def test_room_paths():
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")
    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)    
def test_room_paths():
    center = Room("Center", "가운데의 테스트 방.")
    north = Room("North", "북쪽의 테스트 방.")
    south = Room("South", "남쪽의 테스트 방.")

    center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
Exemple #3
def test_room():
   gold = Room("GoldRoom",
           """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a door to the north.""")
   assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
   assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
   descr = gold.look()
   assert_equal(descr.split(' ')[1], "room")
   assert_equal(descr.split(' ')[3], "gold")
def test_room_paths():
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    center.add_paths({"north": north, "south": south})
    assert_equal(center.go("north"), north)
    assert_equal(center.go("south"), south)
def test_room_paths() :
    center = Room('Center', 'Test room in the center.')
    north = Room('North', 'Test room in the north.')
    south = Room('South', 'Test room in the south.')

    center.add_paths({'north' : north, 'south' : south})
    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
def test_room_paths():
    center = Room('center', 'no centro')
    north = Room('north', 'no norte')
    south = Room('south', 'no sul')

    center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
Exemple #7
def test_room_paths():
    center=Room("Center","test room un the center")
    north=Room("Center","test room un the North")
    south=Room("Center","test room un the center")

    center.add_paths({'north':north , 'south':south})
def test_room_paths():
    center = Room("Center", "Test room is in the Center")
    north = Room("North", "Test room is in the North")
    south = Room("South", "Test room is in the South")

    center.add_paths({"North" : north, "South" : south})
    assert_equal(center.go("North"), north)
    assert_equal(center.go("South"), south)
Exemple #9
def test_room_paths():
	center = Room("center", "test center room")
	north = Room("north", "test north room")
	south = Room("south", "test south room")

	center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
	assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
	assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
Exemple #10
def test_removal():
	room1 = Room("Room1", "Test Room1.")
	room2 = Room("Room2", "Test Room2.")
	room3 = Room("Room3", "Test Room3.")
	room1.add_paths({'Room2': room2})
	room1.add_paths({'Room3': room3})
def test_room_paths():

	# Creates 3 instances of Room, no paths
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")
    # Add paths to the center room (K/V in paths)
    # Tests these links
Exemple #12
def test_room_paths():
    ## create center Room() object, named "Center"
	center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    ## create north Room() object, named "North"
	north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    ## create north Room() object, name "South"
	south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    ## add a dictionary to center object
	center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
    ## test to see if north equals north in the center.path dictionary.
	assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    ## test to see if south equals south in the center.path dictionary.
	assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start","You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees","There are trees here,you can go east.")


def test_room_paths():
    # 将Room类实例化
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the ceter.")

    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")

    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    # 将参数中的字典更新到paths字典中
    center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
    # 测试center实例中的go方法,查找north键并返回字典值,测试字典值是不是north实例对象返回值,否则报异常
    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    # 测试center实例中的go方法,查找south键并返回字典值,测试字典值是不是south实例对象返回值,否则报异常
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
Exemple #15
def test_room_grab_things():
		gold = Room("GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab.""")
		coins = Room("Coins", "Money")
		dark_room = Room('DarkRoom', "This room has nothing except darknes.")
		emptyness = Room("Emptyness", "Dark room is emty")
		gold.grab_things({'coins': coins})
		dark_room.grab_things({'emptyness': emptyness})
		assert_equals(gold.check_bag('coins'), coins)
		assert_equals(dark_room.check_bag('emptyness'), emptyness)
Exemple #16
def test_add_enemy():
    a=Room('test','Nothing to see here')
    b=Room('NO!','Just No')
    a.add_paths({"no": b})
    a.add_enemy("there is a testenemy here")
    assert_equal(c,"""Nothing to see here\nthere is a testenemy here""")
    assert_equal(a.go(b),"can't go there")
Exemple #17
def test_rooms():
	intro = Room("the Intro Room",
	"""You are in the intro-room. There is an exit South.""")

	apartment = Room("your Apartment",
	"""You are in your apartment. Its a very fancy and luxurious pad that sits just below
the Earth's ozone layer. There is an exit North, East and West""")

	intro.add_paths({'south': apartment})	
	apartment.add_paths({'north': intro})

Exemple #18
def test_room():
    text = "This room has a pile of gold. There's a door to the north."
    gold = Room("GoldRoom", text)
    assert == "GoldRoom"
    assert gold.description == text
    assert gold.paths == {}
def test_map():
    # 将Room实例化
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")

    west = Room("Trees", "There are tress here here, you can go east.")

    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    # 将参数中的字典更新到paths字典中
    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    # 将参数中的字典更新到paths字典中
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    # 将参数中的字典更新到paths字典中    
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)

    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)

    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #20
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("West", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down'), start)
Exemple #21
def test_map():
    start=Room("Start",'you can go west and down a hole')
    west=Room("Trees","ther are trees here you can go")
    down=Room("Dungeon","It's dark down here you can go")


Exemple #22
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "")
    west = Room("Trees", "")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "")

    start.add_paths({"west": west, "down": down})
    west.add_paths({"east": start})
    down.add_paths({"north": start})

    assert (start.go("west") == west)
    assert (start.go("west").go("east") == start)
    assert (start.go("down").go("north") == start)
Exemple #23
def test_map():
	start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
	west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
	down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

	start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
	west.add_paths({'east': start})
	down.add_paths({'up': start})

	assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
	assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
	assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")
Exemple #25
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and doom a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    done = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down there, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths(['west': west, 'down': down])
Exemple #26
def test_room_paths():
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    center.add_paths(["north": north, "south": south])
Exemple #27
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's
				a door in the north.""")
    assert_equal(, 'GoldRoom')
    assert_equal(gold.paths, dict())
Exemple #28
def test_map():

	# Creates 3 instances of Room, no paths
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees","There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")
    # Add paths to all rooms
    start.add_paths({"west": west, "down": down})
    west.add_paths({"east": start})
    down.add_paths({'up' : start})
    # Tests these links, and their chaining
    assert_equal(start.go("west"), west)
    assert_equal(start.go("west").go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go("down").go("up"), start)
Exemple #29
def test_map():
    # Instantiate room and attribute it to variables
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here. You can go east")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here. You can go up")

    #Links rooms together. i.e. start leads to west room. west leads to start room

    #instantiates add_paths and attributes it to start.
    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    # instantiates go with args west etc and asserts whether value for west key = west
    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)

# run 'nosetests' in  to run all tests
# nosetests -s   prints some output

# note that you're instantiating classes, and running methods on those classes
# all within a function. Doing things within things within things.
def test_items():
	start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
	west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
	down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

	start.add_items({'book': "a book"})
	west.add_items({'axe': "an axe"})
	down.add_items({'key': "a key"})
	assert_equal(start.take('book'), "a book")
	assert_equal(west.take('axe'), "an axe")
	assert_equal(down.take('key'), "a key")
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", "This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a door \
		    to the north")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemple #33
def test_room():
	gold = Room("GoldRoom","""This room""")
	assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
	assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    # These are all instances of the Room class and each one with have a different dict
    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #35
def test_room():
    gold = Room("Gold Room", """Go north and/or grab gold""")
    assert ( == "Gold Room")
    assert (gold.paths == {})
Exemple #36
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({"west": west, "down": down})
    west.add_paths({"east": start})
    down.add_paths({"up": start})

    assert_equal(start.go("west"), west)
    assert_equal(start.go("west").go("east"), start)
    assert_equal(start.go("down").go("up"), start)
Exemple #37
def test_map():
	start = Room('start','you can go west and down')
	west = Room('west', 'there are trees, you can go east')
	down = Room('dungeon', 'it is dark, you can go up')

	start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
	west.add_paths({'east': start})
	down.add_paths({'up': start})

	assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
	assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
	assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
	assert start.go('west') == west
Exemple #38
from import *
from import Room

def test_room():
    gold = Room("GoldRoom",
                """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a
                door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {} )

def test_room.paths():
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})

    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)

    def test_map():
        start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
        west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
        down = Room("Dungeon", "It’s dark down here, you can go up.")

        start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
        west.add_paths({'east': start})
        down.add_paths({'up': start})

        assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
Exemple #39
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", 'You can start')
    west = Room("West", 'You can west')
    down = Room("Down", 'You can down')

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #40
def test_map():
	start = Room('Start', 'You can go west and down a hole.')
	west = Room('Trees', 'There are trees here, you can go east.')
	down = Room('Dungeon', 'It\'s dark down here, you can go up.')
	start.add_paths({'west':west, 'down':down})
	west.add_paths({'east': start})
	down.add_paths({'up': start})
	assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
	assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
	assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #41
 def test_room(self):
     gold = Room(
         "GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a
     door to the north.""")
     self.assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
     self.assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemple #42
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You are in a hall you can go through a north door")
    north = Room("Kitchen", "You mum's kitchen nice! you can go West")
    west = Room("Dungeon", "It dark here almost like a dungeon you can go South" )
    south = Room("GoldRoom", "Oh yeah found my neXt box let's play a game")

    start.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': start})
    north.add_paths({'west': west, 'east': north})
    west.add_paths({'south': south, 'east': west})

    assert_equal(start.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(start.go('south'), start)
    # do not understand this principle
    assert_equal(north.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(north.go('east'), north)
    assert_equal(west.go('south'), south)
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west a down a hole.")
    east = Room("Mountain", "You can climbing the mountain!")
    west = Room("Tree", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up")

    start.add_paths({'west':west, 'down':down})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
def test_room_paths():
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")
Exemple #45
def test_map():
    ## create a start Room() object
	start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    ## create a west Room() object
	west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    ## create a down Room() object
	down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    ## add a dictionary to start with the values west and down.
	start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    ## add a dictionary to west with the value east
	west.add_paths({'east': start})
    ## add a dictionary to down with the value up
	down.add_paths({'up': start})

    ## test to see if you can go west from start
	assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    ## test to see if you can go west and then east from start
	assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    ## test to see if you can go down and up from start
	assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #46
def test_room():
    gold = Room('GoldRoom', """This toom has gold in it you can grab.
                There is a door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemple #47
def test_hallway():
    k_0 = Room("k_0", "0th room")
    k_1 = Room("k_1", "1st room")
    k_2 = Room("k_2", "2nd room")
    k_3 = Room("k_3", "3rd room")
    k_4 = Room("k_4", "4th room")

    # fwd, bk
    k_0.add_paths({'fwd': k_1})
    k_1.add_paths({'bk': k_0, 'fwd': k_2})
    k_2.add_paths({'bk': k_1, 'fwd': k_3})
    k_3.add_paths({'bk': k_2, 'fwd': k_4})
    k_4.add_paths({'bk': k_3})

    assert_equal(k_0.go('fwd').go('fwd').go('fwd').go('fwd'), k_4)
Exemple #48
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        """ This room has gold in it you grab,There`s a door to the north """)
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
def test_people():
	start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
	west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
	down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

	start.add_people({"no one": "You sound crazy talking to yourself"})
	west.add_people({"fox": "Wahpah wahpah wah pah-pow!"})
	down.add_people({"Sterling Archer": "DANGER ZONE"})
	assert_equal("no one"), "You sound crazy talking to yourself")
	assert_equal("fox"), "Wahpah wahpah wah pah-pow!")
	assert_equal("Sterling Archer"), "DANGER ZONE")
Exemple #50
def test_map():
    start = Room('Start', "You can go west and down a hole")
    west = Room('Trees', "There are tree here,you can go west")
    down = Room('Dungeon', 'It`s dark down here ,you can go up')

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #51
def test_room():
    gold = Room("GoldRoom", "This room has gold you can grab")

    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
Exemple #52
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        """This room has gold in it you cam grab. The door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemple #53
def test_map():
    start = Room ("Start" , "You can go west and a hole")
    west = Room ("Trees", "There are trees here , you can go east")
    down = Room ("Sungeon" , "IT 's a dark down here, you can go up")
    start.add_paths ({ 'west' : west, 'down' : down})
    west.add_paths ({'east' : start})
    down.add_paths ({'up' : start})

    assert_equal (start.go ('west'), west)
    assert_equal (start.go ('west').go('east'),start)
    assert_equal (start.go ('down').go('up'),start)
Exemple #54
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "Вы можете идти на запад и провалиться в яму.")
    west = Room("Trees",
                "Здесь есть деревья и вы можете отправиться на восток.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "Здесь темно и вы можете подняться вверх.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #55
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """В этой комнате полно золота, которое можно украсть. 
                Здесь есть дверь с выходом на север.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemple #56
def test_room():
    gold = Room("GoldRoom"
                """This room has gold in it you can grab, There's a
                door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, 'GoldRoom')
    assert_equal(gold.paths. [])
Exemple #57
def test_map():
    start = Room('Start', "You can go west and down a hill.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees herem, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's a dark down here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemple #58
def test_map():
	start = Room("Start","You can go west and down a hole.")
	west =Room("Trees","There are trees here,you can go east")
	down =Room("Dungeon","It's dark down here,you can go up.")
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({"west": west, "down": down})
    west.add_paths({"east": start})
    down.add_paths({"up": start})

    assert_equal(start.go("west"), west)
    assert_equal(start.go("west").go("east"), start)
    assert_equal(start.go("down").go("up"), start)
def test_room():
    gold = Room("GoldRoom", # Initiates Room, passing name and desc params.
                """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a 
                door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom") # tests that is called "GoldRoom"
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {}) # tests that gold.paths is an empty dict