def LoadObjectID(self, loadObjectID, *args, **kwds): self.loadedObjectID = loadObjectID self.objectLabel.text = '%s %s/%s' % ( loadObjectID, self.objectIDs.index(loadObjectID) + 1, len(self.objectIDs)) if getattr(self, 'currentMap', None): self.currentMap.Close() inEditMode = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewEditEnabled', 0) from eve.client.script.ui.shared.mapView.hexagonal.hexMap import HexMap self.currentMap = HexMap(parent=self.clipRect, state=uiconst.UI_NORMAL, editMode=inEditMode) stopOnErrors = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewStopOnErrors', 0) ignoreFixed = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewIgnoreFixed', 0) refreshLayout = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewRefreshLayout', 0) if refreshLayout: refreshLayout = loadObjectID != const.locationUniverse if refreshLayout: resolved = PlotMapObjects(self.currentMap, loadObjectID) if not resolved and stopOnErrors: self.autoLoadTimer = None else: self.currentMap.LoadMapData(loadObjectID, ignoreFixedLayout=ignoreFixed) if loadObjectID > 9 and not settings.user.ui.Get( 'mapLoadCombined', 0): ol, ll, penalty = ScanAllOverlap(self.currentMap) if penalty: print 'Loaded', loadObjectID, 'penalty', penalty if stopOnErrors: self.autoLoadTimer = None
def LoadContent(self): self.lazyLoadThread = None if self.objectID is None or self.objectID not in uicore.mapObjectDataByID: return if not self.display or not self.parent: return if self.subMap is None: from eve.client.script.ui.shared.mapView.hexagonal.hexMap import HexMap self.subMap = HexMap(parent=self, parentMap=self.hexGrid, align=uiconst.CENTER, setMapSize=self.mapsize) self.subMap.opacity = 0 self.subMap.LoadMapData(self.objectID) self.subMap.state = uiconst.UI_DISABLED self.state = uiconst.UI_DISABLED width, height = hexUtil.hex_slot_size(self.isFlatTop, self.hexSize * 1000.0) self.subMap.localScaling = height / float( self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[1]) / 1000.0 self.subMap.width = self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[ 0] * self.globalScaling * self.subMap.localScaling self.subMap.height = self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[ 1] * self.globalScaling * self.subMap.localScaling vX, vY, vW, vH = self._latestViewportData left = (self.parent.width - self.width) / 2 + self.left top = (self.parent.height - self.height) / 2 + self.subMap.TraverseHexMap( (vX + left, vY + top, vW, vH), scaling=self.globalScaling * self.localScaling) uicore.animations.FadeTo(self.subMap, startVal=0.0, endVal=1.0) self.subMap.display = True
class DebugMapBrowser(Window): default_windowID = 'DebugMapBrowser' default_caption = 'Map Debug View' autoLoadTimer = None loadedObjectID = None currentMap = None clipRect = None def ApplyAttributes(self, attributes): Window.ApplyAttributes(self, attributes) self.SetTopparentHeight(0) def LoadOptions(self): PrimeMapData() self.objectIDs = sorted(uicore.mapObjectDataByID.keys()) main = self.GetMainArea() main.clipChildren = True main.padding = 6 lg = LayoutGrid(parent=main, columns=3, cellPadding=2, align=uiconst.TOTOP) self.objectLabel = EveLabelLarge(bold=True) lg.AddCell(self.objectLabel, colSpan=lg.columns - 1) self.inputEdit = SinglelineEdit(OnReturn=self.OnInputConfirm, align=uiconst.TOPRIGHT) self.inputEdit.SetHistoryVisibility(True) lg.AddCell(self.inputEdit, colSpan=1) b = Button(func=self.BrowsePrev, label='Previous') lg.AddCell(b, colSpan=2) Button(parent=lg, func=self.BrowseNext, label='Next', align=uiconst.TOPRIGHT) lg.FillRow() lg.AddCell(Line(align=uiconst.TOTOP), colSpan=lg.columns, cellPadding=(0, 4, 0, 4)) b = Button(func=self.BrowseNextLoop, label='Browse next loop', fixedwidth=240) lg.AddCell(b, colSpan=lg.columns) self.browseLoopButton = b settings.user.ui.Set('mapDebugViewRefreshLayout', 0) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugViewRefreshLayout', text='Refresh layouts', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewRefreshLayout', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugViewStopOnErrors', text='Stop on error', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewStopOnErrors', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugViewIgnoreFixed', text='Ignore fixed layouts', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewIgnoreFixed', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugViewEditEnabled', text='Editmode enabled', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewEditEnabled', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugSubdivision', text='Show Grid Subdivision', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugSubdivision', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapLoadCombined', text='Load Combined', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapLoadCombined', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugShowIDs', text='Show IDs', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugShowIDs', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugLoadHexLines', text='Load Hex Lines', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugLoadHexLines', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) c = Checkbox(configName='mapDebugShowExitPoints', text='Show Exit Points', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, checked=settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugShowExitPoints', 0), wrapLabel=False, callback=self.OnCheckBoxChange) lg.AddCell(c, colSpan=lg.columns) lg.FillRow() lg.AddCell(Line(align=uiconst.TOTOP), colSpan=lg.columns, cellPadding=(0, 4, 0, 4)) b = Button(func=self.ScanCurrent, label='Scan Current', fixedwidth=240) lg.AddCell(b, colSpan=lg.columns) b = Button(func=self.AutoFitSize, label='Auto Fit', fixedwidth=240) lg.AddCell(b, colSpan=lg.columns) self.statsLabel = EveLabelMedium(parent=lg) lg.FillRow() self.clipRect = Container(parent=uicore.layer.main, align=uiconst.CENTER, width=800, height=600, clipChildren=True) Frame(bgParent=self.clipRect) Fill(bgParent=self.clipRect, color=(0, 0, 0, 1)) self.LoadObjectID(loadObjectID=10000001) def Close(self, *args, **kwds): Window.Close(self, *args, **kwds) if self.currentMap and not self.currentMap.destroyed: self.currentMap.Close() self.currentMap = None if self.clipRect: self.clipRect.Close() self.clipRect = None def OnCheckBoxChange(self, *args, **kwds): if self.loadedObjectID:, self.loadedObjectID) def LoadObjectID(self, loadObjectID, *args, **kwds): self.loadedObjectID = loadObjectID self.objectLabel.text = '%s %s/%s' % ( loadObjectID, self.objectIDs.index(loadObjectID) + 1, len(self.objectIDs)) if getattr(self, 'currentMap', None): self.currentMap.Close() inEditMode = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewEditEnabled', 0) from eve.client.script.ui.shared.mapView.hexagonal.hexMap import HexMap self.currentMap = HexMap(parent=self.clipRect, state=uiconst.UI_NORMAL, editMode=inEditMode) stopOnErrors = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewStopOnErrors', 0) ignoreFixed = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewIgnoreFixed', 0) refreshLayout = settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugViewRefreshLayout', 0) if refreshLayout: refreshLayout = loadObjectID != const.locationUniverse if refreshLayout: resolved = PlotMapObjects(self.currentMap, loadObjectID) if not resolved and stopOnErrors: self.autoLoadTimer = None else: self.currentMap.LoadMapData(loadObjectID, ignoreFixedLayout=ignoreFixed) if loadObjectID > 9 and not settings.user.ui.Get( 'mapLoadCombined', 0): ol, ll, penalty = ScanAllOverlap(self.currentMap) if penalty: print 'Loaded', loadObjectID, 'penalty', penalty if stopOnErrors: self.autoLoadTimer = None def BrowsePrev(self, *args, **kwds): self.autoLoadTimer = None if self.loadedObjectID: ctrl = uicore.uilib.Key(uiconst.VK_CONTROL) if ctrl: i = 1 else: i = self.objectIDs.index(self.loadedObjectID) self.LoadObjectID(self.objectIDs[max(0, i - 1)]) def BrowseNext(self, *args, **kwds): if self.destroyed: self.autoLoadTimer = None return if self.loadedObjectID: i = self.objectIDs.index(self.loadedObjectID) if i + 1 < len(self.objectIDs): self.LoadObjectID(self.objectIDs[i + 1]) return True def AutoFitSize(self, *args): self._AutoFitSize(self, *args) def _AutoFitSize(self, *args): print 'meee' hexMap = self.currentMap layout = hexMap.GetCurrentLayout() newlayout, size = AutoFitLayout(layout) for objectID, column_row in newlayout.iteritems(): hexCell = hexMap.objectByID[objectID] hexCell.MoveToCR(*column_row) hexMap.UpdateJumpLines() hexMap.SetMapSize(size) def ScanCurrent(self, *args): self._ScanCurrent(*args) def _ScanCurrent(self, *args): if self.currentMap: ol, ll, penalty = ScanAllOverlap(self.currentMap) print penalty def MakePattern(self, *args): pass def BrowseNextLoop(self, *args): if self.autoLoadTimer: self.browseLoopButton.SetLabel('Browse next loop') self.autoLoadTimer = None else: self.browseLoopButton.SetLabel('Stop') self.autoLoadTimer = AutoTimer(1, self.AutoBrowse) def AutoBrowse(self): stillLoading = self.BrowseNext() if not stillLoading: self.autoLoadTimer = None def OnInputConfirm(self, *args, **kwds): try: toInt = int(self.inputEdit.GetValue()) if toInt in self.objectIDs: self.LoadObjectID(toInt) except: pass
class HexCell(Container): default_pickRadius = -1 default_opacity = 1.0 default_align = uiconst.CENTER default_state = uiconst.UI_PICKCHILDREN isFlatTop = True editMode = False hexGrid = None hexSize = 16.0 hexGridSize = 32.0 gridPosition = (0, 0) outline = None positionLabel = None objectID = None outlineColor = (1, 1, 1, 1) subMap = None lazyLoadThread = None OnDragCallback = None OnDragEndCallback = None OnMouseDownCallback = None OnMouseUpCallback = None OnMouseWheelCallback = None globalScaling = 1.0 localScaling = 1.0 mapsize = None def ApplyAttributes(self, attributes): Container.ApplyAttributes(self, attributes) self.editMode = attributes.editMode self.hexGrid = attributes.hexGrid self.hexSize = attributes.hexSize or self.hexSize self.hexGridSize = attributes.hexGridSize or self.hexGridSize self.isFlatTop = attributes.isFlatTop or self.isFlatTop self.sizeUnscaled = hexUtil.hex_slot_size(self.isFlatTop, self.hexSize) self.width, self.height = self.sizeUnscaled if settings.user.ui.Get('mapDebugShowIDs', 0): self.positionLabel = EveLabelSmall(parent=self, align=uiconst.CENTERTOP) self.backgroundSprite = Sprite( bgParent=self, texturePath= 'res:/UI/Texture/classes/HexMap/baseHexUnderlaySmall.png', color=self.hexGrid.mainColor) if self.editMode: self.state = uiconst.UI_NORMAL def Close(self, *args): Container.Close(self, *args) self.hexGrid = None self.OnMouseDownCallback = None self.OnMouseUpCallback = None self.OnMouseWheelCallback = None def SetMapGridSize(self, mapsize): self.mapsize = mapsize def UpdateAlignment(self, budgetLeft=0, budgetTop=0, budgetWidth=0, budgetHeight=0, updateChildrenOnly=False): ret = Container.UpdateAlignment(self, budgetLeft, budgetTop, budgetWidth, budgetHeight, updateChildrenOnly) return ret def TraverseHexCell(self, viewportRect, scaling): self.globalScaling = scaling self._latestViewportData = viewportRect w, h = self.sizeUnscaled self.width = w * self.globalScaling * self.localScaling self.height = h * self.globalScaling * self.localScaling if self.gridPosition: self.MoveToCR(*self.gridPosition) vX, vY, vW, vH = viewportRect l = vX + self.left - self.width / 2 + self.parent.width / 2 r = l + self.width t = vY + - self.height / 2 + self.parent.height / 2 b = t + self.height if self.width < 50: self.backgroundSprite.texturePath = 'res:/UI/Texture/classes/HexMap/baseHexUnderlaySmall.png' elif self.width < 100: self.backgroundSprite.texturePath = 'res:/UI/Texture/classes/HexMap/baseHexUnderlayMedium.png' else: self.backgroundSprite.texturePath = 'res:/UI/Texture/classes/HexMap/baseHexUnderlay.png' if (r >= 0 and l <= vW or r >= vW and l <= 0) and (b >= 0 and t <= vH or b >= vH and t <= 0): self.display = True if self.height < self.hexSize / 2: if self.positionLabel: self.positionLabel.display = False elif self.positionLabel: self.positionLabel.display = True if self.height >= 96: if not self.editMode and not self.lazyLoadThread and not self.subMap: self.lazyLoadThread = AutoTimer( 50 + random.randint(1, 500), self.LoadContent) if self.subMap: width, height = hexUtil.hex_slot_size( self.isFlatTop, self.hexSize * 1000.0) self.subMap.localScaling = height / float( self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[1]) / 1000.0 self.subMap.width = self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[ 0] * self.globalScaling * self.subMap.localScaling self.subMap.height = self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[ 1] * self.globalScaling * self.subMap.localScaling left = (self.parent.width - self.width) / 2 + self.left top = (self.parent.height - self.height) / 2 + self.subMap.TraverseHexMap( (vX + left, vY + top, vW, vH), scaling=self.globalScaling * self.localScaling) else: self.UnloadContent() else: self.display = False self.UnloadContent() def GetMap(self): return self.subMap def LoadContent(self): self.lazyLoadThread = None if self.objectID is None or self.objectID not in uicore.mapObjectDataByID: return if not self.display or not self.parent: return if self.subMap is None: from eve.client.script.ui.shared.mapView.hexagonal.hexMap import HexMap self.subMap = HexMap(parent=self, parentMap=self.hexGrid, align=uiconst.CENTER, setMapSize=self.mapsize) self.subMap.opacity = 0 self.subMap.LoadMapData(self.objectID) self.subMap.state = uiconst.UI_DISABLED self.state = uiconst.UI_DISABLED width, height = hexUtil.hex_slot_size(self.isFlatTop, self.hexSize * 1000.0) self.subMap.localScaling = height / float( self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[1]) / 1000.0 self.subMap.width = self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[ 0] * self.globalScaling * self.subMap.localScaling self.subMap.height = self.subMap.sizeUnscaled[ 1] * self.globalScaling * self.subMap.localScaling vX, vY, vW, vH = self._latestViewportData left = (self.parent.width - self.width) / 2 + self.left top = (self.parent.height - self.height) / 2 + self.subMap.TraverseHexMap( (vX + left, vY + top, vW, vH), scaling=self.globalScaling * self.localScaling) uicore.animations.FadeTo(self.subMap, startVal=0.0, endVal=1.0) self.subMap.display = True def UnloadContent(self): self.lazyLoadThread = None if self.subMap: self.subMap.Close() self.subMap = None def MoveToXYZ(self, x, y, z): column, row = hexUtil.cube_to_axial_coordinate(x, y, z) self.MoveToCR(column, row) def OffsetCR(self, offsetColumn, offsetRow): column, row = self.gridPosition oddColumnOffset = offsetColumn & 1 if oddColumnOffset and not column & 1: offsetRow -= 1 self.MoveToCR(column + offsetColumn, row + offsetRow) def MoveToCR(self, column, row): cX, cY = hexUtil.hex_slot_center_position(column, row, self.isFlatTop, self.hexGridSize) self.left = cX * self.globalScaling * self.localScaling = cY * self.globalScaling * self.localScaling self.gridPosition = (column, row) if self.positionLabel: parentID = uicore.mapObjectParentByID.get(self.objectID, None) self.positionLabel.text = '%s<br>%s<br>%s/%s' % ( self.objectID, parentID, column, row) def GetGridPosition(self): return self.gridPosition def GetCenterPosition(self): return (self.left + self.width / 2, + self.height / 2) def GetPosition(self): return (self.left, def GetNeighborsInRange(self, startRange=0, endRange=1): startpos = self.gridPosition for i in xrange(startRange): startpos = hexUtil.neighbour_axial(startpos, 4, self.isFlatTop) ret = [] for i in xrange(startRange, endRange): startpos = hexUtil.neighbour_axial(startpos, 4, self.isFlatTop) cr = startpos for direction in xrange(6): for length in xrange(i + 1): cr = hexUtil.neighbour_axial(cr, direction, self.isFlatTop) ret.append(cr) return ret def GetSlotNeighborsInDirection(self, column_row, directions=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), startRange=0, endRange=10): ret = [] for direction in directions: cr = column_row for i in xrange(startRange): cr = hexUtil.neighbour_axial(cr, direction, self.isFlatTop) for length in xrange(startRange, endRange): cr = hexUtil.neighbour_axial(cr, direction, self.isFlatTop) ret.append(cr) return ret def OnMouseDown(self, mouseButton, *args): if self.editMode: self.dragThread = AutoTimer(1, self.DragHexCell) def OnMouseUp(self, mouseButton, *args): if self.OnMouseUpCallback: self.OnMouseUpCallback(mouseButton, self) def OnMouseWheel(self, dz): if self.OnMouseWheelCallback: self.OnMouseWheelCallback(dz, self) def OnDblClick(self, *args): if self.objectID and not self.editMode: mapRoot = self.FindTopLevelMap() if mapRoot: mapRoot.LoadMapData(self.objectID) def DragHexCell(self): if not uicore.uilib.leftbtn: self.dragThread = None if self.OnDragEndCallback: self.OnDragEndCallback(self) return pl, pt = self.parent.GetAbsolutePosition() self.left = uicore.uilib.x - pl - self.parent.width / 2 = uicore.uilib.y - pt - self.parent.height / 2 if self.OnDragCallback: self.OnDragCallback() def FindTopLevelMap(self): check = self while check: if isinstance(check, HexMap) and not check.isChild: return check check = check.parent def DrawOutline(self, margin=0): if self.outline: outline = self.outline else: outline = VectorLineTrace(parent=self, lineWidth=1, idx=0) outline.isLoop = True self.outline = outline outline.Flush() self.cornerPoints = [] colors = [(1, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1)] for i in xrange(6): if self.isFlatTop: outlineRad = self.displayWidth * 0.5 - margin angle = 2.0 * math.pi / 6.0 * i else: outlineRad = self.displayHeight * 0.5 - margin angle = 2.0 * math.pi / 6.0 * (i + 0.5) x_i = ReverseScaleDpi(self.displayWidth * 0.5 + outlineRad * math.cos(angle)) y_i = ReverseScaleDpi(self.displayHeight * 0.5 + outlineRad * math.sin(angle)) outline.AddPoint((x_i, y_i), colors[i]) self.cornerPoints.append((x_i, y_i)) def Hilite(self): self.outline.lineWidth = 3 @apply def displayRect(): fget = Base.displayRect.fget def fset(self, value): pW, pH = self._displayWidth, self._displayHeight displayX, displayY, displayWidth, displayHeight = value self._displayX = int(round(displayX)) self._displayY = int(round(displayY)) self._displayWidth = int( round(displayX + displayWidth)) - self._displayX self._displayHeight = int( round(displayY + displayHeight)) - self._displayY ro = self.renderObject if ro: ro.displayX = self._displayX ro.displayY = self._displayY ro.displayWidth = self._displayWidth ro.displayHeight = self._displayHeight if self._displayWidth != pW or self._displayHeight != pH: if self._backgroundlist and len(self.background): self.UpdateBackgrounds() if self.outline: self.DrawOutline() return property(**locals()) @apply def position(): doc = '(ui) position of hexMap' def fget(self): return (self._left, self._top) def fset(self, value): self.left = value[0] = value[1] return property(**locals()) @apply def size(): doc = '(ui) size of hexMap' def fget(self): return (self._width, self._height) def fset(self, value): self.width = value[0] self.height = value[1] return property(**locals())