Exemple #1
def hough_l(prep):
    lines = cv2.HoughLines(prep, 4, np.pi / 360, 700)
    if lines is None:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="no lines found")
        sys.exit("there are no lines inside the circle"
                 )  # if no lines are found terminate the program here
    return lines
Exemple #2
def hough_c(gray_im):
    # HoughCircles returns output vector [(x,y,radius)]
    # one element list so [0] is appended at the end
    circles = \
        cv2.HoughCircles(gray_im, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, 10, None, param1=50, param2=30, minRadius=120,
                         maxRadius=width-100, )[0]
    if circles is None:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="no circles found")
        sys.exit("no circles found")
    # use only gauge image that is inside the first circle found
    return circles
def hough_c(gray_im):
        # HoughCircles returns output vector [(x,y,radius)]
    # one element list so [0] is appended at the end
    circles = \
        cv2.HoughCircles(gray_im, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, 10, None, param1=50, param2=30, minRadius=120,
                         maxRadius=width-100, )[0]
    if circles is None:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="no circles found")
        sys.exit("no circles found")
    # use only gauge image that is inside the first circle found
    return circles
Exemple #4
def app(input_file, output_file):
    gauge = process_image.Gauge()
    host = housekeeping.OS()
    # setup image
    reuse_circle = housekeeping.test_time()
    im = host.get_image(DEF.SAMPLE_PATH, input_file)
    gray_im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    prep = gray_im  # copy of grayscale image to be preprocessed for angle detection
    mask = np.zeros_like(prep)
    canvas = np.zeros_like(im)  # output image
    np.copyto(canvas, im)
    error_screen = np.zeros_like(im)
    height, width = gray_im.shape
    assert height == DEF.HEIGHT
    assert width == DEF.WIDTH

    # mask_bandpass is a mask of the gauge obtained from histogram peaks
    hist0, mask_bandpass = hist_an.bandpass(gray_im)
    # prep is binary image ready for line detection
    prep = process_image.blur_n_threshold(prep, do_blur=1)
    prep = process_image.erode_n_dilate(prep)
    # host.write_image(("mask_bandpass.jpg", mask_bandpass))
    # Hough transforms
    if reuse_circle:
        print "reusing previous circle"
        circle_x, circle_y, radius = housekeeping.return_circle()
        circle_x = int(circle_x)
        circle_y = int(circle_y)
        circles = hough_transforms.hough_c(gray_im)
        for c in circles[:1]:
            # scale factor makes applicable area slightly larger just to be safe we are not missing anything
            cv2.circle(mask, (c[0], c[1]), int(c[2] * DEF.CIRCLE_SCALE_FACTOR),
                       (255, 255, 255), -1)
            prep = cv2.bitwise_and(prep, mask)
            cv2.circle(canvas, (c[0], c[1]), c[2], (0, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS)
            circle_x = c[0]
            circle_y = c[1]
            radius = int(c[2])

    cv2.circle(mask, (int(circle_x), int(circle_y)),
               int(radius * DEF.CIRCLE_SCALE_FACTOR), (255, 255, 255), -1)
    cv2.circle(canvas, (int(circle_x), int(circle_y)), radius, (0, 255, 0),
    cv2.circle(canvas, (int(circle_x), int(circle_y - 12)), 25, (0, 255, 0),
    prep = cv2.bitwise_and(prep, mask)

    prep = cv2.bitwise_and(mask_bandpass, prep)
    thresholded = np.copy(prep)
    prep = process_image.find_contour(prep, draw=True)

    lines = hough_transforms.hough_l(prep)

    for line in lines[:10]:
        for (rho, theta) in line:
            # blue for infinite lines (only draw the 2 strongest)
            x0 = np.cos(theta) * rho
            y0 = np.sin(theta) * rho
            pt1 = (int(x0 + (height + width) * (-np.sin(theta))),
                   int(y0 + (height + width) * np.cos(theta)))
            pt2 = (int(x0 - (height + width) * (-np.sin(theta))),
                   int(y0 - (height + width) * np.cos(theta)))
            gauge.lines.append((pt1, pt2))
            # cv2.line(canvas, pt1, pt2, (255, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS / 3)
    # check standard deviation of angles to catch angle wrap-around (359 to 0)
    angle_std = np.std(gauge.angles_in_degrees)
    if angle_std > 50:
        for i in range(len(gauge.angles_in_degrees)):
            if gauge.angles_in_degrees[i] < 20:
                gauge.angles_in_degrees[i] += 180
                gauge.angles_in_radians[i] += np.pi
    angle_index = geometry.get_angles(gauge.angles_in_degrees)
    if len(gauge.lines) < 2:
                        err_msg="unable to find needle from lines")
        sys.exit("unable to find needle form lines")

    line_found = False
    for this_pair in angle_index:
        # print "angle1: ", gauge.angles_in_degrees[this_pair[0]]
        # print "angle2: ", gauge.angles_in_degrees[this_pair[1]]
        print this_pair
        line1 = geometry.make_line(gauge.lines[this_pair[0]])
        line2 = geometry.make_line(gauge.lines[this_pair[1]])
        intersecting_pt = geometry.intersection(line1, line2)
        if intersecting_pt is not None:
            print "Intersection detected:", intersecting_pt
            cv2.circle(canvas, intersecting_pt, 10, DEF.RED, 3)
            print "No single intersection point detected"

        # Although we found a line coincident with the gauge needle,
        # we need to find which of the two direction it is pointing
        # guess1 and guess2 are 180 degrees apart
        avg_theta = (gauge.angles_in_radians[this_pair[0]] +
                     gauge.angles_in_radians[this_pair[1]]) / 2
        guess1 = [avg_theta, (0, 0)]
        guess2 = [avg_theta + np.pi, (0, 0)]
        if guess2[0] > 2 * np.pi:  # in case adding pi made it greater than 2pi
            guess2[0] -= 2 * np.pi
        print "guess1: ", guess1[0]
        print "guess2: ", guess2[0]
        guess1[1] = (int(circle_x + radius * np.sin(guess1[0])),
                     int(circle_y - radius * np.cos(guess1[0])))
        guess2[1] = (int(circle_x + radius * np.sin(guess2[0])),
                     int(circle_y - radius * np.cos(guess2[0])))
        # find the distance between our guess and intersection of gauge needle lines
        # the guess that is closer to the intersection is the correct one
        dist1 = math.hypot(intersecting_pt[0] - guess1[1][0],
                           intersecting_pt[1] - guess1[1][1])
        dist2 = math.hypot(intersecting_pt[0] - guess2[1][0],
                           intersecting_pt[1] - guess2[1][1])
        print "dist1: ", dist1
        print "dist2: ", dist2
        if dist1 < DEF.MAX_DISTANCE or dist2 < DEF.MAX_DISTANCE:
            line_found = True
            if dist1 < dist2:
                correct_guess = guess1
                correct_guess = guess2

        if line_found is True:
            cv2.circle(canvas, guess1[1], 10, DEF.GREEN, 3)
            cv2.circle(canvas, guess2[1], 10, DEF.BLUE, 3)
            # cv2.line(canvas, gauge.lines[this_pair[0]][0], gauge.lines[this_pair[0]][1], (255, 0, 0),
            #          DEF.THICKNESS)
            # cv2.line(canvas, gauge.lines[this_pair[1]][0], gauge.lines[this_pair[1]][1], (255, 0, 0),
            #          DEF.THICKNESS)

    if line_found is False:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="no positive pair")
        needle_angle = 0.0
        ref_offset = np.pi
        needle_angle = geometry.rad_to_degrees(correct_guess[0] - ref_offset)
    if needle_angle < 0.0:
        needle_angle += 360
    print "original_guess: ", needle_angle

    angle_adjustment_set = np.arange(needle_angle - 5.0, needle_angle + 5.0,
    sum_pixels = []
    for adj_angle in angle_adjustment_set:
        gauge.get_needle((circle_x, circle_y - 10))
        overlap = cv2.bitwise_and(thresholded, gauge.needle_canvas)
        sum_pixels.append(np.sum(overlap / 255))
    adjustment_index = sum_pixels.index(max(sum_pixels))
    needle_angle = angle_adjustment_set[adjustment_index]
    gauge.get_needle((circle_x, circle_y - 10))
    needle_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(gauge.needle_canvas, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    canvas = cv2.add(canvas, needle_rgb / 2)
    print "updated_guess: ", needle_angle

    pressure = np.interp(
        needle_angle, [DEF.GAUGE_MIN['angle'], DEF.GAUGE_MAX['angle']],
        [DEF.GAUGE_MIN['pressure'], DEF.GAUGE_MAX['pressure']])
    pressure_str = str(round(pressure, 2))
    print "pressure = ", pressure
    display_values(canvas, pressure_str)
    final_line_pt1 = (
        int(circle_x +
            radius * np.sin(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle))),
        int(circle_y -
            radius * np.cos(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle))))
    final_line_pt2 = (
        int(circle_x +
            radius * np.sin(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle + 180))),
        int(circle_y -
            radius * np.cos(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle + 180))))
             thickness=DEF.THICKNESS * 2)
    prep = cv2.bitwise_and(prep, mask)
    # plt.subplot(231)
    # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
    # plt.subplot(232)
    # plt.imshow(255 - mask_bandpass, 'gray')
    # plt.subplot(233)
    # plt.imshow(prep, 'gray')
    # plt.subplot(234)
    # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(canvas, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
    # plt.subplot(235)
    # plt.plot(hist0)
    # plt.xlim([0, 256])
    # plt.ylim([0, 50000])
    # plt.show()

    cv2.circle(prep, (circle_x, circle_y), 25, (0, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS)
    prep = cv2.cvtColor(prep, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    canvas = np.concatenate((im, canvas), axis=1)
    host.write_to_file('w', "Pressure: " + pressure_str + " MPa",
                       "Temperature: " + str(host.read_temp()))
    host.write_to_file('a', "circle_x:" + str(circle_x),
                       "circle_y:" + str(circle_y), "radius:" + str(radius))
    # pass in tuples ("filename.ext", img_to_write)
    image_path = re.sub('file', str(output_file), DEF.OUTPUT_PATH)
    host.write_image((image_path, canvas))
    image_path = re.sub('file', str(output_file), DEF.THRESH_PATH)
    host.write_image((image_path, thresholded))
Exemple #5
def app(input_file, output_file):
    gauge = process_image.Gauge()
    host = housekeeping.OS()
    # setup image
    reuse_circle = housekeeping.test_time()
    im = host.get_image(DEF.SAMPLE_PATH, input_file)
    gray_im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    prep = gray_im  # copy of grayscale image to be preprocessed for angle detection
    mask = np.zeros_like(prep)
    canvas = np.zeros_like(im)  # output image
    np.copyto(canvas, im)
    error_screen = np.zeros_like(im)
    height, width = gray_im.shape
    assert height == DEF.HEIGHT
    assert width == DEF.WIDTH

    # mask_bandpass is a mask of the gauge obtained from histogram peaks
    hist0, mask_bandpass = hist_an.bandpass(gray_im)
    # prep is binary image ready for line detection
    prep = process_image.blur_n_threshold(prep, do_blur=1)
    prep = process_image.erode_n_dilate(prep)
    # host.write_image(("mask_bandpass.jpg", mask_bandpass))
    # Hough transforms
    if reuse_circle:
        print "reusing previous circle"
        circle_x, circle_y, radius = housekeeping.return_circle()
        circle_x = int(circle_x)
        circle_y = int(circle_y)
        circles = hough_transforms.hough_c(gray_im)
        for c in circles[:1]:
            # scale factor makes applicable area slightly larger just to be safe we are not missing anything
            cv2.circle(mask, (c[0], c[1]), int(c[2] * DEF.CIRCLE_SCALE_FACTOR), (255, 255, 255), -1)
            prep = cv2.bitwise_and(prep, mask)
            cv2.circle(canvas, (c[0], c[1]), c[2], (0, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS)
            circle_x = c[0]
            circle_y = c[1]
            radius = int(c[2])

    cv2.circle(mask, (int(circle_x), int(circle_y)), int(radius * DEF.CIRCLE_SCALE_FACTOR), (255, 255, 255), -1)
    cv2.circle(canvas, (int(circle_x), int(circle_y)), radius, (0, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS)
    cv2.circle(canvas, (int(circle_x), int(circle_y-12)), 25, (0, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS)
    prep = cv2.bitwise_and(prep, mask)

    prep = cv2.bitwise_and(mask_bandpass, prep)
    thresholded = np.copy(prep)
    prep = process_image.find_contour(prep, draw=True)

    lines = hough_transforms.hough_l(prep)

    for line in lines[:10]:
        for (rho, theta) in line:
            # blue for infinite lines (only draw the 2 strongest)
            x0 = np.cos(theta) * rho
            y0 = np.sin(theta) * rho
            pt1 = (int(x0 + (height + width) * (-np.sin(theta))), int(y0 + (height + width) * np.cos(theta)))
            pt2 = (int(x0 - (height + width) * (-np.sin(theta))), int(y0 - (height + width) * np.cos(theta)))
            gauge.lines.append((pt1, pt2))
            # cv2.line(canvas, pt1, pt2, (255, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS / 3)
    # check standard deviation of angles to catch angle wrap-around (359 to 0)
    angle_std = np.std(gauge.angles_in_degrees)
    if angle_std > 50:
        for i in range(len(gauge.angles_in_degrees)):
            if gauge.angles_in_degrees[i] < 20:
                gauge.angles_in_degrees[i] += 180
                gauge.angles_in_radians[i] += np.pi
    angle_index = geometry.get_angles(gauge.angles_in_degrees)
    if len(gauge.lines) < 2:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="unable to find needle from lines")
        sys.exit("unable to find needle form lines")

    line_found = False
    for this_pair in angle_index:
        # print "angle1: ", gauge.angles_in_degrees[this_pair[0]]
        # print "angle2: ", gauge.angles_in_degrees[this_pair[1]]
        print this_pair
        line1 = geometry.make_line(gauge.lines[this_pair[0]])
        line2 = geometry.make_line(gauge.lines[this_pair[1]])
        intersecting_pt = geometry.intersection(line1, line2)
        if intersecting_pt is not None:
            print "Intersection detected:", intersecting_pt
            cv2.circle(canvas, intersecting_pt, 10, DEF.RED, 3)
            print "No single intersection point detected"

        # Although we found a line coincident with the gauge needle,
        # we need to find which of the two direction it is pointing
        # guess1 and guess2 are 180 degrees apart
        avg_theta = (gauge.angles_in_radians[this_pair[0]] + gauge.angles_in_radians[this_pair[1]]) / 2
        guess1 = [avg_theta, (0, 0)]
        guess2 = [avg_theta + np.pi, (0, 0)]
        if guess2[0] > 2 * np.pi:  # in case adding pi made it greater than 2pi
            guess2[0] -= 2 * np.pi
        print "guess1: ", guess1[0]
        print "guess2: ", guess2[0]
        guess1[1] = (int(circle_x + radius * np.sin(guess1[0])), int(circle_y - radius * np.cos(guess1[0])))
        guess2[1] = (int(circle_x + radius * np.sin(guess2[0])), int(circle_y - radius * np.cos(guess2[0])))
        # find the distance between our guess and intersection of gauge needle lines
        # the guess that is closer to the intersection is the correct one
        dist1 = math.hypot(intersecting_pt[0] - guess1[1][0], intersecting_pt[1] - guess1[1][1])
        dist2 = math.hypot(intersecting_pt[0] - guess2[1][0], intersecting_pt[1] - guess2[1][1])
        print "dist1: ", dist1
        print "dist2: ", dist2
        if dist1 < DEF.MAX_DISTANCE or dist2 < DEF.MAX_DISTANCE:
            line_found = True
            if dist1 < dist2:
                correct_guess = guess1
                correct_guess = guess2

        if line_found is True:
            cv2.circle(canvas, guess1[1], 10, DEF.GREEN, 3)
            cv2.circle(canvas, guess2[1], 10, DEF.BLUE, 3)
            # cv2.line(canvas, gauge.lines[this_pair[0]][0], gauge.lines[this_pair[0]][1], (255, 0, 0),
            #          DEF.THICKNESS)
            # cv2.line(canvas, gauge.lines[this_pair[1]][0], gauge.lines[this_pair[1]][1], (255, 0, 0),
            #          DEF.THICKNESS)

    if line_found is False:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="no positive pair")
        needle_angle = 0.0
        ref_offset = np.pi
        needle_angle = geometry.rad_to_degrees(correct_guess[0] - ref_offset)
    if needle_angle < 0.0:
        needle_angle += 360
    print "original_guess: ", needle_angle

    angle_adjustment_set = np.arange(needle_angle-5.0,needle_angle+5.0,0.1)
    sum_pixels = []
    for adj_angle in angle_adjustment_set:
        gauge.get_needle((circle_x, circle_y-10))
        overlap = cv2.bitwise_and(thresholded, gauge.needle_canvas)
    adjustment_index = sum_pixels.index(max(sum_pixels))
    needle_angle = angle_adjustment_set[adjustment_index]
    gauge.get_needle((circle_x, circle_y-10))
    needle_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(gauge.needle_canvas, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    canvas = cv2.add(canvas, needle_rgb/2)
    print "updated_guess: ", needle_angle

    pressure = np.interp(needle_angle, [DEF.GAUGE_MIN['angle'], DEF.GAUGE_MAX['angle']],
                         [DEF.GAUGE_MIN['pressure'], DEF.GAUGE_MAX['pressure']])
    pressure_str = str(round(pressure, 2))
    print "pressure = ", pressure
    display_values(canvas, pressure_str)
    final_line_pt1 = (int(circle_x + radius * np.sin(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle))), int(circle_y - radius * np.cos(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle))))
    final_line_pt2 = (int(circle_x + radius * np.sin(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle + 180))), int(circle_y - radius * np.cos(geometry.degrees_to_radians(needle_angle + 180))))
    cv2.line(canvas, final_line_pt1, final_line_pt2, DEF.RED, thickness=DEF.THICKNESS*2)
    prep = cv2.bitwise_and(prep, mask)
    # plt.subplot(231)
    # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
    # plt.subplot(232)
    # plt.imshow(255 - mask_bandpass, 'gray')
    # plt.subplot(233)
    # plt.imshow(prep, 'gray')
    # plt.subplot(234)
    # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(canvas, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
    # plt.subplot(235)
    # plt.plot(hist0)
    # plt.xlim([0, 256])
    # plt.ylim([0, 50000])
    # plt.show()

    cv2.circle(prep, (circle_x, circle_y), 25, (0, 255, 0), DEF.THICKNESS)
    prep = cv2.cvtColor(prep, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    canvas = np.concatenate((im, canvas), axis=1)
    host.write_to_file('w', "Pressure: " + pressure_str + " MPa", "Temperature: " + str(host.read_temp()))
    host.write_to_file('a', "circle_x:" + str(circle_x), "circle_y:" + str(circle_y), "radius:" + str(radius))
    # pass in tuples ("filename.ext", img_to_write)
    image_path = re.sub('file', str(output_file), DEF.OUTPUT_PATH)
    host.write_image((image_path, canvas))
    image_path = re.sub('file', str(output_file), DEF.THRESH_PATH)
    host.write_image((image_path, thresholded))
def hough_l(prep):
    lines = cv2.HoughLines(prep, 4, np.pi / 360, 700)
    if lines is None:
        EX.error_output(error_screen, err_msg="no lines found")
        sys.exit("there are no lines inside the circle")  # if no lines are found terminate the program here
    return lines