def setNTPDefault(enabled, mountPoint = None):
  Fix the configuration for the default NTP service to be activated on boot or not.
  if mountPoint and not os.path.isdir(mountPoint):
    raise IOError("'{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.".format(mountPoint))
  if mountPoint == None:
    mountPoint = '/'
  if enabled:
    os.chmod('{0}/etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd'.format(mountPoint), 0755)
    os.chmod('{0}/etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd'.format(mountPoint), 0644)
def setDefaultKeymap(keymap, mountPoint = None):
  Fix the configuration in /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap to use the specified 'keymap'.
  This uses 'keyboardsetup' Salix tool.
  if mountPoint and not os.path.isdir(mountPoint):
    raise IOError("'{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.".format(mountPoint))
  if mountPoint == None:
    mountPoint = '/'
  ret = execChroot(mountPoint, ['/usr/sbin/keyboardsetup', '-k', keymap, '-z'])
  # This has been forgotten in keyboardsetup
  os.chmod('{0}/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap'.format(mountPoint), 0755)
  return ret
def setDefaultTimeZone(timezone, mountPoint = None):
  Set the default time zone, by copying the correct time zone to /etc/localtime and by setting the /etc/localtime-copied-from symlink.
  if mountPoint and not os.path.isdir(mountPoint):
    raise IOError("'{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.".format(mountPoint))
  if mountPoint == None:
    mountPoint = ''
  if '/' in timezone and len(timezone.split('/')) == 2 and os.path.isfile('{0}/usr/share/zoneinfo/{1}'.format(mountPoint, timezone)):
    copyfile('{0}/usr/share/zoneinfo/{1}'.format(mountPoint, timezone), '{0}/etc/localtime'.format(mountPoint))
    if os.path.exists('{0}/etc/localtime-copied-from'.format(mountPoint)):
    os.symlink('/usr/share/zoneinfo/{0}'.format(timezone), '{0}/etc/localtime-copied-from'.format(mountPoint))
    raise Exception('This time zone: ({0}), is incorrect.'.format(timezone))
def setIbusDefault(enabled, mountPoint = None):
  Fix the configuration for default Ibus activated on boot or not.
  This uses 'keyboardsetup' Salix tool.
  if mountPoint and not os.path.isdir(mountPoint):
    raise IOError("'{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.".format(mountPoint))
  if mountPoint == None:
    mountPoint = '/'
  cmd = ['/usr/sbin/keyboardsetup', '-i']
  if enabled:
  cmd.append('-z') # must be last option because of a bug in keyboardsetup
  return execChroot(mountPoint, cmd)
  Fix the configuration for the default NTP service to be activated on boot or not.
  if mountPoint and not os.path.isdir(mountPoint):
    raise IOError("'{0}' does not exist or is not a directory.".format(mountPoint))
  if mountPoint == None:
    mountPoint = '/'
  if enabled:
    os.chmod('{0}/etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd'.format(mountPoint), 0755)
    os.chmod('{0}/etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd'.format(mountPoint), 0644)

# Unit test
if __name__ == '__main__':
  from assertPlus import *
  continents = listTZContinents()
  assertTrue(type(continents) == list)
  assertTrue(len(continents) > 0)
  assertTrue('Europe' in continents)
  cities = listTZCities('Europe')
  assertTrue(type(cities) == list)
  assertTrue(len(cities) > 0)
  assertTrue('Paris' in cities)
  tz = listTimeZones()
  assertTrue(type(tz) == dict)
  assertTrue(len(tz) > 0)
  assertTrue('Europe' in tz)
  assertTrue('Paris' in tz['Europe'])
  deftz = getDefaultTimeZone()
  assertTrue('/' in deftz)