Exemple #1
    def test_object_data_split_bincontent(self):
        # explictly test handling of binary content tag split over
        # chunk boundaries

        response = self.session.get('file://%s' % FIXTURES['sync1_export'])
        mockapi = Mock()

        def mock_upload(data, *args, **kwargs):
                data)  # consume the generator so datastream processing happens
            return 'uploaded://1'

        mockapi.upload = mock_upload
        mockapi.export.return_value = response
        self.obj.api = self.repo.api = mockapi

        # test binary content tag split across chunks
        self.archex = ArchiveExport(self.obj, self.repo)
        # use a block size that will split the fixture in the middle of
        # the first binary content tag
        self.archex.read_block_size = 2688
        data = self.archex.object_data()
        foxml = data.getvalue()

            etree.XML(foxml) is not None, 'object data should be valid xml')
            b'foxml:binaryContent' not in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should not include binaryContent tags')

        self.archex = ArchiveExport(self.obj, self.repo)
        # this blocksize ends with just the < in foxml:binaryContent
        self.archex.read_block_size = 2680
        data = self.archex.object_data()
        foxml = data.getvalue()
            etree.XML(foxml) is not None, 'object data should be valid xml')
            b'foxml:binaryContent' not in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should not include binaryContent tags')

        self.archex = ArchiveExport(self.obj, self.repo)
        # this blocksize ends with an unrelated close tag </
        self.archex.read_block_size = 1526
        data = self.archex.object_data()
        foxml = data.getvalue()
            etree.XML(foxml) is not None, 'object data should be valid xml')
            b'foxml:binaryContent' not in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should not include binaryContent tags')
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self):
        # todo: use mocks?
        self.repo = Mock(spec=Repository)
        self.obj = Mock()  #spec=DigitalObject)
        self.obj.pid = 'synctest:1'
        self.archex = ArchiveExport(self.obj, self.repo)

        # set up a request session that can load file uris, so
        # fixtures can be used as export data
        self.session = requests.session()
        self.session.mount('file://', LocalFileAdapter())
Exemple #3
    def test_object_data(self):
        # mock api to read export data from a local fixture filie
        response = self.session.get('file://%s' % FIXTURES['sync1_export'])
        mockapi = Mock()

        def mock_upload(data, *args, **kwargs):
                data)  # consume the generator so datastream processing happens
            return 'uploaded://1'

        mockapi.upload = mock_upload
        mockapi.export.return_value = response
        mockapi.base_url = 'http://fedora.example.co/fedora'
        self.obj.api = self.repo.api = mockapi
        data = self.archex.object_data()
        foxml = data.getvalue()

            etree.XML(foxml) is not None, 'object data should be valid xml')
            b'foxml:binaryContent' not in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should not include binaryContent tags')
            b'<foxml:contentLocation REF="uploaded://1" TYPE="URL"/>' in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should include upload id as content location'

        # other tests?

        # set read block size artificially low to test chunked handling
        self.archex = ArchiveExport(self.obj, self.repo)
        self.archex.read_block_size = 1024
        data = self.archex.object_data()
        foxml = data.getvalue()

            etree.XML(foxml) is not None, 'object data should be valid xml')
            b'foxml:binaryContent' not in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should not include binaryContent tags')
            b'<foxml:contentLocation REF="uploaded://1" TYPE="URL"/>' in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should include upload id as content location'

        # test with second fixture - multiple small encoded datastreams
        self.archex = ArchiveExport(self.obj, self.repo)
        self.archex.read_block_size = 1024
        response = self.session.get('file://%s' % FIXTURES['sync2_export'])
        mockapi.export.return_value = response
        data = self.archex.object_data()
        foxml = data.getvalue()

            etree.XML(foxml) is not None, 'object data should be valid xml')
            b'foxml:binaryContent' not in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should not include binaryContent tags')
            b'<foxml:contentLocation REF="uploaded://1" TYPE="URL"/>' in foxml,
            'object data for ingest should include upload id as content location'