Exemple #1
 def bundle_status_cb(self,buf, cmdtimeout, parttimeout, starttime,lasttime, check_image_stage):
     #self.debug('bundle_status_cb: cmdtimeout:'+str(cmdtimeout)+", partimeout:"+str(parttimeout)+", starttime:"+str(starttime)+", lasttime:"+str(lasttime)+", check_image_stage:"+str(check_image_stage))
     ret = SshCbReturn(stop=False)
     #if the over timeout or the callback interval has expired, then return stop=true
     #interval timeout should not be hit due to the setting of the timer value, but check here anyways
     if (cmdtimeout != 0) and ( int(time.time()-starttime) > cmdtimeout):
         self.debug('bundle_status_cb command timed out after '+str(cmdtimeout)+' seconds')
         ret.stop = True
         return ret
     if not check_image_stage:
         ret.settimer = parttimeout
         if (parttimeout != 0 and lasttime != 0) and (int(time.time()-lasttime) > parttimeout):
             self.debug('bundle_status_cb inter-part time out after '+str(parttimeout)+' seconds')
             ret.stop = True
             return ret
     if re.search('[P|p]art:',buf):
         #Print command output and write to ssh.cmd['output'] buffer
         ret.buf = buf
     #Command is still going, reset timer thread to intervaltimeout, provide arguments for  next time this is called from ssh cmd.
     ret.stop = False
     ret.nextargs =[cmdtimeout,parttimeout,starttime,time.time(),check_image_stage]
     return ret
Exemple #2
 def bundle_status_cb(self,buf, cmdtimeout, parttimeout, starttime,lasttime, check_image_stage):
     #self.debug('bundle_status_cb: cmdtimeout:'+str(cmdtimeout)+", partimeout:"+str(parttimeout)+", starttime:"+str(starttime)+", lasttime:"+str(lasttime)+", check_image_stage:"+str(check_image_stage))
     ret = SshCbReturn(stop=False)
     #if the over timeout or the callback interval has expired, then return stop=true
     #interval timeout should not be hit due to the setting of the timer value, but check here anyways
     if (cmdtimeout != 0) and ( int(time.time()-starttime) > cmdtimeout):
         self.debug('bundle_status_cb command timed out after '+str(cmdtimeout)+' seconds')
         ret.stop = True
         return ret
     if not check_image_stage:
         ret.settimer = parttimeout
         if (parttimeout != 0 and lasttime != 0) and (int(time.time()-lasttime) > parttimeout):
             self.debug('bundle_status_cb inter-part time out after '+str(parttimeout)+' seconds')
             ret.stop = True
             return ret
     if re.search('[P|p]art:',buf):
         #Print command output and write to ssh.cmd['output'] buffer
         ret.buf = buf
     #Command is still going, reset timer thread to intervaltimeout, provide arguments for  next time this is called from ssh cmd.
     ret.stop = False
     ret.nextargs =[cmdtimeout,parttimeout,starttime,time.time(),check_image_stage]
     return ret
Exemple #3
 def _raw_cb(self, buf, promptcount, promptstring, promptmax, debug):
     Call back which can be used to control and ssh command when a shell and raw
      input needed (ie to send controlled tabs for example)
     param buf: buffer provided by ssh.cmd session
     param promptcount: int amount of times we've seen the prompt
     param promptstring: string the string to match
     param promptmax: the maximum number prompt matches before the command is signaled 'done'
     returns SshCbReturn obj
     ret = SshCbReturn(buf=buf, stop=False)
     #Count the number of occurrences of the promptstring
     promptcount = promptcount + len(re.findall(promptstring,buf))
     if promptcount >= promptmax:
         ret.stop = True
     #Return the args this call back will be called with the next time around
     ret.nextargs=[promptcount, promptstring, promptmax, debug]
     if debug:
         print str(buf)+ '\npromptcount:' + str(promptcount) + ', promptstring:' + str(promptstring) + ', promptmax:'+ str(promptmax)
     return ret
Exemple #4
 def _raw_cb(self, buf, promptcount, promptstring, promptmax, debug):
     Call back which can be used to control and ssh command when a shell and raw
      input needed (ie to send controlled tabs for example)
     param buf: buffer provided by ssh.cmd session
     param promptcount: int amount of times we've seen the prompt
     param promptstring: string the string to match
     param promptmax: the maximum number prompt matches before the command is signaled 'done'
     returns SshCbReturn obj
     ret = SshCbReturn(buf=buf, stop=False)
     #Count the number of occurrences of the promptstring
     promptcount = promptcount + len(re.findall(promptstring, buf))
     if promptcount >= promptmax:
         ret.stop = True
     #Return the args this call back will be called with the next time around
     ret.nextargs = [promptcount, promptstring, promptmax, debug]
     if debug:
         print str(buf) + '\npromptcount:' + str(
             promptcount) + ', promptstring:' + str(
                 promptstring) + ', promptmax:' + str(promptmax)
     return ret