Exemple #1
class QueryResult(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    """The results of an eXist XQuery query"""

    start = xmlmap.IntegerField("@start|@exist:start")
    """The index of the first result returned"""

    values = xmlmap.StringListField("exist:value")
    "Generic value (*exist:value*) returned from an exist xquery"

    session = xmlmap.IntegerField("@exist:session")
    "Session id, when a query is requested to be cached"

    _raw_count = xmlmap.IntegerField("@count|@exist:count")

    def count(self):
        """The number of results returned in this chunk"""
        return self._raw_count or 0

    _raw_hits = xmlmap.IntegerField("@hits|@exist:hits")

    def hits(self):
        """The total number of hits found by the search"""
        return self._raw_hits or 0

    def results(self):
        """The result documents themselves as nodes, starting at
        :attr:`start` and containing :attr:`count` members"""
        return self.node.xpath('*')
class DziImage(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    # simple xmlobject to generate DZI xml for DeepZoom/Seadragon functionality
    ROOT_NAME = 'Image'
    ROOT_NS = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/deepzoom/2008'

    tilesize = xmlmap.IntegerField('@TileSize')
    overlap = xmlmap.IntegerField('@Overlap')
    format = xmlmap.StringField('@Format')
    width = xmlmap.IntegerField('dz:Size/@Width')
    height = xmlmap.IntegerField('dz:Size/@Height')
Exemple #3
class ProcessInformation(XmlObject):
    ROOT_NAME = 'ProcessInformation'
    pid = xmlmap.IntegerField('Pid')
    image = xmlmap.StringField('ImageName')
    # Must generate more samples : bytes, string or integer ?
    cmd_line_signature = xmlmap.StringField('CmdLineSignature')
    uptime = xmlmap.IntegerField('Uptime')
    vm = xmlmap.NodeField('ProcessVmInformation', ProcessVmInformation)
    parent = xmlmap.NodeField('ParentProcess/ProcessInformation',
Exemple #4
class OSVersionInformation(XmlObject):
    ROOT_NAME = 'OSVersionInformation'
    version = xmlmap.StringField('WindowsNTVersion')
    build = xmlmap.IntegerField('Build')
    product = xmlmap.StringField('Product')
    edition = xmlmap.StringField('Edition')
    build_info = xmlmap.StringField('BuildString')
    revision = xmlmap.IntegerField('Revision')
    flavor = xmlmap.StringField('Flavor')
    architecture = xmlmap.StringField('Architecture')
    lcid = xmlmap.IntegerField('LCID')
Exemple #5
class ESearchResponse(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    '''Minimal wrapper for ESearch XML returns'''

    count = xmlmap.IntegerField('Count')
    '''total articles matching the query'''
    query_key = xmlmap.IntegerField('QueryKey')
    '''server-assigned id for this query in history'''
    webenv = xmlmap.StringField('WebEnv')
    '''server-assigned web environment for history management'''
    docid = xmlmap.IntegerListField('IdList/Id')
    '''first page of document UIDs (*not* PMIDs) matching the query'''
class Item(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` to read Item information returned
    by the DigWF API.

    (Not all fields provided by DigWF are mapped here; only those
    currently in use.)

    #: pid (noid portion of the ARK or Fedora pid)
    pid = xmlmap.StringField('@pid')
    #: item_id within the DigWF
    item_id = xmlmap.StringField('@id')
    #: control key (e.g., ocm or ocn number in euclid; unique per book,
    #: not per volume)
    control_key = xmlmap.StringField('@control_key')

    volume = xmlmap.StringField('volume')
    #: display image path
    display_image_path = xmlmap.StringField('display_images_path')
    #: display images count
    display_image_count = xmlmap.IntegerField('display_images_path/@count')
    #: path to OCR files (text & word position)
    ocr_file_path = xmlmap.StringField('ocr_files_path')
    #: ocr file count
    ocr_file_count = xmlmap.IntegerField('ocr_files_path/@count')

    #: path to PDF file
    pdf = xmlmap.StringField('pdf_file')
    #: path to ABBYY FineReader XML file
    ocr_file = xmlmap.StringField('ocr_file')
    #: path to marc xml file
    marc_path = xmlmap.StringField('marc_file')

    #: collection id
    collection_id = xmlmap.IntegerField('collection/@id')
    #: collection name
    collection_name = xmlmap.StringField('collection')

    # NOTE: these mappings are incomplete, and only include what was pused
    # for readux page ingest; we will likely need to add more mappings

    def marc(self):
        # use pymarc to read the marcxml to make fields available
        if os.path.exists(self.marc_path):
            # with codecs.open(self.marc_path, 'r', "utf-8") as marcdata:
            with open(self.marc_path, 'r') as marcdata:
                # reader = MARCReader(marcdata, utf8_handling='ignore')
                return pymarc.parse_xml_to_array(marcdata)[0]
            print "Check if file %s exists or your mount connection" % self.marc_path
Exemple #7
class Line(Base):
    '''A single line of text in a :class:`Paragraph`.'''
    ROOT_NAME = 'line'
    baseline = xmlmap.IntegerField('@baseline')
    'integer baseline'
    left = xmlmap.IntegerField('@l')
    'integer left'
    top = xmlmap.IntegerField('@t')
    'integer top'
    right = xmlmap.IntegerField('@r')
    'integer right'
    bottom = xmlmap.IntegerField('@b')
    'integer bottom'
    formatted_text = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('formatting'), Formatting)
    'list of :class:`Formatting` elements'
Exemple #8
class DatastreamProfile(_FedoraBase):
    """:class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for datastream profile information
    returned by  :meth:`REST_API.getDatastream`."""
    # default namespace is fedora manage
    ROOT_NAME = 'datastreamProfile'
    label = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsLabel')
    "datastream label"
    version_id = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsVersionID')
    "current datastream version id"
    created = FedoraDateField('m:dsCreateDate')
    "date the datastream was created"
    state = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsState')
    "datastream state (A/I/D - Active, Inactive, Deleted)"
    mimetype = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsMIME')
    "datastream mimetype"
    format = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsFormatURI')
    "format URI for the datastream, if any"
    control_group = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsControlGroup')
    "datastream control group (inline XML, Managed, etc)"
    size = xmlmap.IntegerField(
        'm:dsSize')  # not reliable for managed datastreams as of Fedora 3.3
    "integer; size of the datastream content"
    versionable = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('m:dsVersionable', 'true', 'false')
    "boolean; indicates whether or not the datastream is currently being versioned"
    # infoType ?
    # location ?
    checksum = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsChecksum')
    "checksum for current datastream contents"
    checksum_type = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsChecksumType')
    "type of checksum"
    checksum_valid = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('m:dsChecksumValid', 'true',
    '''Boolean flag indicating if the current checksum is valid.  Only
Exemple #9
class _BaseMessage(_BaseCerp):
    '''Common message elements'''
    local_id = xmlmap.IntegerField('xm:LocalId')
    message_id = xmlmap.StringField('xm:MessageId')
    message_id_supplied = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('xm:MessageId/@Supplied',
            true='1', false=None)
    mime_version = xmlmap.StringField('xm:MimeVersion')
    orig_date_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:OrigDate') # FIXME: really datetime
    # NOTE: eulxml.xmlmap.DateTimeField supports specifying format,
    # but we might need additional work since %z only works with
    # strftime, not strptime
    from_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:From')
    sender_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Sender')
    to_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:To')
    cc_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Cc')
    bcc_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Bcc')
    in_reply_to_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:InReplyTo')
    references_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:References')
    subject_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Subject')
    comments_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Comments')
    keywords_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Keywords')
    headers = xmlmap.NodeListField('xm:Header', Header)

    single_body = xmlmap.NodeField('xm:SingleBody', SingleBody)
    multi_body = xmlmap.NodeField('xm:MultiBody', MultiBody)
    def body(self):
        return self.single_body or self.multi_body

    incomplete_list = xmlmap.NodeField('xm:Incomplete', Incomplete)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
                self.message_id or self.local_id or '(no id)')
Exemple #10
class Items(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for the response returned by getItems.
    Has a count of the number of items found, and a list of :class:`Item`
    objects with details about each item.'''
    count = xmlmap.IntegerField('@count')
    'number of items in the result'
    items = xmlmap.NodeListField('item', Item)
    'List of items as instances of :class:`~readux.books.digwf.Item`'
Exemple #11
class Block(Base):
    ROOT_NAME = 'page'
    '''A single block of content on a :class:`Page`.'''
    type = xmlmap.StringField('@blockType')  # Text, Table, Picture, Barcode
    'type of block (Text, Table, Picture, Barcode)'
    left = xmlmap.IntegerField('@l')
    'integer left'
    top = xmlmap.IntegerField('@t')
    'integer top'
    right = xmlmap.IntegerField('@r')
    'integer right'
    bottom = xmlmap.IntegerField('@b')
    'integer bottom'
    # must have one & only one region;
    # region/rect dimensions appears to be redundant...
    paragraphs = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('text/par'), Paragraph)
    'list of :class:`Paragraph` elements'
Exemple #12
class SystemInformation(XmlObject):
    ROOT_NAME = 'SystemInformation'
    id = xmlmap.StringField('MID')
    manufacturer = xmlmap.StringField('SystemManufacturer')
    product = xmlmap.StringField('SystemProductName')
    bios_version = xmlmap.StringField('BIOSVersion')
    # TODO: Parse to date with timezone bias
    install_date = xmlmap.IntegerField('OSInstallDate')
Exemple #13
class SecondaryParameter(XmlObject):
    """ Secondary parameter complex type
    id = xmlmap.IntegerField('@id')
    """ Parameter ID :type `int` """
    value = xmlmap.StringField('@value')
    """ Paramneter value :type `string` """
Exemple #14
class File(XmlObject):
    """ File complex type
    name = xmlmap.StringField('@filename')
    """ File name :type `string` """
    type = xmlmap.IntegerField('@filetype')
    """ File type :type `int` """
Exemple #15
class Paragraph(Base):
    '''A single paragraph of text somewhere in a :class:`Document`.'''
    ROOT_NAME = 'par'
    align = xmlmap.StringField(
        '@align')  # default is Left; Center, Right, Justified
    'text alignment (Left, Center, Right, Justified)'
    left_indent = xmlmap.IntegerField('@leftIndent')
    'integer left indent'
    right_indent = xmlmap.IntegerField('@rightIndent')
    'integer right indent'
    start_indent = xmlmap.IntegerField('@startIndent')
    'integer start indent'
    line_spacing = xmlmap.IntegerField('@lineSpacing')
    'integer line spacing'
    # dropChars stuff ?
    lines = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('line'), Line)
    'list of :class:`Line` elements'
Exemple #16
class Parameter(XmlObject):
    """ Parameter complex type
    id = xmlmap.IntegerField('@id')
    """ Parameter ID :type `int`"""
    name = xmlmap.StringField('@name', required=False)
    """ Optional paramneter name :type `string`"""
    value = xmlmap.StringField('@value')
    """ Paramneter value :type `string`"""
Exemple #17
class Page(Base):
    '''A single page of a :class:`Document`.'''
    ROOT_NAME = 'page'
    width = xmlmap.IntegerField('@width')
    'integer width'
    height = xmlmap.IntegerField('@height')
    'integer height'
    resolution = xmlmap.IntegerField('@resolution')
    'integer resolution'
    blocks = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('block'), Block)
    'list of :class:`Block` elements in this page'
    text_blocks = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('block[@blockType="Text"]'), Block)
    'text :class:`Block` elements (where type is "Text")'
    picture_blocks = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('block[@blockType="Picture"]'),
    'picture :class:`Block` elements (where type is "Picture")'
    # block position info possibly redundant? map paragraphs directly
    paragraphs = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('block/text/par'), Paragraph)
    'list of :class:`Paragraph` elements in any of the blocks on this page'
Exemple #18
class Unitid(_EadBase):
    '''Unitid element'''
    ROOT_NAME = 'unitid'
    identifier = xmlmap.IntegerField('@identifier')
    'machine-readable identifier - `@identifier`'
    country_code = xmlmap.StringField('@countrycode')
    'country code - `@countrycode`'
    repository_code = xmlmap.StringField('@repositorycode')
    'repository code - `@repositorycode`'
    value = xmlmap.StringField('.')
    "human-readable unitid - (contents of the element)"
Exemple #19
class QueryTestModel(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    ROOT_NAMESPACES = {'ex': 'http://example.com/'}
    id = xmlmap.StringField('@id')
    name = xmlmap.StringField('name')
    description = xmlmap.StringField('description')
    wnn = xmlmap.IntegerField('wacky_node_name')
    sub = xmlmap.NodeField("sub", QuerySubModel)
    or_field = xmlmap.StringField('name|description|@id')
    substring = xmlmap.StringField('substring(name, 1, 1)')
    nsfield = xmlmap.StringField('ex:field')
    years = xmlmap.StringListField('year')
Exemple #20
class MachineInfo(XmlObject):
    """ MachineInfo complex type
    name = xmlmap.StringField('@machinename')
    """ Machine name :type `string` """
    os = xmlmap.StringField('@os')
    """ Machine operating system version :type `string` """
    lcid = xmlmap.IntegerField('@lcid')
    """ Machine language identifier :type `int` """
    oem = xmlmap.StringField('@oem', required=False)
    """ Optional machine OEM name :type `string` """
Exemple #21
class VideoDigitalTech(_BaseDigitalTech):
    ":class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for Digital Technical Metadata."
    ROOT_NAME = 'digitaltech'
    date_captured = xmlmap.StringField(
        help_text='Date digital capture was made',
    'date digital capture was made (string)'
    codec_quality = xmlmap.StringField(
        help_text='Whether the data compression method was lossless or lossy',
        choices=('lossless', 'compressed'))
    'codec quality - lossless or lossy'
    duration = xmlmap.IntegerField(
        'dt:duration/dt:measure[@type="time"][@unit="seconds"][@aspect="duration of playing time"]',
        help_text='Duration of video playing time',
    'duration of the video file'
    # FIXME/TODO: note and digitization purpose could be plural
    note = xmlmap.StringField(
        'Additional information that may be helpful in describing the surrogate'
    'general note'
    note_list = xmlmap.StringListField('dt:note[@type="general"]')
    digitization_purpose = xmlmap.StringField(
        'dt:note[@type="purpose of digitization"]',
        'The reason why the digital surrogate was created (e.g., exhibit, patron request, preservation)'
    'reason the item was digitized'
    digitization_purpose_list = xmlmap.StringListField(
        'dt:note[@type="purpose of digitization"]')
    transfer_engineer = xmlmap.NodeField(
        'The person who performed the digitization or conversion that produced the file'
    ':class:`TransferEngineer` - person who digitized the item'
    codec_creator = xmlmap.NodeField(
        'dt:codecCreator[@type="moving image"]',
        'Hardware, software, and software version used to create the digital file'
    ':class:`VideoCodecCreator` - hardware & software used to digitize the item'
Exemple #22
class SearchResults(_FedoraBase):
    """:class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for the results returned by
    # default namespace is fedora types
    ROOT_NAME = 'result'
    session_token = xmlmap.StringField('t:listSession/t:token')
    "session token"
    cursor = xmlmap.IntegerField('t:listSession/t:cursor')
    "session cursor"
    expiration_date = DateTimeField('t:listSession/t:expirationDate')
    "session experation date"
    results = xmlmap.NodeListField('t:resultList/t:objectFields', SearchResult)
    "search results - list of :class:`SearchResult`"
Exemple #23
class TestObject(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    ROOT_NAME = 'foo'
    id = xmlmap.StringField('@id', verbose_name='My Id', help_text='enter an id')
    int = xmlmap.IntegerField('bar[2]/baz')
    bool = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('boolean', 'yes', 'no')
    longtext = xmlmap.StringField('longtext', normalize=True, required=False)
    date = xmlmap.DateField('date')
    child = xmlmap.NodeField('bar[1]', TestSubobject, verbose_name='Child bar1')
    children = xmlmap.NodeListField('bar', TestSubobject)
    other_child = xmlmap.NodeField('plugh', OtherTestSubobject)
    my_opt = xmlmap.StringField('opt', choices=['a', 'b', 'c'])
    text = xmlmap.StringListField('text')
    numbers = xmlmap.IntegerListField('number')
Exemple #24
class EventInfo(XmlObject):
    """ EventInfo complex type
    report_type = xmlmap.IntegerField('@reporttype')
    """ Report type :type `int` """
    type = xmlmap.StringField('@eventtype')
    """ Event type :type `string` """
    time = DateField('@eventtime')
    """ Event date :type :class:`datetime.datetime`"""
    name = xmlmap.StringField('@friendlyeventname', required=False)
    """ Friendly event name :type `string` """
    description = xmlmap.StringField('@eventdescription', required=False)
    """ Event description :type `string` """
class Items(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for the response returned by getItems.
    Has a count of the number of items found, and a list of :class:`Item`
    objects with details about each item.'''
    _count = xmlmap.IntegerField('@count')
    'number of items in the result'
    items = xmlmap.NodeListField('item', Item)
    'List of items as instances of :class:`~readux.books.digwf.Item`'

    def count(self):
        # in an empty result set, count is not set; return 0 to simplify
        # code logic where results are checked
        return self._count or 0
Exemple #26
class _EadBase(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    '''Common EAD namespace declarations, for use by all EAD XmlObject instances.'''
    ROOT_NAME = 'ead'
        'e': ROOT_NS,
        'xlink': XLINK_NAMESPACE,
        'exist': 'http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist'
    # TODO: if there are any universal EAD attributes, they should be added here

    # NOTE: this is not an EAD field, but simplifies using EAD objects with eXist
    # by making exist match-count totals available at any level
    match_count = xmlmap.IntegerField("count(.//exist:match)")
    'Count of exist matches under the current field - for use with EAD and eXist-db'
Exemple #27
class Document(Base):
    ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` class for an ABBYY
    OCR XML Document.

    .. Note::
      Currently there is no support for tabular formatting elements.
    ROOT_NAME = 'document'
    pages = xmlmap.NodeListField(frns('page'), Page)
    'pages as :class:`Page`'
    page_count = xmlmap.IntegerField('@pagesCount')
    'integer page_count (document ``@pagesCount``)'
    language = xmlmap.StringField('@mainLanguage')
    'main language of the document'
    languages = xmlmap.StringField('@languages')
    'all languages included in the document'
Exemple #28
class Response(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    '''An XML response to a SHERPA/RoMEO query'''
    # this mapping ignores header/parameters
    num_hits = xmlmap.IntegerField('header/numhits')
    api_control = xmlmap.StringField('header/apicontrol')
    # api_control values: all, colour, followup, identifier, invalid,
    #                     journal, publisher
    outcome = xmlmap.StringField('header/outcome')
    # outcome values: excessJournals, failed, manyJournals, notFound,
    #                 publisherFound, singleJournal, uniqueZetoc
    message = xmlmap.StringField('header/message')
    journals = xmlmap.NodeListField('journals/journal', Journal)
    publishers = xmlmap.NodeListField('publishers/publisher', Publisher)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.num_hits is None:
            return u'<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.outcome)
            return u'<%s: %s (%d hits)>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
                    self.outcome, self.num_hits)
Exemple #29
class RocheTEI(teimap.Tei):
    title_en = xmlmap.StringField(
    chapter = xmlmap.IntegerField('tei:text/tei:body/tei:div/@n')
    chapter_title = xmlmap.StringField(
    place_names = xmlmap.StringListField('//tei:placeName')
    persons = xmlmap.StringListField('//tei:persName')
    terms = xmlmap.StringListField('//tei:term')

    def first_letter_author(self):
        """Return the first letter of the authors surname"""

        return self.author

    def first_letter_title(self):
        """Return the first letter of the title"""

        return self.title
Exemple #30
class PremisObject(premis.Object):
    composition_level = xmlmap.IntegerField(
    checksums = xmlmap.NodeListField('p:objectCharacteristics/p:fixity',
    format = xmlmap.NodeField('p:objectCharacteristics/p:format',

    latest_format = xmlmap.NodeField(
        'p:objectCharacteristics[position() = last()]/p:format',

    creating_application = xmlmap.NodeField(
    original_environment = xmlmap.NodeField(
        'p:environment[p:environmentNote="Original environment"]',

    characteristics = xmlmap.NodeListField('p:objectCharacteristics',

    relationships = xmlmap.NodeListField('p:relationship', PremisRelationship)