Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     self.points = [
         Point2(0, 0),
         Point2(0, 4),
         Point2(4, 4),
         Point2(4, 0),
Exemple #2
def line_circle_intersection(arc, circle_pos, circle_radius, inset=True):
    circ = Circle(Point2(circle_pos[0], circle_pos[1]), float(circle_radius))
    p1 = Point2(arc.source_pos[0], arc.source_pos[1])
    p2 = Point2(arc.target_pos[0], arc.target_pos[1])
    if p1 != p2:
        line = Line2(p1, p2)
        inters = line.intersect(circ)
        if (abs((p2 - inters.p1).magnitude() - (p2 - inters.p2).magnitude()) >
                abs((p1 - inters.p1).magnitude() -
                    (p1 - inters.p2).magnitude())):
            p = p2
            p = p1
        if (p - inters.p1).magnitude() > (p - inters.p2).magnitude():
            return vec2d(inters.p2.x, inters.p2.y)  #use p2
        return vec2d(inters.p1.x, inters.p1.y)  #use p1
        # circle to ellipse intersection
        if arc.r_a != arc.r_b:
            delta = sqrt(arc.r_b**2 * (arc.r_a**4 - arc.r_a**2 * arc.r_b**2 +
                                       arc.r_b**2 * circle_radius**2))
            y = ((circle_pos[1] - circle_radius) * arc.r_a**2 + delta -
                 arc.r_b**2 * circle_pos[1]) / (arc.r_a**2 - arc.r_b**2)
            if inset:
                x = circle_pos[0] - sqrt(circle_radius**2 -
                                         (y - circle_pos[1])**2)
                x = circle_pos[0] + sqrt(circle_radius**2 -
                                         (y - circle_pos[1])**2)
            return vec2d(x, y)
        return circle_pos + (circle_radius, 0)  #dummy
Exemple #3
    def to_html(self, stats=[]):
        """Return svg representation of the simulator"""

        stats = stats[:]
        recent_reward = self.collected_rewards[-100:] + [0]
        objects_eaten_str = ', '.join(
            ["%s: %s" % (o, c) for o, c in self.objects_eaten.items()])
            "nearest wall = %.1f" % (self.distance_to_walls(), ),
            "reward       = %.1f" %
            (sum(recent_reward) / len(recent_reward), ),
            "objects eaten => %s" % (objects_eaten_str, ),

        scene = svg.Scene(
            (self.size[0] + 20, self.size[1] + 20 + 20 * len(stats)))
        scene.add(svg.Rectangle((10, 10), self.size))

        for line in self.observation_lines:
                svg.Line(line.p1 + self.hero.position + Point2(10, 10),
                         line.p2 + self.hero.position + Point2(10, 10)))

        for obj in self.objects + [self.hero]:

        offset = self.size[1] + 15
        for txt in stats:
            scene.add(svg.Text((10, offset + 20), txt, 15))
            offset += 20

        return scene
Exemple #4
    def randomize_position(self, obj, noncoliding=True, margin=0.0):
        gen = lambda: random.uniform(obj.radius + margin, 1.0 - obj.radius -
        obj.position = Point2(gen(), gen())

        while noncoliding and any(
                objects_colliding(obj, other)
                for other in self.objects if other is not obj):
            obj.position = Point2(gen(), gen())
Exemple #5
def build_scene():
    scene = svg.Scene((xsize*amp + 2*offset, ysize*amp + 2*offset + 40))
    # draw walls
    for wall in walls:
        p1 = wall[0] * amp + Point2(offset, offset)
        p2 = wall[1] * amp + Point2(offset, offset)
        scene.add(svg.Line(p1, p2))
    scene.add(svg.Rectangle(Point2(offset, offset), Point2(xsize*amp, ysize*amp)))
    return scene
Exemple #6
 def draw_observation(self, scene):
     for line in self.observation_lines:
         obj = self.line_end_who[line]
         color = self.settings["colors"][
             obj.obj_type] if type(obj) is GameObject else 'black'
         line_drawn = svg.Line(
             self.hero.position * self.size + Point2(10, 10),
             self.line_end_where[line] * self.size + Point2(10, 10),
Exemple #7
def test():
    chassis = HoloChassis(wheels=[
        HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=Point2(1, 0), angle=0, radius=60),
        HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=Point2(-1, 0), angle=0, radius=60)
    print chassis.get_wheel_speeds(
        Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0), rotation=0.5))
    print chassis.get_wheel_speeds(Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0),
                                   origin=Point2(1, 0))
Exemple #8
    def add(self, obj, randomize_position=False, ensure_noncolliding=False):

        gen = lambda: random.uniform(obj.radius, 1.0 - obj.radius)
        if randomize_position:
            obj.position = Point2(gen(), gen())

        if ensure_noncolliding:
            while any(
                    objects_colliding(obj, other) for other in self.objects
                    if other is not obj):
                obj.position = Point2(gen(), gen())
Exemple #9
 def poll_task(self, context, tick):
     Create a set of simple waypoints and return the appropriate :class:`triangula.tasks.patrol.PatrolTask` which
     will visit them in turn then exit.
     waypoints = [
         TaskWaypoint(pose=Pose(position=Point2(0, 300), orientation=0),
         TaskWaypoint(pose=Pose(position=Point2(300, 300), orientation=0))
     return PatrolTask(waypoints=waypoints, max_power=0.4)
Exemple #10
    def _calculate_vertex_points(self):
        w = float(self.texture.width)
        h = float(self.texture.height)

        index_points = []
        vertex_points_idx = []
        texture_points_idx = []

        for x in xrange(0, self.grid.x + 1):
            for y in xrange(0, self.grid.y + 1):
                vertex_points_idx += [-1, -1, -1]
                texture_points_idx += [-1, -1]

        for x in xrange(0, self.grid.x):
            for y in xrange(0, self.grid.y):
                x1 = x * self.x_step
                x2 = x1 + self.x_step
                y1 = y * self.y_step
                y2 = y1 + self.y_step

                #  d <-- c
                #        ^
                #        |
                #  a --> b
                a = x * (self.grid.y + 1) + y
                b = (x + 1) * (self.grid.y + 1) + y
                c = (x + 1) * (self.grid.y + 1) + (y + 1)
                d = x * (self.grid.y + 1) + (y + 1)

                # 2 triangles: a-b-d, b-c-d
                index_points += [a, b, d, b, c, d]  # triangles

                l1 = (a * 3, b * 3, c * 3, d * 3)
                l2 = (Point3(x1, y1, 0), Point3(x2, y1, 0), Point3(x2, y2, 0),
                      Point3(x1, y2, 0))

                #  building the vertex
                for i in xrange(len(l1)):
                    vertex_points_idx[l1[i]] = l2[i].x
                    vertex_points_idx[l1[i] + 1] = l2[i].y
                    vertex_points_idx[l1[i] + 2] = l2[i].z

                # building the texels
                tex1 = (a * 2, b * 2, c * 2, d * 2)
                tex2 = (Point2(x1, y1), Point2(x2,
                                               y1), Point2(x2,
                                                           y2), Point2(x1, y2))

                for i in xrange(len(tex1)):
                    texture_points_idx[tex1[i]] = tex2[i].x / w
                    texture_points_idx[tex1[i] + 1] = tex2[i].y / h

        return (index_points, vertex_points_idx, texture_points_idx)
Exemple #11
 def generate_observation_lines(self):
     """Generate observation segments in settings["num_observation_lines"] directions"""
     result = []
     start = Point2(0.0, 0.0)
     end   = Point2(self.settings["observation_line_length"],
     for angle in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.settings["num_observation_lines"], endpoint=False):
         rotation = Point2(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle))
         current_start = Point2(start[0] * rotation[0], start[1] * rotation[1])
         current_end   = Point2(end[0]   * rotation[0], end[1]   * rotation[1])
         result.append( LineSegment2(current_start, current_end))
     return result
Exemple #12
class Galaxy(ParticleSystem):

    # total particles
    total_particles = 200

    # duration
    duration = -1

    # gravity
    gravity = Point2(0, 0)

    # angle
    angle = 90.0
    angle_var = 360.0

    # speed of particles
    speed = 60.0
    speed_var = 10.0

    # radial
    radial_accel = -80.0
    radial_accel_var = 0

    # tangential
    tangential_accel = 80.0
    tangential_accel_var = 0.0

    # emitter variable position
    pos_var = Point2(0, 0)

    # life of particles
    life = 4.0
    life_var = 1.0

    # size, in pixels
    size = 37.0
    size_var = 10.0

    # emits per frame
    emission_rate = total_particles / life

    # color of particles
    start_color = Color(0.12, 0.25, 0.76, 1.0)
    start_color_var = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    end_color = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    end_color_var = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    # blend additive
    blend_additive = True

    # color modulate
    color_modulate = True
Exemple #13
class Spiral(ParticleSystem):

    # total paticles
    total_particles = 500

    # duration
    duration = -1

    # gravity
    gravity = Point2(0, 0)

    # angle
    angle = 90.0
    angle_var = 0.0

    # speed of particles
    speed = 150.0
    speed_var = 0.0

    # radial
    radial_accel = -380
    radial_accel_var = 0

    # tangential
    tangential_accel = 45.0
    tangential_accel_var = 0.0

    # emitter variable position
    pos_var = Point2(0, 0)

    # life of particles
    life = 12.0
    life_var = 0.0

    # emits per frame
    emission_rate = total_particles / life

    # color of particles
    start_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
    start_color_var = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
    end_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
    end_color_var = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)

    # size, in pixels
    size = 20.0
    size_var = 10.0

    # blend additive
    blend_additive = True

    # color modulate
    color_modulate = True
Exemple #14
def render_scene(scene):
    for ped in crowd:
        # axis transform
        o = Point2(ped.x*amp, (ysize-ped.y)*amp) + Point2(offset, offset)
        scene.add(svg.Circle(o, radius = ped_ra, color=ped.c))
    robot_o = Point2(pos_rx*amp, (ysize-pos_ry)*amp) + Point2(offset, offset)
    scene.add(svg.Circle(robot_o, radius = ped_ra, color='black'))
    # write text
    text = 'Ped outflow  ' + str(ped_outflow)
    scene.add(svg.Text((400,500), text, 20))
Exemple #15
class Smoke(ParticleSystem):

    # total particles
    total_particles = 80

    # duration
    duration = -1

    # gravity
    gravity = Point2(0, 0)

    # angle
    angle = 90.0
    angle_var = 10.0

    # speed of particles
    speed = 25.0
    speed_var = 10.0

    # radial
    radial_accel = 5
    radial_accel_var = 0

    # tangential
    tangential_accel = 0.0
    tangential_accel_var = 0.0

    # emitter variable position
    pos_var = Point2(0.1, 0)

    # life of particles
    life = 4.0
    life_var = 1.0

    # size, in pixels
    size = 40.0
    size_var = 10.0

    # emits per frame
    emission_rate = total_particles / life

    start_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
    start_color_var = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
    end_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
    end_color_var = Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1)

    # blend additive
    blend_additive = True

    # color modulate
    color_modulate = False
Exemple #16
class Fire(ParticleSystem):

    # total particles
    total_particles = 250

    # duration
    duration = -1

    # gravity
    gravity = Point2(0, 0)

    # angle
    angle = 90.0
    angle_var = 10.0

    # radial
    radial_accel = 0
    radial_accel_var = 0

    # speed of particles
    speed = 60.0
    speed_var = 20.0

    # emitter variable position
    pos_var = Point2(40, 20)

    # life of particles
    life = 3.0
    life_var = 0.25

    # emits per frame
    emission_rate = total_particles / life

    # color of particles
    start_color = Color(0.76, 0.25, 0.12, 1.0)
    start_color_var = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    end_color = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    end_color_var = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    # size, in pixels
    size = 100.0
    size_var = 10.0

    # blend additive
    blend_additive = True

    # color modulate
    color_modulate = True
Exemple #17
class Explosion(ParticleSystem):

    # total particle
    total_particles = 700

    # duration
    duration = 0.1

    # gravity
    gravity = Point2(0, -90)

    # angle
    angle = 90.0
    angle_var = 360.0

    # radial
    radial_accel = 0
    radial_accel_var = 0

    # speed of particles
    speed = 70.0
    speed_var = 40.0

    # emitter variable position
    pos_var = Point2(0, 0)

    # life of particles
    life = 5.0
    life_var = 2.0

    # emits per frame
    emission_rate = total_particles / duration

    # color of particles
    start_color = Color(0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0)
    start_color_var = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
    end_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
    end_color_var = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)

    # size, in pixels
    size = 15.0
    size_var = 10.0

    # blend additive
    blend_additive = False

    # color modulate
    color_modulate = True
Exemple #18
class Fireworks(ParticleSystem):

    # total particles
    total_particles = 3000

    # duration
    duration = -1

    # gravity
    gravity = Point2(0, -90)

    # angle
    angle = 90
    angle_var = 20

    # radial
    radial_accel = 0
    radial_accel_var = 0

    # speed of particles
    speed = 180
    speed_var = 50

    # emitter variable position
    pos_var = Point2(0, 0)

    # life of particles
    life = 3.5
    life_var = 1

    # emits per frame
    emission_rate = total_particles / life

    # color of particles
    start_color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
    start_color_var = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
    end_color = Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2)
    end_color_var = Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2)

    # size, in pixels
    size = 8.0
    size_var = 2.0

    # blend additive
    blend_additive = False

    # color modulate
    color_modulate = True
Exemple #19
 def draw_objects(self, scene):
     for obj in self.objects:
         color = self.settings["colors"][obj.obj_type]
         obj_drawing = svg.Circle(obj.position * self.size + Point2(10, 10),
                                  obj.radius * self.size,
Exemple #20
 def reset(self):
     Clear the state of this :class:`approxeng.chassis.DeadReckoning`
     self.last_encoder_values = None
     self.last_reading_time = None
     self.pose = Pose(Point2(0, 0), 0)
 def draw(self, temp_color=None):
     """Return svg object for this item."""
     if temp_color:
         color = temp_color
         color = self.settings["colors"][self.obj_type]
     return svg.Circle(self.position + Point2(10, 10), self.radius, color=color)
Exemple #22
    def update_from_counts(self, counts):
        Update the pose from a new set of encoder values

        :param counts:
            A list of encoder counts, one per wheel
            The updated :class:`triangula.chassis.Pose` object (this is also modified in the internal state of the
        reading_time = time()
        if self.last_encoder_values is None:
            self.last_encoder_values = counts
            self.last_reading_time = reading_time
            self.pose = Pose(Point2(0, 0), 0)
            time_delta = reading_time - self.last_reading_time
            wheel_speeds = [
                smallest_difference(current_reading, last_reading,
                                    self.max_count_value) /
                (self.counts_per_revolution * time_delta)
                for last_reading, current_reading in zip(
                    counts, self.last_encoder_values)
            motion = self.chassis.calculate_motion(speeds=wheel_speeds)
            self.pose = self.pose.calculate_pose_change(motion, time_delta)
            self.last_encoder_values = counts
            self.last_reading_time = reading_time
        return self.pose
Exemple #23
 def test_setting_direction_is_applied_to_entity(self):
     new_direction = Point2(1, -1)
     for vehicle, entity in (self.armour, self.tank), (self.missile,
         vehicle.direction = new_direction
         assert entity.direction.x == new_direction.x
         assert entity.direction.y == new_direction.y
Exemple #24
 def test_setting_position_is_applied_to_entity(self):
     new_position = Point2(20, 40)
     for vehicle, entity in (self.armour, self.tank), (self.missile,
         vehicle.position = new_position
         assert entity.position.x == new_position.x
         assert entity.position.y == new_position.y
Exemple #25
def get_regular_triangular_chassis(wheel_distance, wheel_radius,
    Build a HoloChassis object with three wheels, each identical in size and maximum speed. Each wheel is positioned
    at the corner of a regular triangle, and with direction perpendicular to the normal vector at that corner.

    :param wheel_distance:
        Distance in millimetres between the contact points of each pair of wheels (i.e. the length of each edge of the
        regular triangle)
    :param wheel_radius:
        Wheel radius in millimetres
    :param max_rotations_per_second:
        Maximum wheel speed in revolutions per second
        An appropriately configured HoloChassis
    point = Point2(0, cos(radians(30)) * wheel_distance / 2.0)
    vector = Vector2(-2 * pi * wheel_radius, 0)

    # Pink
    wheel_a = HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=point,
    # Yellow
    wheel_b = HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=rotate_point(point, pi * 2 / 3),
                                    vector=rotate_vector(vector, pi * 2 / 3),
    # Green
    wheel_c = HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=rotate_point(point, pi * 4 / 3),
                                    vector=rotate_vector(vector, pi * 4 / 3),

    return HoloChassis(wheels=[wheel_a, wheel_b, wheel_c])
Exemple #26
 def test_bounds(self, vehicle, x_func, x_inside, y_func, y_inside):
     cls, entity, parent = vehicle
     x = x_func(cls, self.width)
     y = y_func(cls, self.height)
     inside = x_inside and y_inside
     position = Point2(x, y)
     self._bounds_test(cls, entity, parent, position, not inside)
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initiallize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.size = self.settings["world_size"]

        # make 4 walls
        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0, 0))

        # make hero object
        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
                               "hero", self.settings)
        if not self.settings["hero_bounces_off_walls"]:
            self.hero.bounciness = 0.0  # now hero has no bounciness

        self.objects = []
        # spawn 25 friends, 25 enemy
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():  # 2 times run
            for _ in range(number):

        # generate 32 number of antennas
        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []

        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(
        ) + 3  # 2+3 --> maybe [friend, enemy, wall, speed X, Y]

        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(
        ) + 2  # (5 * 32) + 2 ==> 2 is hero's own speed

        self.directions = [
            Vector2(*d) for d in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]
        ]  # there are 4 directions. up down left right
        self.num_actions = len(self.directions)  # so num_actions is 4

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
Exemple #28
 def spawn_object(self, obj_type):
     speed = Vector2(random.gauss(0., 0.2), random.gauss(0., 0.2))
     self.sim.add(GameObject(Point2(0., 0.),
Exemple #29
 def __init__(self, name='SimulationThread', update_delay=0.01):
     super(Simulation, self).__init__(name=name)
     self.daemon = True
     self.motion = Motion(Vector2(0, 0), 0)
     self.pose = Pose(Point2(0, 0), 0)
     self.last_update_time = time()
     self.update_delay = update_delay
     self.after_simulation_callback = None
     self.running = True
    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initialize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.size  = self.settings["world_size"]
        self.walls = [LineSegment2(Point2(0,0),                        Point2(0,self.size[1])),
                      LineSegment2(Point2(0,self.size[1]),             Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
                      LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]), Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
                      LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0),            Point2(0,0))]

        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
        # Hero direction is a number between 0 and num_observation_lines_total - 1 (0 is directly right)
        self.hero_direction = self.settings["hero_initial_direction"]
        self.unit_vectors = []
        for angle in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.settings["num_observation_lines_total"], endpoint=False):
            u_vector = Point2(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle))

        self.objects = []
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():
            for _ in range(number):

        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []
        self.just_shot = False
        self.just_got_hit = False

        # every observation_line sees one of objects and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 2
        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(self.observation_lines) + 2

        # self.directions = [Vector2(*d) for d in [[1,0], [0,1], [-1,0],[0,-1]]]
        self.num_actions = 4  # Accelerate, turn clockwise, turn anticlockwise, shoot

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        self.objects_shot = defaultdict(lambda: 0)