Exemple #1
def init_primary(host_ip, resource):
    when set primary for the first time, you must exec this function,
    other than set_primary
    if exec this function failed, it may because drbd wait the counterpart resource,
    you can exec function continue_resource to fix it, and then run init_primary again
    :param host_ip:
    :param resource:
    _args = 'drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary ' + str(resource)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        print json.dumps({hostname: inf}, indent=4)
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, init the %s primary successfully" % (host_ip, resource)
Exemple #2
def set_primary(host_ip, resource):
    1.if set_primary for the first time, please use function init_primary
    2.if the counterpart vm has been set primary before, exec this function would
    :param host_ip:
    :param resource:
    _args = 'drbdadm primary ' + str(resource)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, set the %s primary successfully" % (host_ip, resource)
Exemple #3
def mount(host_ip, src, path, partition=1):

    :param host_ip:string
    :param src: string, disk device name without partition number
    :param path: string
    :param partition: default partition 1
    fstype = get_filesystem_type(host_ip, src)
    _src = src + str(partition)
    action = dict(module='mount', src=_src, path=path,fstype=fstype, state='mounted')
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, %s is mounted on %s" % (host_ip, src, path)
Exemple #4
def get_remote_port(host_ip):
    the remote port from 8000 to 8100 by default
    :param host_ip:
    _args = 'python /etc/hty/get_port.py'
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            port = inf.get('stdout', None)
                _port = int(port)
                if _port > 0:
                    return _port
                    return "Failed: %s, no port available"
            except ValueError, e:
                return e
Exemple #5
def create_partition(host_ip, device):
    create a partition
    default: one disk create one partition and partition number will be 1. please, do not
     create more than one partition
    :param host_ip:string
    :param device:string
    action = dict(module='parted', device=device, number=1, state='present')
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
        elif inf.get('changed', 0) == 'true':
            return "Success: %s, create %s1 successful" % (host_ip, device)
            return "Failed: %s, %s1 already exist " % (host_ip, device)
Exemple #6
def send_file(host_ip, src, dest):
    action = dict(module='copy', src=src, dest=dest)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, send %s to %s" % (host_ip, src, dest)
Exemple #7
def get_remote_hostname(host_ip):
    _args = 'hostname'
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return str(inf.get('stdout', None))
Exemple #8
def init_config(host_ip):
    _args = 'python /etc/hty/init_config.py'
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, init the configuration successful" % host_ip
Exemple #9
def unzip_image(host_ip, local_zip_file, local_unzip_file):

    _args ='python /etc/hty/unzip_image.py ' + str(local_zip_file) + str(local_unzip_file)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr = stderr + str(inf.get('stdout', None)).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success"
Exemple #10
def add_config(host_ip, resource):
    _args = 'python /etc/hty/add_config.py ' + str(resource)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, add %s to file: drbd.conf successful " % (
                host_ip, resource)
Exemple #11
def oss_download(host_ip, access_key_id, access_secret, end_point, bucket, remote_zip_file, local_zip_file):

    _args ='python /etc/hty/oss_download.py '+str(access_key_id) + ' ' + str(access_secret) + ' ' + \
           str(end_point) + ' ' + str(bucket) + ' ' + str(remote_zip_file) + ' ' + str(local_zip_file)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr = stderr + str(inf.get('stdout', None)).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success"
Exemple #12
def wirte_resource(host_ip,

    :param host_ip:
    :param resource:
    :param hty_name:
    :param hty_disk_device:
    :param hty_ip:
    :param hty_port:
    :param pub_name:
    :param pub_disk_device:
    :param pub_ip:
    :param pub_port:
    res_args = str(resource) + ' ' + str(hty_name) + ' ' + str(hty_disk_device) +str(hty_partition) \
              + ' ' + str(hty_ip) + ' ' + str(hty_port) + ' ' + str(pub_name) \
              + ' ' + str(pub_disk_device) + str(pub_partition) + ' ' + str(pub_ip) + ' ' + str(pub_port)
    _args = 'python /etc/hty/write_res.py ' + res_args
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, write the resource configuration successful" % host_ip
Exemple #13
def send_file(host_ip, src, dest):
    action = dict(module='copy', src=src, dest=dest)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        print json.dumps({hostname: inf}, indent=4)
        #there is no specific return item like 'success', therefore I choose the item 'size'
        # to judge whether action is successful or not
        if inf.get('size', 0):
            print "success"
            return True
        elif inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            print "failed, unreachable"
            return False
            print "failed"
            return False
Exemple #14
def get_filesystem_type(host_ip, device):
    get file system tpye of partition 1
    :param host_ip: string
    :param device: string
    action = dict(module='parted', device=device, state='info')
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return inf['partitions'][0]['fstype']
Exemple #15
def stop_drbd(host_ip):

    :param host_ip:
    action = dict(module='service', name='drbd', state='stopped')
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            print "Success: %s, service drbd stopped" % host_ip
Exemple #16
def fetch_file(host_ip, src, dest):
    action = dict(module='fetch',
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    local_host = socket.gethostname()
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: fetch %s:%s to %s:%s" % (host_ip, src, local_host,
Exemple #17
def get_resources_state(host_ip):
    1. you can exec this function every ten second to get an real-time monitor
    :param host_ip:
    _args = 'drbd-overview '
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return inf.get('stdout_lines', None)
Exemple #18
def set_secondary(host_ip, resource):

    :param host_ip:
    :param resource:
    _args = 'drbdadm secondary ' + str(resource)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, set the %s secondary successfully" % (host_ip, resource)
Exemple #19
def continue_resource(host_ip, resource):

    :param host_ip:string
    :param resource: string
    _args = 'drbdadm up ' + str(resource)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return "Success: the data sync of %s in %s is continuing now" % (resource, host_ip)
Exemple #20
def init_metadata(host_ip, resource):
    init drbd metadata when the disk device has filesystem before
    :param host_ip: string
    :param resource: string
    _args = '/etc/hty/init_metadata.sh ' + str(resource)
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed:  %s no found' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            for fail_inf in inf['stdout_lines']:
                stderr = stderr + fail_inf
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, metadata of %s create successful" % (host_ip, resource)
Exemple #21
def umount(host_ip, src, path, partition=1):

    :param host_ip:string
    :param src: string
    :param path: string
    :param partition: partition number, default 1
    _src = src + str(partition)
    action = dict(module='mount', path=path, state='unmounted')
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr += str(inf.get('msg', '')).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, %s is unmounted from %s" % (host_ip, _src, path)
Exemple #22
def extend_partition(host_ip, device, size, partition=1):
    extend a partition for writing drbd metadata
    :param host_ip:string
    :param device: string, like '/dev/vdb'
    :param size: int,
    :param partition:default 1
    :return: string, judge the action whether success or not, by detecting 'Failed' or 'Success' in return string
    _args = 'parted ' + str(device) + ' resizepart ' + str(partition) + ' ' + str(size) + 'GB'
    action = dict(module='command', args=_args)
    res = order_run(host_ip, action)
    if not any(res.host):
        return 'Failed: %s is not founded' % host_ip
    for hostname, result in res.host.items():
        inf = result._result
        if inf.get('unreachable', 0):
            return "Failed: %s is unreachable" % host_ip
        elif inf.get('failed', 0):
            stderr = "Failed: %s, " % host_ip
            stderr = stderr + str(inf.get('stdout', None)).strip()
            return stderr
            return "Success: %s, %s%s has been extended to %dGB" % (host_ip, device, partition, size)