def func4(x): return metrics.corr(np.asarray(x), Obs[oname2].iloc[:, 1])
# Get sim outpts and apply conversion factor !! tmp = [ simfct[iobs] * sim[j][x] for x in range(1, simlen + 1) ] # Crop between desired time frame sim2 = [ tmp[idx] for idx in range(simlen) if simdate[idx] >= fitbeg[iobs] and simdate[idx] <= fitend[iobs] ] # Metrics md_nse = metrics.nash_sutcliff(sim2, obs) md_kge = metrics.kling_gupta(sim2, obs, method='2012') md_rmse = metrics.rmse(sim2, obs) #md_bias = metrics.bias(sim2,obs) md_corr = metrics.corr(sim2, obs) md_rstd = metrics.rstd(sim2, obs) # Write f_out.write(','.join([ str(i + 1), str(jcomp), str(md_nse), str(md_kge), str(md_rmse), str(md_corr), str(md_rstd) ]) + '\n') # Save the 'coordinates' of this sample (only the first time) if iobs == 0: iok.append(i) jok.append(jcomp)
# return UnivariateSpline(d,y,s=0).integral(d1,d2)/(d2-d1) return splint(d1, d2, splrep(d, y, k=min(len(d) - 1, 3), s=0)) / (d2 - d1) # return sp.integrate.quad(interp1d.splrep(d,y,k=len(d)-1,s=0),d1,d2)[0]/(d2-d1) obs = Obs[oname2].iloc[:, 1:].apply(func, axis=1) #print len(obs) KGE.loc[js2[j], oname] = metrics.kling_gupta(sim, obs, method='2012') MAE.loc[js2[j], oname] = metrics.meanabs(sim, obs) RMSE.loc[js2[j], oname] = metrics.rmse(sim, obs) corr.loc[js2[j], oname] = metrics.corr(sim, obs) if oname == outnames[0]: itot += nj # Clean the metrics dataframe to include only the successful runs common to all obs # Use MAE or RMSE, because KGE and corr can have NaN only for 'flat' succesful runs MAE.dropna(inplace=True) RMSE.dropna(inplace=True) js3 = MAE.index KGE = KGE.ix[js3] corr = corr.ix[js3] df_par = df_par.loc[:, js3]
KGEcorr[obsnames[iobs]] = [0] * nj KGEgamma[obsnames[iobs]] = [0] * nj KGEbeta[obsnames[iobs]] = [0] * nj for j in range(1, nj + 1): # -- Cost functions tmp2 = tmp[j - 1] * simfct[iobs] # Crop between desired time frame sim = [ tmp2[idx + 1] for idx in range(lsim) if simt[idx] >= fitbeg[iobs] and simt[idx] <= fitend[iobs] ] # Increment cost function KGEcorr[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1] = metrics.corr( sim, obs[obsnames[iobs]]) KGEbeta[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1] = metrics.rmu( sim, obs[obsnames[iobs]]) KGEgamma[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1] = metrics.rstd( sim, obs[obsnames[iobs]]) / KGEbeta[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1] KGEmod[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1] = 1 - np.sqrt( (1 - KGEcorr[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1])**2 + (1 - KGEgamma[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1])**2 + (1 - KGEbeta[obsnames[iobs]][j - 1])**2) # A few prints if j == 1: print obsnames[iobs] print np.mean(sim), np.mean( obs[obsnames[iobs]],