def factorize(n,e,d):
	while u%2 == 0:
	if pow(2,s)*u == e*d-1 and u%2 == 1:
		print("Decomposition ok")
		print("s is {}".format(s))
		print("u is {}".format(u))
		print("e*d-1 is {}".format(e*d-1))
	while g ==1 or g==n:
		print("New Value for a generated : {}".format(a))
		if ggT != 1:
			return [a, n/a ]
		print("a^u is : {}".format(au))
		for j in range(0,s):
			print("Iteration {}: {}".format(j,g))
			if g != 1 and g != n:
				return [g, n/g]
def check_identity(N):
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            for m in range(1, N):
                if (i * j) % m == 1:
                    assert gcd(i, m) == 1
                    assert gcd(j, m) == 1
                if gcd(i, m) == 1 and gcd(j, m) == 1:
                    assert (i * j) % m == 1
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     divisor = euclid.gcd(x, y)
     self._x = x / divisor
     if y != 0:
         self._y = y / divisor
Exemple #4
def rprime(x,y):
	"""True if x is relatively prime to y
	>>> rprime(25,36)
	>>> rprime(25,30)
	return gcd(x,y) == 1
def factorRho(n,x_1):
	""" Factor using pollard's rho method """
	x = x_1;
	xp = f(x) % n
	p = gcd(x - xp,n)

	#print ("x_i's: {")
	while p == 1:
		# in the ith iteration x = x_i and x' = x_2i
		x = f(x) % n
		xp = f(xp) % n
		xp = f(xp) % n
		p = gcd(x-xp,n)

	#print ("}")

	if p == n: return -1
	else: return p
def factor(n,b):
	""" Factor using Pollard's p-1 method """

	a = 2;
	for j in range(2,b):
		a = a**j % n
	d = gcd(a-1,n);
	print ("d:",d,"a-1:",a-1)
	if 1 < d < n: return d;
	else: return -1;
Exemple #7
def factor(n,b):
	""" Factor using Pollard's p-1 method """

	a = 2;
	for j in range(2,b):
		a = a**j % n
	d = gcd(a-1,n);
	print "d:",d,"a-1:",a-1
	if 1 < d < n: return d;
	else: return -1;
Exemple #8
def factorRho(n,x_1):
	""" Factor using pollard's rho method """
	x = x_1;
	xp = f(x) % n
	p = gcd(x - xp,n)

	print "x_i's: {"
	while p == 1:
		print x,
		# in the ith iteration x = x_i and x' = x_2i
		x = f(x) % n
		xp = f(xp) % n
		xp = f(xp) % n
		p = gcd(x-xp,n)

	print "}"

	if p == n: return -1
	else: return p
Exemple #9
def factorRho(n, x_1):
    """ Factor using pollard's rho method """

    x = x_1
    xp = f(x) % n
    p = gcd(x - xp, n)

    print "x_i's: {"
    while p == 1:
        print x,
        # in the ith iteration x = x_i and x' = x_2i
        x = f(x) % n
        xp = f(xp) % n
        xp = f(xp) % n
        p = gcd(x - xp, n)

    print "}"

    if p == n: return -1
    else: return p
Exemple #10
def compute_params(phi_n):
    '''Function to compute e and d'''
    d = 0
    e = 0
    found_e = False

    while found_e == False:
        e = random.randint(1, phi_n - 1)
        if gcd(e, phi_n) == 1:
            found_e = True
    _, d, _ = extgcd(e, phi_n)
    if (d < 0):
        d += phi_n
    return d, e
Exemple #11
def find_keylength(crypt, n=3):
    Returns a dictionary of potential keylengths for provided crypt text

    The lhs of an entry tells us the potential keylength while the rhs
    tells us how likely it is to be correct.

    The n variable determins the length of segments to check on the crypt
    text. The greater the segment the fewer
    and more likely keylenghts gets returned,
    but the longer it takes to compute

    gcd_dict = {}

    for segment in set(
            window(crypt, n)
    ):  # Notice that set is used. We don't iterate over duplicated strings

        # If segment matches something, save where the match started to a list
        # Matches is a list of positions where common segments occur
        matches = [match.start() for match in re.finditer(segment, crypt)]

        # Calcylate the offsets between each matching segment
        offsets = [
            matches[i + 1] - matches[i] for i in range(len(matches) - 1)

        # Calcylate the gcd between each offset.
        gcds = [
            gcd(offsets[i], offsets[i + 1]) for i in range(len(offsets) - 1)

        # Count all gcds
        for g in gcds:
            gcd_dict[g] = gcd_dict.get(g, 0) + 1

    if n < 1 and len(gcd_dict) == 0:
        gcd_dict = find_keylength(crypt, n - 1)

    return gcd_dict
Exemple #12
def pythmx(s):
    count = 0
    s2 = s // 2
    mmx = math.ceil(math.sqrt(s2))
    tem = []
    for m in range(2, mmx):
        if s2 % m == 0:
            sm = s2 // m
            while sm % 2 == 0:
                sm //= 2
            k = m + 1 + m % 2
            while k < 2 * m and k <= sm:
                if sm % k == 0 and euclid.gcd(k, m) == 1:
                    d = s2 // (k * m)
                    n = k - m
                    a = d * (m * m - n * n)
                    b = 2 * d * m * n
                    c = d * (m * m + n * n)
                    tem.append((a, b, c))
                k += 2
    return tem
Exemple #13
def factor(n):

	base = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23];

	start = int(sqrt(n))

	pairs = [];
	factors = [];
	for i in range(start,n):
		for j in range(len(base)):
			lhs = i**2 % n
			rhs = base[j]**2 % n

			if lhs == rhs: 
				print "%i^2 = %i = %i^2 = %i mod %i" % (i,lhs,base[j],rhs,n) 

	print "pairs:",pairs

	for i in range(len(pairs)):
		factor = gcd(pairs[i][0]-pairs[i][1],n)
		if(factor != 1): print "factor:",factor	
def factor(n):

    base = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]

    start = int(sqrt(n))

    pairs = []
    factors = []
    for i in range(start, n):
        for j in range(len(base)):
            lhs = i**2 % n
            rhs = base[j]**2 % n

            if lhs == rhs:
                print "%i^2 = %i = %i^2 = %i mod %i" % (i, lhs, base[j], rhs,
                pairs.append([i, base[j]])

    print "pairs:", pairs

    for i in range(len(pairs)):
        factor = gcd(pairs[i][0] - pairs[i][1], n)
        if (factor != 1): print "factor:", factor