Exemple #1
def run():
    result = 0;
    for i in range(0, 1000000):
        if(is_palindrome_2(i) and eulermath.is_palindrome(i)):
            print i;
            result += i;

    #Print the result.
def run():
    result = 0
    for i in range(0, 1000000):
        if (is_palindrome_2(i) and eulermath.is_palindrome(i)):
            print i
            result += i

    #Print the result.
def run(exp):
    max_value = (10 ** exp) -1;  #Inclusive upper bound of values.
    max_palin = 0;               #Greater palindrome found.
    #Search backwards.
    for i in range(max_value, 1, -1):
        for j in range(i, 1, -1):                    
            #The number is palindrome and is greater that 
            #current max palindrome?
            if((i * j) > max_palin and eulermath.is_palindrome(i * j)):
                max_palin = (i * j);

    #Print the result.