Exemple #1
def test_select_multi(client):
    link_1 = LinkFactory()
    link_2 = LinkFactory()
    link_3 = LinkFactory()
    link_4 = LinkFactory()
    content = TitleFactory()
    through_1 = TitleLinkFactory(content=content, link=link_1, order=4)
    TitleLinkFactory(content=content, link=link_2, order=3)
    through_3 = TitleLinkFactory(content=content, link=link_3, order=2)
    TitleLinkFactory(content=content, link=link_4, order=1)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_multi(content, 'block.wizard.link.select')
    data = {
        'many_to_many': [through_1.pk, through_3.pk],
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = url_link_multi(content, 'block.wizard.link.option')
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 2 == content.references.count()
    qs = content.ordered_references()
    result = [item.link.pk for item in qs]
    assert link_1.pk in result and link_3.pk in result
    # ordering controlled by 'ordering' on 'TitleLink' model
    assert [1, 2] == [item.order for item in qs]
Exemple #2
def test_choose_category_multi(client):
    """Choose from links in the selected category."""
    content = TitleFactory()
    category = LinkCategoryFactory()
    link_2 = LinkFactory(category=category)
    link_4 = LinkFactory(category=category)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert 0 == content.references.count()
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_multi(content, 'block.wizard.link.choose', category=category)
    assert category.slug in url
    data = {
        'links': [link_2.pk, link_4.pk],
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = url_link_multi(content, 'block.wizard.link.option')
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 2 == content.references.count()
    # ordering controlled by 'ordering' on 'TitleReference' model
    assert [1, 2] == [item.order for item in content.ordered_references()]
Exemple #3
def test_wizard_image_choose_category_multi(client):
    """Choose from images in the selected category."""
    content = TitleFactory()
    category = ImageCategoryFactory()
    image_2 = ImageFactory(category=category)
    image_4 = ImageFactory(category=category)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.picture is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.choose', category=category)
    assert category.slug in url
    data = {
        'images': [image_2.pk, image_4.pk],
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.option')
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 2 == content.slideshow.count()
    # ordering controlled by 'ordering' on 'TitleImage' model
    assert [1, 2] == [item.order for item in content.ordered_slideshow()]
Exemple #4
def test_upload_single(client):
    content = TitleFactory()
    category = LinkCategoryFactory()
    #image = ImageFactory()
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.link is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_single(content, 'block.wizard.link.upload')
    # create a document ready to upload
    data = {
        'add_to_library': True,
        'category': category.pk,
        'document': test_file(),
        'title': 'Cricket',
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    expect = content.block.page_section.page.get_design_url()
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 'Cricket' == content.link.title
    assert content.link is not None
    assert category == content.link.category
    assert content.link.document.deleted is False
    # check a document has been added to the database
    assert 2 == Document.objects.count()
Exemple #5
def test_external_single(client):
    content = TitleFactory()
    #category = ImageCategoryFactory()
    #image = ImageFactory()
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.link is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_single(content, 'block.wizard.link.external')
    # create a document ready to upload
    data = {
        'add_to_library': True,
        #'category': category.pk,
        'url_external': 'https://www.pkimber.net',
        'title': 'Rugby',
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    expect = content.block.page_section.page.get_design_url()
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 'Rugby' == content.link.title
    assert content.link is not None
    assert 'https://www.pkimber.net' == content.link.url_external
Exemple #6
def test_wizard_image_upload_multi(client):
    content = TitleFactory()
    category = ImageCategoryFactory()
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.upload')
    data = {
        'add_to_library': True,
        'category': category.pk,
        'image': test_file(),
        'title': 'Cricket',
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.option')
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 1 == content.slideshow.count()
    image = content.slideshow.first()
    assert 'Cricket' == image.title
    assert image.category == category
    assert image.deleted is False
    # check an image has been added to the database
    assert 1 == Image.objects.count()
Exemple #7
def test_wizard_image_select_multi(client):
    """The single test for removing is ``test_wizard_image_remove_single``."""
    image_1 = ImageFactory()
    image_2 = ImageFactory()
    image_3 = ImageFactory()
    image_4 = ImageFactory()
    content = TitleFactory()
    through_1 = TitleImageFactory(content=content, image=image_1, order=4)
    TitleImageFactory(content=content, image=image_2, order=3)
    through_3 = TitleImageFactory(content=content, image=image_3, order=2)
    TitleImageFactory(content=content, image=image_4, order=1)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.select')
    data = {
        'many_to_many': [through_1.pk, through_3.pk],
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.option')
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 2 == content.slideshow.count()
    qs = content.ordered_slideshow()
    result = [item.image.pk for item in qs]
    assert image_1.pk in result and image_3.pk in result
    # ordering controlled by 'ordering' on 'TitleImage' model
    assert [1, 2] == [item.order for item in qs]
Exemple #8
def test_remove_single(client):
    """The multi test for removing is ````."""
    link = LinkFactory()
    content = TitleFactory(link=link)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.link is not None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_single(content, 'block.wizard.link.remove')
    response = client.post(url)
    # check
    expect = content.block.page_section.page.get_design_url()
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert content.link is None
Exemple #9
def test_choose_single(client):
    content = TitleFactory()
    link = LinkFactory()
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.link is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_single(content, 'block.wizard.link.choose')
    data = {
        'links': link.pk,
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = content.block.page_section.page.get_design_url()
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert link == content.link
Exemple #10
def test_wizard_image_choose_category_single(client):
    """Choose from images in the selected category."""
    content = TitleFactory()
    category = ImageCategoryFactory()
    image = ImageFactory(category=category)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.picture is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_image_single(content, 'block.wizard.image.choose', category=category)
    assert category.slug in url
    data = {
        'images': image.pk,
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    expect = content.block.page_section.page.get_design_url()
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert image == content.picture
def test_wizard_image_choose_multi(client):
    content = TitleFactory()
    image_1 = ImageFactory(title='1')
    image_2 = ImageFactory(title='2')
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.picture is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.choose')
    data = {
        'images': [image_2.pk, image_1.pk],
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    assert 302 == response.status_code, response.context['form'].errors
    expect = url_image_multi(content, 'block.wizard.image.option')
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 2 == content.slideshow.count()
    # ordering controlled by 'ordering' on 'TitleImage' model
    assert [1, 2] == [item.order for item in content.ordered_slideshow()]
Exemple #12
def test_page_single(client):
    content = TitleFactory()
    #category = ImageCategoryFactory()
    page = PageFactory(name='Information', slug='info', slug_menu='')
    url_internal = Url.objects.init_page_url(page)
    user = UserFactory(is_staff=True)
    assert content.link is None
    assert client.login(username=user.username, password=TEST_PASSWORD) is True
    url = url_link_single(content, 'block.wizard.link.page')
    # create a document ready to upload
    data = {
        #'add_to_library': True,
        #'category': category.pk,
        'url_internal': url_internal.pk,
        'title': 'Cricket',
    response = client.post(url, data)
    # check
    expect = content.block.page_section.page.get_design_url()
    assert 302 == response.status_code
    assert expect in response['Location']
    assert 'Cricket' == content.link.title
    assert url_internal == content.link.url_internal