Exemple #1
def discount_conversion(from_file, to_file):
    Convert an Excel file containing checking account transaction, as supplied by Israel Discount Bank.
    Currently the bank's web site supports only exports in Excel SpreadsheetML format.
    namespaces = {'x': 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'}
    start_cell = 'תנועות אחרונות:'
    end_cell = 'הודעה'

    # Select all the rows between a row containing a cell with `start_cell` text
    # until the row containing a cell with `end_cell` text
    data_rows_xpath = (
    ).format(start_cell, end_cell)
    data = exl.spreadsheetml_to_list(from_file, data_rows_xpath, namespaces)

    # This is the expected table header. Ensure it is as expected to get an exception if
    # the bank suddenly changes the table structure
    expected_columns = [
        'תאריך הפעולה', 'יום ערך', 'תיאור הפעולה', 'אסמכתה', 'זכות / חובה',
        'יתרה משוערת'
    assert data[0] == expected_columns

    exl.list_to_csv(data[1:], to_file, drop_columns=[1, 3, 5])
    print('Converted', len(data) - 1, 'rows')
Exemple #2
def cal_conversion(from_file, to_file):
    Convert an Excel file containing credit card transaction, as supplied by Cal Israel Credit Cards.
    Currently Cal's web site supports only exports in Excel XLSHTML format.
    data_table_xpath = '/html/body/form/table//table'
    columns, data = exl.html_table_to_list(from_file, data_table_xpath)

    # This is the expected table header. Ensure it is as expected to get an exception if
    # the bank suddenly changes the table structure
    expected_columns = ['תאריך העסקה', 'שם בית העסק', 'סכום העסקה', '', 'סכום החיוב', '', 'פירוט נוסף']
    assert columns == expected_columns

    exl.list_to_csv(data, to_file, drop_columns=[2, 3, 5, 6])
    print('Converted', len(data), 'rows')
def discount_conversion(from_file, to_file):
    Convert an Excel file containing checking account transaction, as supplied by Israel Discount Bank.
    Currently the bank's web site supports only exports in Excel SpreadsheetML format.
    namespaces = {'x': 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'}
    start_cell = 'תנועות אחרונות:'
    end_cell = 'הודעה'

    # Select all the rows between a row containing a cell with `start_cell` text
    # until the row containing a cell with `end_cell` text
    data_rows_xpath = ('/x:Workbook/x:Worksheet/x:Table/'
                       ).format(start_cell, end_cell)
    data = exl.spreadsheetml_to_list(from_file, data_rows_xpath, namespaces)

    # This is the expected table header. Ensure it is as expected to get an exception if
    # the bank suddenly changes the table structure
    expected_columns = ['תאריך הפעולה', 'יום ערך', 'תיאור הפעולה', 'אסמכתה', 'זכות / חובה', 'יתרה משוערת']
    assert data[0] == expected_columns

    exl.list_to_csv(data[1:], to_file, drop_columns=[1, 3, 5])
    print('Converted', len(data)-1, 'rows')