Exemple #1
def unify_term(u, v, s):
    u_op, u_args = operator(u), arguments(u)
    v_op, v_args = operator(v), arguments(v)
    s = yield _unify(u_op, v_op, s)
    if s is not False:
        s = yield _unify(u_args, v_args, s)
    yield s
Exemple #2
    def applyo_goal(S):
        nonlocal o_rator, o_rands, obj

        o_rator_rf, o_rands_rf, obj_rf = reify((o_rator, o_rands, obj), S)

        if not isvar(obj_rf):

            # We should be able to use this goal with *any* arguments, so
            # fail when the ground operations fail/err.
                obj_rator, obj_rands = operator(obj_rf), arguments(obj_rf)
            except (ConsError, NotImplementedError):

            # The object's rator + rands should be the same as the goal's
            yield from lall(eq(o_rator_rf, obj_rator),
                            eq(o_rands_rf, obj_rands))(S)

        elif isvar(o_rands_rf) or isvar(o_rator_rf):
            # The object and at least one of the rand, rators is a logic
            # variable, so let's just assert a `cons` relationship between
            # them
            yield from conso(o_rator_rf, o_rands_rf, obj_rf)(S)
            # The object is a logic variable, but the rator and rands aren't.
            # We assert that the object is the application of the rand and
            # rators.
                obj_applied = term(o_rator_rf, o_rands_rf)
            except (ConsError, NotImplementedError):
            yield from eq(obj_rf, obj_applied)(S)
Exemple #3
def reify_term(obj, s):
    op, args = operator(obj), arguments(obj)
    op = yield _reify(op, s)
    args = yield _reify(args, s)
    yield construction_sentinel
    yield term(op, args)