Exemple #1
def exercise3(clargs):
    """ Exercise 3 """
    parameters = PendulumParameters()  # Checkout pendulum.py for more info
    # Simulation parameters
    time = np.arange(0, 30, 0.01)  # Simulation time
    x0 = [1, 0.0]  # Initial state

    # To use/modify pendulum parameters (See PendulumParameters documentation):
    # parameters.g = 9.81  # Gravity constant
    # parameters.m = 1.  # Mass
    # parameters.L = 1.  # Length
    # parameters.I = 1. # Inertia (Automatically computed!)
    # parameters.d = 0.3  # damping
    # parameters.sin = np.sin  # Sine function
    # parameters.dry = False  # Use dry friction (True or False)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Evolution of pendulum in normal conditions must be implemented"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(parameters,))
    res.plot_state("State - normal")
    res.plot_phase("Phase - normal")

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Evolution of pendulum without damping must be implemented"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(PendulumParameters(d=0),))
    res.plot_state("State - d=0")
    res.plot_phase("Phase - d=0")

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Evolution of pendulum with perturbations must be implemented"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(PendulumParameters(), -2.0))
    res.plot_state("State - torque")
    res.plot_phase("Phase - torque")

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Evolution of pendulum with dry friction must be implemented"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(PendulumParameters(dry=True), 0.0))
    res.plot_state("State - dry")
    res.plot_phase("Phase - dry")

    # Show plots of all results
    if not clargs.save_figures:
def evolution_dry(x0, time):
    """ Dry friction simulation """
    pylog.info("Evolution with dry friction")
    parameters = PendulumParameters(d=0.03, dry=True)
    title = "{} with dry friction (x0={})"
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(parameters, ))
    res.plot_state(title.format("State", x0))
    res.plot_phase(title.format("Phase", x0))
def evolution_perturbation(x0, time):
    """ Perturbation and no damping simulation """
    pylog.info("Evolution with perturbations")
    parameters = PendulumParameters(d=0.0)
    title = "{} with perturbation (x0={})"
    res = integrate(pendulum_perturbation, x0, time, args=(parameters, ))
    res.plot_state(title.format("State", x0))
    res.plot_phase(title.format("Phase", x0))
def evolution_no_damping(x0, time):
    """ No damping simulation """
    pylog.info("Evolution with no damping")
    parameters = PendulumParameters(d=0.0)
    title = "{} without damping (x0={})"
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(parameters, ))
    res.plot_state(title.format("State", x0))
    res.plot_phase(title.format("Phase", x0))
def evolution_cases(time):
    """ Normal simulation """
    pylog.info("Evolution with basic paramater")
    x0_cases = [["Normal", [0.1, 0]], ["Stable", [0.0, 0.0]],
                ["Unstable", [np.pi, 0.0]], ["Multiple loops", [0.1, 10.0]]]
    title = "{} case {} (x0={})"
    parameters = PendulumParameters()
    for name, x0 in x0_cases:
        res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(parameters, ))
        res.plot_state(title.format(name, "state", x0))
        res.plot_phase(title.format(name, "phase", x0))
Exemple #6
def fixed_points_analysis():
    """ Exercise 3a - Compute and analyse fixed points """
    g, L, d, time = sp.symbols("g, L, d, t")
    params = PendulumParameters(g=g, L=L, d=d, sin=sp.sin)
    theta = sp.Function('theta')(time)
    dt_sym = theta.diff(time)
    d2t_sym = theta.diff(time, 2)
    # System
    sys_matrix = sp.Matrix(pendulum_system([theta, dt_sym], parameters=params))
    sys = sp.Equality(sp.Matrix(np.array([[dt_sym], [d2t_sym]])), sys_matrix)
    pylog.info(u"Pendulum system:\n{}".format(sp.pretty(sys)))
    # Solve when dtheta = 0 and d2theta=0
    dt = 0
    d2t = 0
    t_sol = sp.solveset(
        sp.Equality(d2t, pendulum_equation(theta, dt, parameters=params)),
        theta  # Theta, the variable to be solved
    sys_fixed = sp.Equality(sp.Matrix(np.array([[0], [0]])), sys_matrix)
    pylog.info(u"Solution for fixed points:\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(
        sp.pretty(sys_fixed), sp.pretty(sp.Equality(theta, t_sol)),
        sp.pretty(sp.Equality(dt_sym, dt)),
        sp.pretty(sp.Equality(d2t_sym, d2t))))
    # Alternative way of solving
    sol = sp.solve(sys_fixed, [theta, dt_sym])
    pylog.info(u"Solution using an alternative way of solving:\n{}".format(
    # Jacobian, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    jac = sys_matrix.jacobian(sp.Matrix([theta, dt_sym]))
    eigenvals = jac.eigenvals()
    eigenvects = jac.eigenvects()
        sp.pretty(jac), sp.pretty(eigenvals), sp.pretty(eigenvects)))
    # Stability analysis
    for i, s in enumerate(sol):
        pylog.info(u"Case {}:\n{}".format(
            i + 1,
            sp.pretty(sp.Equality(sp.Matrix([theta, dt_sym]), sp.Matrix(s)))))
        res = [None for _ in eigenvals.keys()]
        for j, e in enumerate(eigenvals.keys()):
            res[j] = e.subs({theta: s[0], dt_sym: s[1], g: 9.81, L: 1, d: 0.1})
                sp.pretty(sp.Equality(e, res[j])),
                "{} {}".format(sp.re(res[j]),
                               "> 0" if sp.re(res[j]) > 0 else "< 0")))
        fixed_point_type = None
        if all([sp.re(r) < 0 for r in res]):
            fixed_point_type = " stable point"
        elif all([sp.re(r) > 0 for r in res]):
            fixed_point_type = "n unstable point"
            fixed_point_type = " saddle point"
        pylog.info("Fixed point is a{}".format(fixed_point_type))
def exercise3(clargs):
    """ Exercise 3 """
    fixed_points()  # Optional
    parameters = PendulumParameters()  # Checkout pendulum.py for more info
    # Simulation parameters
    time = np.arange(0, 30, 0.01)  # Simulation time
    x0 = [0.1, 0.0]  # Initial state

    # Evolutions
    x0 = [0.1, 0]
    evolution_no_damping(x0, time)
    evolution_perturbation(x0, time)
    evolution_dry(x0, time)

    # Show plots of all results
    if not clargs.save_figures:
Exemple #8
def exercise3(clargs):
    """ Exercise 3 """
    parameters = PendulumParameters()  # Checkout pendulum.py for more info
    # Simulation parameters
    time = np.arange(0, 30, 0.01)  # Simulation time
    x0 = [0.1, 0.0]  # Initial state

    # To use/modify pendulum parameters (See PendulumParameters documentation):
    # parameters.g = 9.81  # Gravity constant
    # parameters.m = 1.  # Mass
    # parameters.L = 1.  # Length
    # parameters.I = 1. # Inertia (Automatically computed!)
    # parameters.d = 0.3  # damping
    # parameters.sin = np.sin  # Sine function
    # parameters.dry = False  # Use dry friction (True or False)

    # Example of system integration (Similar to lab1)
    # (NOTE: pendulum_equation must be imlpemented first)
    pylog.debug("Running integration example")
    res = integrate(pendulum_system, x0, time, args=(parameters,))

    # Evolutions
    # Write code here (You can add functions for the different cases)
        "Evolution of pendulum in normal conditions must be implemented"
        "Evolution of pendulum without damping must be implemented"
        "Evolution of pendulum with perturbations must be implemented"
        "Evolution of pendulum with dry friction must be implemented"

    # Show plots of all results
    if not clargs.save_figures: