def insertStateToDB(state, tier, tierDict): # used for multi-processing # this function will insert state's data in form dictionary into database (e.g. NY_toptier, CA_onebed, IL_bottomtier) createTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s (price INT, date DATETIME NOT NULL, regionid INT, FOREIGN KEY (regionid) REFERENCES main_index(regionid))" % ( state, tier) execute.run_query(createTableQuery) stateText = SQLtools.dftostring(tierDict[state], key='state') insertQuery = "INSERT INTO %s_%s (price, date, regionid) VALUES %s" % ( state, tier, stateText) execute.run_query(insertQuery) print("%s_%s is now in MySQL database." % (state, tier))
def getDataFromDB(regionid, state): citydata = {} tiers = ['toptier', 'bottomtier', 'midtier', 'onebed', 'twobed', 'threebed', 'fourbed', 'fivebed'] for tier in tiers: try: query = "SELECT * FROM %s_%s WHERE regionid = %s" %(state, tier, regionid) target = execute.run_query(query, fetch=True, fetch_option='fetchall') targetDF = pd.DataFrame(target) citydata.update({tier : targetDF}) except: pass return citydata
def getdatafromDB(regionID): getdataquery = "SELECT * FROM city_%s" %(regionID) target = execute.run_query(getdataquery, fetch=True, fetch_option='fetchall') targetDF = pd.DataFrame(target) return targetDF
######################## SCRIPTS TO EXECUTE BEGIN HERE ######################## print("Do you want to import the index tables? (yes/no)") createIndexTable = input() # This script creates 8 index tables, which are subsequently combined to create 1 main index table via UNION query. See below. if createIndexTable == "yes": for filename, name in zip(csvfile, csvname): temp = DataSet(filename, name) temp.clean(before2000=False) text = SQLtools.dftostring(temp.indexdf, key='index') createQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s_index (regionid INT PRIMARY KEY, cityname VARCHAR(255), statename VARCHAR(255))" % ( name) execute.run_query(createQuery) insertQuery = "INSERT INTO %s_index (regionid, cityname, statename) VALUES %s" % ( name, text) execute.run_query(insertQuery) print( "All index tables have been created in MySQL database. Please go to database and execute appropriate queries. FYI, these queuries can be found in" ) # # You must execute 2 queries. First is UNION query to combine all index tables to create table main_index: # CREATE TABLE main_index AS # SELECT * FROM toptier_index # UNION # SELECT * FROM midtier_index # UNION # SELECT * FROM bottomtier_index # UNION
def showResult(request): form = InputCity() city = request.GET['city'] state = request.GET['state'] # additional form to receive city and state information from user requestData = ClientInfo(request).getData() # get user's IP address, etc. requestData['city'] = city requestData['state'] = state # state names are abbreviated in MySQL database # enable to handle state names that are lowercase state, abbreviated, etc. if len(state) == 2: state = state.upper() else: try: state = translateState.state_dictionary.get(tools.capitalize_words(state), state) except TypeError: raise Http404('Invalid state. Please check your spelling!') # capitalize city name where appropriate city = tools.capitalize_words(city) try: getIDquery = "SELECT * FROM main_index WHERE (cityname = '%s' and statename = '%s')" %(city, state) regionid = execute.run_query(getIDquery, fetch=True, fetch_option='fetchone')['regionid'] # get regionid from main_index table except TypeError: raise Http404("Invalid location. Please check that your information is correct.") if regionid: citydata = SQLtools.getDataFromDB(regionid, state) else: raise Http404("This location is not in database.") # GRAPH historical data - midtier image_png = computecity.plothistory(citydata['midtier']) graphic = base64.b64encode(image_png) graphic = graphic.decode('utf-8') # OBTAIN average value of each tier citysummary = {} for tier in citydata: temp = citydata[tier] try: endprice = '$' + '{:,}'.format(temp['price'].iloc[-1]) # 'price' column, last row, add dollar sign citysummary.update({tier : endprice}) except: endprice = 'N/A' citysummary.update({tier : endprice}) # CALCULATE rise percentage percentperyear, latestdate = computecity.calcpercent(citydata['midtier']) # # Convert into appropriat form for purpose of display # targetDF['date'] = targetDF['date'].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%B %d, %Y')) # targetDF['price'] = targetDF['price'].apply(lambda x: '${:,}'.format(x)) info = {'city' : tools.capitalize_words(city), 'state' : state.upper(), 'graphic' : graphic, 'form' : form, 'citysummary': citysummary, 'percentperyear' : percentperyear, 'latestdate' : latestdate, } return render(request, 'myapp/displayresult.html', info)