(self, p): '''Plot the time function. ''' n_steps = self.n_steps mats = self.mats step_size = self.step_size ls_t = linspace(0, step_size * n_steps, n_steps + 1) ls_fn = frompyfunc(self.time_function, 1, 1) ls_v = ls_fn(ls_t) p.subplot(321) p.plot(ls_t, ls_v, 'ro-') final_epsilon = self.final_displ / self.length kappa = linspace(mats.epsilon_0, final_epsilon, 10) omega_fn = frompyfunc(lambda kappa: mats._get_omega(None, kappa), 1, 1) omega = omega_fn(kappa) kappa_scaled = (step_size + (1 - step_size) * (kappa - mats.epsilon_0) / (final_epsilon - mats.epsilon_0)) xdata = hstack([array([0.0], dtype=float), kappa_scaled]) ydata = hstack([array([0.0], dtype=float), omega]) p.plot(xdata, ydata, 'g') p.xlabel('regular time [-]') p.ylabel('scaled time [-]') run = Button @on_trait_change('run') def peval(self): '''Evaluation procedure. ''' #mv = MATS1DDamageView( model = mats_eval ) #mv.configure_traits() right_dof_m = self.fe_grid_m[-1, -1].dofs[0, 0, 0] right_dof_fb = self.fe_grid_fb[-1, -1, -1, -1].dofs[0, 0, 0] # Response tracers A = self.A_m + self.A_f self.sig_eps_m = RTraceGraph(name='F_u_m', var_y='F_int', idx_y=right_dof_m, var_x='U_k', idx_x=right_dof_m, transform_y='y / %g' % A) # Response tracers self.sig_eps_f = RTraceGraph(name='F_u_f', var_y='F_int', idx_y=right_dof_fb, var_x='U_k', idx_x=right_dof_fb, transform_y='y / %g' % A) self.eps_m_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='eps_m', position='int_pnts', var='eps_app', warp=False) self.eps_f_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='eps_f', position='int_pnts', var='mats_phase2_eps_app', warp=False) # Response tracers self.sig_m_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='sig_m', position='int_pnts', var='sig_app') self.sig_f_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='sig_f', position='int_pnts', var='mats_phase2_sig_app') self.omega_m_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='omega_m', position='int_pnts', var='omega', warp=False) self.shear_flow_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='shear flow', position='int_pnts', var='shear_flow', warp=False) self.slip_field = RTraceDomainListField(name='slip', position='int_pnts', var='slip', warp=False) avg_processor = None if self.avg_radius > 0.0: n_dofs = self.fe_domain.n_dofs avg_processor = RTUAvg(sd=self.fe_m_level, n_dofs=n_dofs, avg_fn=QuarticAF(radius=self.avg_radius)) ts = TStepper( u_processor=avg_processor, dof_resultants=True, sdomain=self.fe_domain, bcond_list=[ # define the left clamping BCSlice(var='u', value=0., dims=[0], slice=self.fe_grid_fb[0, 0, 0, :]), # BCSlice( var = 'u', value = 0., dims = [0], slice = self.fe_grid_m[ 0, 0 ] ), # loading at the right edge # BCSlice( var = 'f', value = 1, dims = [0], slice = domain[-1, -1, -1, 0], # time_function = ls ), BCSlice(var='u', value=self.final_displ, dims=[0], slice=self.fe_grid_fb[-1, -1, -1, :], time_function=self.time_function), # BCSlice( var = 'u', value = self.final_displ, dims = [0], slice = self.fe_grid_m[-1, -1], # time_function = self.time_function ), # fix horizontal displacement in the top layer # BCSlice( var = 'u', value = 0., dims = [0], slice = domain[:, -1, :, -1] ), # fix the vertical displacement all over the domain BCSlice(var='u', value=0., dims=[1], slice=self.fe_grid_fb[:, :, :, :]), # # Connect bond and matrix domains BCDofGroup(var='u', value=0., dims=[0], get_link_dof_method=self.fe_grid_fb.get_bottom_dofs, get_dof_method=self.fe_grid_m.get_all_dofs, link_coeffs=[1.]) ], rtrace_list=[ self.sig_eps_m, self.sig_eps_f, self.eps_m_field, self.eps_f_field, self.sig_m_field, self.sig_f_field, self.omega_m_field, self.shear_flow_field, self.slip_field, ]) # Add the time-loop control tloop = TLoop(tstepper=ts, KMAX=300, tolerance=1e-5, debug=False, verbose_iteration=True, verbose_time=False, tline=TLine(min=0.0, step=self.step_size, max=1.0)) tloop.on_accept_time_step = self.plot U = tloop.eval() self.sig_eps_f.refresh() max_sig_m = max(self.sig_eps_m.trace.ydata) return array([U[right_dof_m], max_sig_m], dtype='float_') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tracers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def plot_sig_eps(self, p): p.set_xlabel('control displacement [mm]') p.set_ylabel('stress [MPa]') self.sig_eps_m.refresh() self.sig_eps_m.trace.plot(p, 'o-') self.sig_eps_f.refresh() self.sig_eps_f.trace.plot(p, 'o-') p.plot(self.sig_eps_m.trace.xdata, self.sig_eps_m.trace.ydata + self.sig_eps_f.trace.ydata, 'o-') def plot_eps(self, p): eps_m = self.eps_m_field.subfields[0] xdata = eps_m.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = eps_m.field_arr[:, 0, 0] idata = argsort(xdata) p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'o-') eps_f = self.eps_f_field.subfields[1] xdata = eps_f.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = eps_f.field_arr[:, 0, 0] idata = argsort(xdata) p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'o-') p.set_ylim(ymin=0) p.set_xlabel('bar axis [mm]') p.set_ylabel('strain [-]') def plot_omega(self, p): omega_m = self.omega_m_field.subfields[0] xdata = omega_m.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = omega_m.field_arr[:] idata = argsort(xdata) p.fill(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], facecolor='gray', alpha=0.2) print 'max omega', max(ydata[idata]) p.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=1.0) p.set_xlabel('bar axis [mm]') p.set_ylabel('omega [-]') def plot_sig(self, p): sig_m = self.sig_m_field.subfields[0] xdata = sig_m.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = sig_m.field_arr[:, 0, 0] idata = argsort(xdata) ymax = max(ydata) p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'o-') sig_f = self.sig_f_field.subfields[1] xdata = sig_f.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = sig_f.field_arr[:, 0, 0] idata = argsort(xdata) p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'o-') xdata = sig_f.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = sig_f.field_arr[:, 0, 0] + sig_m.field_arr[:, 0, 0] p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'ro-') p.set_ylim(ymin=0) # , ymax = 1.2 * ymax ) p.set_xlabel('bar axis [mm]') p.set_ylabel('stress [MPa]') def plot_shear_flow(self, p): shear_flow = self.shear_flow_field.subfields[1] xdata = shear_flow.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = shear_flow.field_arr[:, 0] / self.P_f idata = argsort(xdata) ymax = max(ydata) p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'o-') p.set_xlabel('bar axis [mm]') p.set_ylabel('shear flow [N/m]') def plot_slip(self, p): slip = self.slip_field.subfields[1] xdata = slip.vtk_X[:, 0] ydata = slip.field_arr[:, 0] idata = argsort(xdata) ymax = max(ydata) p.plot(xdata[idata], ydata[idata], 'ro-') p.set_xlabel('bar axis [mm]') p.set_ylabel('slip [N/m]') def plot_tracers(self, p=p): p.subplot(221) self.plot_sig_eps(p) p.subplot(223) self.plot_eps(p) p.subplot(224) self.plot_sig(p) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_ld = Instance(Figure) def _figure_ld_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_eps = Instance(Figure) def _figure_eps_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_shear_flow = Instance(Figure) def _figure_shear_flow_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_sig = Instance(Figure) def _figure_sig_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure #--------------------------------------------------------------- # PLOT OBJECT #------------------------------------------------------------------- figure_shear_flow = Instance(Figure) def _figure_shear_flow_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.12, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure def plot(self): self.figure_ld.clear() ax = self.figure_ld.gca() self.plot_sig_eps(ax) self.figure_eps.clear() ax = self.figure_eps.gca() self.plot_eps(ax) ax2 = ax.twinx() self.plot_omega(ax2) self.figure_sig.clear() ax = self.figure_sig.gca() self.plot_sig(ax) ax2 = ax.twinx() self.plot_omega(ax2) self.figure_shear_flow.clear() ax = self.figure_shear_flow.gca() self.plot_shear_flow(ax) ax2 = ax.twinx() self.plot_slip(ax2) self.data_changed = True def get_sim_outputs(self): ''' Specifies the results and their order returned by the model evaluation. ''' return [ SimOut(name='right end displacement', unit='m'), SimOut(name='peak load', uni='MPa') ] data_changed = Event toolbar = ToolBar(Action(name="Run", tooltip='Start computation', image=ImageResource('kt-start'), action="start_study"), Action(name="Pause", tooltip='Pause computation', image=ImageResource('kt-pause'), action="pause_study"), Action(name="Stop", tooltip='Stop computation', image=ImageResource('kt-stop'), action="stop_study"), image_size=(32, 32), show_tool_names=False, show_divider=True, name='view_toolbar'), traits_view = View(HSplit( VSplit( Item('run', show_label=False), VGroup( Item('shape'), Item('n_steps'), Item('length'), label='parameters', id='crackloc.viewmodel.factor.geometry', dock='tab', scrollable=True, ), VGroup(Item('E_m'), Item('f_m_t'), Item('avg_radius'), Item('h_m'), Item('b_m'), Item('A_m', style='readonly'), Item('mats_m', show_label=False), label='Matrix', dock='tab', id='crackloc.viewmodel.factor.matrix', scrollable=True), VGroup(Item('E_f'), Item('A_f'), Item('mats_f', show_label=False), label='Fiber', dock='tab', id='crackloc.viewmodel.factor.fiber', scrollable=True), VGroup(Group( Item('tau_max'), Item('s_crit'), Item('P_f', style='readonly', show_label=True), Item('K_b', style='readonly', show_label=True), Item('T_max', style='readonly', show_label=True), ), Item('mats_b', show_label=False), label='Bond', dock='tab', id='', scrollable=True), VGroup(Item('rho', style='readonly', show_label=True), label='Composite', dock='tab', id='crackloc.viewmodel.factor.jcomposite', scrollable=True), id='crackloc.viewmodel.left', label='studied factors', layout='tabbed', dock='tab', ), VSplit( VGroup( Item('figure_ld', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='stress-strain', id='crackloc.viewmode.figure_ld_window', dock='tab', ), VGroup( Item('figure_eps', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='strains profile', id='crackloc.viewmode.figure_eps_window', dock='tab', ), VGroup( Item('figure_sig', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='stress profile', id='crackloc.viewmode.figure_sig_window', dock='tab', ), VGroup( Item('figure_shear_flow', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='bond shear and slip profiles', id='crackloc.viewmode.figure_shear_flow_window', dock='tab', ), id='crackloc.viewmodel.right', ), id='crackloc.viewmodel.splitter', ), title='SimVisage Component: Crack localization', id='crackloc.viewmodel', dock='tab', resizable=True, height=0.8, width=0.8, buttons=[OKButton])
class ECBLMNDiagram(HasTraits): # calibrator supplying the effective material law calib = Instance(ECBLCalib) def _calib_default(self): return ECBLCalib(notify_change=self.set_modified) def _calib_changed(self): self.calib.notify_change = self.set_modified modified = Event def set_modified(self): print 'MN:set_modifeid' self.modified = True # cross section cs = DelegatesTo('calib') calibrated_ecb_law = Property(depends_on='modified') @cached_property def _get_calibrated_ecb_law(self): print 'NEW CALIBRATION' return self.calib.calibrated_ecb_law eps_cu = Property() def _get_eps_cu(self): return -self.cs.cc_law.eps_c_u eps_tu = Property() def _get_eps_tu(self): return self.calibrated_ecb_law.eps_tex_u n_eps = Int(5, auto_set=False, enter_set=True) eps_range = Property(depends_on='n_eps') @cached_property def _get_eps_range(self): eps_c_space = np.linspace(self.eps_cu, 0, self.n_eps) eps_t_space = np.linspace(0, self.eps_tu, self.n_eps) eps_ccu = 0.8 * self.eps_cu #eps_cc = self.eps_cu * np.ones_like(eps_c_space) eps_cc = np.linspace(eps_ccu, self.eps_cu, self.n_eps) eps_ct = self.eps_cu * np.ones_like(eps_t_space) eps_tc = self.eps_tu * np.ones_like(eps_c_space) eps_tt = self.eps_tu * np.ones_like(eps_t_space) eps1 = np.vstack([eps_c_space, eps_cc]) eps2 = np.vstack([eps_t_space, eps_ct]) eps3 = np.vstack([eps_tc, eps_c_space]) eps4 = np.vstack([eps_tt, eps_t_space]) return np.hstack([eps1, eps2, eps3, eps4]) n_eps_range = Property(depends_on='n_eps') @cached_property def _get_n_eps_range(self): return self.eps_range.shape[1] #=========================================================================== # MN Diagram #=========================================================================== def _get_MN_fn(self, eps_lo, eps_up): self.cs.set(eps_lo=eps_lo, eps_up=eps_up) return (self.cs.M, self.cs.N) MN_vct = Property(depends_on='modified') def _get_MN_vct(self): return np.vectorize(self._get_MN_fn) MN_arr = Property(depends_on='modified') @cached_property def _get_MN_arr(self): return self.MN_vct(self.eps_range[0, :], self.eps_range[1, :]) #=========================================================================== # f_eps Diagram #=========================================================================== current_eps_idx = Int(0) # , auto_set = False, enter_set = True) def _current_eps_idx_changed(self): self._clear_fired() self._replot_fired() current_eps = Property(depends_on='current_eps_idx') @cached_property def _get_current_eps(self): return self.eps_range[(0, 1), self.current_eps_idx] current_MN = Property(depends_on='current_eps_idx') @cached_property def _get_current_MN(self): return self._get_MN_fn(*self.current_eps) #=========================================================================== # Plotting #=========================================================================== figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure data_changed = Event clear = Button def _clear_fired(self): self.figure.clear() self.data_changed = True replot = Button def _replot_fired(self): ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax.plot(-self.eps_range, [0, 0.06], color='black') ax.plot(-self.current_eps, [0, 0.06], lw=3, color='red') ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) ax.plot(self.MN_arr[0], -self.MN_arr[1], lw=2, color='blue') ax.plot(self.current_MN[0], -self.current_MN[1], 'g.', markersize=20.0, color='red') ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.grid(b=None, which='major') self.cs.set(eps_lo=self.current_eps[0], eps_up=self.current_eps[1]) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) self.cs.plot_eps(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) self.cs.plot_sig(ax) self.data_changed = True view = View(HSplit( Group( HGroup( Group(Item('n_eps', springy=True), label='Discretization', springy=True), springy=True, ), HGroup( Group(VGroup( Item( 'cs', label='Cross section', show_label=False, springy=True, editor=InstanceEditor(kind='live'), ), Item( 'calib', label='Calibration', show_label=False, springy=True, editor=InstanceEditor(kind='live'), ), springy=True, ), label='Cross sectoin', springy=True), springy=True, ), scrollable=True, ), Group( HGroup( Item('replot', show_label=False), Item('clear', show_label=False), ), Item( 'current_eps_idx', editor=RangeEditor( low=0, high_name='n_eps_range', format='(%s)', mode='slider', auto_set=False, enter_set=False, ), show_label=False, ), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), id='simexdb.plot_sheet', label='plot sheet', dock='tab', ), ), width=1.0, height=0.8, resizable=True, buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'])
class ECBReinfTexUniform(ECBReinfComponent): '''Cross section characteristics needed for tensile specimens ''' height = DelegatesTo('matrix_cs') '''height of reinforced cross section ''' n_layers = Int(12, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, geo_input=True) '''total number of reinforcement layers [-] ''' n_rovings = Int(23, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, geo_input=True) '''number of rovings in 0-direction of one composite layer of the bending test [-]: ''' A_roving = Float(0.461, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, geo_input=True) '''cross section of one roving [mm**2]''' def convert_eps_tex_u_2_lo(self, eps_tex_u): '''Convert the strain in the lowest reinforcement layer at failure to the strain at the bottom of the cross section''' eps_up = self.state.eps_up return eps_up + (eps_tex_u - eps_up) / self.z_ti_arr[0] * self.height def convert_eps_lo_2_tex_u(self, eps_lo): '''Convert the strain at the bottom of the cross section to the strain in the lowest reinforcement layer at failure''' eps_up = self.state.eps_up return (eps_up + (eps_lo - eps_up) / self.height * self.z_ti_arr[0]) '''Convert the MN to kN ''' #=========================================================================== # material properties #=========================================================================== sig_tex_u = Float(1216., auto_set=False, enter_set=True, tt_input=True) '''Ultimate textile stress measured in the tensile test [MPa] ''' #=========================================================================== # Distribution of reinforcement #=========================================================================== s_tex_z = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''spacing between the layers [m]''' @cached_property def _get_s_tex_z(self): return self.height / (self.n_layers + 1) z_ti_arr = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''property: distance of each reinforcement layer from the top [m]: ''' @cached_property def _get_z_ti_arr(self): return np.array([ self.height - (i + 1) * self.s_tex_z for i in range(self.n_layers) ], dtype=float) zz_ti_arr = Property '''property: distance of reinforcement layers from the bottom ''' def _get_zz_ti_arr(self): return self.height - self.z_ti_arr #=========================================================================== # Discretization conform to the tex layers #=========================================================================== eps_i_arr = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''Strain at the level of the i-th reinforcement layer ''' @cached_property def _get_eps_i_arr(self): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # geometric params independent from the value for 'eps_t' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ height = self.height eps_lo = self.state.eps_lo eps_up = self.state.eps_up # strain at the height of each reinforcement layer [-]: # return eps_up + (eps_lo - eps_up) * self.z_ti_arr / height eps_ti_arr = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''Tension strain at the level of the i-th layer of the fabrics ''' @cached_property def _get_eps_ti_arr(self): return (np.fabs(self.eps_i_arr) + self.eps_i_arr) / 2.0 eps_ci_arr = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''Compression strain at the level of the i-th layer. ''' @cached_property def _get_eps_ci_arr(self): return (-np.fabs(self.eps_i_arr) + self.eps_i_arr) / 2.0 #=========================================================================== # Effective crack bridge law #=========================================================================== ecb_law_type = Trait('fbm', dict(fbm=ECBLFBM, cubic=ECBLCubic, linear=ECBLLinear, bilinear=ECBLBilinear), tt_input=True) '''Selector of the effective crack bridge law type ['fbm', 'cubic', 'linear', 'bilinear']''' ecb_law = Property(Instance(ECBLBase), depends_on='+tt_input') '''Effective crack bridge law corresponding to ecb_law_type''' @cached_property def _get_ecb_law(self): return self.ecb_law_type_(sig_tex_u=self.sig_tex_u, cs=self) show_ecb_law = Button '''Button launching a separate view of the effective crack bridge law. ''' def _show_ecb_law_fired(self): ecb_law_mw = ConstitutiveLawModelView(model=self.ecb_law) ecb_law_mw.edit_traits(kind='live') return tt_modified = Event sig_ti_arr = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''Stresses at the i-th fabric layer. ''' @cached_property def _get_sig_ti_arr(self): return self.ecb_law.mfn_vct(self.eps_ti_arr) f_ti_arr = Property(depends_on=ECB_COMPONENT_AND_EPS_CHANGE) '''force at the height of each reinforcement layer [kN]: ''' @cached_property def _get_f_ti_arr(self): sig_ti_arr = self.sig_ti_arr n_rovings = self.n_rovings A_roving = self.A_roving return sig_ti_arr * n_rovings * A_roving / self.unit_conversion_factor figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure data_changed = Event replot = Button def _replot_fired(self): self.figure.clear() ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) self.plot_eps(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) self.plot_sig(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) self.cc_law.plot(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) self.ecb_law.plot(ax) self.data_changed = True def plot_eps(self, ax): #ax = self.figure.gca() d = self.height # eps ti ax.plot([-self.eps_lo, -self.eps_up], [0, self.height], color='black') ax.hlines(self.zz_ti_arr, [0], -self.eps_ti_arr, lw=4, color='red') # eps cj ec = np.hstack([self.eps_cj_arr] + [0, 0]) zz = np.hstack([self.zz_cj_arr] + [0, self.height]) ax.fill(-ec, zz, color='blue') # reinforcement layers eps_range = np.array([max(0.0, self.eps_lo), min(0.0, self.eps_up)], dtype='float') z_ti_arr = np.ones_like(eps_range)[:, None] * self.z_ti_arr[None, :] ax.plot(-eps_range, z_ti_arr, 'k--', color='black') # neutral axis ax.plot(-eps_range, [d, d], 'k--', color='green', lw=2) ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') def plot_sig(self, ax): d = self.height # f ti ax.hlines(self.zz_ti_arr, [0], -self.f_ti_arr, lw=4, color='red') # f cj f_c = np.hstack([self.f_cj_arr] + [0, 0]) zz = np.hstack([self.zz_cj_arr] + [0, self.height]) ax.fill(-f_c, zz, color='blue') f_range = np.array( [np.max(self.f_ti_arr), np.min(f_c)], dtype='float_') # neutral axis ax.plot(-f_range, [d, d], 'k--', color='green', lw=2) ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') view = View(HSplit( Group( HGroup( Group(Item('height', springy=True), Item('width'), Item('n_layers'), Item('n_rovings'), Item('A_roving'), label='Geometry', springy=True), Group(Item('eps_up', label='Upper strain', springy=True), Item('eps_lo', label='Lower strain'), label='Strain', springy=True), springy=True, ), HGroup( Group(VGroup(Item('cc_law_type', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('cc_law', label='Edit', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('show_cc_law', label='Show', show_label=False, springy=True), springy=True), Item('f_ck', label='Compressive strength'), Item('n_cj', label='Discretization'), label='Concrete', springy=True), Group(VGroup( Item('ecb_law_type', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('ecb_law', label='Edit', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('show_ecb_law', label='Show', show_label=False, springy=True), springy=True, ), label='Reinforcement', springy=True), springy=True, ), Group( Item('s_tex_z', label='vertical spacing', style='readonly'), label='Layout', ), Group(HGroup( Item('M', springy=True, style='readonly'), Item('N', springy=True, style='readonly'), ), label='Stress resultants'), scrollable=True, ), Group( Item('replot', show_label=False), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), id='simexdb.plot_sheet', label='plot sheet', dock='tab', ), ), width=0.8, height=0.7, resizable=True, buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'])
class DoublePulloutSym(RF): implements(IRF) title = Str('symetrical yarn pullout') xi = Float(0.0179, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['weibull_min', 'uniform']) tau_fr = Float(2.5, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['uniform', 'norm']) # free length l = Float(0.0, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['uniform']) d = Float(26e-3, auto_set=False, input=True, enter_set=True, distr=['uniform', 'weibull_min']) E_mod = Float(72.0e3, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['uniform']) # slack theta = Float(0.01, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['uniform', 'norm']) phi = Float(1., auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['uniform', 'norm']) # embedded length L = Float(1., auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True, distr=['uniform']) free_fiber_end = Bool(True, input=True) w = Float(enter_set=True, input=True, ctrl_range=(0, 1, 10)) weave_code = ''' ''' def __call__(self, w, tau_fr, l, d, E_mod, theta, xi, phi, L): '''Return the force for a prescribed crack opening displacement w. ''' A = pi * d**2 / 4. l = l * (1 + theta) w = w - theta * l Tau = tau_fr * phi * d * pi P_ = 0.5 * (-l * Tau + sqrt(l**2 * Tau**2 + 4 * w * H(w) * E_mod * A * Tau)) # one sided pullout P_ = ( -l * Tau + sqrt( l ** 2 * Tau ** 2 + 2 * w * H( w ) * E_mod * A * Tau ) ) if self.free_fiber_end: # ------ FREE LENGTH ------- # frictional force along the bond length P_fr = Tau * (L - l) # if pullout_criterion positive - embedded # otherwise pulled out # pull_out_criterion = P_fr - P_ P_ = P_ * H(pull_out_criterion) + P_fr * H(-pull_out_criterion) else: # -------------------------- # ------ clamped fiber end --------- v = L * (l * Tau + Tau * L) / E_mod / A P_ = P_ * H(Tau * L - P_) + (Tau * L + (w - v) / (l + 2 * L) * A * E_mod) * H(P_ - Tau * L) # ---------------------------------- P = P_ * H(A * E_mod * xi - P_) return P figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure changed = Event @on_trait_change('+input') def _set_changed(self): self.changed = True data_changed = Event @on_trait_change('+input') def refresh(self): figure = self.figure figure.clear() axes = figure.gca() P_fn = lambda w: self.__call__(w, self.tau_fr, self.l, self.d, self. E_mod, self.theta, self.xi, self.phi, self.L) pyF = frompyfunc(P_fn, 1, 1) w_arr = linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100) P_arr = array(pyF(w_arr), dtype='float_') axes.plot(w_arr, P_arr, lw=1.0, color='blue') self.data_changed = True group_attribs = VGroup( Item('tau_fr'), Item('l'), Item('d'), Item('E_mod'), Item('theta'), Item('xi'), Item('phi'), Item('L'), Item('free_fiber_end'), ), traits_view = View( group_attribs, scrollable=True, resizable=True, id='mk.figure.attribs', dock='tab', ) traits_view_diag = View(HSplit( group_attribs, VGroup(Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, resizable=True), id='mk.figure.view'), ), id='mk.view', buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], resizable=True, width=600, height=400)
class MKYarnPDistrib(HasTraits): implements(IPDistrib) n_int = Int(50, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True) p_s = Float(0.0, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True) p_c = Float(0.0, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True) k_s = Float(0.0, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True) k_c = Float(0.0, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, input=True) x_array = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_x_array(self): a = min(self.p_s, self.p_c) b = max(self.p_s, self.p_c) return linspace(a, b, self.n_int) polynom = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_polynom(self): p_c = self.p_c p_s = self.p_s k_s = self.k_s k_c = self.k_c a = min(self.p_s, self.p_c) b = max(self.p_s, self.p_c) xi = linspace(-0.2, 1.2, 1000) x = (p_c - p_s) * ((k_s + k_c - 2) * xi**3 + (3 - 2 * k_s - k_c) * xi**2 + k_s * xi) + p_s x = sort(x) xi = sort(xi) return MFnLineArray(xdata=x, ydata=xi) cdf_array = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_cdf_array(self): line = self.polynom X = self.x_array pyCDF = frompyfunc(line.get_value, 1, 1) return array(pyCDF(X), dtype='float_') pdf_array = Property(depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_pdf_array(self): line = self.polynom X = self.x_array pyf = frompyfunc(line.get_diff, 1, 1) PDF = array(pyf(X), dtype='float_') return PDF dx = Property() def _get_dx(self): return abs(self.p_c - self.p_s) / (self.n_int - 1) def get_pdf_array(self, x_array): line = self.polynom X = x_array pyf = frompyfunc(line.get_diff, 1, 1) PDF = array(pyf(X), dtype='float_') return PDF def integ(self): return trapz(self.pdf_array, x=self.x_array) data_mean = Property(Float, depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_data_mean(self): X = self.x_array x = linspace(X[0], X[-1], 300) PDF = self.get_pdf_array(x) data_mean = trapz(x * PDF, x=x) return data_mean data_stdev = Property(Float, depends_on='+input') @cached_property def _get_data_stdev(self): X = self.x_array x = linspace(X[0], X[-1], 300) PDF = self.get_pdf_array(x) data_stdev = sqrt(trapz(x**2 * PDF, x=x) - self.data_mean**2) return data_stdev figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure data_changed = Event @on_trait_change('+input') def refresh(self): figure = self.figure figure.clear() axes = figure.gca() # plot PDF and CDF X = self.x_array x = linspace(X[0], X[-1], 300) PDF = self.get_pdf_array(x) line = self.polynom pyCDF = frompyfunc(line.get_value, 1, 1) CDF = pyCDF(x) axes.plot(x, PDF, lw=1.0, color='blue', \ label='PDF') axes2 = axes.twinx() # plot CDF on a separate axis (tick labels left) axes2.plot(x, CDF, lw=2, color='red', \ label='CDF') # fill the unity area given by integrating PDF along the X-axis axes.fill_between(x, 0, PDF, color='lightblue', alpha=0.8, linewidth=2) # plot mean mean = self.data_mean axes.plot([mean, mean], [0.0, self.get_pdf_array(mean)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='-') # plot stdev stdev = self.data_stdev axes.plot([mean - stdev, mean - stdev], [0.0, self.get_pdf_array(mean - stdev)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='--') axes.plot([mean + stdev, mean + stdev], [0.0, self.get_pdf_array(mean + stdev)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='--') axes.legend(loc='upper center') axes2.legend(loc='upper right') axes.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-3., 4.)) axes2.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-3., 4.)) # plot limits on X and Y axes axes.set_ylim(0.0, max(PDF) * 1.15) axes2.set_ylim(0.0, 1.15) axes.set_xlim(X[0], X[-1]) axes2.set_xlim(X[0], X[-1]) self.data_changed = True traits_view = View(HSplit( VGroup(Item('p_c'), Item('p_s'), Item('k_c'), Item('k_s'), Item('data_mean', label='mean', style='readonly'), Item('data_stdev', label='stdev', style='readonly')), VGroup(Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, resizable=True), id='mk.figure.view'), ), id='mk.view', buttons=[OKButton, CancelButton], resizable=True, width=600, height=400)
class MKPullOut(HasTraits): rf = Instance(DoublePulloutSym) def _rf_default(self): return DoublePulloutSym(tau_fr=3.14, l=0.0, d=25.5e-3, E_mod=70.0e3, theta=0.0, xi=0.0179, phi=1., L=30.0) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # select the concrete mixture from the concrete database: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_distribs_key = Enum(MKPullOutParamDistribs.db.keys(), simdb=True, input=True, auto_set=False, enter_set=True) param_distribs_ref = Property(Instance(SimDBClass), depends_on='param_distribs_key') @cached_property def _get_param_distribs_ref(self): return MKPullOutParamDistribs.db[self.param_distribs_key] po = Property(Instance(YarnPullOut), depends_on='param_distribs_key') @cached_property def _get_po(self): pd = self.param_distribs_ref return YarnPullOut(rf=self.rf, pdf_phi=pd.phi, pdf_phi_on=True, pdf_theta=pd.theta, pdf_theta_on=True, pdf_l=pd.ell, pdf_ell_on=True, n_f=1743, w_max=1.2) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # view #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- traits_view = View( VSplit( VGroup( Spring(), Item('param_distribs_key', label='parameters'), Spring(), Item('param_distribs_ref@', show_label=False), Spring(), id='mkpo.split.pd', label='parameter distributions', dock='tab', ), HSplit( Item('po@', show_label=False), label='Pull Out', id='mkpo.split.pu', scrollable=True, dock='tab', ), dock='tab', id='mkpo.split', orientation='vertical', ), dock='tab', id='mkpo', scrollable=True, resizable=True, height=0.4, width=0.5, buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], )
class ECBLCalibHistModelView(ModelView): '''Model in a viewable window. ''' model = Instance(ECBLCalibHist) def _model_default(self): return ECBLCalibHist() cs_states = Property(List(Instance(ECBCrossSectionState)), depends_on='model') @cached_property def _get_cs_states(self): return self.model.cs_states current_cs_state = Instance(ECBCrossSectionState) def _current_cs_default(self): self.model.cs_states[0] def _current_cs_state_changed(self): self._replot_fired() eps_range = Property def _get_eps_range(self): eps_arr = [[cs_state.eps_up, cs_state.eps_lo] for cs_state in self.cs_states] eps_range = np.asarray(eps_arr) print 'eps_range', eps_range return (-np.max(eps_range[:, 1]), -np.min(eps_range[:, 0])) f_range = Property def _get_f_range(self): f_arr = [[np.max(cs_state.f_ti_arr), np.min(cs_state.f_cj_arr)] for cs_state in self.cs_states] f_range = np.asarray(f_arr) print 'eps_range', f_range return (-np.max(f_range[:, 0]), -np.min(f_range[:, 1])) data_changed = Event figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure replot = Button() def _replot_fired(self): if self.current_cs_state: cs = self.current_cs_state else: cs = self.cs_states[0] cs.plot(self.figure, eps_range=self.eps_range, f_range=self.f_range) self.data_changed = True clear = Button() def _clear_fired(self): self.figure.clear() self.data_changed = True view = View(HSplit( VGroup( Item('cs_states', editor=cs_states_editor, label='Cross section', show_label=False), Item('model@', show_label=False), ), Group( HGroup( Item('replot', show_label=False), Item('clear', show_label=False), ), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), id='simexdb.plot_sheet', label='plot sheet', dock='tab', ), ), width=0.8, height=0.7, buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'], resizable=True)
class YMBReport(HasTraits): body_tex = Str() data = Instance(YMBData, changed=True) yarn = Property(Str, depends_on='+changed') @cached_property def _get_yarn(self): return data_dir = Property(Str, depends_on='+changed') def _get_data_dir(self): return join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'trc', 'yarn_structure', self.yarn, 'raw_data') tex_dir = Property(Str, depends_on='+changed') def _get_tex_dir(self): return join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'trc', 'yarn_structure', self.yarn, 'report') fig_dir = Property(Str, depends_on='+changed') def _get_fig_dir(self): return join(simdb.exdata_dir, 'trc', 'yarn_structure', self.yarn, 'report', 'figs') # select data for report plot_3d_on = Bool(True) hist_rad_on = Bool(True) hist_cf_on = Bool(True) hist_bfl_on = Bool(True) hist_slack_on = Bool(True) corr_plot_rad_on = Bool(True) corr_plot_cf_on = Bool(True) corr_plot_bfl_on = Bool(True) corr_plot_slack_on = Bool(True) spirrid_on = Bool(False) hist_axes_adjust = List([0.12, 0.17, 0.68, 0.68]) corr_axes_adjust = List([0.15, 0.17, 0.75, 0.68]) n_bins = Int(40) ################################# # BUILD REPORT ################################# build = Button(label='build report') def _build_fired(self): self._directory_test() # get the yarn type yt = if self.plot_3d_on == True: self._save_plot3d_fired() if self.hist_rad_on == True: self._save_rad_fired() if self.hist_cf_on == True: self._save_cf_fired() if self.hist_bfl_on == True: self._save_bfl_fired() if self.hist_slack_on == True: self._save_slack_fired() if self.corr_plot_rad_on == True: self._save_corr_plot_rad_fired() if self.corr_plot_cf_on == True: self._save_corr_plot_cf_fired() if self.corr_plot_bfl_on == True: self._save_corr_plot_bfl_fired() if self.corr_plot_slack_on == True: self._save_corr_plot_slack_fired() print '================' print 'Figure(s) saved' print '================' ################################# # BUILD REPORT ################################# filename = 'ymb_report_' + yt texfile = join(self.tex_dir, filename + '.tex') pdffile = join(self.tex_dir, filename + '.pdf') bodyfile = join(self.tex_dir, texfile) body_out = open(bodyfile, 'w') self.body_tex += 'Yarn with contact fraction limit = %s\n' % if self.plot_3d_on == True: self.body_tex += self.plot3d_tex if self.hist_rad_on == True: self.body_tex += self.rad_tex if self.hist_cf_on == True: self.body_tex += self.cf_tex if self.hist_bfl_on == True: self.body_tex += self.bfl_tex if self.hist_slack_on == True: self.body_tex += self.slack_tex if self.corr_plot_rad_on == True: self.body_tex += self.corr_plot_rad_tex if self.corr_plot_cf_on == True: self.body_tex += self.corr_plot_cf_tex if self.corr_plot_bfl_on == True: self.body_tex += self.corr_plot_bfl_tex if self.corr_plot_slack_on == True: self.body_tex += self.corr_plot_slack_tex body_out.write(start_tex) body_out.write('\section*{ Yarn %s }' % (self.yarn)) body_out.write(self.body_tex) body_out.write(end_tex) body_out.close() os.system('cd ' + self.tex_dir + ';pdflatex -shell-escape ' + texfile) print '==============================' print 'Report written to %s', texfile print '==============================' os.system('acroread ' + pdffile + ' &') ################################# # 3d PLOT ################################# plot3d = Property(Instance(YMBView3D)) @cached_property def _get_plot3d(self): plot3d = YMBView3D(, color_map='binary') # black-white return plot3d save_plot3d = Button(label='save plot3d figure') def _save_plot3d_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'plot3d.png'), (1000, 800)) plot3d_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_plot3d_tex(self): filename = 'plot3d.png' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, '3D yarn plot') else: self._save_plot3d_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, '3D yarn plot') ################################# # HISTOGRAM PLOT AND SAVE ################################# hist_rad = Property(Instance(YMBHist)) # Instance(Figure ) @cached_property def _get_hist_rad(self): histog = YMBHist() histog.set(edge_color='black', face_color='0.75', axes_adjust=self.hist_axes_adjust) slider = YMBSlider(var_enum='radius', return histog.set(slider=slider, bins=self.n_bins, normed_on=True) save_rad = Button(label='save histogram of radius') def _save_rad_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'radius.pdf') self.hist_rad.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') rad_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_rad_tex(self): filename = 'radius.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of filament radius') else: self._save_rad_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of filament radius') hist_cf = Property(Instance(YMBHist)) @cached_property def _get_hist_cf(self): histog = YMBHist() histog.set(edge_color='black', face_color='0.75', axes_adjust=self.hist_axes_adjust) slider = YMBSlider(var_enum='contact fraction', return histog.set(slider=slider, bins=self.n_bins, normed_on=True) save_cf = Button(label='save histogram of contact fraction') def _save_cf_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'contact_fraction.pdf') self.hist_cf.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') cf_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_cf_tex(self): filename = 'contact_fraction.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of contact fraction') else: self._save_cf_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of contact fraction') hist_bfl = Property(Instance(YMBHist)) @cached_property def _get_hist_bfl(self): histog = YMBHist() histog.set(edge_color='black', face_color='0.75', axes_adjust=self.hist_axes_adjust) slider = YMBSlider(var_enum='bond free length', return histog.set(slider=slider, bins=self.n_bins, normed_on=True) save_bfl = Button(label='save histogram of bond free length') def _save_bfl_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = 'bond_free_length.pdf' self.hist_bfl.figure.savefig(join(self.fig_dir, filename), format='pdf') bfl_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_bfl_tex(self): filename = 'bond_free_length.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of bond free length') else: self._save_bfl_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of bond free length') hist_slack = Property(Instance(YMBHist)) @cached_property def _get_hist_slack(self): histog = YMBHist() histog.set(edge_color='black', face_color='0.75', axes_adjust=self.hist_axes_adjust) slider = YMBSlider(var_enum='slack', return histog.set(slider=slider, bins=self.n_bins, normed_on=True, xlimit_on=True, xlimit=0.03) save_slack = Button(label='save histogram of slack') def _save_slack_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'slack.pdf') self.hist_slack.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') slack_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_slack_tex(self): filename = 'slack.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of slack') else: self._save_slack_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Histogram of slack') corr_plot_rad = Property(Instance(YMBAutoCorrel)) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_rad(self): plot = YMBAutoCorrelView() plot.set(color='black', axes_adjust=self.corr_axes_adjust) return plot.set( correl_data=YMBAutoCorrel(data=data, var_enum='radius')) save_corr_plot_rad = Button(label='save correlation plot of radius') def _save_corr_plot_rad_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'corr_plot_rad.pdf') self.corr_plot_rad.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') corr_plot_rad_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_rad_tex(self): filename = 'corr_plot_rad.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of radius') else: self._save_corr_plot_rad_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of radius') corr_plot_cf = Property(Instance(YMBAutoCorrel)) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_cf(self): plot = YMBAutoCorrelView() plot.set(color='black', axes_adjust=self.corr_axes_adjust) return plot.set( correl_data=YMBAutoCorrel(data=data, var_enum='contact fraction')) save_corr_plot_cf = Button( label='save correlation plot of contact fraction') def _save_corr_plot_cf_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'corr_plot_cf.pdf') self.corr_plot_cf.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') corr_plot_cf_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_cf_tex(self): filename = 'corr_plot_cf.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of contact fraction') else: self._save_corr_plot_cf_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of contact fraction') corr_plot_bfl = Property(Instance(YMBAutoCorrel)) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_bfl(self): plot = YMBAutoCorrelView() plot.set(color='black', axes_adjust=self.corr_axes_adjust) return plot.set( correl_data=YMBAutoCorrel(data=data, var_enum='bond free length')) save_corr_plot_bfl = Button(label='save corr plot of bond free length') def _save_corr_plot_bfl_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'corr_plot_bfl.pdf') self.corr_plot_bfl.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') corr_plot_bfl_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_bfl_tex(self): filename = 'corr_plot_bfl.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of bond free length') else: self._save_corr_plot_bfl_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of bond free length') corr_plot_slack = Property(Instance(YMBAutoCorrel)) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_slack(self): plot = YMBAutoCorrelView() plot.set(color='black', axes_adjust=self.corr_axes_adjust) return plot.set(correl_data=YMBAutoCorrel(data=data, var_enum='slack')) save_corr_plot_slack = Button(label='save corr plot of slack') def _save_corr_plot_slack_fired(self): self._directory_test() filename = join(self.fig_dir, 'corr_plot_slack.pdf') self.corr_plot_slack.figure.savefig(filename, format='pdf') corr_plot_slack_tex = Property(Str) @cached_property def _get_corr_plot_slack_tex(self): filename = 'corr_plot_slack.pdf' if file_test(join(self.fig_dir, filename)) == True: return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of slack') else: self._save_corr_plot_slack_fired() return fig_tex % (filename, 'Autocorrelation of slack') ################################# # CORRELATION PLOT AND TABLE ################################# def corr_plot(self): return 0 ################################# # SPIRRID PLOT ################################# spirrid_plot = Property(Instance(YMBPullOut)) @cached_property def _get_spirrid_plot(self): return YMBPullOut( pdf_theta = Property(Instance(IPDistrib)) def _get_pdf_theta(self): theta = self.spirrid_plot.pdf_theta # theta.set( face_color = '0.75', edge_color = 'black', axes_adjust = [0.13, 0.18, 0.8, 0.7] ) return theta pdf_l = Property(Instance(IPDistrib)) def _get_pdf_l(self): return self.spirrid_plot.pdf_l pdf_phi = Property(Instance(IPDistrib)) def _get_pdf_phi(self): return self.spirrid_plot.pdf_phi pdf_xi = Property(Instance(IPDistrib)) def _get_pdf_xi(self): return self.spirrid_plot.pdf_xi.figure def _directory_test(self): if os.access(self.tex_dir, os.F_OK) == False: os.mkdir(self.tex_dir) if os.access(self.fig_dir, os.F_OK) == False: os.mkdir(self.fig_dir) traits_view = View( HSplit( Group( Item('data@', show_label=False), HGroup( VGrid( Item( 'plot_3d_on', label='plot3d', ), Item('save_plot3d', show_label=False, visible_when='plot_3d_on == True'), Item('_'), Item('hist_rad_on', label='radius_hist'), Item('save_rad', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_rad_on == True'), Item('hist_cf_on', label='cf_hist'), Item('save_cf', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_cf_on == True'), Item('hist_bfl_on', label='bfl_hist'), Item('save_bfl', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_bfl_on == True'), Item('hist_slack_on', label='slack_hist'), Item('save_slack', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_slack_on == True'), Item('_'), Item('corr_plot_rad_on', label='corr_plot_rad'), Item('save_corr_plot_rad', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_slack_on == True'), Item('corr_plot_cf_on', label='corr_plot_cf'), Item('save_corr_plot_cf', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_slack_on == True'), Item('corr_plot_bfl_on', label='corr_plot_bfl'), Item('save_corr_plot_bfl', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_slack_on == True'), Item('corr_plot_slack_on', label='corr_plot_slack'), Item('save_corr_plot_slack', show_label=False, visible_when='hist_slack_on == True'), ), VGrid(Item('spirrid_on'), ), ), Item('build'), label='report', id='report.bool', ), ), VGroup( HGroup( Item('hist_rad@', show_label=False), Item('hist_cf@', show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item('hist_bfl@', show_label=False), Item('hist_slack@', show_label=False), ), label='histograms', id='report.hist', ), VGroup( HGroup( Item('corr_plot_rad@', show_label=False), Item('corr_plot_cf@', show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item('corr_plot_bfl@', show_label=False), Item('corr_plot_slack@', show_label=False), ), label='correlation plot', id='report.corr_plot', ), # HGroup( # Group( # Item( 'pdf_theta@', show_label = False ), # Item( 'pdf_l@', show_label = False ), # ), # Group( # Item( 'pdf_phi@', show_label = False ), # Item( 'pdf_xi@', show_label = False ), # ), # label = 'pdf', # id = 'report.pdf', # #scrollable = True, # ), Group(Item('plot3d@', show_label=False), label='plot3d', id='report.plot3d'), resizable=True, title=u"Yarn name", handler=TitleHandler(), id='report.main', )
class PDistribView(ModelView): def __init__(self, **kw): super(PDistribView, self).__init__(**kw) self.on_trait_change( self.refresh, 'model.distr_type.changed, model.quantile, model.n_segments') self.refresh() model = Instance(PDistrib) figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure data_changed = Event def plot(self, fig): figure = fig figure.clear() axes = figure.gca() # plot PDF axes.plot(self.model.x_array, self.model.pdf_array, lw=1.0, color='blue', label='PDF') axes2 = axes.twinx() # plot CDF on a separate axis (tick labels left) axes2.plot(self.model.x_array, self.model.cdf_array, lw=2, color='red', label='CDF') # fill the unity area given by integrating PDF along the X-axis axes.fill_between(self.model.x_array, 0, self.model.pdf_array, color='lightblue', alpha=0.8, linewidth=2) # plot mean mean = self.model.distr_type.distr.stats('m') axes.plot([mean, mean], [0.0, self.model.distr_type.distr.pdf(mean)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='-') # plot stdev stdev = sqrt(self.model.distr_type.distr.stats('v')) axes.plot([mean - stdev, mean - stdev], [0.0, self.model.distr_type.distr.pdf(mean - stdev)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='--') axes.plot([mean + stdev, mean + stdev], [0.0, self.model.distr_type.distr.pdf(mean + stdev)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='--') axes.legend(loc='center left') axes2.legend(loc='center right') axes.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-3., 4.)) axes2.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-3., 4.)) # plot limits on X and Y axes axes.set_ylim(0.0, max(self.model.pdf_array) * 1.15) axes2.set_ylim(0.0, 1.15) range = self.model.range[1] - self.model.range[0] axes.set_xlim(self.model.x_array[0] - 0.05 * range, self.model.x_array[-1] + 0.05 * range) axes2.set_xlim(self.model.x_array[0] - 0.05 * range, self.model.x_array[-1] + 0.05 * range) def refresh(self): self.plot(self.figure) self.data_changed = True icon = Property( Instance(ImageResource), depends_on='model.distr_type.changed, model.quantile, model.n_segments' ) @cached_property def _get_icon(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), facecolor='white') self.plot(fig) tf_handle, tf_name = tempfile.mkstemp('.png') fig.savefig(tf_name, dpi=35) return ImageResource(name=tf_name) traits_view = View(HSplit(VGroup( Group( Item('model.distr_choice', show_label=False), Item('@model.distr_type', show_label=False), ), id='pdistrib.distr_type.pltctrls', label='Distribution parameters', scrollable=True, ), Tabbed( Group( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, resizable=True), scrollable=True, label='Plot', ), Group(Item('model.quantile', label='quantile'), Item('model.n_segments', label='plot points'), label='Plot parameters'), label='Plot', id='pdistrib.figure.params', dock='tab', ), dock='tab', id='pdistrib.figure.view'), id='pdistrib.view', dock='tab', title='Statistical distribution', buttons=[OKButton, CancelButton], scrollable=True, resizable=True, width=600, height=400)
class PDistrib(HasTraits): implements = IPDistrib def __init__(self, **kw): super(PDistrib, self).__init__(**kw) self.on_trait_change(self.refresh, 'distr_type.changed,quantile,n_segments') self.refresh() # puts all chosen continuous distributions distributions defined # in the scipy.stats.distributions module as a list of strings # into the Enum trait # distr_choice = Enum(distr_enum) distr_choice = Enum('sin2x', 'weibull_min', 'sin_distr', 'uniform', 'norm', 'piecewise_uniform', 'gamma') distr_dict = { 'sin2x': sin2x, 'uniform': uniform, 'norm': norm, 'weibull_min': weibull_min, 'sin_distr': sin_distr, 'piecewise_uniform': piecewise_uniform, 'gamma': gamma } # instantiating the continuous distributions distr_type = Property(Instance(Distribution), depends_on='distr_choice') @cached_property def _get_distr_type(self): return Distribution(self.distr_dict[self.distr_choice]) # change monitor - accumulate the changes in a single event trait changed = Event @on_trait_change('distr_choice, distr_type.changed, quantile, n_segments') def _set_changed(self): self.changed = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods setting the statistical modments #------------------------------------------------------------------------ mean = Property def _get_mean(self): return self.distr_type.mean def _set_mean(self, value): self.distr_type.mean = value variance = Property def _get_variance(self): return self.distr_type.mean def _set_variance(self, value): self.distr_type.mean = value #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods preparing visualization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ quantile = Float(1e-14, auto_set=False, enter_set=True) range = Property(Tuple(Float), depends_on=\ 'distr_type.changed, quantile') @cached_property def _get_range(self): return (self.distr_type.distr.ppf(self.quantile), self.distr_type.distr.ppf(1 - self.quantile)) n_segments = Int(500, auto_set=False, enter_set=True) dx = Property(Float, depends_on=\ 'distr_type.changed, quantile, n_segments') @cached_property def _get_dx(self): range_length = self.range[1] - self.range[0] return range_length / self.n_segments #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Discretization of the distribution domain #------------------------------------------------------------------------- x_array = Property(Array('float_'), depends_on=\ 'distr_type.changed,'\ 'quantile, n_segments') @cached_property def _get_x_array(self): '''Get the intrinsic discretization of the distribution respecting its bounds. ''' return linspace(self.range[0], self.range[1], self.n_segments + 1) #=========================================================================== # Access function to the scipy distribution #=========================================================================== def pdf(self, x): return self.distr_type.distr.pdf(x) def cdf(self, x): return self.distr_type.distr.cdf(x) def rvs(self, n): return self.distr_type.distr.rvs(n) def ppf(self, e): return self.distr_type.distr.ppf(e) #=========================================================================== # PDF - permanent array #=========================================================================== pdf_array = Property(Array('float_'), depends_on=\ 'distr_type.changed,'\ 'quantile, n_segments') @cached_property def _get_pdf_array(self): '''Get pdf values in intrinsic positions''' return self.distr_type.distr.pdf(self.x_array) def get_pdf_array(self, x_array): '''Get pdf values in externally specified positions''' return self.distr_type.distr.pdf(x_array) #=========================================================================== # CDF permanent array #=========================================================================== cdf_array = Property(Array('float_'), depends_on=\ 'distr_type.changed,'\ 'quantile, n_segments') @cached_property def _get_cdf_array(self): '''Get cdf values in intrinsic positions''' return self.distr_type.distr.cdf(self.x_array) def get_cdf_array(self, x_array): '''Get cdf values in externally specified positions''' return self.distr_type.distr.cdf(x_array) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Randomization #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_rvs_array(self, n_samples): return self.distr_type.distr.rvs(n_samples) figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') return figure data_changed = Event def plot(self, fig): figure = fig figure.clear() axes = figure.gca() # plot PDF axes.plot(self.x_array, self.pdf_array, lw=1.0, color='blue', \ label='PDF') axes2 = axes.twinx() # plot CDF on a separate axis (tick labels left) axes2.plot(self.x_array, self.cdf_array, lw=2, color='red', \ label='CDF') # fill the unity area given by integrating PDF along the X-axis axes.fill_between(self.x_array, 0, self.pdf_array, color='lightblue', alpha=0.8, linewidth=2) # plot mean mean = self.distr_type.distr.stats('m') axes.plot([mean, mean], [0.0, self.distr_type.distr.pdf(mean)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='-') # plot stdev stdev = sqrt(self.distr_type.distr.stats('v')) axes.plot([mean - stdev, mean - stdev], [0.0, self.distr_type.distr.pdf(mean - stdev)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='--') axes.plot([mean + stdev, mean + stdev], [0.0, self.distr_type.distr.pdf(mean + stdev)], lw=1.5, color='black', linestyle='--') axes.legend(loc='center left') axes2.legend(loc='center right') axes.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-3., 4.)) axes2.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(-3., 4.)) # plot limits on X and Y axes axes.set_ylim(0.0, max(self.pdf_array) * 1.15) axes2.set_ylim(0.0, 1.15) range = self.range[1] - self.range[0] axes.set_xlim(self.x_array[0] - 0.05 * range, self.x_array[-1] + 0.05 * range) axes2.set_xlim(self.x_array[0] - 0.05 * range, self.x_array[-1] + 0.05 * range) def refresh(self): self.plot(self.figure) self.data_changed = True icon = Property(Instance(ImageResource), depends_on='distr_type.changed,quantile,n_segments') @cached_property def _get_icon(self): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), facecolor='white') self.plot(fig) tf_handle, tf_name = tempfile.mkstemp('.png') fig.savefig(tf_name, dpi=35) return ImageResource(name=tf_name) traits_view = View(HSplit(VGroup( Group( Item('distr_choice', show_label=False), Item('@distr_type', show_label=False), ), id='pdistrib.distr_type.pltctrls', label='Distribution parameters', scrollable=True, ), Tabbed( Group( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, resizable=True), scrollable=True, label='Plot', ), Group(Item('quantile', label='quantile'), Item('n_segments', label='plot points'), label='Plot parameters'), label='Plot', id='pdistrib.figure.params', dock='tab', ), dock='tab', id='pdistrib.figure.view'), id='pdistrib.view', dock='tab', title='Statistical distribution', buttons=['Ok', 'Cancel'], scrollable=True, resizable=True, width=600, height=400)
class ECBCrossSection(ECBCrossSectionState): '''Cross section characteristics needed for tensile specimens ''' matrix_cs = Instance(ECBMatrixCrossSection) def _matrix_cs_default(self): return ECBMatrixCrossSection() reinf = List(ECBReinfComponent) '''Components of the cross section including the matrix and reinforcement. ''' matrix_cs_with_state = Property(depends_on='matrix_cs') @cached_property def _get_matrix_cs_with_state(self): self.matrix_cs.state = self return self.matrix_cs reinf_components_with_state = Property(depends_on='reinf') '''Components linked to the strain state of the cross section ''' @cached_property def _get_reinf_components_with_state(self): for r in self.reinf: r.state = self r.matrix_cs = self.matrix_cs return self.reinf height = DelegatesTo('matrix_cs') unit_conversion_factor = Constant(1000.0) '''Convert the MN to kN ''' #=========================================================================== # State management #=========================================================================== changed = Event '''Notifier of a changed in some component of a cross section ''' @on_trait_change('+eps_input') def _notify_eps_change(self): self.changed = True self.matrix_cs.eps_changed = True for c in self.reinf: c.eps_changed = True #=========================================================================== # Cross-sectional stress resultants #=========================================================================== N = Property(depends_on='changed') '''Get the resulting normal force. ''' @cached_property def _get_N(self): N_matrix = self.matrix_cs_with_state.N return N_matrix + np.sum([c.N for c in self.reinf_components_with_state]) M = Property(depends_on='changed') '''Get the resulting moment. ''' @cached_property def _get_M(self): M_matrix = self.matrix_cs_with_state.M M = M_matrix + np.sum([c.M for c in self.reinf_components_with_state]) return M - self.N * self.height / 2. figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure data_changed = Event replot = Button def _replot_fired(self): self.figure.clear() ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) self.plot_eps(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) self.plot_sig(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) self.cc_law.plot(ax) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) self.ecb_law.plot(ax) self.data_changed = True def plot_eps(self, ax): # ax = self.figure.gca() d = self.thickness # eps ti ax.plot([-self.eps_lo, -self.eps_up], [0, self.thickness], color='black') ax.hlines(self.zz_ti_arr, [0], -self.eps_ti_arr, lw=4, color='red') # eps cj ec = np.hstack([self.eps_cj_arr] + [0, 0]) zz = np.hstack([self.zz_cj_arr] + [0, self.thickness ]) ax.fill(-ec, zz, color='blue') # reinforcement layers eps_range = np.array([max(0.0, self.eps_lo), min(0.0, self.eps_up)], dtype='float') z_ti_arr = np.ones_like(eps_range)[:, None] * self.z_ti_arr[None, :] ax.plot(-eps_range, z_ti_arr, 'k--', color='black') # neutral axis ax.plot(-eps_range, [d, d], 'k--', color='green', lw=2) ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') def plot_sig(self, ax): d = self.thickness # f ti ax.hlines(self.zz_ti_arr, [0], -self.f_ti_arr, lw=4, color='red') # f cj f_c = np.hstack([self.f_cj_arr] + [0, 0]) zz = np.hstack([self.zz_cj_arr] + [0, self.thickness ]) ax.fill(-f_c, zz, color='blue') f_range = np.array([np.max(self.f_ti_arr), np.min(f_c)], dtype='float_') # neutral axis ax.plot(-f_range, [d, d], 'k--', color='green', lw=2) ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.spines['bottom'].set_smart_bounds(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') view = View(HSplit(Group( HGroup( Group(Item('thickness', springy=True), Item('width'), Item('n_layers'), Item('n_rovings'), Item('A_roving'), label='Geometry', springy=True ), Group(Item('eps_up', label='Upper strain', springy=True), Item('eps_lo', label='Lower strain'), label='Strain', springy=True ), springy=True, ), HGroup( Group(VGroup( Item('cc_law_type', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('cc_law', label='Edit', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('show_cc_law', label='Show', show_label=False, springy=True), springy=True ), Item('f_ck', label='Compressive strength'), Item('n_cj', label='Discretization'), label='Concrete', springy=True ), Group(VGroup( Item('ecb_law_type', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('ecb_law', label='Edit', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('show_ecb_law', label='Show', show_label=False, springy=True), springy=True, ), label='Reinforcement', springy=True ), springy=True, ), Group(Item('s_tex_z', label='vertical spacing', style='readonly'), label='Layout', ), Group( HGroup(Item('M', springy=True, style='readonly'), Item('N', springy=True, style='readonly'), ), label='Stress resultants' ), scrollable=True, ), Group(Item('replot', show_label=False), Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), id='simexdb.plot_sheet', label='plot sheet', dock='tab', ), ), width=0.8, height=0.7, resizable=True, buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'])
class YarnPullOut(HasTraits): '''Idealization of the double sided pullout using the SPIRRID statistical integration tool. ''' rf = Instance(DoublePulloutSym) def _rf_default(self): return DoublePulloutSym(tau_fr=2.6, l=0.0, d=25.5e-3, E_mod=72.0e3, theta=0.0, xi=0.0179, phi=1., L=30.0, free_fiber_end=True) # return DoublePulloutSym( tau_fr = 2.5, l = 0.01, d = 25.5e-3, E_mod = 70.0e3, # theta = 0.01, xi = 0.0179, phi = 1., n_f = 1723 ) figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(facecolor='white') figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.13, 0.85, 0.74]) return figure pdf_theta_on = Bool(True) pdf_l_on = Bool(True) pdf_phi_on = Bool(True) pdf_xi_on = Bool(True) pdf_xi = Instance(IPDistrib) def _pdf_xi_default(self): pd = PDistrib(distr_choice='weibull_min', n_segments=30) pd.distr_type.set(shape=4.54, scale=0.017) return pd n_f = Float(1, auto_set=False, enter_set=True, desc='Number of filaments in the yarn') pdf_theta = Instance(IPDistrib) pdf_l = Instance(IPDistrib) pdf_phi = Instance(IPDistrib) run = Button def _run_fired(self): self._redraw() clear = Button def _clear_fired(self): axes = self.figure.axes[0] axes.clear() self.data_changed = True w_max = Float(1.0, enter_set=True, auto_set=False) n_w_pts = Int(100, enter_set=True, auto_set=False) n_G_ipts = Int(30, enter_set=True, auto_set=False) e_arr = Property(Array, depends_on='w_max, n_w_pts') def _get_e_arr(self): return linspace(0.00, self.w_max, self.n_w_pts) lab = Str(' ', enter_set=True, auto_set=False) data_changed = Event(True) def _redraw(self): s = SPIRRID( q=self.rf, sampling_type='LHS', e_arr=self.e_arr, n_int=self.n_G_ipts, theta_vars=dict(tau_fr=2.6, l=0.0, d=25.5e-3, E_mod=72.0e3, theta=0.0, xi=0.0179, phi=1., L=30.0), # codegen_type='weave' ) # construct the random variables if self.pdf_xi_on: s.theta_vars['xi'] = RV( 'weibull_min', shape=4.54, scale=0.017 ) # RV( pd = self.pdf_xi, name = 'xi', n_int = self.n_G_ipts ) print self.pdf_theta.interp_ppf([0.01, 0.02]) print YMB_RV('theta', distr=self.pdf_theta, n_int=self.n_G_ipts).distr.interp_ppf([0.01, 0.02]) if self.pdf_theta_on: s.theta_vars['theta'] = YMB_RV('theta', distr=self.pdf_theta, n_int=self.n_G_ipts) if self.pdf_l_on: s.theta_vars['l'] = YMB_RV('l', distr=self.pdf_l, n_int=self.n_G_ipts) if self.pdf_phi_on: s.theta_vars['phi'] = YMB_RV('phi', distr=self.pdf_phi, n_int=self.n_G_ipts) # print 'checking unity', s.mu_q_arr() mu = s.mu_q_arr axes = self.figure.axes[0] # TODO: axes.plot(self.e_arr, mu * self.n_f, linewidth=2, label=self.lab) axes.set_xlabel('crack opening w[mm]') axes.set_ylabel('force P[N]') axes.legend(loc='best') self.data_changed = True view = View(HSplit( Group(Item('rf@', show_label=False), label='Response function'), Tabbed( Group( Item('pdf_theta_on', show_label=False), Item('pdf_theta@', show_label=False), label='Slack', ), Group( Item('pdf_l_on', show_label=False), Item('pdf_l@', show_label=False), label='Contact free length', ), Group( Item('pdf_phi_on', show_label=False), Item('pdf_phi@', show_label=False), label='Contact fraction', ), Group( Item('pdf_xi_on', show_label=False), Item('pdf_xi@', show_label=False), label='Strength', ), label='yarn data', scrollable=True, id='ymb.pullout.dist', dock='tab', ), Group( HGroup(Item('run', show_label=False, springy=True), Item('clear', show_label=False, springy=True)), HGroup( Item('w_max', show_label=True, springy=True, tooltip='maximum crack-opening displacement'), Item('n_w_pts', show_label=True, springy=True, tooltip='number of points for crack-opening'), Item('n_G_ipts', show_label=True, springy=True, tooltip= 'number of integration points for the random variables'), Item('lab', show_label=True, springy=True, tooltip='label of pull-out curve'), ), Item('figure', style='custom', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False), label='Pull-out response', id='ymb.pullout.figure', dock='tab', ), id='ymb.pullout.split', dock='tab', ), id='ymb.pullout', resizable=True, scrollable=True, dock='tab', width=0.8, height=0.4)