def get_seller_information(self, seller_id, session): # 셀러 정보 관리 - 셀러 정보 가져오기 seller = session.execute( text(""" SELECT id, image, background_image, simple_introduce, detail_introduce, brand_crm_open, brand_crm_end, is_brand_crm_holiday, zip_code, address, detail_address, delivery_information, refund_exchange_information, seller_status_id, brand_name_korean, brand_name_english, account, brand_crm_number, seller_property_id FROM sellers WHERE id = :id """), { 'id': seller_id }).fetchone() if seller is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'get_seller_information select error') return seller
def check_product_stock(self, product_id, color_id, size_id, session): # 상품 재고 수량, 재고관리여부 확인하기 stock = session.execute( text(""" SELECT count, is_inventory_manage FROM options WHERE product_id = :product_id AND size_id = :size_id AND color_id = :color_id """), { 'product_id': product_id, 'size_id': size_id, 'color_id': color_id }).fetchone() if stock is None: NoDataException(500, 'check_product_stock select error') return stock
def select_product_option(self, product_id, session): # 상품 구매할 때 옵션 정보와 컬러이름, 사이즈 이름 가져오기 options = session.execute( text(""" SELECT a.size_id, a.color_id, a.is_inventory_manage, a.count, as color_name, as size_name FROM options a JOIN colors b ON a.color_id = JOIN sizes c ON = a.size_id WHERE a.product_id = :product_id """), { 'product_id': product_id }).fetchall() if options is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_product_option select error') return options
def select_size_list(self, session): # 사이즈 리스트 가져오기 size_list = session.execute( text(""" SELECT id, name FROM sizes """)).fetchall() if size_list is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_size_list select error') return size_list
def select_color_list(self, session): # 컬러 리스트 가져오기 color_list = session.execute( text(""" SELECT id, name FROM colors """)).fetchall() if color_list is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_color_list select error') return color_list
def select_category_list(self, session): # 1 차 카테고리 전체 리스트 가져오기 category_list = session.execute( text(""" SELECT id, name FROM categories """)).fetchall() if category_list is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_category_list select error') return category_list
def select_order_details(self, order_id, session): # 주문 상세페이지 정보 가져오기 order_data = session.execute( text(""" SELECT a.number, a.created_at, a.address, a.detail_address, a.zip_code, a.user_name, a.phone_number, b.order_status_id, b.count, b.detail_number, b.total_price,, c.price, c.discount_rate,, d.brand_name_korean, e.size_id, e.color_id, as color_name, as size_name FROM orders a JOIN order_details b ON = b.order_id JOIN products c ON b.product_id = JOIN sellers d ON = c.seller_id JOIN options e ON b.option_id = JOIN colors f ON = e.color_id JOIN sizes g ON = e.size_id WHERE = :order_id """), { 'order_id': order_id }).fetchone() if order_data is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_order_details select error') return order_data
def is_master(self, seller_id, session): # 마스터인지 아닌지 확인하는 함수 is_master = session.execute( text(""" SELECT is_master FROM sellers WHERE id = :id """), { 'id': seller_id }).fetchone() if is_master is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'is_master select error') return is_master
def get_order_status_id(self, order_id, session): # 주문 상태 id 가져오기 order_status = session.execute( text(""" SELECT order_status_id FROM order_details WHERE order_id = :order_id """), { 'order_id': order_id }).fetchone() if order_status is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'get_order_status_id error') return order_status
def select_product_data(self, product_id, session): # 상품 데이터 가져오기 product_data = session.execute( text(""" SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = :id """), { 'id': product_id }).fetchone() if product_data is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_product_data select error') return product_data
def select_product_options(self, product_id, session): # 상품의 옵션 정보 가져오기 options = session.execute( text(""" SELECT * FROM options WHERE product_id = :product_id """), { 'product_id': product_id }).fetchall() if options is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_product_options select error') return options
def get_status_id(self, seller_id, session): # 셀러 입점상태 가져오기 seller_status_id = session.execute( text(""" SELECT seller_status_id FROM sellers WHERE id = :id """), { 'id': seller_id }).fetchone() if seller_status_id is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'get_status_id select error') return seller_status_id
def get_seller_status_histories(self, seller_id, session): # 셀러 상태 변경 히스토리 가져오기 seller_status = session.execute( text(""" SELECT seller_status_id, update_time FROM seller_status_histories WHERE seller_id = :id """), { 'id': seller_id }).fetchall() if seller_status is None: raise NoDataException( 500, 'get_seller_information seller status select error') return seller_status
def get_manager_information(self, seller_id, session): # 담당자 정보는 1개 이상이라 모두 가져와서 배열로 보내기 managers = session.execute( text(""" SELECT name, email, phone_number FROM manager_informations WHERE seller_id = :seller_id """), { 'seller_id': seller_id }).fetchall() if managers is None: raise NoDataException( 500, 'get_seller_information manager information select error') return managers
def select_product_data_for_order(self, product_id, session): # 상품 구매할 때 상품 정보 가져오기 product_data = session.execute( text(""" SELECT id, price, discount_rate, maximum_sell_count, minimum_sell_count FROM products WHERE id = :id """), { 'id': product_id }).fetchone() if product_data is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'select_product_data_for_order error') return product_data
def change_option_inventory(self, order_data, session): # 옵션의 재고 수량 수정하기 option = session.execute( text(""" SELECT id, count, is_inventory_manage FROM options WHERE size_id = :size_id AND color_id = :color_id AND product_id = :product_id """), order_data).fetchone() if option is None: raise NoDataException(500, 'change_option_inventory select error') if option['is_inventory_manage'] is True: # 재고관리여부가 True 이면 재고 수량 수정하기 option_row = session.execute( text(""" UPDATE options SET count = :count WHERE id = :id """), { 'id': option['id'], 'count': int(option['count']) - order_data['count'] }).rowcount if option_row == 0: raise NoAffectedRowException( 500, 'change_option_inventory update error') return option['id']
def _get_page(self, chapter_id, page): post_params = { 'chapterId': chapter_id, 'page': page, '_csrf': self.csrf_token } response_data = constants.LITERA_GET_PAGE_URL, post_params ) response_json = json.loads(response_data.text) if not response_json['status']: raise NoDataException(response_json['data']) page_parser = BeautifulSoup(response_json['data'], 'html.parser') # Filter from so-called "protection" tags for bad_span in page_parser.find_all('span'): bad_span.replace_with('') [x.extract() for x in page_parser.findAll('i')] return page_parser.text, response_json['isLastPage']