def get_ip_address(ifname=None):
    if not ifname:
        if ev3dev.current_platform() == 'ev3': ifname = 'bnep0'
        if ev3dev.current_platform() == 'brickpi': ifname = 'wlan0'
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
            0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
            struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])
        return "No IP Address on " + ifname
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, l_rope_0, r_rope_0, attachment_distance, pulley_diam=4.4, Kp=2.2, Ki=0.2, Kd=0.02, Kp_neg_factor=.5, max_spd=800):
        self.__l_rope_0 = float(l_rope_0)
        self.__r_rope_0 = float(r_rope_0)
        self.__att_dist = float(attachment_distance)
        self.pulley_diam = float(pulley_diam)
        self.direction = 1 # -1 is for reversing motors

        # Start the engines
        self.pen_motor = PIDMotor(ev3dev.OUTPUT_D, Kp=4, Ki=0.2, Kd=0, brake=0.3, max_spd=200) # Port D (motors go from 0-3)
        self.pen_motor.positionPID.precision = 4
        self.pen_motor.speedPID.Kp = 0.05
        #self.pen_motor = ev3dev.Motor(ev3dev.OUTPUT_D)
        #self.pen_motor.stop_command = self.pen_motor.stop_command_brake
        #self.pen_motor.speed_regulation_enabled = 'on'
        self.left_motor = PIDMotor(ev3dev.OUTPUT_B, Kp=Kp, Ki=Ki, Kd=Kd, max_spd=max_spd)
        self.right_motor = PIDMotor(ev3dev.OUTPUT_C, Kp=Kp, Ki=Ki, Kd=Kd, max_spd=max_spd)

        # Build lists for iterating over all motors
        self.drive_motors = [self.left_motor, self.right_motor]
        self.all_motors = [self.left_motor, self.right_motor, self.pen_motor]

        # Set starting point
        if ev3dev.current_platform() == 'brickpi':
            self.battery = BrickPiPowerSupply()
            self.battery = ev3dev.PowerSupply()
Exemple #3
    def calc_constants(self):
        # Some math to calculate the plotter parameters
        large_gear_teeth = 24
        small_gear_teeth = 8
        if ev3dev.current_platform() == 'brickpi':
            factor = 2
            factor = 1
        self.cm_to_deg = -factor * 180 / 3.1415 * 2 / self.pulley_diam * large_gear_teeth / small_gear_teeth

        # Calculate the height of triangle made up by the two ropes
        self.v_margin = self.triangle_area(self.__l_rope_0, self.__r_rope_0, self.__att_dist) / self.__att_dist * 2

        # Using pythagoras to find distance from bottom triangle point to left doorframe
        self.h_margin = (self.__l_rope_0 ** 2 - self.v_margin ** 2) ** 0.5

        # For convenience, the canvas is square and centered between the attachment points
        self.canvas_size = self.__att_dist - 2 * self.h_margin