Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.__data = {
             "Evento 1, un titulo",
             "Breve (o no tanto) descripcion del evento 1. Relleno de contenido en este evento",
             dt.date(2020, 1, 1), dt.time(20, 50, 10), "Plaza Mayor 1",
             "Nadie real1.", "Tema libre1", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa0"),
             "Evento 1, un titulo",
             "Breve (o no tanto) descripcion del evento 1. Relleno de contenido en este evento",
             dt.date(2020, 1, 1), dt.time(20, 50, 10), "Plaza Mayor 1",
             "Nadie real1.", "Tema libre1", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1"),
             "Evento 2, dos titulo",
             "Breve (o no tanto) descripcion del evento dos. Relleno de contenido en este evento",
             dt.date(2020, 2, 2), dt.time(20, 50, 20), "Plaza Mayor 2",
             "Nadie real2.", "Tema libre2", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2"),
             "Evento 3, tres titulo",
             "Breve (o no tanto) descripcion del evento 3. Relleno de contenido en este evento",
             dt.date(2020, 3, 3), dt.time(20, 50, 30), "Plaza Mayor 3",
             "Nadie real3.", "Tema libre3", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa3"),
             "Evento 4,  cuatro titulo",
             "Breve (o no tanto) descripcion del evento cuatro. Relleno de contenido en este evento",
             dt.date(2020, 4, 4), dt.time(20, 50, 40), "Plaza Mayor 4",
             "Nadie real4.", "Tema libre4", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4"),
def test_set_id():
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics, id)
    assert e.get_id() == id, "Error in Id assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics, 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics, "")
Exemple #3
 def db_dict_to_event(self, data):
     # Changes key name from '_id' to 'id' and cast key value from ObjectId to str
     data["id"] = str(data.pop("_id"))
     date = data['date'].split('-')
     time = data['time'].split(':')
     return Event(data["title"], data["description"],
                  dt.date(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2])),
                  dt.time(int(time[0]), int(time[1]),
                          int(time[2])), data["place"], data["organizer"],
                  data["topics"], data["id"])
def test_set_topics():
    _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, id=id)
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics, id)
    assert e.get_topics() == topics, "Error in topics assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, [])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, 'a' * 51)
def test_set_organizer():
    _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, topics=topics, id=id)
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics, id)
    assert e.get_organizer() == organizer, "Error in organizer assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, None, topics, id)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, place, 'a' * 51, topics, id)
def test_set_description():
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    assert e.get_description(
    ) == description, "Error in description assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(title, None, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, "", date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, 'a' * 401, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, 'a' * 19, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
def test_set_title():
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    assert e.get_title() == title, "Error in title assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(None, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event("", description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event('a' * 61, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
def test_place_type():
    e = Event(title,
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    assert e.get_place() == place, "Error in place assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, None, organizer, topics)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _ = Event(title, description, date, time, 'a' * 101, organizer, topics)
Exemple #9
    def save(self, event):
        # check if that id already exist
        if event.get_id() in self.__data:
            # if it does
            self.__data[event.get_id()] = event

            return event
            # if it doesn't
            new_id = list(self.__data.keys())[len(self.__data) - 1]
            last_number = str(int(new_id.split("a")[-1]) + 1)
            new_id = new_id[:-len(last_number)]
            new_id = new_id + last_number

            new = Event(event.get_title(), event.get_description(),
                        event.get_date(), event.get_time(), event.get_place(),
                        event.get_organizer(), event.get_topics(), new_id)
            self.__data[new_id] = new

            return new
Exemple #10
    def on_put(self, req, resp, id):
        # Check that the event specified exist
            ev = self._dator.get_by_id(id)
        except ValueError:
            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
            resp.body = json.dumps(
                {"error": "Resource with specified Id does not exist."})
            return resp

        # Read body of the request with the new event data
        body = req.bounded_stream.read().decode("utf-8")

        # Check body is not empty
        if body is "" or body is None:
            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
            resp.body = json.dumps(
                {"error": "Data not provided in request body."})
            return resp

        # Load event from body data if it is well formatted.
            ev = json.loads(body, object_hook=event_json_decoder)
            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_422
            resp.body = json.dumps(
                {"error": "Error in data provided in request body."})
            return resp

        # Create the edited event checking that the id is right
        new_ev = Event(ev.get_title(), ev.get_description(), ev.get_date(),
                       ev.get_time(), ev.get_place(), ev.get_organizer(),
                       ev.get_topics(), id)
        # Save edited event
        puted_ev = self._dator.save(new_ev)
        resp.body = json.dumps(puted_ev.to_json(), default=serialize)
def event_json_decoder(json):
    id = None
    topics = ""
    organizer = ""
    place = ""

    if '_id' in json.keys():
        id = json['id']
    if 'topics' in json.keys():
        topics = json['topics']
    if 'organizer' in json.keys():
        organizer = json['organizer']
    if 'place' in json.keys():
        place = json['place']

    # Can throw (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError)
    date = json['date'].split('-')
    time = json['time'].split(':')
    ev = Event(json['title'], json['description'],
               dt.date(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2])),
               dt.time(int(time[0]), int(time[1]), int(time[2])), place,
               organizer, topics, id)

    return ev
def test_set_date():
    e = Event(title, description, date, time, place, organizer, topics)
    assert e.get_date() == date, "Error in date assignment"

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        _ = Event(title, description, None, time, place, organizer, topics)
import sys
import os


from events_microservice.models.event import Event
from events_microservice.models.event_dator import MongoEventDator
import datetime as dt
import pytest

import pymongo
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
import json

ev0 = Event("test title", "test description " + 'a'*60, dt.date.today(), dt.time(10, 10, 10), "test place",
           organizer="test organizer", topics="test topics", id=None)
ev1 = Event("test title1", "test description1 " + 'a'*60, dt.date.today(), dt.time(11, 11, 11), "test place1",
           organizer="test organizer1", topics="test topics1", id=None)
ev2 = Event("test title2", "test description2 " + 'a'*60, dt.date.today(), dt.time(12, 12, 12), "test place2",
           organizer="test organizer2", topics="test topics2", id=None)

ev_t = Event("test titlet", "test descriptiont " + 'a'*60, dt.date.today(), dt.time(12, 12, 12), "test placet",
           organizer="test organizert", topics="test topicst", id=None)

client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client.EventsMicroservice
events_collection = db.Events
ids = []

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module')
Exemple #14
# test_event_dator_mock.py
import sys
import os


from events_microservice.models.event import Event
from events_microservice.models.event_dator import EventDatorMock
import datetime as dt
import pytest

ev = Event("test title",
           "test description " + 'a' * 60,
           dt.time(12, 12, 12),
           "test place",
           organizer="test organizer",
           topics="test topics",

def test_get_events():
    ed = EventDatorMock()
    events = ed.get_all()

    assert len(events) == 5, "Error in event_dator_ mock, get_all()"
    assert isinstance(events[0],
                      Event), "Error in event_dator_ mock, get_all()"

def test_get_by_id():