def search_model(experiment_label, steps, batch_size=32): """ This is where we put everythin together. We get the dataset, build the Training and Experiment objects, and run the experiment. The experiments logs are generated in ~/minos/experiment_label We use the CpuEnvironment to have the experiment run on the cpu, with 2 parralel processes. We could use GpuEnvironment to use GPUs, and specify which GPUs to use, and how many tasks per GPU """ batch_iterator, test_batch_iterator, nb_classes = get_reuters_dataset( batch_size, max_words) layout = build_layout(max_words, nb_classes) training = Training(Objective('categorical_crossentropy'), Optimizer(optimizer='Adam'), Metric('categorical_accuracy'), epoch_stopping_condition(), batch_size) parameters = custom_experiment_parameters() experiment = Experiment(experiment_label, layout, training, batch_iterator, test_batch_iterator, CpuEnvironment(n_jobs=2), parameters=parameters) run_ga_search_experiment(experiment, population_size=100, generations=steps, resume=False, log_level='DEBUG')
def train_multi_gpu(max_words=1000, batch_size=32): batch_iterator, test_batch_iterator, nb_classes = get_reuters_dataset( batch_size, max_words) experiment = create_experiment(max_words, nb_classes, batch_size) blueprint = create_random_blueprint(experiment) devices = ['/gpu:0', '/gpu:1'] trainer = ModelTrainer(batch_iterator, test_batch_iterator) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: model, history, _duration = trainer.train(blueprint, devices, save_best_model=True, model_filename=join( tmp_dir, 'model')) metric = get_associated_validation_metric( epoch = numpy.argmax(history.history[metric]) score = history.history[metric][epoch] print('Final training score %r after %d epoch' % (score, epoch)) test_size = 10 y_true = numpy.argmax(test_batch_iterator.y[0][:test_size], axis=1) y_pred = numpy.argmax(model.predict( test_batch_iterator.X[0][:test_size]), axis=1) evaluation = numpy.mean(y_true == y_pred) print('Final evaluation score %f' % evaluation) print('Predictions (true, pred) %r' % list(zip(y_true.tolist(), y_pred.tolist())))